Week Beginning 25 January 2021 and before
Welcome to Year 2!
Remote Learning, Week beginning Monday 25th January 2021
You should have all received a curriculum newsletter at the end of last half term with the title 'Whose Earth is it Anyway?', a copy of which can be found on our 'letters' page which can be found on the 'Parents' tab. Please familiarise yourself with this as we will be trying to stick to our curriculum as much as possible.
Please see below the key tasks for each subject.
We will do our best to provide you with some downloadable resources along with helpful websites and activities that don't require a computer- please encourage your child to complete the written aspects of the work (parents- you do enough already!) It is essential that this page is checked on a daily basis for updates. If your child is unable to work on a computer/ tablet at home then please inform their class teacher when they first call you or call/email the school. Please also remember that you will be contacted via a withheld number when phone calls home are being made.
We love to see the work that you are completing at home, however please do not feel obliged to send it on a daily basis- instead choose some of your favourite pieces from the week to share. We will do our best to reply as quickly as possible, but please bear with us!
As always, thank you for your co-operation.
Mrs Allen, Miss Ellgood, Mrs Humphris & Mrs Blakeman
Year 2's Timetable
If your child is finding home learning a challenge, it may benefit them to stick to a routine each day (even if it's just for part of it).
If you are unable to print the activities, packs are available every Monday to collect from the office. Please let the office know if you would like to start collecting these.
9am | 10am | 10:15am | 11:15am | 12:00pm | 1pm | 2pm | 2:15pm | |
Monday | Maths | Break | RWI/Reading | English | Lunch | Topic | Break | PSHE |
Tuesday | Maths | Break | RWI/Reading | English | Lunch | Topic | Break | Topic |
Wednesday | Maths | Break | RWI/Reading | English | Lunch | Art | Break | ICT |
Thursday | Maths | Break | RWI/Reading | English | Lunch | PE | Break | Music |
Friday | Maths | Break | RWI/Reading | English | Lunch | Science | Break | RE |
*RWI = Read Write Inc
*Topic refers to this half term's learning about the environment and how it is affected around the world
We will continue to set Doodle Maths, Doodle English and sometimes Doodle Spelling homework on a Friday. If you are having a go at Doodle Tables, please focus on 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s.
Let's earn some more Doodle certificates, Year 2!
Friday 29th January
Please be aware that although we are setting a full day of work each day, we do not want you to feel overwhelmed. Do not worry if you do not complete every activity each day, but please try to at least watch the videos and play some of the interactive games so that some of the learning has been accessed.
If you are unable to print the work, please contact the office and you may collect a pack- if you do this then you will still need to look at the website each day for guidance. Please only collect this work if it is needed, as I'm sure you will understand the office are also very busy at the moment.
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Today you are going to be looking at multiplying by 3 again. Take a look at the activity below that involves doing this on a number line, try and have a go at least 2 of the pages. Also see if you are ready to have a go at Hit The Button Times Tables and select ‘X3’... you could even have a go at ‘Hit the Question’ to challenge yourself. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button Extension: Use your knowledge of threes to help you solve these calculations- 0x3= Double 3 = 3x7= 12x3= 3groups of 9= 3 multiplied by 3= |
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read.
English |
Spellings and Grammar
Today we will be practising the year 2 spellings: told, both, old, and cold Download the activity for this or have a go at ‘look, cover, write, check’. When you have practised the spellings, put each of them into a sentence. Make sure you check your sentences after for correct punctuation and spelling, perhaps you could try varying your sentences by including a question mark (for a question) and an exclamation mark if you write a scary/exciting or shocking sentence. E.g. ‘Has anybody told you that it is cold in the Arctic?’ You may do more than one sentence for each spelling- perhaps you can try and include more than one of the spellings in some sentences.
Science |
Today we are going to learn a bit more about how animals survive in the polar regions. First watch the video about The Arctic and Antarctic again and write a list (remember to use commas) of some of the animals that are found in each. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1h-9TSu4wE&safe=true This short video may also be useful https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zrgygk7 .
Look at the powerpoint or watch Miss Ellgood read through it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sClq6anVofQ
You might want to check this video out again too Choose two animals from each region and answer the question ‘How does this animal survive in its habitat?’
R.E. |
How wonderful is our World? Listen to “What a wonderful World” Louis Armstrong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3yCcXgbKrE
What wonderful things did you hear the singer tell us about? Talk about what things are good about the world we live in.
Resources to support learning
Thursday 28th January
Miss Ellgood enjoyed her Zoom session with you yesterday! If you are signed up for the Zoom sessions then you should get the pass code for next week's emailed to you over the next couple of days so keep an eye out.
Please be aware that although we are setting a full day of work each day, we do not want you to feel overwhelmed. Do not worry if you do not complete every activity each day, but please try to at least watch the videos and play some of the interactive games so that some of the learning has been accessed.
If you are unable to print the work, please contact the office and you may collect a pack- if you do this then you will still need to look at the website each day for guidance. Please only collect this work if it is needed, as I'm sure you will understand the office are also very busy at the moment.
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Today we will be looking at counting in 3’s- this is not something that we have covered very much this year so we will be spending the rest of the week looking at it. Start your lesson with one of these videos, these are a great way to help you learn them (one of which is the video that you all filmed last half term). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjdScoq-C4A&safe=true https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWxPKnLtnus&safe=true Take a look at the activity below and practise counting on in 3’s using a number square, you may wish to complete your number square before having a go at the first part of the activity (completing the number sequences). Extension: Using a number sqaure or a strategy from Miss Ellgood’s video from Monday, have a go at answering these questions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcPUKfWqxEk&t=2s 4x3= 10x3= 5x3= 2x3= 6x3= |
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read.
English |
Today you are going to imagine that you are going on an expedition to the North Pole. Watch the video showing a good example and then complete the activity below (if you cannot print it write some sentences about what you would take with you). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9tF-ca7y2I Think about- *Food *Clothes *Equipment *A special item of your choice.
You must use so or but in each of your sentences e.g. I will take a thick coat with me so that I can keep warm.’ I will take a tent but I will also need a sleeping back if I want to stay warm.
