Week Beginning 1 March 2021
Parents and Carers
Sometimes we all need someone to turn to for advice and support. We're glad to help and are happy for you to talk to us. In addition to what we can offer, please click on the following link where you will find information about organisations that you might find useful. Thank you.
To share completed work, or if you require any help or advice with the work that has been set,
please contact us at:
Thank you.
World Book Day
Friday 5th March
Good Morning, did you work out the answer to yesterday's clue?
Below is today's clue.
We hope you enjoyed dressing up as a favourite book character and reading your favourite books yesterday, the children at school certainly did as you can see from the photographs above.
Well this is our final day of home learning, so a big thank you for all of your hard work and we look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Monday.
Friday's clue.mp4

Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Today we are going to be looking at 2D and 3D objects around us. We would like you to go on a shape hunt to see what shapes you can find around your house- you may use your 2D mat and 3D table from yesterday to help you!
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read- in school we would normally spend 3-5 days on the same book to develop fluency, try doing this at home too. You could spend the first lesson just looking at story/speedy green/ red words and then read the actual text on the days that follow.
English |
To day we are going to write a fact file about Anthony Browne. It would be good to use the work you did on Monday to support this activity. Include the sub-headings; Who is he? What interesting facts do you know about him? What is your favourite book is of his and why?. Watch Little Beauty - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02qwcEWNkac
RE |
How big is your love? Explore and define concepts of mercy and forgiveness. Explore things you can do wrong, at home, in the community or at school. What might the punishment be? Explore the difference between mercy and forgiveness. Forgiveness is when the wrong things we do are not counted against us. Mercy is when we don’t receive the punishments we deserve.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht5AyphBx1w watch this video and discuss what this story is teaching us. |
Science |
We have been looking at minibeasts and their habitats over the last couple of weeks, today we are going to look at what defines ‘an insect’. Watch the video https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p011t798.
Then have a go at completing the online quiz to see if you are ready to move on to our new learning next week https://www.educationquizzes.com/ks1/science/living-things-minibeasts-and-micro-habitats/ |
Thursday 4th March
Good Morning, did you work out the answer to yesterday's clue?
Below is today's clue.
It's world book day today! We hope you enjoy the activities we have lined up for you. The children at school are going to be using chalk to draw some traditional tale characters on our trees on the school ground (inspired by Anthony Browne hiding characters in the forest in The Tunnel), why don't you have a go too!
Thursday's clue.mp4

Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Today we are going to be focussing on 3D shapes as well as 2D shapes. Take a look at the video that explains the properties of 3D shapes. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zjv39j6/articles/zgqpk2p
Take a look at the riddles uploaded below. Can you figure out which shapes they are describing? You may use the 2D mat and 3D table to help you if you find it a bit tricky. Extension: Have a go at writing your own riddles for a 2D and 3D shape using the key vocabulary sides/vertices/edges/faces. See if your grown up can guess what you are describing! |
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read- in school we would normally spend 3-5 days on the same book to develop fluency, try doing this at home too. You could spend the first lesson just looking at story/speedy green/ red words and then read the actual text on the days that follow.
English |
It's world book day! Today we would like you to write a book review about your favourite traditional tale. Take a look a the teacher's example first. Some ideas could be: *Snow White *Jack and the Beanstalk *The Gingerbread Man *Sleeping Beauty *Rapunzel If you are unsure which one to pick, take a look at this Oxford Owl page https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/storyteller-videos/storyteller-videos-traditional-tales/ We would like you to make sure that you are using 'because' to give your reasons and use your commas in a list when writing the characters. When you have finished, check your work for correct use of capital letters and full stops. |
PE |
This half term we are going to be working on our skills for striking and fielding games. First Have a go at this Go Noodle session to develop your co-ordination skills:
Then work on your agility with ‘fast feet’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JUE2Nzwb3U
Music |
This lesson we are going to be looking at an Anthony Browne book that has been read aloud and accompanied by an orchestra. As you are watching, see what instruments you can spot. Are there parts of the book where the tempo is slow? Fast? Are there parts where the pitch is high? Low? Voices in the Park; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58kla7Ghxas this is the book from the music lesson. |
Wednesday 3rd March
Good Morning, did you work out the answer to yesterday's clue?
Below is today's clue.
The usual Zoom meeting will take place on today at 10:15am (you should have received an email if you are signed up for them)- she would love to see your World Book Day costumes as your favourite books on that day so do bring them along to the meeting!
Wednesday's clue.mp4

Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
We are going to be looking at 2D faces found on 3D shapes. What is a 3D shape? Watch the video below to help us. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zjv39j6/articles/zgqpk2p How many of each shape is on given 3D shapes? Worksheet below. Remember if you do have any of these shapes at home it is good to support the children's learning by making it practical and using the 3D shapes.
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read- in school we would normally spend 3-5 days on the same book to develop fluency, try doing this at home too. You could spend the first lesson just looking at story/speedy green/ red words and then read the actual text on the days that follow.
English |
Today we are going to be looking at the story Gorilla by Anthony Browne. Listen to the story and think about- *Who the main characters are. *What is happening in the story? *What your favourite part of the story is *Whether you would recommend this to a friend to read. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsZn210fGWo
Now complete the book review below- you might want to look at the teacher’s WAGOLL again. In your writing, try to include: *Commas (if you are writing a list) *’because’ to explain why you like/dislike something.
Art |
Recap on the work by the artist Paul Horton, focus on his use of shape. https://www.hortonfineart.co.uk/about/ Watch the 2 short videos, (about half way down the page) Love & Hope and Heart & Soul to learn a little more about Paul Horton. What was he inspired by? What media does he use to create his art work?
We will then look further at his use of shape particularly in his street scenes using the example of Days of Love. https://www.hortonfineart.co.uk/art/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Days-Of-Love.jpg
What shapes can you in this picture? Have a go at using shapes to create your own street scene. If you have pastels then please have a go at using them to in colour your work.
We are now going to use a paint program, making use of the shape tools to recreate a similar image. At school last week we were getting familiar with how to use the tools using this website https://kleki.com, you can use this or any other paint program that you have. I look forward to seeing some of your art work. |
Days of Love by Paul Horton

Resources to support learning.
Tuesday 2nd March
Good Morning, did you work out the answer to yesterday's clue?
Below is today's clue.
The usual Zoom meeting will take place on Wednesday at 10:15am (you should have received an email if you are signed up for them)- she would love to see your World Book Day costumes as your favourite books on that day so do bring them along to the meeting!
Tuesday's clue.mp4

Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Today we are going to be looking at lines of symmetry on 2D shapes. Watch this video to explain what is meant by symmetry https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/ztpyr82. Then have a go at finding the symmetrical parts in the shapes in this game https://www.topmarks.co.uk/symmetry/symmetry-matching.
Then complete the activity below, you need to sort the shapes into ones that do have lines of symmetry and ones that do not. You can cut these out to sort them or put a tick or a cross in them. Some shapes might even have more than one line of symmetry! If you have a small mirror you should use this to help identify if the shapes are symmetrical- if not you could cut the shapes out and fold them to do this.
If you have completed that task, have a go at completing the pictures to make them symmetrical on the extension activity.
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read- in school we would normally spend 3-5 days on the same book to develop fluency, try doing this at home too. You could spend the first lesson just looking at story/speedy green/ red words and then read the actual text on the days that follow.
English |
Today we are going to be having a go at writing a book review of the book The Tunnel that we read last week. Before we do, take a look at the teacher’s WAGOLL (What a Good One Looks Like) about Anthony Browne’s book ‘Willy the Wimp.’
Now take a look at The Tunnel again. While you are watching, think about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY9z6BH682Y Recap the Tunnel and complete the book review (on the worksheet below)
Time permitting read Willy the Champ- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksQM_nf90cc
Art 1 |
Art linked to World book day. Look at the given illustrations from the Anthony Browne books, look really carefully at the illustrations, what can the see hidden in the pictures? Draw out the hidden images and then look at the last picture, what does this tell you about Jack and Rose.
Art 2 |
Just like in the book ‘The Tunnel’ we would like you to create a picture of a forest that has characters and objects hidden in the trees. When you have done it, see if your adult can spot them! You might want to draw hidden images that give us clues about your favourite book. Hopefully when you show this to someone, they might be able to guess which book the clues are about. For example if George’s Marvelous Medicine is your favourite book, there would defiantly be a Granny and a bottle of medicine hidden somewhere. |
Resources to support learning.
Monday 1st March
Welcome to our last week of home learning, we hope the children are all as excited as be are to be returning to school on Monday the 8th of March. We have a really great week ahead as we are having a "World Book Week" with a focus on some of our favourite books and we are looking forward to seeing all of your World Book Day costumes on Thursday.
Each day we will give you a little clue as to which story we are reading each day, today's clue is the name of an author, can you work it out?
The usual Zoom meeting will take place on Wednesday at 10:15am (you should have received an email if you are signed up for them)- she would love to see your World Book Day costumes as your favourite books on that day so do bring them along to the meeting!
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Today we are going to be revisiting our learning of 2D shapes. Start by having a go at the quiz on ‘Name that Shape’ powerpoint. Take a look at the bitesize page about sides and vertices- it's important that you use the correct vocabulary when discussing 2D shapes. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zq6p7yc Now have a go at completing the activity below (you can pick the level of challenge). Remember that with 2D shapes we can use the terminology vertices or corners.
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read- in school we would normally spend 3-5 days on the same book to develop fluency, try doing this at home too. You could spend the first lesson just looking at story/speedy green/ red words and then read the actual text on the days that follow.
English |
http://www.anthonybrownebooks.com/about Look at the author Anthony Browne and answer questions about him. Compile facts about Anthony Browne for us to look through (this will support our English activity on Friday). * please note if you are using the worksheet from the packs sent home there is an error, Anthony Browne worked with an illustrator called Gordon Fraser creating greeting card and he inspired Anthony Browne's style of illustrations for his books. Anthony Browne is the illustrator as well as being the author of his books. Read the story of Willy the Wimp - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY9z6BH682Y
Geography/History |
History of Birmingham https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/Birmingham/476224 Read through the information with your child and discuss. Click on the photos. Are there any places in Birmingham that they are familiar with? Complete the labelling activity of some of the city of Birmingham's landmarks. |
Continuing with a theme of staying safe. We will focus on road safety today. Watch the following video with the children and discuss. Do you know the safest places to cross on your journey to and from school? https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/road-safety-children-under-seven Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odL77zH42Vs And finally watch https://www.think.gov.uk/resource/crossing-roads/ Emphasis the Stop, Look, Listen and think rule. Make a poster explaining how to cross the road safely. |
Monday's clue.mp4

Monday 1st March
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Today we are going to be revisiting our learning of 2D shapes. Start by having a go at the quiz on ‘Name that Shape’ powerpoint. Take a look at the bitesize page about sides and vertices- it's important that you use the correct vocabulary when discussing 2D shapes. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zq6p7yc Now have a go at completing the activity below (you can pick the level of challenge). Remember that with 2D shapes we can use the terminology vertices or corners.
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read- in school we would normally spend 3-5 days on the same book to develop fluency, try doing this at home too. You could spend the first lesson just looking at story/speedy green/ red words and then read the actual text on the days that follow.
English |
http://www.anthonybrownebooks.com/about Look at the author Anthony Browne and answer questions about him. Compile facts about Anthony Browne for us to look through (this will support our English activity on Friday). * please note if you are using the worksheet from the packs sent home there is an error, Anthony Browne worked with an illustrator called Gordon Fraser creating greeting card and he inspired Anthony Browne's style of illustrations for his books. Anthony Browne is the illustrator as well as being the author of his books. Read the story of Willy the Wimp - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY9z6BH682Y
Geography/History |
History of Birmingham https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/Birmingham/476224 Read through the information with your child and discuss. Click on the photos. Are there any places in Birmingham that they are familiar with? Complete the labelling activity of some of the city of Birmingham's landmarks. |
Continuing with a theme of staying safe. We will focus on road safety today. Watch the following video with the children and discuss. Do you know the safest places to cross on your journey to and from school? https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/road-safety-children-under-seven Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odL77zH42Vs And finally watch https://www.think.gov.uk/resource/crossing-roads/ Emphasis the Stop, Look, Listen and think rule. Make a poster explaining how to cross the road safely. |