Week Beginning 25 January 2021 and before
Parents and Carers
Sometimes we all need someone to turn to for advice and support. We're glad to help and are happy for you to talk to us. In addition to what we can offer, please click on the following link where you will find information about organisations that you might find useful. Thank you.
Making a poster
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/mapledene-primary-school/UploadedVideo/ae0b8313f5734c349294e115503bcb3b/poster_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
There was an error processing this link (the page was not found).
If you would like to share the work your child has completed, or require any help or advice with the work that has been set, please contact us at advice@mapledeneschool.com
Thank you.
Friday 29th January
Good morning Year 1,
It’s Friday! Start the day by watching the celebration assembly, who will be the shooting star in Year 1 this week? Will anyone get 25 merits? Remember we are still giving merits out so why not share your work with us.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend and a great day today!
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
English |
Today we will bring all that we have learnt this week together to make our dinosaur posters. Watch the video link below to see how we can combine all the different parts to make the poster. Remember to include
We will also be looking to see if all the sentences have a capital letter and either a full stop or question mark. Make sure your poster is presented neatly so formed your letters correctly.
Playtime |
RWI and Reading |
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level. Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey. Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password Username: Mapledene Password: year1 Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read
Maths |
Today we will measure the height of dinosaurs. We use the words tall and short when comparing height. Watch the video clip below to remind yourself how these words are used. Then play the interactive game ordering the beanstalks from shortest to tallest. First you will need to measure the height of the dinosaurs. Which dinosaur is the tallest? Which dinosaur is the shortest? Cut out the dinosaurs and order them from tallest to shortest. Now write some facts under the dinosaurs using the language, tallest, taller, shorter, shortest. For example, the red dinosaur is the tallest. |
lunchtime |
Today we will continue to find out ways of making a picture move. Start by watching the video link below to find out how to make a spring. Now look at the PowerPoint below and follow the instructions to make a springing dinosaur. |
Handwriting |
Watch the video link below to learn how to form the letters h, r, j. v, y, w, z, x. Now practise forming these letters, trying to sit them correctly on the line like in the picture below.
Extra |
Play the dinosaur discovery game to find out interesting facts about dinosaurs. |
Thursday 28th January
Good morning Year 1,
Today we are beginning with our zoom meeting at 9:30. We thought we’d start the day being active together with a dinosaur dance. We hope to see you there!
If you can’t join us today, then don’t worry there are plenty of activities for you to take part in; we have English, RWI, Maths, Music and PE.
Have a good day!
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
Today we are thinking of another part of our poster. We would like you to include a diagram of your chosen dinosaur. Watch the video link below to remind you of what a diagram is. Now draw your chosen dinosaur or print out a picture. Remember this will be included in your poster, so make sure it is neatly coloured and your labels are clearly written. Now label the different parts of your dinosaur, rather than one word labels try to include a fact about each part, written as a sentence. Take a look at my diagram about a diplodocus as an example of what it should look like.
Playtime |
RWI and Reading |
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level. Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey. Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password Username: Mapledene Password: year1 Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read
Maths |
Remember when we measure the length of an object we use the words long and short. Watch the video clip below to remind yourself how these words are used. Then go through the PowerPoint and see if you understand these words. Today we will measure the length of dinosaurs and compare them using this vocabulary. First you will need to measure the length of the dinosaurs with your ruler. Yesterday we learnt how to use the ruler, if you can’t remember use the video from yesterday to remind yourself. Which dinosaur is the longest? Which dinosaur is the shortest? Cut out the dinosaurs and order them from longest to shortest. Now write some facts under the dinosaurs using the language, longest, longer, shorter, shortest. For example, the green dinosaur is longer than the yellow dinosaur. |
lunchtime |
Music |
How did you get on with your Dinosaur song last week? Can you remember all the actions? Let’s have another go at a quick warm up, by joining in with the dinosaur rap. Do you remember all the different sounds you made with your voices last week? This week we will be thinking about how we can use different parts of the body to make a variety of sounds. Follow the instructions in the lesson below. |
Today we will take part in some Dinosaur Yoga. Watch the video link below and join in with Jaime as she stretches her body just like the dinosaurs that live in prehistoric times. |
Extra |
Play the dinosaur discovery game to find out interesting facts about dinosaurs. |
Longer and Shorter PowerPoint
Wednesday 27th January
Good morning Year 1,
Tomorrow we will be having our second zoom meeting. This will be an opportunity for the children to see their friends and join in with a dinosaur dance together. If you would like your child to attend and haven’t joined in before, please fill in the form and read the letters that accompany it. Remember you must sign into the meeting using your child’s full name, we can not let you in if it is a name we do not recognise.
Have a good day!
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
English |
Today we are starting to plan our poster by thinking of questions we want to answer about our dinosaur. Think of the dinosaur your poster is going to be about. Now think of some questions you have about the dinosaur, for example What does it eat? Re-watch the bitesize video (link below) to remind yourself how to write a question. Remember every question needs an answer. Use the facts you collected yesterday in ICT to answer your questions. Write the answers to your questions in a sentence. Watch the short song below, notice how every question has an answer. The question ends with a question mark and the answer has a full stop.
For example- What does it eat? A diplodocus is a herbivore, this means it eats plants. |
Playtime |
RWI and Reading |
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level. Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey. Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password Username: Mapledene Password: year1 Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read
Maths |
Today we are going to continue our work on measuring. Watch the first video on the BBC bitesize link below to find out how to use a ruler correctly when measuring. Now it is your turn. Pick some objects from around your house and measure the length of the objects. Which object is longest? Which object is shortest? Can you order the objects from shortest to longest? Remember to line up the ruler correctly with the object. You must start at the 0cm to get an accurate measurement. If you do not have a ruler, print out the attached ruler and use this to measure the objects. Record your findings on the paper or the sheet provided. |
lunchtime |
History |
Last week we found out about the famous dinosaur explorer Sue Hendrickson. Sue was able to find the bones of a T-Rex and put them together. Using the bones that are discovered we can find out about the dinosaur, what it looked like and what it ate. Go through the attached PowerPoint and watch the short video below to find out about dinosaur teeth. Now work like a dinosaur explorer. Activity 1:Sort the dinosaur skulls, were they a herbivore or carnivore? Activity 2: Look at the pictures of dinosaur bones. Can you identify which dinosaur they are from the bones? |
Art |
See if you can draw a Triceratops! Watch the video on how to draw a T Rex, pause it after each step and follow the instructions. When you have completed it, you might want to colour it. |
Extra |
Play the dinosaur discovery game to find out interesting facts about dinosaurs. |
Resources for today
Tuesday 26th January
Good morning Year 1,
I hope you all enjoyed another day in the snow yesterday! This week we will be working towards making a poster about a dinosaur of your own choice. What dinosaur will you pick; a herbivore or carnivore?
Today we have five tasks for you to complete, English, Maths, RWI, ICT and PHSE. Don’t forget to complete your Doodle Maths and English as well!
Have a good day!