PE |
Let's warm up to some tiger songs today! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30RnZP4L78w This week we are going to continue to complete the activities from this circuit below- you may have already started recording your results which is great! You should spend just one minute (60 seconds) on each activity. Target aim (throw something into a hoop/ a different target...be creative!) See how many you get in. *Sit ups *Catches (beanbag/ball or whatever you have access to) this could be how many catches you can do by yourself or with someone else. *Shuttle runs (see how many times you can run from one marker to another (this can be done in a small space). Don’t forget to ‘pivot’ when you are turning. Just like last week, record how many you did of each (see optional table to record on below). Have you improved any of your scores since last time? If you find something tricky, please spend a little bit longer working on this skill. At the end of the session make sure you cool down. This slows down breathing and your heart rate as well as returns your muscles to their normal length to avoid stiffness and sire muscles the next day. Use these videos for your cool down. Old Town Road: https://www.youtube.com/watch? One Love: v=gNdk4S1MrUI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWOpQQ5jCYQ
Music |
Today we are going to continue learning about ‘Timbre’. Timbre means the different types of sound that you can hear. This week we will be thinking about all the different types of sound you can make with your mouths. Click on the link below to watch a short lesson. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/exploring-different-ways-to-use-your-voice-6wrk8c |
Printable activities
Wednesday 27th January
Miss Ellgood is looking forward to seeing all of the children during her Zoom Reading and Spelling session TODAY at 10:15am.
If you would like to join, message the school at advice@mapledeneschool.com for the pass code. You must sign in with your child's name if you wish to be let in to the meeting- this is for safeguarding purposes.
Please be aware that although we are setting a full day of work each day, we do not want you to feel overwhelmed. Do not worry if you do not complete every activity each day, but please try to at least watch the videos and play some of the interactive games so that some of the learning has been accessed.
If you are unable to print the work, please contact the office and you may collect a pack- if you do this then you will still need to look at the website each day for guidance. Please only collect this work if it is needed, as I'm sure you will understand the office are also very busy at the moment.
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please continue to focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Today we are going to be looking at multiplying by 10. Get your brain and body moving by joining in with this counting in 10s video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7stosHbZZZg&safe=true We have also practised counting in 10s a lot in year 1 and 2, but today we are going to look at doing this in different ways to make sure our knowledge is secure. Have a go at the activity below which will get you to multiply in different ways. You could also watch the video of the strategies from yesterday if you would prefer to complete some calculations in that way. Also have a go at Hit The Button Times Tables and select ‘X10’... you could even have a go at ‘Hit the Question’ to challenge yourself. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button Extension: Use your knowledge of tens to help you solve these calculations- 0x10= Double 10 = 10x4= 11x10= 10 groups of 8= 3 multiplied by 10=
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read.
English |
Today we are going to be learning about the conjunctions ‘but’ and ‘so’. You will be using this knowledge in your writing activity tomorrow. Watch this bonkers conjunction song to start your lesson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yH3R9pyIU8M Complete the activity below to decide whether the sentences need to be completed by adding the word ‘but’ or ‘so’.
Watch the video giving you an overview on coding. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-3eArinB7E
Visual blocks are what we have been working on for the last few weeks; if you want to continue to practise this that’s fine, please continue with https://studio.code.org/s/courseb-2020
Today we are also going to try a new coding game https://barefootgames.org/barefoot-zoo?ref=https://www.barefootcomputing.org/
Art |
Art- Use your learning from the past two days create two collages of the Arctic region;
We can use a variety of art materials to create these e.g., polystyrene, paint, paper, and be as creative as you like. Choose some animals from the Arctic to draw to go on your collage, you may also colour the pictures that are on the document below or even use the colour pictures with tabs to add a 3D effect to your collage. |
Resources to support learning
Tuesday 26th January
Please be aware that although we are setting a full day of work each day, we do not want you to feel overwhelmed. Do not worry if you do not complete every activity each day, but please try to at least watch the videos and play some of the interactive games so that some of the learning has been accessed.
If you are unable to print the work, please contact the office and you may collect a pack- if you do this then you will still need to look at the website each day for guidance. Please only collect this work if it is needed, as I'm sure you will understand the office are also very busy at the moment.
Miss Ellgood is looking forward to doing another Zoom Reading and Spelling session on Wednesday at 10:15am. If you would like to join, message the school at advice@mapledeneschool.com for the pass code. You must sign in with your child's name if you wish to be let in to the meeting- this is for safeguarding purposes.
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please continue to focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks This week we are going to be multiplying 2s,5s,10s and 3s. Start by watching this video about how we may teach multiplication at school. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcPUKfWqxEk Today we are going to be looking at multiplying by 5. Get your brain and body moving by joining in with this counting in 5s video ht https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amxVL9KUmq8&safe=true We have practised counting in 5s a lot in year 1 and 2, but today we are going to look at doing this in different ways to make sure our knowledge is secure. Have a go at the activity below which will get you to multiply in different ways. You could also watch the video of the strategies from yesterday it you would prefer to complete some calculations in that way. Also have a go at Hit The Button Times Tables and select ‘X5’... you could even have a go at ‘Hit the Question’ to challenge yourself. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button Extension: Use your knowledge of fives to help you solve these calculations- 0x5= Double 5 = 5x6= 12x5= 5 groups of 8= 3 multiplied by 5= |
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk using the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read.
English |
Today we are going to learn some more about the Arctic and Antarctic. Watch Miss Ellgood read the English powerpoint ‘ (or download and read it yourself). You may have already watched this to help you with your Geography yesterday.
Write some sentences about what the physical and human features are in the Arctic and Antarctic. Try to use ‘but’ or ‘and’ in some of your sentences E.g. The Arctic and the Antarctic have mountains.
Don’t forget to check your sentences for correct spelling, capital letters and full stops. If you spot any mistakes then change it in a different colour pencil. ‘Arctic’ and ‘Antarctic’ are proper nouns because they are the name of a place, so they MUST have capital letters. |
Geography |
If you missed yesterdays learning please complete the following first. *To start our geography learning today, remind yourself about some world facts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg-pFtvsvmo
This week we are going to start our learning about the polar regions. What are polar regions? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5VRoGTF60s
Look at a map/ globe/ Google Earth and identify the arctic regions. https://earth.google.com/web/ Listen to Miss Ellgood share some facts with you about the polar regions (or look at the powerpoint yourself).https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qvqaCYTIVY
Watch the videos below to learn more about the differences between the Arctic and The Antarctic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1h-9TSu4wE We have written some facts about the Arctic and The Antarctic BUT they are all muddled! Sort them out into which polar region they match (see below).
Tuesday's Geography; building on Monday's. Take a look at these facts about polar bears https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/animals-and-nature/bears/polar-bear/ and watch the short video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEFASpHL9nM&safe=true Write 2 ways that polar bears can survive in the Arctic.
The lives of polar bears have been put in danger due to humans not taking care of the Earth. There is oil in the Arctic Ocean and the ice is melting. This stops the polar bears being able to catch the food they need to give them energy (seals). Watch the video again with a grown up and write down one way that you and your family could help to save the polar bears by leading a more environmentally friendly life.
Watch the video about The Arctic and The Antarctic. We got a bit muddled with animal lives where, can you sort the animals depending on where they live? See worksheet.
Art |
Choose some animals from the Arctic to draw to go on your collage tomorrow (you may also colour the pictures that are on the document below). |
Resources to support learning
Monday 25th January
We hope you had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the snow!
Please be aware that although we are setting a full day of work each day, we do not want you to feel overwhelmed. Do not worry if you do not complete every activity each day, but please try to at least watch the videos and play some of the interactive games so that some of the learning has been accessed.
If you are unable to print the work, please contact the office and you may collect a pack- if you do this then you will still need to look at the website each day for guidance. Please only collect this work if it is needed, as I'm sure you will understand the office are also very busy at the moment.
Miss Ellgood is looking forward to doing another Zoom Reading and Spelling session on Wednesday at 10:15am. If you would like to join, message the school at advice@mapledeneschool.com for the pass code. You must sign in with your child's name if you wish to be let in to the meeting- this is for safeguarding purposes.
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please continue to focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks This week we are going to be multiplying 2s,5s,10s and 3s. Start by watching this video about how we may teach multiplication at school. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcPUKfWqxEk Today we are going to be looking at multiplying by 2. Get your brain and body moving by joining in with this counting in 2’s video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCxvNtrcDIs We have practised counting in 2s a lot in year 1 and 2, but today we are going to look at doing this in different ways to make sure our knowledge is secure. Have a go at the activity below which will get you to multiply in different ways. Multiplying by 2 is the same as doubling a number. Now have a go at the doubling activity below or have a go at the doubling activity (up to 10) on ‘Hit the Button’. You could also try Times tables x2 on hit the button if you are feeling confident. |
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk using the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read.
English |
Watch Miss Ellgood read the story ‘The Runaway Iceberg’ and think about the questions that are being asked along the way.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HpJ_47-MUQ Then, using the video or by looking in the text, answer the comprehension questions. Try to read the questions yourself (instead of your grown ups) and answer the longer question in a full sentence (don’t forget your capital letter and full stop!) If you don’t know the answer find it in the text rather than having a guess. |
Geography |
To start our geography learning today, remind yourself about some world facts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg-pFtvsvmo
This week we are going to start our learning about the polar regions. Look at a map/ globe/ Google Earth and identify the arctic regions. https://earth.google.com/web/ Listen to Miss Ellgood share some facts with you about the polar regions (or look at the powerpoint yourself).https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qvqaCYTIVY
Watch the videos below to learn more about the differences between the Arctic and The Antarctic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1h-9TSu4wE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5VRoGTF60s
We have written some facts about the Arctic and The Antarctic BUT they are all muddled! Sort them out into which polar region they match (see below). |
My family and me Being safe with friends and families. How my we feel when we have positive friendships and relationships? How my we feel when we have negative friendships and relationships? What colours might these feeling represent?
Watch this clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOkyKyVFnSs
Name the feelings Riley has. What colour were they? Are the times when you have had these feelings? GROWN UPS MIGHT SHARE SOME OF THEIR EXAMPLES TOO.
Draw a picture of the trusted adults and/or friends they could talk to when we need to. |
Printable activities
Friday 22nd January
Please be aware that although we are setting a full day of work each day, we do not want you to feel overwhelmed. Do not worry if you do not complete every activity each day, but please try to at least watch the videos and complete the Doodle activities so that some of the learning has been accessed.
If you are unable to print the work, please contact the office and you may collect a pack- if you do this then you will still need to look at the website each day for guidance. Please only collect this work if it is needed, as I'm sure you will understand the office are also very busy at the moment. Miss Ellgood is planning on doing another reading/spelling Zoom session on Wednesday at 10:15am. Please message the school at advice@mapledeneschool.com to request the new pass code. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SIGN IN USING YOUR CHILD'S NAME otherwise there is a chance you may not be let into the meeting for safeguarding purposes.
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. This should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Watch the video again about grams and kilograms.
Have a go at the activity ‘Grams or Kilograms’ and sort the object by deciding whether you would measure it in grams or kilograms. If you are unable to print this off, have a go at writing a list of things around your house (that don’t have labels e.g. chair, pencil, toy box) that you could measure in grams, and things that you could measure in kilograms. If you have scales in your bathroom try seeing how many kilograms you are!
RWI Reading |
If your child needs to improve their handwriting, encourage them to practise this during their RWI session- don't worry of you don't get everything else done. This is a video of the rhymes we use to teach the letters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei_7Kwcigaw.
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk using the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read.
Please encourage your child to read books they have at home regularly to improve their fluency or have a go at the '60 second read' below . Reading comprehension "On the River" see below. |
English |
Spellings and Grammar
Today we will be practising the year 2 spellings: door, floor, poor, because and hold
You can either download the activity for this or have a go at ‘look, cover, write, check’ as well as putting these spellings into a sentence. Make sure you check your sentences after for correct punctuation and spelling, perhaps you could try varying your sentences by including a question mark (for a question) and an exclamation mark if you write a scary/exciting or shocking sentence. E.g. ‘There was a gust of wind and the door slammed shut!’ |
Science |
Today we will be looking at some more wild animals that might be found in the local environment. Look at the encyclopedia links to learn about how this animals survive and find food and then complete the activity below by cutting out the facts and matching them with the correct animal. If you can't print the activity, write some facts about badgers, rabbits and swans using the facts on the encyclopedia links. https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/animals-and-nature/badgers/eurasian-badger/ https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/animals-and-nature/rabbits-and-hares/ https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/animals-and-nature/birds/swans/ https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/animals-and-nature/rodents/squirrels/ https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/animals-and-nature/dogs/red-fox/ |
R.E. |
Today we are thinking about what believers (of religious traditions) teach us about getting on with each other?
Muslims have to observe five pillars of Islam; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9U8T8x1AhQ
Focusing on Hajj today and the aspect which teach people how we should interact with each other so that we could live together in peace: -During Hajj, Muslims wear special clothing called Ihram. The purpose of this is to show equality and global citizenship; everyone is equal and. The world belongs to everyone and everyone has a responsibility for caring for it and everything that is in it. |
Resources to support learning.
Thursday 21st January
Please be aware that although we are setting a full day of work each day, we do not want you to feel overwhelmed. Do not worry if you do not complete every activity each day, but please try to at least watch the videos and complete the Doodle activities so that some of the learning has been accessed.
If you are unable to print the work, please contact the office and you may collect a pack- if you do this then you will still need to look at the website each day for guidance. Please only collect this work if it is needed, as I'm sure you will understand the office are also very busy at the moment.
Miss Ellgood loved seeing some of your faces on Zoom yesterday! Hopefully you will join her again for another story (and dance) the same time next week. If you didn't join this week, email the school for the password and make sure you have completed the Zoom survey found in 'Letters' on this website.
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. This should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Watch the video about measuring in kilograms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptaVY3-vRZM&safe=true/ Remember, we measure larger objects in kilograms (kg) because 1kg=1000g. Have a go at the ‘Measuring in kilograms activity’.
Have a go at ‘Mostly Postie’ but this time select kg and ½ kg. |
RWI Reading |
If your child needs to improve their handwriting, encourage them to practise this during their RWI session- don't worry of you don't get everything else done. This is a video of the rhymes we use to teach the letters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei_7Kwcigaw.
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk using the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read.
Please encourage your child to read books they have at home regularly to improve their fluency or have a go at the '60 second read' below . Reading comprehension "The Queen's Elephant" see below. |
English |
Watch the story of The Messy Magpie again. Take a look at Miss Ellgood’s video reading through the WAGOLL (What A Good One Looks Like). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCdC2KaiNqI Pretend that you are the Messy Magpie. Write a letter persuading the humans to start looking after their local environment by not throwing their rubbish on the floor. Make sure you use the conjunctions ‘because’ and ‘if’ to explain your reasons and extend your sentences. You should also try to use some of these key words:
After you have finished your writing, check that you have used capital letters, full stops (or exclamation marks) and finger spaces, Have your year 1 and 2 common word mat handy so that you are spelling these words correctly (see below).
PE |
Let’s warm up today with some of our favourite dinosaur songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A89xj4c7pow&safe=true and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Imhi98dHa5w&safe=true This week we are going to continue to complete the activities from this circuit below- you may have already started recording your results which is great! You should spend just one minute (60 seconds) on each activity. Target aim (throw something into a hoop/ a different target...be creative!) See how many you get in. *Sit ups *Catches (beanbag/ball or whatever you have access to) this could be how many catches you can do by yourself or with someone else. *Shuttle runs (see how many times you can run from one marker to another (this can be done in a small space). Don’t forget to ‘pivot’ when you are turning. Just like last week, record how many you did of each (see optional table to record on below). Have you improved any of your scores since last time? If you find something tricky, please spend a little bit longer working on this skill. At the end of the session make sure you cool down. This slows down breathing and your heart rate as well as returns your muscles to their normal length to avoid stiffness and sire muscles the next day. Use these videos for your cool down. Old Town Road: https://www.youtube.com/watch? One Love: v=gNdk4S1MrUI |
Music |
This week, to start off, we are going to learn a rap all about Dinosaurs. Click on the link below and join in with all the actions. Have fun and I look forward to seeing your Dinosaur moves when you return to school! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhQkUowpNNo&safe=true For the next few weeks we are going to learn all about ‘Timbre’. Timbre means the different types of sound that you can hear. This week we will be thinking about all the different types of sound you can make with your mouths. Click on the link below to watch a short lesson. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/exploring-different-ways-to-use-your-voice-6wrk8c |
Activities for today
Wednesday 20th January
Please be aware that although we are setting a full day of work each day, we do not want you to feel overwhelmed. Do not worry if you do not complete every activity each day, but please try to at least watch the videos and complete the Doodle activities so that some of the learning has been accessed.
If you are unable to print the work, please contact the office and you may collect a pack- if you do this then you will still need to look at the website each day for guidance. Please only collect this work if it is needed, as I'm sure you will understand the office are also very busy at the moment.
Miss Ellgood’s looking forward to seeing you at her Zoom reading lesson today (Wednesday) 10:15am. The lesson will start promptly so try to log in 5 minutes before.
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. This should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Watch the video about grams and kilograms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vTMPAhmPEs&safe=true Have a go at ‘Measuring in grams activity’. You will need to use your knowledge of number lines to help you. Have a go at the game ‘Mostly Postie’ and select ‘Answers in steps of 100g’ to apply this learning. |
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk using the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read.
Please encourage your child to read books they have at home regularly to improve their fluency or have a go at the '60 second read' below . Reading comprehension "The Queen's Elephant" see below. |
English |
Read the powerpoint of ‘The Messy Magpie Litter and the Environment’. See below.
Using this and yesterday’s local area work sort the sentences into whether they are things that you could do to help the school or the local environment.
Some of these sentences may belong in both! Can you think of any others to add to the list? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSIVXZrWMK4
Continuing with our learning on coding. Read the information ‘What is an algorithm’. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zkcqn39/articles/zqrq7ty
Then continue your ICT work by correctly completing the algorithms on code.org. |
Art |
Art – create 2 contrasting pictures A3 pictures/ collage of the local environment. You may want to using the photos from yesterday’s work sheet, some of your own, or maybe draw some of the things that you saw when you went on your walk of the locality. You can be a creative as you wish, even adding some really clean rubbish to do this. See our example of Ocean pollution collage from last week. |
Resources to support learning.
Tuesday 19th January
The year 2 teachers have all been really impressed with the fabulous work you have been doing at home; keep up the good work.
Please be aware that although we are setting a full day of work each day, we do not want you to feel overwhelmed. Do not worry if you do not complete every activity each day, but please try to at least watch the videos and complete the Doodle activities so that some of the learning has been accessed.
If you are unable to print the work, please contact the office and you may collect a pack- if you do this then you will still need to look at the website each day for guidance. Please only collect this work if it is needed, as I'm sure you will understand the office are also very busy at the moment.
If you would like to join Miss Ellgood’s Zoom reading lesson on Wednesday at 10:15am, message advice@mapledeneschool.com for the passcode. The lesson will start promptly so try to log in 5 minutes before.
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link). Please focus Level 2 Partitioning/Digit Value - the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently, not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Today we will be investigating and comparing mass. Take a look at Miss Ellgood’s video explaining the activity and looking at items from her kitchen. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfdasSwHVsKAQ4xO5RGgQSA
We would like you to have a look in your kitchen cupboards at a variety of items (tins, packets, jars) and record on a piece of paper or a table how many grams (g) or kilograms (k) each of them weigh. Have a go at practically putting these items in order starting with the lightest. Complete the sentences below: The _________ is the lightest. The _________ is the heaviest. The _________ is heavier than the ___________ and __________. The _________ is lighter than the ___________ and __________.
Extension: Have a go at writing some sentences with the greater than > and less than symbols. E.g. beans < the bag of flour. |
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk using the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read.
Please encourage your child to read books they have at home regularly to improve their fluency or have a go at the '60 second read' below . Reading comprehension "Home Alone" see below. |
English |
Look the teachers’ example of a letter to the humans about how they can look after their environment. See below.
Identify the sentences that have used the conjunctions ‘if’ and ‘because’. Have a look at the PowerPoint ‘Using When If and Because’’ and complete page 2 of the activity booklet ‘Using Subordinating Conjunctions’. (You may do more of the booklet if you wish!)
Geography |
Following from yesterday's work. Watch the video again about what to do with waste. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSIVXZrWMK4 Look at the collection of photographs from the local area. Sort the photos in to good and bad (if you can’t print these move on to the next step). Discuss what is good and bad about both pictures. What could people have done differently in the bad pictures? Write a list of ways in which we can all play a part in keeping where we live nice? |
Art |
Using the photographs from the local area and what you have seen, create a plan/illustration of the good and bad (fold a piece of A4 paper in half, one half pictures of the things in our locality which are lovely and the second half an image of the things that spoil/pollute our locality). I look forward to seeing your findings and ideas. |
English WAGOLL
Resources to support learning.
Monday 18th January
The year 2 teachers have all been really impressed with the fabulous work you have been doing at home; keep up the good work.
Please be aware that although we are setting a full day of work each day, we do not want you to feel overwhelmed. Do not worry if you do not complete every activity each day, but please try to at least watch the videos and complete the Doodle activities so that some of the learning has been accessed.
If you are unable to print the work, please contact the office and you may collect a pack- if you do this then you will still need to look at the website each day for guidance. Please only collect this work if it is needed, as I'm sure you will understand the office are also very busy at the moment.
If you would like to join Miss Ellgood’s Zoom reading lesson on Wednesday at 10:15am, message advice@mapledeneschool.com for the passcode. The lesson will start promptly so try to log in 5 minutes before.
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Working on level 2 Partitioning and or digit values would be a good challenge to do this week, reinforcing the work on tens and units we covered last week. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Watch the video about reading scales. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p017s6hh This week we will be looking at weighing mass in grams and kilograms. In order to accurately read weighing scales, we are going to look at number lines today and filling in missing numbers. Have a go at the activity below. Then have a go at creating your own number lines (use the blank template below) that start at 0 and go up in 2’s, 5’s 10’s and 3’s. You may want to use a number square to help you figure out what the numbers are. Obviously if you are doing any baking at home and get the chance to do some practical measuring that would be a great way to support your learning. |
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk using the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read.
Please encourage your child to read books they have at home regularly to improve their fluency or have a go at the '60 second read' below . Reading comprehension "Home Alone" see below. |
English | |
Read or watch the story ‘The Messy Magpie’. (if you are reading it please encourage your child to do this rather than reading it to them). https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUfdasSwHVsKAQ4xO5RGgQSA
Answer the questions below in full sentences, don’t forget your capital letters and full stops. Remember it’s good to look back at a text to help you to find the answers! If the question has the word ‘think’ in, you may need to look for the clues in the text but also think a bit for yourself. These questions are available on a printable sheet (see below). 1.What do magpies collect? 2.Where do magpies take the things that they find? 3. Where did the first ‘beautiful gift’ come from? 4. Why do you think the magpie thought the can was beautiful? 5. Why were there lots more ‘shimmering treasures’ at the edge of the wood? 6. What damage was the magpie’s treasure doing to the woods? Why do you think he felt guilty? 7. How did the magpie solve the problem to improve the woods again? 8. What happens to the rubbish when it gets taken to the recycling plant?
Geography |
This week we are focusing on our local environment, so if possible, go on a walk around the locality. What can you see that makes it a pleasant place to live? What can you see that isn’t so nice? Maybe do a count of how much rubbish you see- you could record this on a tally chart.
Consider how we all have a part to play in looking after our local environment.
Watch the telling of the story video of Who’s in My Family by Robie H. Harris
Recognise there are many different family make-ups but they are all equally valid and those differences should be respected.
Activity – create an imaginary family and write a sentence about what makes them a family. |
Reading comprehension.
Friday 15th January
Please be aware that although we are setting a full day of work each day, we do not want you to feel overwhelmed. Do not worry if you do not complete every activity each day, but please try to at least watch the videos or play the game so that some of the learning has been accessed,.
