Special Needs and Inclusion
Welcome to Mapledene Primary School’s Special Educational Needs information report.
My name is Dawn Lockley and I am the Special Needs Coordinator (SENCo) at Mapledene School. My role is to work with children, parents, teaching staff and outside agencies to help all children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) feel safe, happy and achieve their full potential.
SEND Information Report
The information in this report is to tell you about how the staff at Mapledene work to support children with additional or different needs. The questions below explain how we do this:
Supporting Children with Fine Motor Difficulties
SEND briefing parent webinar
Support for parents/carers of children with autism
Access to Education are offering support and guidance to parents and carers of children with autism
Autism West Midlands offer a range of support services to families and carers of autistic children including an information helpline, family outreach workers and support groups.
If you have any worries or concerns, the school team which supports your child's school for children with an autistic spectrum condition (Communication and Autism Team) are available to discuss these with you on: CATParentEnquiries@birmingham.gov.uk
Mrs. Lockley, our SENCo, is also contactable via: enquiry@birmingham.sch.uk