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
It is really important that the words in a sentence are in the correct order so they make sense. We always need to say the sentence out loud before writing it so we rehearse all the words we intend to write. If we don’t do this we may miss out words. Watch the video link below to see why it is so important that sentences make sense. Then go through the Powerpoint to see if you can help unjumble the sentences. Now it is your turn, on the sheets below there are a series of questions that are all muddled, can you rearrange the word so that they make sense? Remember look out for the capital letter and question mark, this will give you a clue to find the starting and ending word. There are three levels below, complete the level that best suits your child.
Playtime |
RWI and Reading |
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level. Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey. Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password Username: Mapledene Password: year1 Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read
Maths |
Today we will continue to think about measuring, but focus on the height of objects. When we measure the height of something we use the words ‘taller’, ‘tallest’, ‘shorter’ and ‘shortest’. Watch the video link below to remind yourself how we can measure the height of objects using different objects. Pick different objects from around your home and measure the height of them using objects like, paper clips and Lego bricks. Use the words tallest, taller, shorter and shortest to compare them. Teddy is shorter than spider man. Spiderman is taller than teddy. |
lunchtime |
By the end of the week we will be creating a poster on a choice of your own dinosaur. Use the DK find out link below to explore a different dinosaur like a triceratops, barosaurus or diplodocus. If you click on the different parts of the body it tells you lots of information about them! You can also see it’s skeleton on another page, watch a video and play a dinosaur quiz. Make notes on the dinosaur to use in your poster later in the week. |
Today we will be focusing on kindness. Watch the story of the ‘Smartest Giant in Town’ by Julia Donaldson (link below). How does the giant show he is kind to the other characters? How do the other characters react to the Giant’s kindness? Think about how you could show an act of kindness. Look at the examples attached. Pick one thing a day for the next 7 days from the list and do one kind deed a day! |
Extra |
Doodle |
Don’t forget to use Doodle English as well as Doodle Maths! |
Jumbled Sentences
Resources for today
Monday 25th January
Good morning! We hope you all had a nice weekend. Did you have fun in the snow? How many of you made a snowman or went for a walk? Or did you just enjoy looking at it from the window?
Let’s find out what we are doing today.
Have a good day!
Mrs Robinson, Miss Young and Miss Briggs
Today we are going to be looking at questions. What makes a question a question? It needs to start with a question word, end with a question mark and it needs to have an answer. Watch the Youtube videos below and then complete the task below. Choose which activity to complete based on your child's ability. They only need to complete one, not both. |
Playtime |
This week we will be measuring length and height. Today we would like you to compare objects by their length at home. Find some different sized toys or objects. Then use cubes, blocks or straws to measure each object. Use the language longer and shorter to compare them. Which object was the longest? How many blocks, cubes, straws long was it? |
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level:
Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey.
Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password
Username: Mapledene Password: year1
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read
Lunchtime |
Science |
Carnivores and Herbivores Watch the video below explaining what a carnivore and herbivore is. Then sort the animals based on what they eat. Cut them out and stick them on the table under the relevant heading. |
Extra activities |
Doodle |
Keep up the super work on Doodle, we have added an extra for you to complete on Doodle Maths today. |
Active Maths |
Supermovers Join in with hip hop Granny as she dances to a song about full stops and capital letters! |
Friday 22nd January
It’s Friday! We have made it through another week, well done! Although we miss you all lots, you really are doing yourselves proud with how you are completing all of the work at home.
Friday also means another Celebration Assembly. Make sure you watch to find out who has received this week’s shooting stars and there are a few children who have achieved 25 merits today too!
Let’s find out what work we have to do today.
Have a wonderful weekend and a good rest!
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
Today you are going to showcase all of your knowledge you now have on a T-Rex and write your very own report. Watch the video below where Mrs Robinson shows you how to begin your report. Remember to include lots of facts, full stops, capital letters and finger spaces as well! |
Playtime |
Maths |
Today we are going to be practising telling the time. Use the bitesize clip below to help. You can also practise at home if you have a clock nearby! Remember, when you draw the hands on the clock face the minute hand should be longer and the hour hand should be shorter.
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level:
Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey.
Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password
Username: Mapledene Password: year1
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read
Lunchtime |
DT |
Follow Mrs Robinson’s Powerpoint and instructions to make your own lever mechanism and create a moving dinosaur! |
Extra activities |
Doodle |
Keep up the great work, we will add an extra for you to complete today. |
Would you like to make your very own fossil? All you need is 3 simple ingredients: Flour, salt and some coffee. Watch the cbbc link below to find out how to do it! Don’t forget to send in a photo if you do make one. |
How to write a report
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/mapledene-primary-school/UploadedVideo/0e7498e0ed3742aca0b5ed1ec4542b92/vid-20210120-wa0001_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
Thursday 21st January
*** Please note - the Maths activity has now been added below, sorry for any inconvenience!
Good morning! Happy Thursday! Hopefully we might see a bit of sunshine today. If we do, make sure you get outside if you can for a walk and some fresh air.
Today we are going to be doing some English, Maths and RWI as usual. Then this afternoon's lessons are Music and ICT with another Phonics Play game for you to have a go at. We are also looking forward to seeing some of you for our storytime Zoom at 2:15pm.
Hope you have a good day!
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
Today we will be reading the sentences and then deciding which subheadings they should go under. Watch the video below to see the explanation of what you will be doing today. You need to sort the facts under the correct subheading. Think carefully and remember all the facts should relate to that subheading.
Playtime |
Maths |
Start by watching and joining in with Jack Hartmann’s 12 months of the year song. Do you know what month is it now? What about the month of your birthday? And your families birthdays? We are going to think about the months of the year and what season they are in. Cut the pictures out and stick them onto the wheel based on what season they are in.
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level:
Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey.
Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password
Username: Mapledene Password: year1
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read
Music |
Miss Sanders says: This week, to start off, we are going to learn a rap all about Dinosaurs. Click on the link below and join in with all the actions. Have fun and I look forward to seeing your dinosaur moves when you return to school! For the next few weeks we are going to learn all about ‘Timbre’. Timbre means the different types of sound that you can hear. This week we will be thinking about all the different types of sound you can make with your mouths. Click on the link below to watch a short lesson. |
Use the DK find out link below to explore a T-Rex. If you click on the different parts of the body it tells you lots of information about them! You can also see it’s skeleton on another page, watch a video and play a dinosaur quiz.
Extra activities |
Doodle |
Keep up with both Maths and English! |
Phonics play |
Today you can practise reading tricky words using the game ‘Tricky Word Trucks’ Login using jan 21 for the username and home for the password. Choose the level best suited to your child. |
English lesson
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/mapledene-primary-school/UploadedVideo/0837becb521843b7a7fbfb7e2574f5eb/vid-20210120-wa0000_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
Wednesday 20th January
We are now halfway through week 3 of home learning and you are doing a marvellous job. Keep going! Once again, we would just like to say a big thank you to the adults at home who are helping you too.
Have a good day!
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
When you read an information text, you might find a labelled diagram. Watch the explanation of diagrams and labels on the YouTube video below. Today we would like you to label a T- Rex picture. Depending on the level your child is working at, they can either: Write the word the arrow is pointing to, e.g. tail. Or they should expand and include more information using a phrase, e.g. a long tail to help with balance. |
Maths |
Today we will be thinking about the concept of day and night- What different things do we do in the day and what do we do at night? Why do we do more in the day? We would like you to use the document ‘A day in the life of Rex’ below. You will find pictures of events we complete throughout the day. Can you cut them out (or order on the computer if you are unable to print) and put them in the correct order. Then write what activity he is completing the photo. Challenge – You could add a time underneath using the word o’clock, with the time you think he would do each activity. Some of the pictures you will see are of Rex in the dinnerhall, doing RWI and PE. Underneath the photo of RWI you might write 11 o’clock.
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level:
Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey.
Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password
Username: Mapledene Password: year1
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read
Lunchtime |
Science |
Today we are learning about how animals adapt for winter. Some might migrate to a warmer place. Some might camouflage their fur to stay safe. Some might have wool or fur to help them keep warm and some might hibernate. Can you remember what hibernate means? Can you think of any animals that do this? Watch the YouTube Adaptations video then look at the Powerpoint below. Complete the Twinkl activity (only page 1) to match each animal with how it adapts in winter. If time, complete the third sheet where you can choose an animal and write some sentences about how it adapts – again you do not need to print this.
Extra activities |
Doodle |
Remember to access both Doodle English and Maths |
Phonics play |
You can login for free throughout lockdown to access other games on this website that would normally require a subscription. The username is jan21 and the password is home. Today use the link below to try Flash card speed trials. This game is great for recognising the sounds and building speed too. Once you have logged in, hover over the different phases and you can choose the level best suited to your child. Most children will be working on Phase 3.
Tuesday 19th January
Good morning, Year 1. You will find our timetable for the day below with all the links you need to complete the tasks. We are still giving out merits and choosing shooting stars so be sure to send us your work if and when you can.
On Thursday we will be having our first Zoom story time meeting. This will be an opportunity for the children to see their teachers and say hello to some of their friends whilst we share a special dinosaur story. If you would like your child to attend, please fill in the form and read the letters that accompany it. If you are unable to join this week, please don’t worry. We will be planning another very soon.
Have a good day!
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
Yesterday you thought of some questions you would like to find out about a T-Rex. Today we would like you to watch two videos about a T-Rex using the links below. Then we would like you to write some sentences to answer these 3 questions:
Playtime |
Join in and dance along to Jack Hartmann’s days of the week song. Then sort the days of the week in order. Can you think of an activity you would normally do on each day? E.g. We do PE on Tuesday. Saturday and Sunday are the weekend. Complete the second activity and label each picture with the day we do the activity.
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level:
Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey.
Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password
Username: Mapledene Password: year1
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read
Lunchtime |
Join in with Joe Wicks’ 5 minute warm up. Then we would like you to join in with the dinosaur dances! After you have completed the dances have you noticed any changes? Are you breathing faster? Are you warmer? Why? Talk to a grown-up and discuss what you think is happening. |
The importance of telling the truth. With a grown-up read the PowerPoint of the boy who cried wolf or watch the video of this below. What happened at the end? Why was the boy upset? What should he have done or not done? Now think about a time where you may have lied. Or a time where you told the truth, but it was difficult. What happened as a result of what you did? What would you do differently next time? |
Extra activities |
These children were in the green zone on Doodle Maths yesterday – well done! Keep it up. 1R – Alice, Clara, Ella, Esmay, Eva, Sumayya, Kaitlin, Luke, Sienna, Tamjid and Tiána 1Y – Erina, Jess, Lily, Maisy, Ryan, Sulaiman and Taylor |
Active Maths |
Practise your number bonds to 10 with this fun song from the Supermovers! |
Monday 18th January
Good morning Year 1, we hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for another week of learning. Last week a tyrannosaurus rex visited school but what do we know about this creature? Where did it live? What was it like? How do we know about this dinosaur when it lived thousands of years ago? This week we will be focusing on the real facts about a tyrannosaurus rex and finding out about them.
Have a good day!
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
English |
Today we are going to think about what we want to find out about a T Rex. But before we can think of questions we need to find out what a question is. Start by watching the two Bitesize lessons on questions to find out how to write a question. Use what you have learnt to write some questions about the T Rex.
For example, What does it eat? Where does it live?
Remember each question starts with a question word and has a question mark at the end. You might want to look at the question word poster below to remind you of the question words.
RWI and Reading |
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level:
Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey.
Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password
Username: Mapledene Password: year1
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read
Maths |
Today we are going to be learning to use positional language. This is the language we use to say where something is in comparison to something else. Watch the song below and write down any words that are used to say where things are. Now go through the PowerPoint to check you understand the language you have learnt.
Print out the activity below. Cut out the images and text and match together. If you do not have access to a printer, write the following sentences below and draw a picture to illustrate each sentence.
History |
How do we know so much about dinosaurs when they lived such a long time ago? Dinosaur explorers look carefully at bones they dig up to give us facts about dinosaurs. Watch the video on Sue Hendrickson- the first person to find all the bones of a T rex. Imagine you have found bones like Sue. Can you put the bones back together to make the T Rex? Use the sheet attached below to reconstruct the dinosaur.
Art |
See if you can draw a T Rex! Watch the video on how to draw a T Rex, pause it after each step and follow the instructions. When you have completed it, you might want to colour it. |
Doodle |
Don’t forget to use Doodle English as well as Doodle Maths!
Common word spelling |
Play the ‘Little Bird Spelling’ game on Topmarks to practise spelling some of the year 1 common words. When you get on the game pick level 1 for the year 1 words. |
Resources for today
Friday 15th January
Well done Year 1 you have completed two weeks of home learning. We are so proud of you and have loved seeing the work you have sent in through the advice email. We would like to say a huge thank you to your grown-ups at home who have been helping you. We really appreciate all your support.
Have a great day today and have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
English |
Today we will put all that we have learnt this week together to write a story. Watch the video link below showing how to create a dinosaur at school story. Now it is your turn, use your dinosaur pictures from yesterday to help you sequence the story. Write one sentence for each picture. Remember what we have learnt this week;
Playtime |
RWI and Reading |
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level. Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey. Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password Username: Mapledene Password: year1 Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read
Maths |
Today we will continue to take away using partitioning. Start by practising partitioning two-digit numbers by playing the basketball game (link below). Now watch the video below to see how to subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number. Use your own equipment to solve the sums below. Remember there are three levels, pick the one that best suits your child. There is no need to complete all the levels. |
lunchtime |
Design Technology
Today we will continue to find out ways of making a picture move. Start by watching the dinosaur story below. Can you see how the pictures in the book move? Today we will try and make our own moving picture using a push and pull slider. Look at the PowerPoint below and follow the instructions to make a pop up dinosaur. |
Watch the video link below to learn how to form the letters o, c, k. u, b, f, e, l. Now try forming these letters, sitting them correctly on the line like in the picture below.
Extra |
Doodle |
Don’t forget to use Doodle English as well as Doodle Maths!
Story Writing
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/mapledene-primary-school/UploadedVideo/45a5b8ca27bc426fb45c9259847328ee/vid-20210113-wa0001-2_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
Taking away a 1 digit number
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/mapledene-primary-school/UploadedVideo/bae9c35e63e940b1a453c7df5a471c51/taking-away-small-digit_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
How to make a pop up dinosaur
Resources for today
Thursday 14th January
Good morning! It’s Thursday! So we just have 2 more days of home learning before the weekend. We have been really impressed with the work sent in so far and have given out lots of merits. How many merits have you been given so far? There is still time to get merits with the work we have to do today.
Have a great day!
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
English |
Start by listening to the time adverbials song (link below). While you are listening see if you can write down any time words that we could use in our dinosaur story. Now watch the video below to see how we can use these words to order our story of the ‘Dinosaur at school’. Use the dinosaur pictures below, cut them out and place them in the order that the dinosaur explores school. (You can have any order you like) Add a suitable time word under each picture. Finally see if you can use the time words to help you orally tell the story to an adult. For example, First the dinosaur went in the noisy classroom. Then he ran in the enormous hall. This will help us with our writing tomorrow.
RWI and Reading |
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level.
Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey.
Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene Password: year1
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on.
Pick a book you would like to read
Maths |
First let’s start by practising partitioning two digit numbers. Play the shark game below either picking level 1 or 2. (link below). Now watch the video below explaining how to practically take away one more using dienes. Choose a level which best suits your child, red, yellow or green (you don’t need to complete all of them). Make a number with the deines equipment you used last week and then practically take away an extra one. How many are there now?
I hope you managed to get the chance to sing along with the lyric video to our song last week? This week l would like you to look at the signed version of the song and teach yourself some words to sign when you are singing. You don’t need to learn all the signs. Just start with the chorus and pick out a few of the easier words. Then add more each time you sing. The link for the song can be found below. Mrs Mason has also put together a video showing some signs for certain words in the song. See if you can learn these and use them when singing the song.
Watch the video attached below showing you how to use the program Paint to draw a dinosaur. Then use the program to create your own dinosaur picture. It doesn’t need to be exactly the same. For those of you who do not have access to a paint program, then draw and colour your own dinosaur picture.
Doodle |
Don’t forget to use Doodle English as well as Doodle Maths!
Resources to use today
Time Word Video
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/mapledene-primary-school/UploadedVideo/c7623199d83a4ef9b7d4a545ab8f7e03/time-word-video_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
Taking Away One Video
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/mapledene-primary-school/UploadedVideo/e410fe9a550a4a1f85b3a247c1f22cd1/take-away-1_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
Music - It's ok
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/mapledene-primary-school/UploadedVideo/03d13d637831467e97dd148490b3abd9/its-ok-lyric-video_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
Mrs Mason Signing video.mp4
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/mapledene-primary-school/UploadedVideo/20ccccb379ba49c3bdf38369ae4f7346/mrs-mason-signing-video_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
Wednesday 13th January
Good morning Year 1, as I came into school today I saw a very strange sight. I took a photograph because I thought you would want to see it.
I think a dinosaur may have hatched out of the egg and has escaped around school. I wonder what adventures it might have in school? Can you think of what he might get up to? Todays English work will be linked to this.
Have a good day!
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
English |
Look at the photographs of where the dinosaur has been. Put a label next to each picture showing the place it has visited. Now watch the video link on BBC Bitesize below explaining how to describe nouns. Now try to improve the labels. Instead of writing classroom, you could write big classroom or large, noisy classroom.
RWI and Reading |
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level.
Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey.
Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene Password: year1
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on.
Pick a book you would like to read
Maths |
Let’s start by practising our counting. Watch the active counting video below and join in with the counting to 100. Now watch the ‘adding video’ which we watched yesterday to remind ourselves how to add using partitioning. Get your tens and units equipment and practically solve the addition questions below. Remember, there are three levels so pick the level that suits your child.
Science |
Watch the video on BBC Bitesize (link below) about the seasons. As you watch, notice how the weather is different in Winter and Summer. Think about what we wear in these two seasons, how are the clothes we wear different in each season? Either on the sheet provided or on a blank piece of paper, draw a person dressed for summer and a person dressed for winter. Below, write sentences explaining what people wear and why.
Tricky word spelling |
Play the game on ‘ictgames’ (link below) to practise spelling some of the year 1 common words. Select level 1 to find the most suitable words to learn.
Doodle |
Don’t forget to use Doodle English as well as Doodle Maths!
Adding 2 digit and 1 digit numbers
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/mapledene-primary-school/UploadedVideo/dc46581b101f480a9573e176995e27c7/adding-2-digit-numbers_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
Worksheets for today
Tuesday 12th January
Good morning Year 1, we hope you enjoyed Blue Monday yesterday.
It was lovely to talk to so many of you yesterday on the phone, if we didn’t manage to catch you we will be trying again throughout the week so look out for those withheld number calls.
Today we have 6 tasks for you to complete, everything you need can be found below. Remember, if you have any questions, please send an email to the advice email address above and we will respond as soon as we can.
Have a good day!
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
Today we are learning about the importance of writing sentences that make sense. Watch the Bitesize video link below to find out more. Then look at the jumbled sentences and rearrange the words so they form a sentence. There are three levels, pick the one that best suits your child. If your child is finding this tricky, put the words on separate cards so they can physically rearrange them until the words form a sentence. It is a good idea to look for the capital letter and full stop as these give you the starting and ending word. |
Playtime |
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level: Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey. |
Revise partitioning numbers by watching the starter video link below. Then watch the second video below explaining how to practically add a one-digit number to a two-digit number. Choose a level which best suits your child, red, yellow or green (you don’t need to complete all of them). Make a number from the first box with the deines equipment you used last week and then practically add a number from the second box. How many are there now?
lunchtime |
Today we are going to join in with some dances all about dinosaurs. There are two dances to try see the links below. Then challenge yourself to think of your own dinosaur dance moves and create your own dance. |
Share together the Messy Magpie story which can be found on the link below. Notice how the environment was affected by litter just like in the oceans we learnt about yesterday. Take a walk around your local area and inspect it. Are there any signs that humans have destroyed our local environment? Make a poster reminding people of how to look after the environment. For example, put rubbish in the bin. |
Extra |
Reading |
Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene Password: year1
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on.
Pick a book you would like to read.
Worksheets- Maths and English
Maths Tuesday 12th January - Adding with dienes
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/mapledene-primary-school/UploadedVideo/eb185e3cb006416c8c505e6bc60e0816/video-2021-01-11-17-44-58_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
Monday 11th January
Good morning, we hope you are well and have had a lovely weekend. We would like to thank all parents/carers at home for your support last week. We will be making phone calls to you this week, to see how you are getting on and to say hello to the children! Please note, when phone calls are made it will be from a withheld number.
Every day, we will be uploading the work to our class page and we will do our best to continue to provide you with some downloadable resources, helpful websites and videos to explain the concepts we are learning. Please encourage your child to independently complete the written aspects of the work (parents - you do enough already!) Finally, we would love to see the work that you are completing at home, however, please do not feel obliged to send it in on a daily basis. Instead, you may wish to choose a selection to send at a convenient time.
So on with today! Please start the morning by joining in with Blue Monday. What have you chosen to wear today? Are you dressed in blue or maybe you're a mermaid or fish for the day? Watch Year 4’s, ‘Blue Planet’ documentary which will link directly with our afternoons activities.
Have a good day!
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
Miss Young has written some sentences about dinosaurs but she has forgotten to use punctuation! Watch the video below to remind you where full stops and capital letters are needed. Then see if you can spot her mistakes and write the sentences out correctly on the lines below? There are two activities - please choose the one which best suits your child's ability. You do not need to complete both.
Playtime |
Recap the sound of the day and choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level. Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey. |
Play the Top Marks basketball maths game, choosing a level your child can complete independently. Watch the video below explaining how to practically add one more using dienes. Choose a level which best suits your child, red, yellow or green (you don’t need to complete all of them). Make a number with the deines equipment you used last week and then practically add an extra one. How many are there now? |
Lunchtime |
Blue Monday
Today we are taking part in Blue Monday. We are going to be exploring how we can protect our environment and care for our planet. Watch the story ‘Somebody swallowed Stanley’, you will find the link below. Discuss what happened to Stanley. Should Stanley have been in the sea? How do you think he got there? Think about your use of plastic. Do you recycle? Do you reuse plastic bags? What about bottles of water? Straws? Plastic is unable to break down and therefore can be a danger to animals and sea creatures. Take a look at the PowerPoint below about our use of plastic. Then we would like you to think of a way you and your family could reduce your use of plastic. E.g. I won’t buy plastic straws, I will always put my rubbish in the bin, I will recycle more, etc. Draw a picture of your chosen idea and then write a sentence about it on your plastic pledge badge. |
DT and Art |
If you have a plastic bag at home and some ribbon or string you could try making a kite just like the boy at the end of the story. If you do, don’t forget to send in a photo of your masterpiece! |
Watch Andy's Blue Planet Rap and learn about how we can help protect the creatures that live under the sea. Use the DK find out link below to learn about blue whales and sea turtles. Create a poster with your favourite fact and draw a picture too. |
Extra Activities |
Tricky word game |
This is a link for a matching game on Twinkl. There are a few different levels. Start on level 2 and if your child is confident, try a couple of other levels too!
Doodle |
Don’t forget to use Doodle English as well as Doodle Maths! |
Maths - Adding one with dienes
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/mapledene-primary-school/UploadedVideo/571545d4486045978c3264ace199d550/b702d9d7-63d6-4c2b-9ffe-94efb7051548_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
PDF Documents
Friday 8th January
Good morning!
We have 6 tasks for you to complete today. Everything you need can be found below.
If you can, make sure you go outside and enjoy the snow too
On Monday, we will be celebrating ‘Blue Monday’ with the rest of the school, as Year 4 showcase their amazing learning about the oceans. You are invited to dress up in blue, or an ocean themed costume. We will be reading one of Miss Young's favourite stories and thinking about how we can make our own contribution to protect the environment.
You can now join in with Miss Ellgood for Fit Friday, which you will find at the top of the class pages.
Have a good day and have a lovely weekend too.
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
Missing poster Imagine the dinosaur you have created has gone missing. Use the writing frame to help find the dinosaur. You will need to draw the dinosaur in the box and write sentences to describe it below. |
Maths |
Ordering Dienes Order the pictures of the dienes from smallest to largest. If you are unable to print the sheet then you can just write the total of each picture in order on some paper. You can complete all 3 groups if you wish.
Recap the sound of the day and choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level. Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey. |
Doodle |
You have extra work set on Doodle today to complete. There is a link to a video below with the Supermovers that you can watch before you complete your added extra on Doodle. |
DT |
DT – Make a flap picture. Cut out the egg that has a dinosaur picture inside. Colour the dinosaur. Cut out the other egg shape. Cut along the zig-zag line so the egg is in two parts. Stick the flaps to the top and bottom of the dinosaur egg to create a flap. |
30 day life skills challenge |
This is an extra you can choose to complete if you wish. You also do not need to print this, you can save it to your computer instead. Some you will be able to complete by yourselves and some will need adult supervision! You may wish to adapt some of the activities or alter them if you do not have the equipment. |
Thursday 7th January
Good morning! It was very cold last night and the temperature fell to -3 or -4. What signs of winter can you see this morning? If you can, wrap up warm and go for a walk. How does it feel on your face? What happens to your breath? Why?
We would like to say thank you for all the work we have received so far. There are some children who are very close to achieving 25 merits now so do keep sending in your work if you can. Well done to those children who are in the green zone on Doodle too. If you have any difficulties accessing Doodle please send an email to let us know.
We have 6 tasks for you today, the links and documents you will need can all be found below the table.
Have a good day and keep trying your best.
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
Using the describing words (adjectives) you wrote yesterday, today we would like you to put each word into a separate sentence. Remember each sentence should have a capital letter, full stop and finger spaces. Challenge – Can you use 'and' or 'commas' to list more than one adjective? |
Maths |
Partitioning two digit numbers. We would like you to complete the attached worksheet. You only need to complete one page and do not need to print the sheet. You can work it out on the screen and write the numbers down on some paper. You can use the equipment from yesterday to help you work it out practically. Count how many tens there are and how many ones there are and write down the numbers. Challenge - you can have a go with the larger numbers...over 100! |
Recap the sound of the day and choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level. Today's sounds are:
Set 1 - s Set 2 – igh Set 3 – a - e
Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey. |
Doodle |
Please access your daily 5 on Doodle. |
Music |
Hello! It’s Miss Sanders here. I am going to really miss teaching you over the next few weeks and I know that when I can’t sing it sometimes makes me feel a little bit low, especially at the moment when things are so strange around us. So, for this week’s music activity I would like you to click on the link below and listen to the song ‘It’s OK! Please just say!”
Listen really carefully to the words and think about some of the things that make you happy. Talk to people at home to see if you can find time to try some of them at home over the next few weeks. Then learn some of the lyrics to sing along at home. Start with the chorus and then the rap towards the end.
Remember, that if you are not feeling OK then find someone to talk to. It may just make you feel better. |
At this stage it is about becoming familiar with where the letters are on the keyboard and ensuring the children recognise the capital letter equivalent of the letter they need.
If you have access to a laptop or tablet we would like you to practise writing your name and these words: cup, fox, quack, zip, plug, with.
If you have time you can explore how to use a capital letter. E.g. Holding the shift key and the letter you need or using caps lock. |
Wednesday 6th January
Yesterday, lots of children guessed that the mystery footprints were left by a dinosaur. What creature do you think visited school?
Whilst we are in school, we will be sure to keep an eye out for any more signs or clues and we will keep you informed if we see any. Today our English work will be linked to a story about dinosaurs.
English |
Listen to the story of 'Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs'. You will find the link below. Draw a dinosaur and write describing words to describe your dinosaur. |
Maths |
Watch the YouTube video ‘Partitioning two-digit numbers’. Use colouring pencils for tens and coins, counters or cubes for the ones. On the word document below select the most appropriate level for your child. Practically, try to partition these numbers. Red – numbers below 10 Yellow - numbers below 30 Green – numbers below 50. |
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lessons on YouTube’. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level. Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey. |
Doodle |
Please access your daily 5 on Doodle. |
Science |
Science - Go through the PowerPoint attached below and find out about winter. Wrap up warm and go for a winter walk with your family. How many items on the checklist will you see? If you can’t go for walk, you could look in your garden or out of the window. |
Good morning Year 1,
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas break and are all keeping safe and well at home.
We are very sad that we cannot be back in school together for the start of term. However, we have lots of exciting learning planned which you will be able to find on our website every day.
First things first……when we arrived in school this morning, we found a terrible sight! We have attached a photo for you to have a look at. What do you think has happened? What or who could have been in our bay?
English |
Draw a picture of the creature you think has been in our school. Write a sentence to explain why you think this and then write a sentence to describe the creature. |
Use the link below to access the daily RWI lesson. |
Maths |
Representing a number in different ways. Choose a number below 10 and find as many ways as you can to make the total. E.g. 8 -> 7+1, 5+3.
Extension – now try using a number between 10 and 20. |
PE |
Workout week. Can you complete the following challenges? How many of each activity can you do in one minute? Star jumps Step up’s – use the bottom of the stairs or something you can stand on. Squats Spotty dogs – start with your right foot and left arm forwards as if you’re about to start a race. Alternate your legs forwards and backwards (essentially running on the spot.) |
Watch the YouTube link for the 'Odd Egg' story. Think about the story and discuss, how did Duck feel about the egg? What did he think when the egg hatched and how did he feel? Now draw a picture of the egg and the creature that comes out with Duck. Draw a thought bubble for Duck. What was he thinking when he saw his egg hatch? |
Friday 4th December
Reminder – On Thursday 10th December we will be recording our Nativity songs.
1R should come to school dressed as a camel, wearing brown clothes or a camel costume if you have one. 1Y can come in their school uniform.
Thursday's Doodlers of the day
1Y- Alana, Alfie, Lily, Sulaiman, Erina, George, Ryan
1R – Alice, Clara, Eva, Sumayya, Jackson, Luke, Tiána
Congratulations!!! We are on our final day of home learning.
You have worked extremely hard over the last 2 weeks and you should be very proud of yourselves. We would like to say a huge thank you, once again to your grown-ups at home who have been helping you. We really appreciate all of your support!
Please give them a big round of applause for all their hard work.
We are really looking forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Take care,
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
English |
Writing sentences about your own paper doll. This should be a series of sentences, remembering capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. If you would really like to impress us then maybe you could use ‘and’ to make your sentences longer, use lots of describing words and even commas in a list! Mrs Robinson has written her sentences for you to use as a guide.
Maths |
Independent activity – Emoji code breaker Mixed addition and subtraction We have been practising both addition and subtraction, so now we would like you to have a go at completing some independently. You must look carefully at each number sentence so you know whether you need to + or – Complete the first page on the document below and move on to the second page if you feel you would like a challenge!
DT |
Shadow puppets Watch the video below and have a go exploring with your shadow. You can use a torch if you have one, or wait until it goes dark and use a lamp. What shadows will you make?
Phonics play |
Choose a sound or two you have found challenging this week and revisit it by playing Obb and Bob or buried treasure. |
Common Exception words |
Choose another 6 or 7 words from the list and practise reading and writing them. Maybe you could even test your parents when you’ve mastered it! |
Thursday 3rd December
Good morning! It’s Thursday! So we have just 2 more days of learning from home. We are really looking forward to being back in school and seeing you all on Monday. We have been giving out lots of merits for fantastic work, how many have you had so far? There is still time to get merits with the work we have to do today:
Day 3 |
Open the interactive advent calendar and complete the puzzle activity. |
Revisit and read one of the Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 sounds (depending on your child’s level of phonics) Read an oxford owl reading book based on the colour you are on. (link below) |
This week we have been learning different ways of subtracting. Today, we would like to put our learning into a real life context. Look at the word problems below, read the problems together and physically act out the problems. Use toys or other objects you have at home (you may not have everything in the pictures). You could even try to write the problem as a number sum if you really want to impress us. We would like you to complete at least 5. |
In English today, we would like you to practise using your phonics to spell words. Look at the pictures attached below. For each word, say the word, count the number of sounds in each word on your fingers, pinch the sounds then write it. This is just how we do it in RWI sessions. If you want to challenge yourself further try to use the word in a sentence. If you really want to impress us then you may want to add a describing word and the word 'and' in your sentence. You do not need to complete all of the pictures. Choose the level which is most appropriate for your child. |
Practising our songs for the nativity. 1Y - No Room, No Room 1R - Camels Both - Away in a Manger verse 1 - including the Makaton actions. |
Doodle |
Who will get a mention on our webpage tomorrow by staying in the green on Doodle Maths. Don’t forget to access Spell and English too! |
Phonics Game |
Play the following phonics game on top marks, practising your spelling skills. |
Topmarks - Patterns. Choose level 1, 2 or 3. If you have access to a laptop or computer, we would like you to practise writing your name again and writing Merry Christmas. Next week we will be using the computers to write a Christmas message. |
16 Away In A Manger V3.mp3
06 We are Camels.mp3
04 No room, no room.mp3
Wednesday 2nd December
Good morning! We are now halfway through our second week of online learning and you are doing brilliantly. Keep going, Monday will be here before we know it!
Our school photos have been rescheduled for Tuesday 8th December. Please do not send your child to school in their PE kit on this day.
Advent calendar |
Open door number 2 on the interactive advent calendar. |
Revisit and read one of the Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 sounds (depending on your child’s level of phonics) Read an Oxford Owl reading book based on the colour you are on. (link below) |
Giving change - practical activity Make your own toy shop with a selection of your favourite toys. You can either choose to label the toys up to 9p or up to 19p, based on your child’s confidence with coins. Then you can pay with a 10p or 20p for each item and your child should practise giving you the correct change.
English |
Describing a picture Use a list of words to describe each picture. Miss Young has done the first one as an example. Try using commas in your list!
Material hunt What can you find made of metal, plastic, glass or wood? Draw a picture of the objects and label them |
Doodle English |
You have some work to complete on Doodle English today. |
Spelling |
Click on Year 1 and then on the second bird box to complete the spelling of common exception words. |
Virtual Story Club |
Enjoy Miss Johnson’s latest virtual story club featuring another teacher too! |
RWI - Choose the sound most relevant to your child to revisit. Although they may recognise Set 1 sounds, it might be useful for them to practise their letter formation.
Tuesday 1st December
Good morning, we hope you are well and ready for another day of learning.
First thing’s first...let’s see how many Doodle Superstars we have! These children were all on green yesterday for Doodle Maths.
1R- Alice, Clara, David, Eva, Frankie L, Sumayya, Harley H, Isabelle, Jackson, Kian, Luke, Tiána
1Y- Alana, Alfie, Emily, Erina, George, Harriet, Lily, Ryan, Sierra, Sulaiman
Also, if you watched our Celebration Assembly, you would have noticed that 1R had the most children on track to achieve their targets in the infants. Well done 1R, excellent work!! You deserve a virtual high five!
Now, back to today! This is the timetable of activities that we would like you to complete today.
Open door number 1 on our interactive advent calendar! What game is behind the door?
You will find the links you need for everything below.
Have a great day
Revisit and read one of the Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 sounds (depending on your child’s level of phonics) Read an Oxford Owl reading book based on the colour you are on. (link below) |
Yesterday we worked practically to subtract. Today we would like try drawing jottings to help us subtract. Look at the example below. 8-4=4
Draw the correct number of circles, subtract the next number by crossing out the circles. Look to see how many you are left with. Try this method with the questions below. Remember to select the most appropriate level for your child. Try to complete them by yourself and take your time. Accuracy is key with this method. |
English |
It is really important that when you write sentences that you make sure there is a finger space between each word, without them it looks like a giant word. Look at the sentences below, they don’t seem to have any finger spaces. Rewrite them so they are correct. Hehasaredtop. Shehasanorangedress. Hehasajumper. Theyarefriends. If you would prefer, you can print out the sheet attached below and write on the sheet. |
We will be recording our dances next Thursday so we would like you to continue to practise our Nativity dances - the link can be found below. |
RE |
Think back to the Christmas story that you watched last week. Print the pictures below to put the story in the correct order. You could even add a sentence under each picture. If you do not have access to a printer then simply draw your own pictures (an angel visiting Mary, shepherds, kings, Mary and Joseph in the stable) showing the order of the story. |
Doodle |
We are very impressed with the number of children who were in the green zone yesterday! Make sure you stay in there by keeping up each day. |
Maths Game |
Start on Level 1 or Level 2. Play the following maths game on top marks, practising your subtraction skills. |
Monday 30th November
Good morning, we hope you had a lovely weekend with your families and we hope you are ready for another week of learning! Who has already put their Christmas tree up? Miss Young has!
This is the timetable of activities that we would like you to complete today. Enjoy the last day of November!
Revisit and read one of the Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 sounds (depending on your child’s level of phonics) Read an Oxford Owl reading book based on the colour you are on. (Link below) |
Maths |
This week we will be focusing on subtraction. Watch the PowerPoint on subtraction below showing how we practically subtract. Now use objects you have around the house such as Lego bricks or coins as counters to practically subtract. There are three levels of questions below, pick the level that best suits your child. |
English |
This week we will begin our work on books by Julia Donaldson. Linked to our work on toys we will begin by watching the story 'The Paper Dolls'. In the story, the little girl makes a paper doll. Each doll is different. Look at the picture below and write a sentence to describe each of the dolls. Remember to start each sentence with a capital letter and end with a full stop. There should also be a finger space between each word.
Look through the PowerPoint about the history of dolls. Notice how the dolls have changed throughout time. Print out the pictures of dolls, cut them out and stick them in order from oldest to newest. Write a sentence to describe what each doll has been made out of. If you do not have a printer, look at the pictures and draw an old and new doll. Write a sentence about each of the dolls. |
Doodle |
Who will be in green and get a Doodle superstar mention tomorrow morning? |
Interactive game |
Subtraction – Practise taking away using this game from Topmarks. |
Y1 Common words |
A list of words from Oxford Owl that you may want to print off or you can choose 6 or 7 a day to practise spelling and writing at home. Children should be able to recognise these words by the end of Year 1. |
Friday 27th November
Good morning, Year 1! It’s Friday! We would just like to say a huge well done to you all. After phoning home this week, it has been wonderful to hear how hard you are working. We are very proud of you. Also, we would like to say a big thank you to your parents who are also working hard with you too. Thank you very much for all your support.
This is the timetable of activities that we would like you to complete today. Remember to send us your work too!
Have a well deserved rest this weekend.
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs.
Revisit and read one of the Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 sounds (depending on your child’s level of phonics) Read an Oxford Owl reading book based on the colour you are on. |
Independent writing – write sentences about your favourite toy: Remember capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. If you would like to really impress us, use 'and' in your sentences and even some describing words about your toy, e.g. shiny, heavy, soft. |
Addition: Before we move onto subtraction next week we would like you to amaze us with your addition. There are 3 options to complete. Please choose the one best suited for your child. – You can use objects to help if needed. |
We have been creating different types of puppets. So far, we have made a stick puppet, finger puppets and today we would like you to make your own sock puppet.
To make a sock puppet:
Interactive game |
Phonics play: Yesterday you might have played Buried Treasure. Today try practising the sounds you have revisited with the aliens, Obb and Bob. |
We have set you some work to complete on Doodle English today: One activity about capital letters and another using and to join sentences. Remember to still access Maths to stay in the green. To access Doodle English, download it on the app store and your username and password are the same as you use for Doodle Maths. |
Virtual story club |
Why not enjoy Miss Johnson’s latest episode of 'Virtual Story Club' on our ‘Learn it with Mapledene’ YouTube channel. Link is below.
Thursday 26th November
Good morning, Year 1! Hope you are all well. You are doing such a good job completing the work that has been set. Keep it up We would like to begin the morning with some ...............................
Doodle superstars!
Yesterday these children were in the green on Doodle maths so we wanted to say a big well done! You get a virtual clap from us!
1Y – Alana, Emily, Erina, George, Harriet, Lily, Ryan, Sulaiman, Taylor.
1R – Adam, Alice, Clara, David, Esmay, Eva, Sumayya, Jackson, Kian, Lexie, Luke, Tiána.
This is our timetable of activities that we would like you to complete today. Remember to send us your work too! Have a great day.
*****Where the work states independent activity, your child should not need support from an adult in order to complete this activity. They are used to completing independent activities at school so please encourage them to continue with this when working from home too.
Thank you for all your support,
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson & Miss Briggs.
Revisit and read one of the Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 sounds (depending on your child’s level of phonics) Read an Oxford Owl reading book based on the colour you are on. |
Creative |
Design your own boat! You can draw your design or you can use items from your home, e.g. boxes, containers and sticks. Think about the best material to use. Remember the 'Old Bear Boat Race' story. Test your boat, what happens when it goes in the water? |
English |
Independent activity - Matching the words with the pictures. There are 3 options. Please choose the one which best suits your child. If you finish this quickly then please use the unscramble the sentences activity. No need to print. The children can copy it in the correct order off the screen. Play a game of Buried Treasure by clicking on the phonics play link below. |
Practising our songs for the nativity 1Y – No room, no room 1R – Camels Both classes – Away in a manger. Verse 1 We would like the children to have a go at joining in with Makaton signing for this song. There is a youtube video below. The children only need to practise the actions for the first verse (up to 32 seconds on the video.) |
If you have access to a computer or laptop, open a Word document and practise using the keyboard to write your name. Repeat this lots of times and then have a go at writing simple words such as bag, dog, hat etc |
Doodle |
Keep up with the Maths and make sure you are now accessing Doodle spell too. |
Maths |
Independent - Please practise writing the days of the week and months of the year. Watch the videos below first. This is very important as the children are expected to write this every day. Maybe you could time how quickly they can write one of the days of the week? |
Wednesday 25th November
Good morning, Year 1. You’re doing a great job! We are halfway through the week already This is our timetable of activities that we would like you to complete today. We are spending our day at the (virtual) toy shop! Remember you can complete these in any order that you choose.
Revisit and read one of the Set one, Set 2 or Set 3 sounds (depending on your child’s level of phonics) Read an Oxford Owl reading book based on the colour you are on. |
Maths |
Adding at the toy shop. Choose which numbers to use based upon your child’s confidence with adding. Number two has more challenging numbers to add over 10. Choose two toys. Write the number sentence. E.g. 4p + 3p = 7p How many different combinations of toys can you buy? |
English |
To use ‘and’ in a sentence. Write the date at the top of your paper, just like we would at school. Ask a grown-up to draw some lines if your paper is plain. Sit your letters on the lines and remember to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces! How many super sentences will you write today? Use the toy shop word document to pick the toys. |
History |
Sorting old and new toys |
Doodle |
Teacher set work – Counting to and across numbers 1-20, 1-50. Check your work area to access this. |
Maths - game |
Topmarks ‘toy shop’ game. You can choose to count in 1p’s, 2p’s, 5p’s or 10p’s!
RWI - The children are all at different stages. Please choose the most appropriate activity for your child to access. You do not need to print these sheets. The letters or words can be copied onto paper. Even if your chid can recognise 's' or 'm' it may be useful for them to practise the formation of these letters.
Tuesday 24th November
Good morning! We really enjoyed seeing some of your work yesterday We hope you are well and ready for another day of learning. This is our timetable of activities that we would like you to complete today. All the links and documents you will need can be found below the timetable.
Revisit and read some Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 sounds (depending on your child’s level of phonics) Read an Oxford Owl reading book based on the colour you are on. |
Maths |
Independent activity – children should be able to complete this by themselves. Ordering coins from smallest to largest (if you are unable to print these off, you could use some 'real' coins and do this practically). |
English |
Independent activity – choose the activity based on your child’s reading level. They should use ‘Fred talk’ to read the words and decide whether they are real words or nonsense words (if you are unable to print these off, keep the words on the screen and the children can copy them into two columns). |
PE |
Practise our nativity dance with Miss Ellgood. |
RE |
Share the Christmas story and draw a picture of the three kings carrying the gifts. It would be great if you could write a sentence about what gifts they bring. The link for the story is below. |
Doodle |
Remember to keep up with your Doodle and stay in the green. |
Spelling |
Little Bird Spelling. Click on Year 1 and then on the first bird box to complete the spelling of common exception words. |
Also, you can watch our Anti-Bullying week and Celebration Assembly from Friday too (see the link below). Enjoy!
Independent Maths and English Activities
The Three Kings
Monday 23rd November 2020
Good morning, Year 1!
We hope you had a nice weekend and enjoyed the sunshine. Just a couple of notes:
- The school photos which were due to be on Wednesday 25th November 2020 will be rearranged for a later date.
- We will still be able to take part in the school nativity too, as we will film our songs when we get back to school.
We know that our Year 1 bubble closing might feel a bit strange, but it is very important that we continue to work hard and try our best. We will still be choosing a Shooting Star each week and giving out Merits and House Points too.
Every morning we will be putting work onto the website for you to complete, and we will be following the same timetable we have when we are at school. Some activities may be practical, which is sometimes how we work in school.
You can complete the activities for the day in any order you choose. If you need any help, have any questions or would like to send us your fabulous work, please send them to advice@mapledeneschool.com
Take care, we will miss you all.
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
Monday: (the links you will need for the following are all available below.)
We have been reading different ‘Old Bear’ stories by Jane Hissey. Please can you watch ‘The Boat Race’ on YouTube as this is what our English work will be based on this week.
In the story the animals realised their paper boat was more like a hat! So we would like you to have a go at making your own paper hat, watching the video below to help you. You can then decorate the hat however you choose and give it to one of your teddies!
Maths – Money
We have been practising recognising different coins. This game below is great to help us sort and order the coins. Leave the counting coins until later in the week. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/coins-game
You could also sort coins practically if you have a money box or purse at home!
We hope you enjoyed the boat race story, we are looking forward to seeing the paper hats that you have made.
For the rest of the day can you complete these activities:
Revisit and read one of the Set one, Set 2 or Set 3 sounds (depending on your child’s level of phonics) Read an oxford owl reading book based on the colour you are on. (link below) |
Maths |
Watch the number formation video linked below, and practise your number formation either with the strips below or just on paper. Take your time, it is important you are forming them correctly. Children can also practise writing the number names too as this is part of our curriculum. E.g. 4 – four. |
Science |
Practical floating and sinking Fill a washing up bowl, bucket or any container you have with some water, gather some household items that you can use to explore floating and sinking. Can you draw and label pictures of the items you experimented with? Did any surprise you? Ideas of some objects you could use: a metal spoon, a key, stick or stone, leaf, rubber duck, coin or a plastic ball. |
Don’t forget to send us the work you have been doing and well done on completing the tasks set today.
Take care and speak tomorrow!
back Year 1
We are so impressed with how well the children have returned to school. They have been working hard producing some wonderful writing and art work.
This year our PE day is Tuesday. On this day please come to school dressed in PE kit. It is fine for children to wear jogging bottoms / leggings on this day and their school jumper if it is cold. There is no need to bring school uniform .
This term, Miss Young's class will have an additional PE session on Thursday. So if your child is in 1Y please send them to school in their PE kit on both Tuesday and Thursday.
We are now pleased to confirm that fruit will be provided for snack so children no longer need to bring their own snack from home.
Please ensure your child brings in a named water bottle each day to use in the classroom.
Second half of Autumn term (November and December)
This half term 1R will have PE on both Tuesdays and Thursdays and 1Y will have PE on a Tuesday. On these days please come to school dressed in PE kit. It is fine for children to wear jogging bottoms / leggings on this day and their school jumper if it is cold. There is no need to bring school uniform .
Useful websites- please check them out:
Having Fun on Children in Need Day!
Fit Friday with Year 1 and 2
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/mapledene-primary-school/UploadedVideo/7544b4f5b253480f937af6c097fe640a/20201106_132000000_ios-1_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
Enjoying Bonfire Day!
Food tasting from around the world