If you are unable to print the work, please contact the office and you may collect a pack- if you do this then you will still need to look at the website each day for guidance. Please only collect this work if it is needed, as I'm sure you will understand the office are also very busy at the moment.
Miss Ellgood would like to try a Zoom lesson on Wednesday morning. If you are interested in this, please make sure you have completed the Zoom form and agreed to the terms and conditions. The letter can be found if you follow this link https://www.mapledene.bham.sch.uk/letters/
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the set 'daily 10' challenge (see link) which today is 'Level 2, Multiplication x5. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
If your child doesn't have access to a PC/tablet then practise counting in 5s and writing down the number sentences (1x5=5 etc).
If your child has found this week’s work challenging, please just focus on them being able to recognise numbers and a number square quickly today instead. You could call a number out and get them to circle it or play ‘Helicopter Rescue’ ‘Find a number’. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/helicopter-rescue
If they are ready to move on, do the activity below:
Today we will be looking at adding ‘near 10’ to 2 digit numbers.
Use your knowledge of adding 10 on a number square; when adding 9, remember that it is only one less than 10 so the easy way to do it would be to add 10 and take away 1. Similarly, when adding 11 we could do add 10 and then add one more. Have a go at completing these calculations: 24+9= 32+9= 51+9= 43+11= 72+11= 66+11= Now try adding 9 and 11 to some other numbers up to 100.
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk using the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read.
Please encourage your child to read books they have at home regularly to improve their fluency or have a go at the '60 second read' below . |
English | |
Spellings and Grammar Start your lesson with this verb game (remember a verb is a doing word). https://www.softschools.com/language_arts/grammar/verb/balloon_game/
Today we will be practising the year 2 spellings: Find, kind, mind, behind, child You can either download the activity for this or have a go at ‘look, cover, write, check’ as well as putting these spellings into a sentence. Make sure you check your sentences after for correct punctuation and spelling, perhaps you could try varying your sentences by including a question mark (for a question) and an exclamation mark if you write a scary/exciting or shocking sentence. E.g. ‘Can you help me find my keys?”
Science |
We are learning about the ocean habitat and animal adaptations. What is an ocean habitat?
We are learning about how some sea creature are adapted to their environment. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zs2jmp3
A look at how fish are adapted to live in water, including the use of camouflage. At the Sea Life Centre in Brighton, there are sea creatures of different types, shapes and colours with one thing in common – they are all well adapted to life in water. One such adaptation is the use of camouflage. Some fish use a dull, plain colour to blend in with their background, while others, such as tropical fish, are brightly coloured to match the coral of their habitat.
https://study.com/academy/lesson/ocean-animal-adaptations-lesson-for-kids.html This is a has some interesting short videos about the adaptions of several sea creatures. The first few minutes of the videos tell you some good information e.g. The beginning part of this is about breathing in the ocean; whales blow holes and fishes gills. After this it then asks you to subcribe but you don't need to do this to watch the short clips. I think these short videos tell us just enough very succinctly.
Choose a few of these creature and draw a picture of them and write a sentence explaining what you have found out about how they are adapted to live in the ocean.
Also addition fun information about aquatic creatures can be watched on CBB Andy’s Aquatic Adventures. |
RE |
RE. Watch the Christian story of the Good Samaritan. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zs8dxnb
What does this story teach us about getting on with each other? |
Printable activities for today
Thursday 14th January
Please be aware that although we are setting a full day of work each day, we do not want you to feel overwhelmed. Do not worry if you do not complete every activity each day, but please try to at least watch the videos or play the game so that some of the learning has been accessed,.
If you are unable to print the work, please contact the office and you may collect a pack- if you do this then you will still need to look at the website each day for guidance. Please only collect this work if it is needed, as I'm sure you will understand the office are also very busy at the moment.
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Today we will be looking at subtracting multiples of 10 from 2-digit numbers. Start your lesson with chopper squad again Chopper Squad More or Less - Mental Maths Game - 5 to 7 Year Olds (topmarks.co.uk). The rule that we need to know when subtracting a multiple of ten is that the tens get smaller but the units stay the same! Take a look at Miss Ellgood’s video to show you how to do this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ2puhxWhL8 If you have a number square (see attachment below or use the interactive number square http://www.mathszone.net/mw/number/100sq/index.html ) have a go at picking a range of 2-digit numbers and subtract 10 from them. Write down your number sentences ,e.g. 23-10=13. Now have a go at subtracting 10 from some other 2 digit numbers. Alternatively you could continue with your work using the number square activity from yesterday (see below).
Extension activity if you finish and have time: have a go at completing these number sequences, you may use your number square to help you: 12, 22, 32 __, ___, __, __, __, __, __ 45 __, ___, __, __, __, 87, 77, 67, __, ___, ___, ___ 54, 44, 34, __, ___, ___, |
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk using the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read.
Please encourage your child to read books they have at home regularly to improve their fluency or have a go at the '60 second read' below 'Toast'. |
English |
An adverb tells us more about a verb and often ends in the suffix –ly. For example, in the sentence ‘The man walked quickly’ the adverb ‘quickly’ tells us how the man is running. Look at the sentences below (or open the file) and re-write it using an interesting ‘said’ word and an adverb from the word bank (replace the hightlighed words). “At last,” he said “I have found my paradise.”
“At last,” he cried joyfully. “I have found my paradise.”
1.”POOH! There is nothing on this planet but mess!” He said.
2.”Build me a rocket to reach the stars.” He said.
