Week Beginning 8 February 2021
Parents and Carers
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Thank you.
Friday 12th February
Happy Friday Reception, and welcome to our last day of home learning for this half term. You have all been amazing and we are very proud of you all. We are also very grateful to all your parents and carers who have been working at home with you … THANK YOU! Today is our end of half term reward day for all the children at Mapledene School. This is to reward you all for the work you have been doing this half term whether it is at home or in school. During the afternoon take a break from your learning and find time to do something special that you really enjoy. This could be baking, painting, watching your favourite programme or film or simply enjoying playing with your toys. Whatever you choose to do have fun Reception!
We hope that you have enjoyed exploring different parts of the world with Patch and you’ve learnt lots of new things. What was your favourite continent? Did you have a favourite animal? Is there a place on earth that you would really like to visit?
We live on planet earth which is made up of land and sea. There are lots of different planets, each one is different and they make up the solar system.
Here is a fun song all about the different planets. How many of you heard of? Can you spot earth?
We would like you to visit Top Marks using the link below and practise ordering and sequencing numbers on the Chinese dragons’ body. Choose which level you feel comfortable with and then challenge yourself by attempting some bigger numbers.
Today’s RWI and Maths lesson can be found below and please also complete any learning about China, using the weekly activities.
Read Write Inc |
Watch the daily set 1 Read Write Inc videos at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ (For your information: The videos are released at 9.30am from Monday-Friday and are available for 24 hours.)
Today it is the qu sound
For those children who are currently reading ditties, please also practise ditty 10 which can be found in the resource section. For those children who are blending please practice reading the week 6 words which can be found in the resource section. Reading with Read Write Inc and Oxford Reading Tree. To help your child with their reading please log into Oxford Owl. The link can be found on our front page. Select ‘ Read Write Inc e Book library’ and select a level relevant to your child’s ability. We would suggest those children who are currently reading ditties use ‘ditties and red books’. For those children who are practising blending sounds we suggest that they begin to read the ditties. All children can access reading books by clicking on ‘Oxford Owl e Book library’. Books found here can be either read by children or shared with an adult or older sibling. Happy reading everyone!
Maths |
Friday 12th- Today is Chinese New Year! Money is normally left under the pillows of children in red envelopes. Can you have a look at some money? (Look at pictures if you haven’t got any in the house.) Have a look to see what is on each coin? Can you see any numbers? What are the coins made out of? Can you put the coins in order from the lowest value? 1p to the highest value?
Problem solving Friday- Can you add some of the coins together? 1p +1p? 1p + 1p +1p? 2p +2p? 5p +1p? Can you add some of the coins you have together? |
Today’s story is about one of your favourite characters, Peppa Pig. In this video Peppa and her friends learn about Chinese New Year. It is a long story so you may want to listen to it in two parts. You may also choose to watch this as your reward for working so hard this half term.
Have a fantastic half term holiday Reception and a well-deserved rest (parents and carers too ). We will back on Monday 22nd February for some more home learning, and a new topic.
Take good care and stay safe
Miss Hatfield and Mrs Mason
Thursday 11th February
Good morning Reception, we hope you had a lovely day yesterday. Just two more days left of home learning before you all have a very well deserved half term break.
Are you enjoying learning all about China? We are certainly learning lots of new and interesting facts.
Did you know that the Great Wall of China has over 30 million steps? Wow!!! That is a very, very big number. Do you know any other big numbers?
Here is a song all about numbers including some very BIG numbers. How far can you count to?
Do you know what this called? It's a traditional monkey drum and it is a common toy that children use during Chinese New Year Celebrations.
This is a monkey drum that you could have a go at making at home.
You will need:
- a paper plate or piece of card/paper cut out into a circle
- felt tip pens/paint/crayons and any other bits you may have to decorate your drum
ribbon, wool or string
- pasta
- lolly pop stick/drinking straw/ kitchen roll tube
You can use your imagination to decorate it however you like but you may like to have a go at writing some Chinese symbols on it too, which you can find below. Ask a grown up to make a hole either side of the circle and help you thread and tie the ribbon/wool/string with a piece of pasta at each end. Add a lolly pop stick, drinking straw, kitchen roll tube or a rolled up piece of paper/card for the handle. Twist the drum from side to side so the pasta hits the circle and creates a sound. Can you make the drum go fast and slow? Enjoy making music Reception!
