Ofsted Reports
Following our recent Ofsted visit, we would like to share that Mapledene remains what we already knew to be true –
an officially GOOD school!
In the words of Ofsted, what is it like to attend Mapledene?
'Pupils are happy at Mapledene Primary School. They say it is like being part of a family. Leaders have high expectations for all pupils. Pupils achieve well because leaders have designed a curriculum that is ambitious for them all, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Leaders ensure that pupils follow the school rules. All pupils behave well. Leaders deal with bullying effectively.
Pupils understand about equality and diversity. They visit different places of worship. This broadens their understanding of life in modern Britain. Pupils talk about the things they learn on these trips respectfully. Visitors such as meteorologists and dentists help pupils learn about science and keeping healthy. These visitors encourage pupils to have high career aspirations.
Pupils have opportunities to develop their character through trips, visits and clubs, such as dance and drumming. Pupils sing enthusiastically in the choir. They perform songs at a local hospital. These opportunities ensure that pupils are equipped to be ready to move on through education and life. Pupils take on responsibilities, such as being librarians and reading to younger pupils. Children in Reception take turns to be milk and fruit monitors. They are proud of these roles that contribute to the life of the school.'
To view our report in full, please click on the link below: