Week Beginning 1 March 2021
Parents and Carers
Sometimes we all need someone to turn to for advice and support. We're glad to help and are happy for you to talk to us. In addition to what we can offer, please click on the following link where you will find information about organisations that you might find useful. Thank you.
To share completed work, or if you require any help or advice with the work that has been set,
please contact us at:
Thank you.
Friday 5th March
Happy Friday Reception, and welcome to our very last day of home learning! You have all been amazing and we are very proud of you all. We are also very grateful to all your parents and carers who have been working at home with you … THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!
We are so excited to welcome you all back on Monday We can’t wait see your lovely faces and catch up with you all.
We have lots of lovely activities planned for next week. As well as starting our new traditional tale we will be celebrating Mother’s Day and taking part in Science Week. We have two lovely new role play areas for you – The Three Bears Cottage and The Three Billy Goats Gruff meadow. You can see a picture of them below.
Here are some things to help you and your parents, on your return to school.
*We will be entering and leaving school using the normal route, remembering to stay with your grown-up at all times – NO running off Reception!
*Every day you will still need to bring a named drinks bottle to school and we will provide you with a piece of fruit to eat at snack time.
*You will need to wear your PE kit on Tuesday’s. Please can we ask that children do not wear pumps or trainers with laces, as these can be dangerous when using large PE equipment. Thank you.
*Library day is every Tuesday. Please ensure your child returns their book on this day, so that they can choose a new book. All returned library books will be quarantined for a period of time, before being placed back into the school library.
Thank you!
Have you enjoyed World Book Day Week? What has your favourite story been this week?
Today we have our final book character hiding behind the door. He is a very colourful, patchwork animal who all his friends love. Can you guess who he may be? Have a look at the picture to help you.
Scroll down to the bottom of today’s learning to reveal the story, along with a fun activity for you to take part in.
For your last day of home learning we would like you to complete today’s RWI and Math’s activity. Also please continue with the themed work based on The Three Billy Goats Gruff. And don’t forget to log onto Doodle Math’s.
Read Write Inc
Suggested activities:
(For your information: The videos are released at 9.30am from Monday-Friday and are available for 24 hours.)
Today’s sound is – p
For those children who are currently reading ditties, please also practise ditty 12 which can be found in the resource section. Please also practise writing the sentences using ‘Hold a Sentence’. For those children who are blending please practice reading week 8 words which can be found in the resource section. Please also read ditty 2. Don’t forget to log into Oxford Owl where books are available to read. Reading with Read Write Inc and Oxford Reading Tree. To help your child with their reading please log into Oxford Owl using the link. This can be found on our front page. Select ‘ Read Write Inc e Book library’ and select a level relevant to your child’s ability. We would suggest those children who are currently reading ditties use ‘ditties and red books’. For those children who are practising blending sounds we suggest that they begin to read the ditties. All children can access reading books by clicking on ‘Oxford Owl e Book library’. Books found here can be either read by children or shared with an adult or older sibling. Happy reading everyone!
It’s Problem solving Friday! The Billy Goats are sharing the yummy grass. How many clumps of grass do they get each? Remember there are 3 goats.
How many did they get each the first time? The second time? How did you share them out?
We would love to see any work that you do so please send it to our advice line. Don’t forget we’ll be giving out merits as well as looking out for our weekly shooting star!
Don’t forget to check out this week’s Celebration Assembly on our You Tube channel. This week's assembly also celebrates World Book Day Week.
Did you guess today’s character which was hiding behind the door? Yes, it was Elmer. We hope you enjoy the story.
You could have a go at decorating Elmer using paints, collage, felts or colouring crayons. There is an Elmer sheet attached below for you to print or you could ask a grown up to draw Elmer for you. Remember when you are colouring not to go over the lines and colour in the whole square so that there are no white patches. Happy colouring or painting Reception!
Elmer activity sheet
Today we are going to celebrate the end of home learning, and the return to school on Monday, with some dancing. We know how much you all love ‘Just Dance’, so here is one especially to 'celebrate' seeing each other again on Monday. Enjoy!
Have a fantastic weekend Reception and your parents/carers too. Have a good rest and we can’t wait to see you all on Monday morning.
Take good care and stay safe
Miss Hatfield and Mrs Mason
Thursday 4th March
Happy Thursday Reception! World Book Day has finally arrived and we can’t wait to see any photographs of you dressed up as your favourite book character. Maybe we will see some Gruffalo’s, Stick Men or Little Red Riding Hood’s!
We hoped you enjoyed yesterday’s book week story. Did any of you make a Gruffalo mask?
Today we have another character hiding behind the door. He is a very big cat who normally lives in the wild, but in this story he really enjoys spending time in a house, eating lots of food! Hmmm l wonder who it could be?
Scroll down to the bottom of today’s learning to reveal the story, along with a fun activity for you to take part in.
Over the last two weeks we have been learning about measuring and practising using the correct language to describe different sizes.
Click on the link below and watch the BBC Bitesize videos to consolidate your learning.
Please remember to do your daily RWI session, reading and Math’s activity which can be found below, along with our themed work about The Three Billy Goat’s Gruff. Don’t forget if you didn’t access Doodle yesterday, a new Doodle activity has been set for you to complete.
Read Write Inc
Suggested activities:
(For your information: The videos are released at 9.30am from Monday-Friday and are available for 24 hours.)
Today’s sound is – n
For those children who are currently reading ditties, please also practise ditty 12 which can be found in the resource section. Please also practise writing the sentences using ‘Hold a Sentence’. For those children who are blending please practice reading week 8 words which can be found in the resource section. Please also read ditty 2. Don’t forget to log into Oxford Owl where books are available to read. Reading with Read Write Inc and Oxford Reading Tree. To help your child with their reading please log into Oxford Owl using the link. This can be found on our front page. Select ‘ Read Write Inc e Book library’ and select a level relevant to your child’s ability. We would suggest those children who are currently reading ditties use ‘ditties and red books’. For those children who are practising blending sounds we suggest that they begin to read the ditties. All children can access reading books by clicking on ‘Oxford Owl e Book library’. Books found here can be either read by children or shared with an adult or older sibling. Happy reading everyone!
Counting in 10’s. Can you sing along to the song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8CEOlAOGas Show your grown up 10 fingers. Can you put 10 fingers in the air, each time you count in 10’s?
We would love to see any work that you do, including for World Book Day Week, so please send them to our advice line. Don’t forget we’ll be giving out merits as well as looking out for our weekly shooting star!
Did you guess today’s character which was hiding behind the door? Yes, it was The Tiger Who Came to Tea. We hope you enjoy the story. Get those dancing feet moving Reception because we also have a tiger dance for you to join in with today. Enjoy!
Have a super world book day Reception and keep up the great work. Just two more days of home learning to go … we can do it!!
Take care, keep working hard and stay safe
Miss Hatfield and Mrs Mason
Wednesday 3rd March
Hello Reception. Can you believe it’s Wednesday already! Only one more day left until World Book Day. Have you decided what character you are going to be? We would love to see photographs of you, in your costumes. You may even appear on our weekly celebration assembly. We hoped you enjoyed yesterday’s book week story, and felt more relaxed after completing your Hungry Caterpillar yoga session.
Today we have another character hiding behind the door. He has terrible claws and terrible teeth! Have you guessed who it may be? Here is the picture to help you.
Scroll down to the bottom of today’s learning to reveal the story, along with a fun activity for you to take part in.
We have been busy learning our letter sounds, which help us with our reading and writing. Today we would like you to listen to the ABC song and learn the letter names.
Please remember to do your daily RWI session, reading and Math’s activity which can be found below, along with our themed work about The Three Billy Goat’s Gruff. A new Doodle activity has also been set for you to complete.
Today the Three Billy Goats Gruff would also like you to join in with them doing some yoga moves.
Read Write Inc
Suggested activities:
(For your information: The videos are released at 9.30am from Monday-Friday and are available for 24 hours.)
Today’s sound is – i
For those children who are currently reading ditties, please also practise ditty 12 which can be found in the resource section. Please also practise writing the sentences using ‘Hold a Sentence’. For those children who are blending please practice reading week 8 words which can be found in the resource section. Please also read ditty 2. Don’t forget to log into Oxford Owl where books are available to read. Reading with Read Write Inc and Oxford Reading Tree. To help your child with their reading please log into Oxford Owl using the link. This can be found on our front page. Select ‘ Read Write Inc e Book library’ and select a level relevant to your child’s ability. We would suggest those children who are currently reading ditties use ‘ditties and red books’. For those children who are practising blending sounds we suggest that they begin to read the ditties. All children can access reading books by clicking on ‘Oxford Owl e Book library’. Books found here can be either read by children or shared with an adult or older sibling Happy reading everyone!
