Week Beginning 22 February 2021
Parents and Carers
Sometimes we all need someone to turn to for advice and support. We're glad to help and are happy for you to talk to us. In addition to what we can offer, please click on the following link where you will find information about organisations that you might find useful. Thank you.
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To share completed work, or if you require any help or advice with the work that has been set,
please contact us at:
Thank you.
Friday 26th February
It's Fit Friday! Make sure you check out today's assembly- there might be some people in it that you recognise.
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Today you will be using the data that you have gathered to create a block graph.
Please use the template below. If you found a lot of minibeasts they you might want your block graph to increase by 2 instead of one.
After You have created your graph, have a go at answering the questions
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read- in school we would normally spend 3-5 days on the same book to develop fluency, try doing this at home too. You could spend the first lesson just looking at story/speedy green/ red words and then read the actual text on the days that follow.
English |
Listen to the rest of ‘The Tunnel’ and answer the questions below.:
R.E. |
How does God care for me? Discussion about what makes us worry. Then look at common worries (maybe already covered on Monday’s PSHE session) and how we can minimise them. Then look at how Christian’s approach worrying and what the bible says about it. Explore the options when worrying thoughts about our own vulnerability arise. Matthew 6: 25-34. 2 examples https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJk0YUmvJdQ
Science |
n science today we are going to be looking a bit more at microhabitats. If you didn’t watch the video about minibeasts yesterday, take a look at it today https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z44g9j6. Then watch the video about other microhabitats . https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zf6mhyc
Think back to your minibeast hunt yesterday. Draw the microhabitat that you looked at, this could be under a log, in a pond, in a tree or in the grass/under the ground. Draw the minibeasts that you saw and label them. Answer the questions:
Activities to print
Thursday 25th February
If you haven't had chance to look at our curriculum leaflet yet here is the link for it https://www.mapledene.bham.sch.uk/curriculum/.
Thank you to those that joined in with Miss Ellgood on Zoom yesterday!
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths & Science |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks Today we would like you to go on a minibeast hunt to find out more about the animals that live in the microhabitats in your garden/local area. In order to collect your data, you will need to record your findings on a tally chart. We would like you to look for: *ants *worms *ladybirds *spiders *woodlice
You can use the document uploaded below or make your own tally chart. If you need a reminder of how to represent numbers with a tally then you can watch the video again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI8gcG-iL0U . Once you have gathered your data on your tally chart keep it safe as you will be representing it on a bar chart tomorrow! We would love to see some pictures of your mini-beast hunting! :)
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read- in school we would normally spend 3-5 days on the same book to develop fluency, try doing this at home too. You could spend the first lesson just looking at story/speedy green/ red words and then read the actual text on the days that follow.
English |
Watch the video about expanded noun phrases to remind you of what these are. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhwjS4zEZDM
Look at the picture of the tunnel. What do you think might be at the end of it? Write a prediction using some expanded noun phrases e.g. I think there is a golden, sandy beach at the end of the tunnel with tall palm trees and a bright blue ocean. |
PE |
This week is Workout Week so we are going to have a go at some Go Noodle activities to improve balance, agility and co-ordination.
If you enjoy these activities, there are many more workout and brain break videos from Go Noodle on YouTube- so what not give them a go? Don't forget to join Miss Ellgood and some of Year 2 in Friday's Fit Friday Assembly on our Move it With Mapledene YouTube channel. |
Music |
In preparation for World Book Day next week, I would like you to listen to and learn the song ‘World of Books’. Click on this link;https://cool4school.org.uk/our-music/tracks/the%20magic%20of%20books.aspx Then enter the details below STUDENT ACCOUNT USERNAME : mapledene
Click onto ‘Browse Music’ and ‘World of Books’ is the 3rd option. Scroll down to the submixes and start by listening to the chorus and bridge. This week’s musical challenge is called ‘Clave Playalong’ on the same web-site. Click on ‘Browse Music’ and then ‘performance’ in the menu on the left. Finally, click on ‘rhythm work’ – then scroll down to 'Clave Playalong' and click. Now, scroll down to the video , watch and join in. You could use any musical instrument that you have at home or just tap a pencil on the table - anything that makes a sound! Have fun! |
Activities to print
Wednesday 24th February
If you haven't had chance to look at our curriculum leaflet yet here is the link for it https://www.mapledene.bham.sch.uk/curriculum/.
The usual Zoom meeting will take place on today Wednesday at 10:15am (you should have received an email if you are signed up for them). This will be a special meeting because as well as doing some reading and phonics together we will also be filming the Fit Friday warm up ready for the Fit Friday Assembly this week (your child can opt out of this part of the meeting) ! It would be great to see lots of you there- if you want to attend but haven't before then message advice@mapledeneschool.com.
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Today we are going to be looking at block graphs. Watch Miss Ellgood’s video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDBc3mia3Pw to find out what a block graph is and how we can interpret them. Mrs Allen has counted different minibeasts that she found in her back garden. She has displayed her findings on a block graph. Take a look at the graph and answer the questions. Make sure you look carefully at the ‘y’ axis, does it increase by 1 or 2?
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read- in school we would normally spend 3-5 days on the same book to develop fluency, try doing this at home too. You could spend the first lesson just looking at story/speedy green/ red words and then read the actual text on the days that follow.
English |
Watch part one of ‘The Tunnel’ again. Do you think that the children should go through the tunnel? On the sheet below, write in the speech bubbles what you think each child might say about whether they should go through. Think of the character’s personalities- would they want to risk it? Use ‘because’ in your sentences.
https://kleki.com/ paint This half term we would like you have a go at creating some artwork using a paint tool on your computer/tablet. This can be using the program Paint or any other app you might have that allows you to do this. If you do not have a program on your device you can use this website https://kleki.com. For today’s lesson we would like you to have a go at experimenting with the different tools to create a picture of your choice.
Art |
Looking at Paul Horton’s work today- with a focus on his pictures which portray street scenes -particularly ‘still of the night’. We would like you to have a go at creating your own version of this picture showing some of the buildings in or around the local area. Miss Ellgood has taken a photograph of a couple of the local shops you might want to include in your drawing. The second part of the video from yesterday demonstrates some of the street scenes he has produced or you may wish to look on his website https://www.hortonfineart.co.uk/ to look at some other examples. You may use the template provided or draw your own. |
Activities to print
Tuesday 23rd February
If you haven't had chance to look at our curriculum leaflet yet here is the link for it https://www.mapledene.bham.sch.uk/curriculum/.
The usual Zoom meeting will take place on Wednesday at 10:15am (you should have received an email if you are signed up for them). This will be a special meeting because as well as doing some reading and phonics together we will also be filming the Fit Friday warm up ready for the Fit Friday Assembly this week (your child can opt out of this part of the meeting) ! It would be great to see lots of you there- if you want to attend but haven't before then message advice@mapledeneschool.com.
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Pictograms help us to see data we have gathered a bit clearer than having words scattered on a paper. Take a look at Miss Ellgood's video, she will explain them a little bit more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FZQVRRHXj0
This song about how pictograms work is also a good way of showing that pictograms can be presented both vertically and horizontally. https://numberock.com/lessons/bargraphsandpicturegraphs/ Now have a go at the pictogram activities below. Check carefully to see if the scale on the Y axis increases by 1,2, or 10.
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read- in school we would normally spend 3-5 days on the same book to develop fluency, try doing this at home too. You could spend the first lesson just looking at story/speedy green/ red words and then read the actual text on the days that follow.
English |
Look at the photograph of the waste ground that Rose describes as ‘an awful place’ and look at the photos of waste and vandalism in Birmingham. Write a letter to the local council asking for the waste ground to be cleared up. You can do this in role of a character writing about the waste ground in the story or as yourself about Birmingham and the local area.
