How will my child be supported when they start, move through and finally leave Mapledene Primary School?
When a child with special educational needs starts at Mapledene Primary School in Reception or Nursery, we:
- invite all parents to an induction meeting where they can look around our Nursery and Reception and meet key staff.
- we meet with the child and their parents to ask and answer any questions about their needs and the support we will offer.
- if needed, we provide a transition booklet with photos and information about Mapledene Primary School and the staff they will be working with.
- if already attending a nursery, we may go and meet your child there.
- we hold transition meetings with our feeder Nursery settings to ensure we have all the information prior to your child starting at Mapledene Primary School.
- we arrange visits to our school, as appropriate, prior to your child’s start date.
When a child with special educational needs moves from another school, we:
- we meet with the child and their parents to ask and answer any questions about their needs and the support we will offer.
- if needed, we provide a transition booklet with photos and information about Mapledene Primary School and the staff they will be working with.
- we speak to the school your child is already attending to gather information from the staff that work with them prior to your child starting at Mapledene Primary School.
- we arrange visits to our school, as appropriate, prior to your child’s start date.
When a child with special educational needs moves into a new class at Mapledene Primary School, we:
- provide a transition document and transition day for all children to meet their new teacher.
- individualised transition booklets are provided for some children who need additional support with transition.
- meetings are held between staff to pass on all relevant information and the SENDCo attends meetings if needed.
- information will be shared with families so you can support your child at home through transition booklets with photos if appropriate.
- individualised transition interventions take place in Summer 2 for children who need further support.
When a child with special educational needs leaves Mapledene Primary School Primary School in Year 6, we:
- work with your child’s new school to make sure they have a transition which is as easy as possible for them.
- talk to key staff at the new school and share information regarding your child’s individual needs.
- if needed, staff at the new school will be invited to review meetings in Summer 2.
- if needed, we will help arrange visits to the new school if it is appropriate to do so.