3. “Please may I have small part of the Earth back?” He said. 4. “Earth belongs to everyone.” They said. |
PE |
Warm up to ‘Fit Friday Favourites Video’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH_q9AX9zwc A warm up prepares the body for physical activity in the following ways: Increases heart rate
Each week we are going to complete the activities from this circuit below. You should spend just one minute (60 seconds) on each activity. Target aim (throw something into a hoop/ a different target...be creative!) See how many you get in. *Sit ups *Catches (beanbag/ball or whatever you have access to) this could be how many catches you can do by yourself or with someone else. *Shuttle runs (see how many times you can run from one marker to another (this can be done in a small space). Don’t forget to ‘pivot’ when you are turning. Every week we would like you to record how many you did of each (see optional table to record on below) in hope that this improves each time. If you find something tricky, please spend a little bit longer working on this skill. At the and of the session make sure you cool down. This slows down breathing and your heart rate as well as returns your muscles to their normal length to avoid stiffness and sire muscles the next day. Use these videos for your cool down. Old Town Road: https://www.youtube.com/watch? One Love: v=gNdk4S1MrUI |
Music |
Have another go at the song that Mrs Sanders set for you last week, this time have a go at joining in with the sign language. |
Today's printable activities
Wednesday 13th January
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Today we will be looking at adding multiples of 10 to 2-digit numbers. First practise counting in tens using this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8CEOlAOGas&safe=true. Now write down your 10 times table (1x10=10, 2x10=20 etc). Have a go at the game 'Chopper Squad' and select '10 more or less.' Chopper Squad More or Less - Mental Maths Game - 5 to 7 Year Olds (topmarks.co.uk) The rule that we need to know when adding a multiple of ten is that the tens get bigger but the units stay the same! If you have a number square (see attachment below or use the interactive number square http://www.mathszone.net/mw/number/100sq/index.html ) have a go at picking a range of 2-digit numbers and add 10 to them. Write down your number sentences e.g. 23+10=33. .
When you are confident at adding and subtracting 10, have a go at adding or subtracting a different multiple of 10 to your numbers, e.g. 23+20= 43 or 23+50=73.
There is an additional activity uploaded below if you wish to have a go. |
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Please encourage your child to read books they have at home regularly to improve their fluency or have a go at the '60 second read' below Twins. |
English |
in the story that we are looking at, Dinosaurs and all that rubbish, the authors use of the verb ‘said’ a lot. Today we would like you to think about what words you could use instead to make some sentences more interesting! Eg shouted, cried, whispered, groaned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zajin6nnUkk
Check the words you have thought of using the Said word mat. https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-l-4940-said-synonyms-word-mat See below.
Complete the sentences in the worksheet below (use the picture if you are unable to download the activity) and add a word for ‘said’. Once you have done that, take a look at the ‘said’ word bank and see what other words you could have used. |
https://studio.code.org/s/courseb-2020 Continue to learn how to make and debug codes. |
Art/Topic |
Ocean collage building on the work from the previous 2 days children work to create 2 collages of the ocean;
We can use a variety of art materials to create these eg paint, tissue paper, and even some real plastic rubbish of the polluted one.
These will be used for our ocean part of our year group version of Dinosaurs and all that rubbish animation. |
Resources to support home learning.
Tuesday 12th January
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic (Daily 10 if you have access to it). The purpose of this is to develop the children's abilities to do simple maths quickly in their heads and is an essential part of their maths lessons. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10 Please work through Level 1 first to develop your child's ability to do quick fire mental arithmetic.
Today we will continue looking at 2-digit numbers by comparing them. The instructions below can be found in the document titled ‘Greater than and Less than’ if you wish to complete the problems on a printed sheet. In year 2 you need to understand the symbols Greater than > (which points up the number line/ruler where the numbers get bigger) and Less Than <. The other important symbol is Equal To/the Same As =. Have a go at using these symbols in the game Greater Alligator where the alligator eats the biggest number. Start with this game: ttps://www.softschools.com/math/greater_than_less_than/alligator_greater_than_game/ Using a number square (see attachment below or use the interactive number square http://www.mathszone.net/mw/number/100sq/index.html ) find a number that is: Greater (>) than 67 Less (<) than 12 Greater (>) than 30 but less (<) than 45 Greater (>) than 18 but less (<) than 22 Greater (>) than 41 but less (<) than 43 Greater (>) than 91 but less (<) than 100 Greater (>) than 38 but less (<) than 40 Greater (>) than 56 but less (<) than 58
Fill in the blanks using these symbols > < =. (Remember, the alligator eats the biggest number so this helps determine which way your symbol is facing.) 23__40 52__62 15__50 20__12 100__10 71__17 19__90
Here is a game to support your learning https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/paint-the-squares |
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3)- these will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos Please encourage your child to read books they have at home regularly to improve their fluency or have a go at the '60 second read' below 'Croak!! Croak!'. |
English |
In the story that we are looking at, Dinosaurs and all that rubbish, the author uses lots of speech. We know when a character is talking because there are opening and closing speech marks. Have a go at the activity ‘Identifying speech’ to see if you can spot the speech and identify who is talking. Please see the worksheet below.
Topic |
Geography- Recap on the oceans https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z849q6f/articles/zmqwscw
Watch Miss Ellgood read 'A Place for Plastic' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htTfIQsrn_M Can you name and list some of the beautiful and natural features and creatures you might find in the ocean? Can you name and list some of the things that are polluting and destroying the ocean? |
Art |
Working to create an image of two contrasting pictures of the ocean; Fold a piece of A4 paper in half, one half pictures of the beautiful creatures in the ocean and the second half an image of what it looks like when over polluted. Look at the lists you made in the previous lesson to help you to know what you might draw. Which do you prefer? Ocean creature colouring sheets below to support the children's drawing/ideas. |
Printable resources to support learning.
Monday 11th January
Today is Blue Monday! To celebrate the world premiere of the Year 4 Exclusive ‘Mapledene’s Blue Planet’ documentary, we will be looking at oceans. Start your day by watching the documentary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Bikpfe-1ZM
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic (Daily 10 if you have access to it). The purpose of this is to develop the children's abilities to do simple maths quickly in their heads and is an essential part of their maths lessons. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10
This week we are going to be looking at 2-digit numbers. Today we are going to be correctly identifying 2-digit numbers; these are numbers that consist of both tens and units/ones.