Art |
Over the next couple of weeks, we are going to be learning about the local artist ‘Paul Horton’. Paul has been referred to as ‘The modern-day Lowry’ (another very famous artist that we will be learning about). Take a look at Paul’s website https://www.hortonfineart.co.uk/ particularly the portfolio of art work. Discuss the following questions: What pictures do you like? What is the same about the pictures? Is there anything that appears in more than one of his pictures? How does he use colour? How do his pictures make you feel?
Science |
This week in science we are going to be looking at minibeasts and the microhabitats that they live in. On Thursday you will be doing a minibeast hunt. To get you ready for this we would like you read the information about minibeasts in preparation for our minibeast hunt. You may read along with Miss Ellgood or look at the information yourself. You can also take a look at the video to give you a bit more information https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z44g9j6
Activities to print
Monday 22th February
Welcome back, hopefully you have all had a pleasant and restful week off. I have really enjoyed seeing some of the super work on our 'Celebrating our work page'. I know that we are all looking forward to getting back to 'normal', finger crossed it won't be too long now.
If you haven't had chance to look at our curriculum leaflet yet here is the link for it https://www.mapledene.bham.sch.uk/curriculum/.
The usual Zoom meeting will take place on Wednesday at 10:15am (you should have received an email if you are signed up for them). This will be a special meeting because as well as doing some reading and phonics together we will also be filming the Fit Friday warm up ready for the Fit Friday Assembly this week (your child can opt out of this part of the meeting) ! It would be great to see lots of you there- if you want to attend but haven't before then message advice@mapledeneschool.com.
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
This week we are doing to be looking at data handling. When we talk about data in maths we mean information that is gathered that can be measured. Today we will be taking a look at tally charts- by the end of the week we will be gathering our own data about minibeasts and recording this on a tally chart before representing it as a block graph. To find out how to correctly use tallys, watch the video below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI8gcG-iL0U . Take a look at the tally charts on the activity uploaded below. The data on these tally charts are is all about birthdays. Have a go at completing the activities by filling in the missing totals and answering the questions.
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read- in school we would normally spend 3-5 days on the same book to develop fluency, try doing this at home too. You could spend the first lesson just looking at story/speedy green/ red words and then read the actual text on the days that follow.
English |
Watch part one of the story ‘The Tunnel.’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5yrxO_3JxQ
Look at the photographs of the two main characters. Have a go at writing some sentences comparing the two characters, use ‘but’ in each sentence. E.g. The brother likes playing outside but the sister would prefer to read. |
Geography |
In geography this half term we are going to be learning all about Birmingham. Watch the video about the UK. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zyhp34j/articles/z4v3jhv Have a go at the interactive activity under the video and try to label England, Ireland, Scottland and Wales. Have a look at Google Earth (or a map if you have one). Locate Birmingham on the map. What other cities is it near to? Is it close to any seaside? https://earth.google.com/web/search/Birmingham/@52.47743768,-1.86363141,-234.06322773a,2534118.72152567d,35y,0h,0t,0r/data=CnUaSxJFCiUweDQ4NzA5NDJkMWI0MTcxNzM6MHhj |
Today we are discussing what is safe means (unsafe situations). Ask what the children think the term ‘safe’ means, give dictionary definition. “protected from any danger, harm or loss” Talk about feeling safe - what feelings do you experience? Invite pupils to give answers and say where they feel safest. ‘I feel really safe when ......’Continue discussion by asking ‘What things make us feel scared? ‘Are there things we need to keep safe from? Explain that some things that make us worried or concern might be the actions of others or things that we see on-line (tablets or mobile phones).
Activity - Jelly in your belly Draw the outline of a child and draw/write the things they think might make children scared, record responses around the outside of the outline. Highlight that there are real and imaginary dangers and that it is difficult to sometimes tell the difference. Address misconception that the people that make us scared are always strangers. Discuss further the imaginary dangers. Finally recap on ways to stay safe and who you should go to if you are unsure. |