Counting in 5’s. Can you sing along to the song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EemjeA2Djjw Give your grown up a high five, or high five the air. Can you count in 5’s every time you do? |
We would love to see any work that you do, including for World Book Day Week, so please send them to our advice line. Don’t forget we’ll be giving out merits as well as looking out for our weekly shooting star!
Did you guess today’s character which was hiding behind the door? Yes, it was The Gruffalo. You may like to make a Gruffalo mask or headband like the one's below. You could even act out the story while wearing it!
Have a GREAT Wednesday Reception and keep up the great work. We’re looking forward to seeing you all very soon.
Take care, keep working hard and stay safe
Miss Hatfield and Mrs Mason
Tuesday 2nd March
Good morning Reception, how are you today? We hope you had a lovely day yesterday and are enjoying our new traditional tale all about The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
Did you manage to correctly guess yesterday’s World Book week story? Owl Babies is one of my favourite stories.
Today we have another character hiding behind the door. He starts off as one type of mini-beast, but after eating lots of food, he then changes to become another type of mini-beast! Have you guessed who it may be? Here is the picture to help you.
Scroll down to the bottom of today’s learning to reveal the story, along with a fun activity for you to take part in.
This week we are continuing to learn about ordinal numbers. Here is a song to help support you with your learning.
Please remember to do your daily RWI session, reading and Math’s activity which can be found below, along with our themed work about The Three Billy Goat’s Gruff.
We would love to see any work that you do so please send them to our advice line. Don’t forget we’ll be giving out merits as well as looking out for our weekly shooting star!
Read Write Inc
Suggested activities:
(For your information: The videos are released at 9.30am from Monday-Friday and are available for 24 hours.)
Today’s sound is – t
For those children who are currently reading ditties, please also practise ditty 12 which can be found in the resource section. Please also practise writing the sentences using ‘Hold a Sentence’. For those children who are blending please practice reading week 8 words which can be found in the resource section. Please also read ditty 2. Don’t forget to log into Oxford Owl where books are available to read. Reading with Read Write Inc and Oxford Reading Tree. To help your child with their reading please log into Oxford Owl using the link. This can be found on our front page. Select ‘ Read Write Inc e Book library’ and select a level relevant to your child’s ability. We would suggest those children who are currently reading ditties use ‘ditties and red books’. For those children who are practising blending sounds we suggest that they begin to read the ditties. All children can access reading books by clicking on ‘Oxford Owl e Book library’. Books found here can be either read by children or shared with an adult or older sibling. Happy reading everyone!
Counting in 2’s. Can you sing along to the song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtxNe5yAF_E Can you find some socks and put them into pairs/2’s? Can you count them in 2’s?
Have a fantastic day Reception and keep up the great work. It won’t be too long until we will all be back together, learning and having fun!
Take care, keep working hard and stay safe
Miss Hatfield and Mrs Mason
World Book Day Week - Every day on our class page there will be a door with a clue to help you work out what our story of the day is. Who is hiding by the door today? Here is today's clue as to what our special story is. Can you find out what story our three characters are from? Scroll down to the bottom of this week's themed work, where you will find the story to watch and listen to. Don't forget to listen carefully so you can answer the questions and complete today's task.
Monday 1st March.
Good morning Reception. We hope you had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the sunshine safely outdoors.
We have such an exciting week planned this week. It is ‘World Book Day Week’ where we are delving into imaginary worlds through the magic of books. Each day there will be a door with a clue to which world we will be invited into. On Thursday 4th March, it is time to dress up as our favourite book character! We wonder if we will have any Hungry Caterpillars? Any Percy the Park Keepers? Any Traditional Tale characters? We are so excited to see!
Today we are also starting a new week, with a new Traditional Tale. We wonder which one it could be?
We have had a special delivery from ‘The Jolly Postman’ this morning, we wonder if it can tell us a little bit more?
How exciting! A letter from ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff.’ But oh no, what has happened? The Three Billy Goats need our help! They have asked us to design a new bridge, as theirs is broken. Can we do it Reception? Of course we can!