Start with this game: http://www.ictgames.com/sharkNumbers/mobile/index.html Use a number square to find the correct numbers (this is available on a printable sheet attached below if you wish to print it on that) https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/paint-the-squares
A number with 1 ten and 5 units A number with 2 tens and 6 units A number with 3 tens and 7 units A number with 4 tens and 8 units A number with 9 tens and 3 units Challenge: A number that is in the 2 times table with 4 tens. Here is a game to support your learning https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/paint-the-squares |
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3)- these will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos Please encourage your child to read books they have at home regularly to improve their fluency or have a go at one of the '60 second reads' below. |
English |
Start the lesson by looking at these videos: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zrqqtfr/articles/zpd8ng8 https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zrqqtfr/articles/zpxhdxs A noun is a name, place or a thing. A verb is a doing or action word. Have a go at the sheet below and spot the verbs and nouns from the book 'Dinosaurs and All That Rubbish' |
Topic |
Watch the video 'What is Plastic?' https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/42810179 Write some facts about plastic and how it harms our oceans. |
PSHE- Me and My Family- To describe and understand that families are special. Watch the story below and discuss. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAwRptTtzMM&safe=true If you have time, have a go at the craft activity from the video or draw and label your family or a community that you belong to (e.g. cubs, the church, school, the local community. )
Printable resources to support learning.
Week Beginning 5th January
Read Write Inc (RWI) Daily
Please watch a RWI video every day (see the link below to their YouTube page 'Ruth Miskin training') - these will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson.
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school.
Please encourage your child to read books they have at home regularly to improve their fluency or have a go at one of the '60 second reads 'below.
60 second read
Start your English lessons with the 'Super Movers' prefix and suffix song every day:
Watch the video of ‘Dinosaurs and All That Rubbish’ again.
Have a go at telling your grown up everything that you can remember about the story! Then sequence the story by putting the pictures (see below) in order. If you can’t print them off, simply draw your own pictures for each part of the story (try not to peek at the book too much!). Tomorrow and Friday you will be re-writing the story so you need to make sure that you know it well.
Thursday and Friday
For these two days we would like you to re-write the story of ‘Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish’. Look at the pictures that you sequenced yesterday and use them to help you, you may write your sentences next to or underneath the pictures or write it on a different piece of paper.
It is important that you take your time with your writing and remember to use:
*Finger spaces
*Capital letters
*Full stops
Use your year 1 and 2 common word mat to help you to correctly spell any key words. You should also remember to use your ‘Fred talk’ to sound new words out.
Parents- of you have come across any tricky words in the book, you may write these down as a word bank for your child to use too.
We like it when you notice your own mistakes- this is a really important part of learning. If you spot anything that is incorrect or something you could improve, change it with a different colour (if you have one).
Starter Activity (Daily):
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, use Top Marks 'Daily 10' challenge (see link) Please begin working on the level 1 activities. The timer aspect can be removed to manual to help you get started.
Look at Mrs Humphris’ example of making the number 6 in different ways. She has used addition, subtraction, multiplication, division to do this. Now have a go at making the number 8 in as many ways possible. You can use your existing knowledge of number, a number square or practical equipment. If you finish this, try doing the number 10 and use your number bonds to help you.
Have a look at the video below 'Part part whole model video'.
We would like you to have a go at identifying two numbers that make a bigger number using a part part whole model (there is a template below or you can draw the models yourself). Try doing this with:
A number below 10.
A two-digit number below 20.
A two-digit number below 50.
Try using practical equipment for this by finding the large number and splitting it into two different parts.
A fun game to support the learning of tens and units you might to play;
Have a look at the video below. We would like you to have a go at identifying two numbers that make a bigger number using a bar model. Try doing this and finding as many number sentences as you can.
Try this with 3 different numbers below 20.
Try using practical equipment for this by finding the large number and splitting it into two different parts.
Challenge- look at the bar models that you have completed and write down the addition and subtraction facts that you know from it.
Part part whole model sheet (blank)
Other curriculum areas
ICT- Have a go at improving your coding skills.
Geography- Human and physical features are things that you can see all around you. Physical features like seas, mountains and rivers are natural. They would be here even if there were no people around. Human features like houses, roads and bridges are things that have been built by people. See link below. Thursday
PE This week is ‘Workout week’. Have a go at some of the active learning songs and dances that are on our school website https://www.mapledene.bham.sch.uk/year-2/. Also, improve your balance, agility and co-ordination by seeing how many of these you can complete in one minute (60 seconds): *Star jumps *Squats *Catches (beanbag/ball or what ever you have access to). *Sit ups *Shuttle runs (run from one post to another until your time is up) Don't forge to join in with Fit Friday tomorrow, this will be on our Move it With Mapledene Youtube Channel. Music Mrs Sanders would like you to learn the song 'It's Ok'. See the video below.
Friday Science Local environment animals and their homes/adaptations.
Visit the Wildlife Trusts website and write down the names of 3 of the different habitats that can be found in the UK. Draw a picture of each habitat and write down 3 animals that can be found in them (e.g., In Europe you might find a European badger, a woodpecker and a tawny owl.) Don’t forget to use your knowledge of commas in a list when listing the animals. Read about some of the animals and write down some of your favourite facts. Which of these habitats do we have in our local area?
Over time, animals have adapted so that they can successfully survive in the habitats around them. At school we see lots of squirrels. Watch the video and discuss the question ‘How do squirrels adapt to their environment?’ https://study.com/academy/lesson/squirrel-adaptations-lesson-for-kids.html
R.E. How are you both different and also the same as everyone else?
Name 5 ways in which you are the same as some of your friends and name 5 ways that you are different. Remember be kind, our differences make us unique.
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Practise reading and spelling your year 2 common words.
Doodle will be updated every Friday with Maths and English or Maths and Spelling homework. Please encourage your child to do this.
Please also read regularly and discuss your child's book with them- this should be using the Read Write Inc books along with other books that your child enjoys.
Fit Friday- Firework
Pirate Day
Arrr what a great day it was! Check out some of the pictures below.
DK Encyclopedia
A trustworthy site to find out interesting facts about things that your children might be interested in. Try searching for Pirates and see what you learn!
Reading and Spelling
Phonics is an essential part of learning to read. By the end of year 2, all children should be able to read books of their level fluently without needing to sound out many of the words. Please support them with this by regularly reading together and by having a go at some of the games below as well as practising their sounds and common words.
Maths Games & Songs
Songs are a great way to help your child learn things that are hard to remember! Please encourage your child to watch the songs below and play the games. They are all linked to important parts of the KS1 curriculum and can help with recalling important number facts.
In year 2 the children learn about the 7 continents and 5 oceans. Have a go at these activities to practise.