Work for Election day.
Hi nursery,
I have added some activities for you if you would like to have a go. You can send me any photos through the advice email or bring me in any of your work on Friday.
- Practise counting objects up to 20. Find some objects and make sure you can touch each object and count them as you go along. Have a grown up help you separate the objects into different groups, so 4 objects one side and 6 objects the other. Can you count how many objects there are altogether?
- Have a go at writing your name, holding your pencil correctly. If you can write your name have a go at starting to practise your surname.
- Have a go at the initial sounds game. Find link below.
- Practise kicking a ball to a grown up or sibling. Can you use just your foot to stop and control the ball?
- Can you have a go at the rhyming activity? Find the Powerpoint link below
- Can you colour in and complete the patterns? See attached activity below.
- Have a go at practising your number formation. I have attached a worksheet below that you can use.