(See resources list)
What materials do you think you will use for their new bridge? Will that material be strong enough to use, so it does not break again? If you can, have a go at making the bridge. (You might not be able to use the exact materials, but use your imagination. E.g. If you chose bricks for your bridge, use Lego bricks instead.)
We are so excited to learn lots of new things with The Three Billy Goats Gruff this week! Below is the weekly planning and it will also be in the resource list for you to access too.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Managing feelings and behaviour- The troll was very unkind to the three goats. Talk to your grown up about the unkind things he did and said. Can you think of any kind things that the troll could have said as they tried to cross the bridge to eat the grass on the other side?
Making relationships- What compromise could the Three Billy Goats and the Troll have made? Do you think they could be friends? Draw a picture of the Three Billy Goats and the Troll as friends.
Maths Number- Ordinal numbers Ordinal numbers tell us an order sequence of something. The goats went over the bridge one by one. Who went over the bridge first, second and third? Tell your grown up. Let’s pretend there were 13 goats who went over the bridge. Can you put them in the correct order over the bridge? Can you use the correct ordinal number language when describing the order that the goats went over the bridge? (See resource list.) Shape, Space and Measures- HeightThe Billy Goats Gruff are different heights. Let’s explore a little bit about height! What are we measuring when we measure height? Yes, how tall or short we are! Daddy Goat is the tallest! Baby Goat is the shortest. Can you have a go at finding the tallest and shortest objects on the ‘Tall and Short’ powerpoint? Who is the tallest in your family? Who is the shortest? How can you tell? You need to measure and compare. How can you do this? Ensure when you are measuring that you start at the same point. So that it is a fair comparison. Let’s play a game!
Try and use the language… *tall and short *taller and shorter *tallest and shortest when describing height and when comparing. If you would like to, have a go at putting the goats in the correct height order and then describe the height of each goat. You could do this by comparing the goats to each other. (See resource list.)
Please continue with your 5 a day on doodle. On Wednesday a specific activity will be set for your child. |
Communication and Language Listening and Attention Listen to the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNJBzcqjIYw Speaking Retell the story of The Billy Goats Gruff.
Can you use different voices when saying the parts of the Three Goats and the troll? Your voice could sound quite scary when speaking like the troll! Have you got any props you could use to help you retell the story?
Understanding the World People and Communities Talk about favourite foods. The goats’ favourite food was green grass – what are your favourite foods? Does everyone like the same foods? Discuss different likes and dislikes and what your favourite foods are to eat.
Technology Can you use the internet to find out some information about goats? Write them down and share them with your family!
The World Completely optional. 1.Grow your own grass! See Science experiment card in resources. (You could also grow some cress if you can’t get hold of grass seeds.)
2.Exploring different ways to cross the river without using the troll’s bridge. See science experiment card in resources on how to build a raft! |
Physical Development Moving and Handling Gross motor- 1.Going under and over. The goats travelled over the bridge and the troll travelled underneath it. Can you find different objects in your house that you could travel over or crawl under? Please stay safe and ask a grown up to explore travelling under and over with you. 2.Throwing a ball (or some rolled up socks) into a target. Using a ball or some rolled up socks, see if you can throw them into a target. (Bucket/ basket etc…) Have a competition with your grown up/ family members. You could have 3 targets to aim for and award points for each target. The one furthest away could have the most points! Record your points and at the end count the final scores. Who came 1st? 2nd? 3rd?
Fine motor- Can you build a bridge out of construction you have at home? You could use lego, duplo or cardboard as a few examples. Choose a cuddly toy to be your troll. Does the bridge go over the top of the troll? Is there enough room underneath for the troll to fit under? Health and Self Care When discussing your favourite foods, (See Understanding the world) think about whether your favourite foods are healthy or unhealthy? Why are they? P.E with Joe Wicks Joe Wicks workouts are available Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9am, live on ‘The Body Coach TV’ YouTube channel. Let’s keep fit and active! |
Expressive Arts & Design Music 1. What noise did the goats make when they crossed the river? ‘Trip Trap, Trip Trap.’ Can you try and make that noise with your body? What else could you use to try and make a trip trap noise? Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPAI0nL8Kzk Can you tap along using some sticks, spoons or two fingers? Try and keep a steady beat when doing so.
2. Listen and enjoy the Trip-Trap Trapping Song which retells the story of The Billy Goats Gruff in a catchy song! Can you try and join in? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eem5_MOP18I
EAD and BI 1.Design a new bridge for the Three Billy Goats. Use the construction design paper to draw a new bridge, thinking about what materials you are going to be using to make the bridge. (See resources.) 2. If you were going to cross the bridge to eat some yummy food, what would be on the other side of your bridge? Can you draw your favourite food on the other side of the bridge? (See resource list) 3. Create a troll! You could draw a picture, use recycling boxes, use playdough or anything you would like to create your troll.
Literacy Phonics Please do the daily RWI sessions. (See daily planning on our class page) Please practise your letter formation using the handwriting sheets which can be found in the resource section, or from your RWI sound mat. Recap some of the letters you find trickier or which you might often reverse when writing them. Don’t forget to learn the rhyme too! Reading Please log on to Oxford Owl following the link on our class page and choose a book or share/read a book you have at home. Writing A story map retells a story with pictures and/or key words. Complete the story map for The Three Billy Goats Gruff, (see resources, or you could draw your own) whilst retelling the story verbally.
Once the story map has been completed, use it to write a re-tell of the Billy Goats Gruff story, using simple sentences. (You can use the powerpoint to help if needed- see resources.) Use the writing template, complete the re-tell or write it down on a piece of paper. You could draw your own pictures if you would like! There is also a word mat to help you write any tricky key words.
Any other notes: Resources and links can be found in our weekly resource section. These do not have to be printed out; they can either be used as a guide or used directly from the screen. Useful links to a range of websites offering educational learning can also be found on our class page. Our suggested daily timetable can be found on our class page. |
Resource List
Your daily RWI and maths sessions are below too. These will also be accessible in the resources section.
Week beginning: Monday 1st March 2021
Have a go at our Daily RWI and Maths sessions. These should ideally be done in the morning; however can be done at any time which is convenient.
Suggested activities:
(For your information: The videos are released at 9.30am from Monday-Friday and are available for 24 hours.) Monday 1st – d sound Tuesday 2nd –t sound Wednesday 3rd –i sound Thursday 4th n sound Friday 5th - p sound
For those children who are currently reading ditties, please also practise ditty 12 which can be found in the resource section. Please also practise writing the sentences using ‘Hold a Sentence’. For those children who are blending please practice reading week 8 words which can be found in the resource section. Please also read ditty 2. Don’t forget to log into Oxford Owl where books are available to read.
Reading with Read Write Inc and Oxford Reading Tree. To help your child with their reading please log into Oxford Owl using the link. This can be found on our front page. Select ‘ Read Write Inc e Book library’ and select a level relevant to your child’s ability. We would suggest those children who are currently reading ditties use ‘ditties and red books’. For those children who are practising blending sounds we suggest that they begin to read the ditties. All children can access reading books by clicking on ‘Oxford Owl e Book library’. Books found here can be either read by children or shared with an adult or older sibling. Happy reading everyone!
Suggested activities:
Monday 1st – Play a game with your grown up/ sibling. Competition time! Have a go at the exercises below. How many can you do in 20 seconds? You will need to count to 20 or use a timer to measure the time limit.
Can you record your answers on a piece of paper? How have you decided to record it? E.g. How many times can you star jump? 12 or //////////// or
Tuesday 2nd – Counting in 2’s. Can you sing along to the song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtxNe5yAF_E Can you find some socks and put them into pairs/2’s? Can you count them in 2’s?
Wednesday 3rd – Counting in 5’s. Can you sing along to the song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EemjeA2Djjw Give your grown up a high five, or high five the air. Can you count in 5’s every time you do?
Thursday 4th - Counting in 10’s. Can you sing along to the song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8CEOlAOGas Show your grown up 10 fingers. Can you put 10 fingers in the air, each time you count in 10’s?
Friday 5th- It’s Problem solving Friday! The Billy Goats are sharing the yummy grass. How many clumps of grass do they get each? Remember there are 3 goats.
How many did they get each the first time? The second time? How did you share them out?
Have a great Monday, our very first one in March this year! Just one more week and you will all be ‘trip trapping’ back through the school gates, and we just can’t wait!
Mrs Mason and Miss Hatfield x