Week Beginning 1 February 2021
Parents and Carers
Sometimes we all need someone to turn to for advice and support. We're glad to help and are happy for you to talk to us. In addition to what we can offer, please click on the following link where you will find information about organisations that you might find useful. Thank you.
There was an error processing this link (the page was not found).
To share completed work, or if you require any help or advice with the work that has been set,
please contact us at:
Thank you.
Reading with Read Write Inc and Oxford Reading Tree.
To help your child with their reading please log into Oxford Owl using the link which can be found below.
Use the following username and password:
Username: mapleeyfs
Password: reception
Select ‘ Read Write Inc e Book library’ and select a level relevant to your child’s ability.
We would suggest those children who are currently reading ditties use ‘ditties and red books’. For those children who are practising blending sounds we suggest that they begin to read the ditties. All children can access reading books by clicking on ‘Oxford Owl e Book library’. Books found here can be either read by children or shared with an adult or older sibling.
Happy reading everyone!
Friday 5th February
Good morning Reception! Today is Friday and it’s dress to express. We wonder what you are going to get dressed in today. Are you going to wear your best clothes? Are you going to wear fancy dress? Whatever you wear, make sure it makes you feel good and send a picture so we can see you dressing to express! advice@mapledeneschool.com
Have you enjoyed some of the activities and stories for children’s mental health week? What was your favourite? We hope you now know some ways to keep your mind happy and healthy. Take time today to do something you love! Bake a cake, paint a picture, read/listen to a story, sing a song, play a game, watch some tv. It’s important to know how to keep our minds happy and healthy and to take some time aside to do this.
Our story today is called ‘Perfectly Norman.’ Norman is a young boy just like some of you. He has a worry about not fitting in. Not being seen as the same as everyone else. What would you do if you thought you were different from others? Is it OK to be different? Or should we all be the same?
Now you have listened to the story ‘Perfectly Norman,’ we hope you know that we all have our similarities and differences and that is OK! We should celebrate our differences and never worry about expressing ourselves. So dress to express today and every day! Keep smiling. 😊
It’s also our last day of learning about The Arctic and Antarctica. It’s been a cold and icy adventure this week and we can’t wait to see where we are visiting next week with Patch. Here are his clues… where do you think we are visiting?
Where in the world is Patch?
Our last story this week is set in Antarctica. Can people live in Antarctica? Are there any houses in Antarctica? The answer is no. Antarctica is the only place on Earth where no one can live. It is far too cold. There are lots of animals that like to live in Antarctica though. One animal that lives there is called the Emperor penguin.
Let’s learn a little bit more about Antarctica and then listen to our story about an Emperor penguin called ‘The Emperor’s egg’.
- Antarctica is the world’s largest ______?
- What does Arctic rain turn into?
- Are there any volcanoes in Antarctica?
- What animals live in Antarctica?
- Is it the mummy or daddy penguin that looks after the egg?
Your daily RWI and maths sessions are below and don’t forget to have a go at the activities that are in our weekly activity grid that you would like to have a go at.
Suggested activities:
(For your information: The videos are released at 9.30am from Monday-Friday and are available for 24 hours.)
Friday 5th February- z sound
Suggested activities:
Friday 5th – Are you up for the Friday problem solving challenge? Have a go at some of the home learning challenges below.
Have a wonderful day of dressing to express, do something that makes you smile and have a wonderful weekend!
Missing you lots,
Mrs Mason and Miss Hatfield.
Thursday 4th February
Good morning Reception! We hope you enjoyed yesterday’s learning. What are you going to do today to keep your mind happy and healthy? How about dancing like a penguin? It’s great fun! Doing activities that make you smile and laugh help keep your mind happy too!
We have found some very cold 3D shapes! Can you recognise what the object is and what the 3D shape is?
We shall give you some clues! It has 6 faces and looks like a dice! You can put it in a drink.
Yes, it is an ice cube! Its shape is a cube.
What about this cold object? Here are some clues. It has 2 faces; one is flat, and one is curved. It can roll! It hangs down when it has frozen.
Yes, its shape is a cone, and it is an icicle. Well done.
One more! Here are some clues… its shape can roll and only has 1 curved face. We need a few of them to make this cold snowy person!
Yes, you are right again! It is a snowman and a snowman is made from a few sphere shapes.
Have you had a go at our maths for this week? It is all about the 3D shape ‘cone.’ It's a very yummy cone that might have ice-cream on top! Have a look in the weekly plan under ‘maths.’ Enjoy!
Our story for the day is about a little penguin who is worried about learning something new. However, he soon learns that he can have fun trying and there really wasn’t anything to worry about. The most important thing is trying your best and having fun whilst doing it.
- What was little penguin worried about?
- Who was learning to fly?
- Who was learning to fish?
- Who was learning to jump?
- Did little penguin learn to swim?
- How do you think little penguin felt when he had learned to swim?
- Are you worried about learning anything new? What could you do to stop worrying?
Your daily RWI and maths sessions are below and don’t forget to have a go at the activities that are in our weekly activity grid that you would like to have a go at.
Suggested activities:
(For your information: The videos are released at 9.30am from Monday-Friday and are available for 24 hours.)
Thursday 4th February- w sound
Suggested activities:
Thursday 4th- Go for a walk with your grown up. What numbers can you see? Have a look at the numbers on the houses. Do you recognise them? Do you notice the numbers getting bigger or smaller as you walk up the road? Can you guess what number might be next before you count on/back that far? Continue to count as you walk up and down the road, counting forwards and backwards.
Have a wonderful day learning new things! Remember to have lots of fun, try your best, have a go and there is no need to worry. 😊
Mrs Mason and Miss Hatfield.
Zoom Aerobics Session- Children's Mental Health Week
It's a fact that exercise can improve mental health- especially during a lockdown! Therefore Miss Ellgood will be holding a one-off aerobics session on Zoom in aid of Children's Mental Health week. This will take place on Tuesday 2nd February at 4pm. If your child(ren) would like to join, please complete the form below by midday on Tuesday and you will be emailed the Zoom details. Places will be given on a first-come first-served basis (if you are able to fill the form out then your child(ren) has a place.) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17mcqzaUb337qXGPH8V-NDgvWt7lyiRLhjjfCvEl-RT4/edit
Wednesday 3rd February
Good morning Reception, we hope you had a great day yesterday! As part of children’s mental health week, we thought it would be nice to think about all the amazing characteristics you have. Ask your grown up to tell you something that they love about you. Can you tell them something about why you love them? It's nice to hear and give compliments.
Our story today is called Ruby’s worry. It is a story about how we can deal with our worries. Remember, you have lots of people around you that love you. They will always listen to your worries, however big or small.
Can you remember something that you learned yesterday about The Arctic? What animals live there? Let’s take a walk through The Arctic and learn a little bit more about it!
Let’s move like some of these animals that live in The Arctic. Follow Andy and keep fit and healthy at the same time!
Which animal was your favourite? Mrs Mason liked jumping like an Arctic fox. “Jump! Jump!” Miss Hatfield liked swimming like an Eider duck!
Today’s story is called ‘Over in The Arctic.’ Can you hear the rhyming words throughout the story? Have a listen.
- Name an animal that was mentioned that lives in The Arctic.
- How many Arctic foxes were there?
- What word rhymes with ‘three’ on the page with the Beluga Whales?
- What word rhymes with ‘nine’ on the page with the Arctic fox?
- Did you enjoy this rhyming book? Why? Why not?
- Who was the author?
Don’t forget your daily RWI and maths sessions which are below and any of the activities that are in our weekly activity grid that you would like to have a go at. There is a set task for you to do on Doodle Maths too, all about recognising, creating and describing patterns.
Suggested activities:
(For your information: The videos are released at 9.30am from Monday-Friday and are available for 24 hours.)
Wednesday 3rd February- y sound
Suggested activities:
Wednesday 3rd – Play hide and seek counting to different numbers when playing the seeker. You could count to 10 and then go and find your grown up. Can you count to 15? Can you count to 20? Can you start with 20, 15, and 10 and then count backwards?
Have a wonderful day exploring 'The Arctic.' Don't forget your hat, scarf and gloves!
Mrs Mason and Miss Hatfield.
Tuesday 2nd February
Good morning Reception. How are you all feeling today? Can you tell your grown up about how you are feeling? We hope you are feeling happy! It is OK to feel worried or sad sometimes though; we just need to know how to make ourselves feel better again. If you had a worry what would you do to make yourself feel happy again? Listen to the story Worrysaurus and find out how you too can let go of your fears and feel happy. We are always here to help you and your grown ups should you need to talk through any worries. Please phone the school or email us at advice@mapledeneschool.com and we will get back to you as soon as we can. “A problem shared is a problem halved.”
We hope you are enjoying learning about The Arctic and Antartica. What have you learned so far? Can you name an animal that lives at The Arctic? Yes, that’s right, a polar bear lives in the Arctic. Let’s learn a little more about a polar bear.
- What does a polar bear live in?
- How many cubs can a polar bear have?
- How do polar bears keep warm?
- What do baby cubs learn from their mum?
Here is a story about a little polar bear who is helped by lots of his Arctic friends. We hope you enjoy it.
Don’t forget your daily RWI and maths sessions which are below and any of the activities that are in our weekly activity grid that you would like to have a go at.
Suggested activities:
(For your information: The videos are released at 9.30am from Monday-Friday and are available for 24 hours.)
Tuesday 2nd –v sound
For those children who are currently reading ditties, please also practise ditty 9 which can be found in the resource section. For those children who are blending please practice reading the week 5 words which can be found in the resource section. Don’t forget to log into Oxford Owl where books are available to read.
Suggested activities:
Tuesday 2nd – Play some counting games https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/3-5-years/counting
Have a wonderful day,
Mrs Mason and Miss Hatfield.
Where in the world is Patch exploring this week?
Monday 1st February
Good morning Reception, how are you all today? We hope you had a great weekend and are ready for another week of exploring the world with Patch. Did you guess what continents we are visiting this week? Wrap up warm as we’re off to the very cold Arctic and Antarctic. What animals do you think you will see living there? Do people live in the Arctic and Antarctic?
The themed work we would like you to do throughout the week can be found below along with today’s RWI and Maths session. Please continue to send in more of the fantastic work we are receiving, we love to see it. Don’t forget shooting stars and merits will be rewarded. Could you be our shooting stars for this week or the first member of Reception to reach 25 merits! A BIG THANK YOU to all your grown-ups too, we really do appreciate your ongoing support and hard work!
This week we will be joining in with ‘Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week; an opportunity to shine a spotlight on children and young people’s mental health which at this time is highly important. The theme for this year is ‘Express Yourself’.
Please join us in watching a nationwide assembly being held via The Oaks Academy. The assembly
will be available at 9am on Monday 1st February and will feature pupils and well known faces discussing the theme of Children’s Mental Health Week, as well as ways that children can get involved at home. We have also added daily activities for the children to take part in which can be found in the PSED section of our weekly planning. Alongside this there will be an extra daily story session linked to children’s mental health.
The week will conclude with a ‘Dress to Express’ day on Friday during which children in school and at home can ‘Dress to Express’. We’d love to see photographs of you expressing yourself, this could include dressing up or something that you are interested in or enjoy doing.
Have a great week Reception and we look forward to speaking to some of you again this week.
Remember to look after yourselves (adults too!) and keep safe.
Happy learning!
Miss Hatfield and Mrs Mason
All Around the World
Reception Home Learning- Arctic and Antartica
This week we are learning about ‘The Arctic and The Antarctic.’
Here are some activities for you to have a go at throughout the week, as well as your daily Read Write Inc and Maths sessions.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development This week we are creating awareness of the importance to look after your mental health. There will be some stories posted daily to support this and there are daily activities below for you to complete too.
Children’s Mental Health Week- Watch the assembly at 9:00am on Monday 1st February via the Oak Academy.
-Mindfulness- Take part in some yoga. A Polar Bear Adventure! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DP9jd1Ug2y4
-Art- Try this simple ‘draw your feelings’ activity by Place2Be’s Art Room team. You will need some paper and something to draw with. Watch the video: Draw Your Feelings - Children's Mental Health Week 2021 - YouTube
-Music/Dance- Listen to these songs and tell your grown up how they make you feel. Can you make a dance up to the songs? Did you do a fast dance or a slow dance?
-Learn how to sign how you are feeling using Makaton. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfrJriE5Hwg - Friday is dress to impress!
Maths We are going to continue looking at 3D shapes this week. This week we are looking at cones. Can you go on a shape hunt around your home or outside and look for any cone shaped objects? You could write a list of the items that you find, draw them or take a photo. Can you investigate the cones you find? Do they roll? Slide? How many faces do they have? Are the faces curved or flat? If you can not find a cone, can you make one? Use the you tube video to help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8E2bCouRXUQ
You could make lots of cones and create your own ice cream cone shop. You could put different flavours in them and sell them to your family. Don’t forget to put a price on them using ‘p’ for pence!
Please continue with your 5 a day on doodle. On Wednesday a specific activity will be set for your child. |
Communication and Language https://www.twinkl.co.uk/go/resource/tg-a-07-the-girl-who-went-to-the-arctic-animation-1
Listen attentively to the story of ‘The little girl who went to the Arctic.’ What do you think she will see there? Would you like to go to the Arctic?
What would you see in the Antarctic that you would not see in the Arctic?
Understanding the World – Investigate the Arctic using the Arctic power point. (See Resources list)
– Investigate the Antarctic using the Antarctic power point. (See Resources list)
-Look at the similarities and differences between the two continents?
-Do people live in The Arctic or Antarctic? See ‘Inuit People’ power point.
SCIENCE EXPERIMENT- choose an experiment to take part in!
(see resources) |
Physical Development PE
P.E with Joe Wicks
Joe Wicks is live Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9am, on ‘The Body Coach TV’ YouTube channel. Let’s keep fit and active!
PD – Practise your scissor skills by creating a 2D shape penguin (See resources.)
PD - Pretend to be an animal from any of the countries we have visited so far and move around as they would. You might be a lion that prowls and then pounces, a koala climbing a tree or a penguin waddling and then sliding across the ice on its tummy. Ask a grown up to take it in turns to think of an animal action and teach your moves to each other, copying the actions. Can you get the animal moves exactly the same? If you need some inspiration then check out Andy’s Wild Workouts on the CBeebies channel.
H&SC – practise zipping up your coat, tying up your shoe laces and doing up buttons.
Expressive Arts & Design
Create a penguin! Choose how you would like to create a penguin.
Can you dance like a penguin? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3c3UTYNZ6Q
Literacy Phonics- RWI sessions daily. (See daily planning on our class page) Ditty 9 and set key words to read.
Reading- log on to Oxford Owl and choose a book or share/read a book you have at home.
Writing- Can you write some facts about penguins or polar bears? Remember to keep your letters sitting on the line and to write correctly. (See letter formation sheet.) Remember to start your sentence with a capital letter and finish it with a full stop. Where could you find the information from? Yes, books or Google will give us lots of information!
This week we are also going to practise writing a list. Think about what clothing and footwear you would need to take on a visit to a very cold country and write them down in a list.
Handwriting- ‘w’ and ‘sh’ handwriting sheets. (See resources)
Any other notes: Resources and links can be found in our weekly resource section. These do not have to be printed out, they can be used either as a guide or used directly from the screen.
Useful links to a range of websites offering educational learning can also be found on our class page. |
Daily RWI and Maths activities for week beginning: Monday 1st February 2021
Have a go at our Daily RWI and Maths sessions. These should ideally be done in the morning; however can be done at any time which is convenient.
Read, Write, Inc
Suggested activities:
(For your information: The videos are released at 9.30am from Monday-Friday and are available for 24 hours.) Monday 1st – j sound Tuesday 2nd –v sound Wednesday 3rd – y sound Thursday 4th– w sound Friday 5th- z sound
For those children who are currently reading ditties, please also practise ditty 9 which can be found in the resource section. For those children who are blending please practice reading the week 5 words which can be found in the resource section. Don’t forget to log into Oxford Owl where books are available to read.
Suggested activities:
Monday 1st- Play I count, you count. This is a game where you start counting from different starting points. Ask a grown up to play with you. Start counting…1, 2, 3…your grown up needs to count on as far as they would like….5,6…now its your turn again….7…8…9….and continue until you finish at number 20. Repeat and play the game several times. You could play it so the person that lands on number 20 is the winner!
Tuesday 2nd – Play some counting games https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/3-5-years/counting
Wednesday 3rd – Play hide and seek counting to different numbers when playing the seeker. You could count to 10 and then go and find your grown up. Can you count to 15? Can you count to 20? Can you start with 20, 15, and 10 and then count backwards?
Thursday 4th- Go for a walk with your grown up. What numbers can you see? Have a look at the numbers on the houses. Do you recognise them? Do you notice the numbers getting bigger or smaller as you walk up the road? Can you guess what number might be next before you count on/back that far? Continue to count as you walk up and down the road, counting forwards and backwards.
Friday 5th – Are you up for the Friday problem solving challenge? Have a go at some of the home learning challenges below.
Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers
Listen to the story and answer the following questions.
What did the boy discover about the penguin?
Why did the boy think the penguin was sad?
Where did the boy and the penguin row to?
Was the penguin really lost?
What happened at the end of the story?