We would love to see any monkey drums that you make so please send them to our advice line. Don’t forget we’ll be giving out merits as well as looking out for our weekly shooting star! Patch has said he too is very excited about seeing some of your work.
Today’s RWI and Maths lesson can be found below and please also continue to learn about China, using the weekly activities.
Read Write Inc
Watch the daily set 1 Read Write Inc videos at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ (For your information: The videos are released at 9.30am from Monday-Friday and are available for 24 hours.)
Today it is the ch sound
For those children who are currently reading ditties, please also practise ditty 10 which can be found in the resource section. For those children who are blending please practice reading the week 6 words which can be found in the resource section. Reading with Read Write Inc and Oxford Reading Tree. To help your child with their reading please log into Oxford Owl. The link can be found on our front page. Select ‘ Read Write Inc e Book library’ and select a level relevant to your child’s ability. We would suggest those children who are currently reading ditties use ‘ditties and red books’. For those children who are practising blending sounds we suggest that they begin to read the ditties. All children can access reading books by clicking on ‘Oxford Owl e Book library’. Books found here can be either read by children or shared with an adult or older sibling. Happy reading everyone!
Maths |
Thursday 11th- Use the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9L-VhUmir-A to watch a dice rolling. Pause the video randomly and see if you can tell your grown up how many spots there are on the dice. Can you say it quicker as you notice the patterns for the different amounts? You could write the number down that matches that amount. If you would like to challenge yourself then use the video for 2 dice! |
Today’s story is called Ruby’s Chinese New Year. Listen carefully and at the end remember to answer the questions about the story.
Ruby’s Chinese New Year
Listen to the story and answer the following questions.
Who did Ruby go and visit?
What gift did Ruby make to give to her Grandma?
Can you name the animals that were in the story?
What happened to Ruby just as she was about to reach Grandma’s house?
At the end of the story what gifts did Ruby take to Grandma’s house for their Chinese New Year celebrations?
Have a fantastic day Reception and keep up the great work.
Take care and stay safe
Miss Hatfield and Mrs Mason
Wednesday 10th February
Good morning Reception! We’re feeling a little bit hungry this morning. Are you? We hope so because we are going to look at some yummy Chinese food today. Have you had a go at the capacity activities yet on the weekly plan? One of the activities uses rice. Rice is so popular in China that it is eaten with nearly every dish of food they eat! Wow, that is a lot of rice. Have you got any rice at home? If you have, have a look at some. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Do you think it still looks/ feels like that when it is cooked? Or do you think it is different? If you can, with the help of a grown up, cook some rice and have a look for yourself! If not, have a look at the pictures below. Can you see any differences? You might find that the rice is hard when it is not cooked and soft and fluffy when it is cooked.
There are lots of other traditional Chinese food that gets eaten in China. Have a look below. Can you recognise any of them? Have you eaten any of them before? What did they taste like? What do you think they taste like? Tell your grown up.
A lot of people eat Chinese food in a special way. Have a look at this picture of a little girl eating some noodles.
What is she using to eat them? Is she using a knife and fork? Do you know what these are called? It is called a ch-o-p s-t-i-ck. Yes, it’s a chopstick! Chopsticks are quite tricky to use. Have a look at this video of how to use chopsticks. Do you have any at home? If not, could you have a go at pretending to hold and use some chopsticks? You could use two pencils, two sticks or two straws etc… Have a go!
If you would like to have a go at making some Chinese food then here is a great recipe from 'Cbeebies recipes' from 'My World Kitchen.' It is a Chinese Tofu, Egg and Prawns recipe. This is completely optional; you might just want to have a look at it being made. Would you like to eat this? Why? Why not?
Our story of the day is linked to the Chinese New Year animal for 2021, which is celebrated this Friday! It is a short story about an Ox. A very kind and resilient Ox.
- How was the Ox kind? What did he do?
- How was the Ox resilient? What did he do?
- How did the man feel after the Ox had helped him? How can you tell?
- What happened at the end of the story? Was it a happy ending?
Your daily RWI and maths sessions are below. The full weekly sessions are in the resources section if you would like to access them.
Suggested activities:
(For your information: The videos are released at 9.30am from Monday-Friday and are available for 24 hours.)
Wednesday 10th - th sound
Suggested activities:
Wednesday 10th – Collect 10 or more pots and some small objects. Write the numbers 1-10+ on the pots. Can you put the correct amount of small objects into the numbered pots? Don’t forget your careful counting.
Have a great Wednesday and remember to take time in the day to keep your mind happy. Maybe you could do some yoga? The yoga today visits a dragon! We wonder if it will be a Chinese dragon?
Or how about having a dance to a Chinese song on ‘Just Dance?’
We are definitely looking forward to having a dance today!
Keep smiling and have a great day learning some more about China.
Mrs Mason and Miss Hatfield x
Tuesday 9th February
Ni Hao Reception! Can you remember what Ni Hao means? It is hello in Chinese.
Today we are going to learn about some of the native animals that you would find in China.
Watch the video to see what animals love to live in China. It is quite a long video so you might want to just watch and learn about a few animals. Our favourite animals were the Panda Bear, the Chinese Alligator and the Corsac Fox. Which animals were your favourite?
That has given us an idea! Let’s pretend to be one of these animals! Our favourite animal that lives in China is the Panda Bear, so we’re going to pretend to be a Panda Bear. (You can choose any Chinese animal.)
First of all we need to look like a Panda. Let’s make a Panda mask! Here is a video of one way of making a mask. You can choose any way you would like!
Mrs Mason’s daughters had a go at making a mask too! They made their masks from a cereal box, a black felt tip pen, a straw and some sellotape. Don’t they look great!
What animal mask are you going to make? I wonder how you are going to make it. Don’t forget to ask an adult to help when cutting out the eye holes! You could send your pictures to advice@mapledeneschool.com for us to see. 😊
Now we need to move like a Panda. (Or the animal that you chose.) Panda’s like to sit and eat a lot of the day. Can you pretend to sit and eat bamboo? Now can you get on your hands and feet and walk like a Panda? Now can you lie down and rest like a Panda? The Panda doesn’t seem to do much in the day does it? Apart from eat, eat and eat some more!
Our story for today is about the Panda Bear, which is also known as a Giant Panda. It is a non-fiction book, which means it gives us information.
It’s called ‘Giant Panda’s story.’ Listen to the story and then answer the questions in the quiz afterwards.Your daily RWI and maths sessions are below. The full weekly sessions are in the resources section if you would like to access them.
Suggested activities:
(For your information: The videos are released at 9.30am from Monday-Friday and are available for 24 hours.)
Tuesday 9th - sh sound
Suggested activities: Tuesday 9th – Ask a grown up to use some cubes to build a tower. How many cubes do you think your grown up has used? How can you check? Check by counting how many cubes there are. What number would be one more? One less? Repeat with different towers using different amounts.
Have a wonderful day learning more about China,
Take care,
Mrs Mason and Miss Hatfield x
Monday 8th February
Hello Reception, or should we say “Ni Hao” to you all this morning. Did you guess where we are visiting with Patch this week? Let’s have another look at his clues…
We can see a lot of the colour red; he has got some chopsticks for eating and there seems to be some special symbols in the background. Hmmmmm, let’s have some more clues…
Let’s listen to this song about how we say hello in different languages around the world. Listen out for “Ni Hao” for a huge clue on where we are visiting this week.
Wow, what a lot of different ways of saying hello around the world! Did you hear where people say “Ni Hao?” Yes, you are right. We are heading to China!
China is a country in Asia. Can you see China on the map below?
Grab your passports and have a seat, we are about to fly to China!
“This is your Captain Mrs Mason speaking… You are on flight number 15 of Mapledene’s High Flyers Airways. Please make sure your seatbelt is secure and you are sitting comfortably as we start our flight to China! Ready for take off in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…”
Wow, you can see everything so high up in the aeroplane. We flew higher than the clouds! Let’s touch down now and have a fantastic week learning all about China! What do you think you will learn about first? Here is our weekly plan and you can choose what you would like to do each and every day. It might be a good idea to start with learning about China in our ‘Understanding of the World’ section. You can find all the resources needed for the activities in the resource section below. However, please don’t feel that you have to print them all out. They are there to help you as a guide. You can draw your own, use them on a screen or even think of your own ways to complete the activity. The main thing is to have fun whilst you are learning.
All Around the World
Reception Home Learning- China
This week we are learning about China.
Here are some activities for you to have a go at throughout the week, as well as your daily Read Write Inc and Maths sessions.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The Chinese New Year wishing tree. See powerpoint for information on the wishing tree. (In resources.)
During Chinese New Year, people make a wish and tie it to an orange. If you could make a wish right now what would it be? Can you think of a wish for someone in your family? Tell your grown up what your wish would be. Are you considerate to others with your wish? Are you thinking about their feelings?
If you would like to, use the template to write down your wish. You could then pretend to throw it at a tree in your garden/ at the park and make your wish. I hope it comes true!
Maths- Capacity
Please continue with your 5 a day on doodle. On Wednesday a specific activity will be set for your child.
Communication and Language Friday 12th February is Chinese New Year. 2021 is the year of the Ox. Why do they name each year after an animal?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVClAj8q_lY Watch and listen attentively to the story of Chinese New Year. Can you put the animals in order and then tell your grown up what order the animals came in? (See Resources.)
What number was the Ox? Where did he come in the race? Can you draw a picture of an ox?
Understanding the World Let’s learn about China and Chinese New Year. Have a look at the powerpoints. (See Resources.)
And/or watch the short video clips about Abbie and her brother and how they celebrate Chinese New Year.
What do you now know about China and Chinese New Year? Tell your grown up! Do we celebrate New Year in England? How do we celebrate it? Is it the same or different to how they celebrate New Year in China?
Physical Development P.E with Joe Wicks- Joe Wicks is live Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9am, on ‘The Body Coach TV’ YouTube channel. Let’s keep fit and active!
PE- Dance. Can you dance with the dragon that you have made? (See Expressive Arts and Design) Use the music in the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29fSeStUpxs Watch a dragon dance for inspiration. (Can you see how they move their bodies up and down and twirl round?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tqgPo5HVts
Fine motor activity- Watch the ‘Go Jetters’ and their visit to the ‘Great Wall of China’ in China. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b074vz7d/go-jetters-series-1-11-the-great-wall-of-china Can you make a ‘Great Wall of China’ out of lego/ duplo/ blocks/ cushions/ shoes? How long is your wall? Can you measure it?
Expressive Arts & Design (Choose which activities you would like to do.)
1. Fireworks are often seen during Chinese New Year. Paint or draw a firework picture. You could use crayons, pens, paint or glitter and glue.
2. What year was you born in? Find out using google. Draw a picture of this animal and write its name.
3. Make a Chinese dragon. (See resources for template.) Although you could make a Chinese dragon in many different ways! Use your imagination! Have a dance with your dragon! (See P.E.) 4. Make a Chinese Lantern. (See template.) |
Literacy Phonics- RWI sessions daily. (See daily planning on our class page) Ditty 10 and set key words to read.
Reading- log on to Oxford Owl and choose a book or share/read a book you have at home.
How you would get to China. Have a look at a world map. (See Resources.)
We need to travel from England to get to China. It is a long way! What would be the best transport to use? Which would you use and why? Can you write a sentence about what transport you would use to get to China and why you have chosen that transport? (See template in resources for support.)
Handwriting- ‘qu’ and ‘x’ handwriting sheets. (See resources)
Any other notes:
-Resources and links can be found in our weekly resource section. These do not have to be printed out, they can be used either as a guide or used directly from the screen.
-Useful links to a range of websites offering educational learning can also be found on our class page.
-We will still be choosing our shooting stars each week and awarding merits!
-We love seeing your work so please send us a picture to advice@mapledeneschool.com and we will always reply. 😊
-Please remember that we will be ringing to say hello every other week, so please answer your phones as it will be a withheld number. We love to hear what you have been doing at home. |
Our story for today is set in China, and they are getting ready for a special festival which is happening this week! We wonder what it could be? It’s called ‘How to catch a dragon.’
- What festival are they celebrating?
- What does the little boy want to catch?
- Why does he want to catch a dragon?
- How would you catch a dragon?
- What do they decorate the street with?
- How did they try and catch the dragon?
- Did they manage to catch the dragon?
- What did he enjoy doing at the end?
Your daily RWI and maths sessions are below. The full weekly sessions are in the resources section if you would like to access them.
Suggested activities:
(For your information: The videos are released at 9.30am from Monday-Friday and are available for 24 hours.)
Monday 8th - x sound
Suggested activities: Monday 8th- Ask a grown up to count and to make a deliberate mistake when counting. E.g. 1,2,3,4,7,6,7,8,9, 10. What was the mistake? Can you rectify the mistake? |
Enjoy your day in China today. We wonder what you will learn. Can you tell your grown up one thing that you have learned at the end of the day? We can’t wait to see your work and pictures. Please send them to advice@mapledeneschool.com
Zàijiàn (which means goodbye in Chinese) and take care,
Mrs Mason and Miss Hatfield x