3. What kinds of Special Educational Needs does the school make provision for? What type of provision does the school make and how do they know it works?
Types of need and what that could look like | Examples of support available in our school | How we check it is working |
Cognition and Learning Some children find learning more difficult than others. They may need: More time to learn new things and to think about their answers; For information to be repeated or presented in a different way; Help to hold information in their heads during a lesson; For new learning to be broken down into small bits of information. | We use the Language & Literacy Assessment Grids to set work for children based on their needs. We have teaching assistants who are trained to: Support in class, adding to what the class teacher is doing. Take children out of class to help with things they are finding difficult to learn. We have support from outside agencies to advise on how to meet the needs of children with learning difficulties. | We review the assessment grids regularly. Teaching staff meet regularly to talk about every child’s progress and how to support them with their learning needs. We use a SEN Tracking system to look at data which tells us who needs help and how much help they may need. We talk to parents, children and agencies regularly to review the progress children are making. |
Communication and Interaction, Including autism.
Some children need help to develop their communication skills and learn how to interact with other people. They may need: Help with their speech and language skills; Help to understand what others mean when they are talking; Help to deal with things in the environment that are new, like unusual smells and sounds; Help to learn about topics that are new and unfamiliar; Help to feel okay about times when things change. Some children have a formal diagnosis of Autism. We support these children with the needs listed above and any other specific difficulties they have. We also support parents whose children may be waiting for an assessment. |
We have a trained Teaching Assistant, Mrs Daniels, who assists with monitoring and assessing the speech and language skills of children in school.
We use ‘WellComm’ Toolkit to identify children’s needs early and provide appropriate support.
When necessary, we refer children to NHS Speech and Language Therapy Services to help children with language needs. We work alongside NHS Speech and Language services by complementing their work in school. Children may also access our own Speech and Language support service 'Soundswell.'
We help children when things change by using transition booklets and visual timetables. We sometimes teach children new topics and words before they see it in the classroom so they are ready for the new learning.
We work with the Communication / Autism Team (CAT) to help children who learn in different ways. Our CAT worker is Julie Watchorn-Brennan.
Our Learning Mentor also supports children with communication and interaction needs.
We assess children’s language needs early in the Foundation Stage.
We review speech, language and communication targets regularly. We use our own Speech and Language therapist who can provide resources/work for us to use with children. Teachers talk to each other about the progress children are making The SENCO looks at what is being provided and how it’s working. The children are given time to feedback about what works and what doesn’t work for them. We make referrals to NHS Speech and Language Therapy Service, The Child Development Centre and the Communication /Autism Team where needed. |
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
Some children find it hard to manage their feelings and behaviour. They made need help to: Follow our school rules Understand how they are feeling Make friends Keep themselves and others safe Listen and follow instructions
We get advice from Educational Psychologists who are trained in working with children who have social, emotional and mental health needs. We work with City of Birmingham School (CoBs) to develop strategies for children with behavioural needs. Our learning mentor supports children and families in a wide variety of ways. We use the counselling service ‘Chances’. Teachers set high expectations for behaviour and have support from the school leadership to do so. We can refer children to local services such as Forward Thinking Birmingham or SOLAR where more support is needed. |
Everyone at school takes responsibility to support children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs. Everyone is aware of their duty to report, monitor and plan for the needs of individuals. Pupil Progress Meetings includes time to discuss how children are developing, including their social and emotional skills. We sometimes signpost parents to groups/agencies that can support them with managing difficult behaviour in the home.
Sensory and/or physical needs
Some children have a disability which can mean that accessing the school building and the curriculum can be more challenging. They may need:
Help with their hearing or vision; Help getting around the building Help with their specialist equipment such as specialised chairs, wheelchairs, feeding and medical equipment, medication, other walking aids etc. Help with writing, using handheld equipment and in PE lessons.
Our school is made to be as accessible as possible so that children can be independent. We have made our school as safe as possible by adding ramps, rails and disabled facilities such as toilets and changing rooms. We have specialised medical and PE equipment for those children who need it. We work with the Physical Difficulties Support Service (PDSS) and Sensory Support for children with visual and hearing impairments. We work with Occupational Therapists and other agencies, who come into school to observe/support children, and give advice. We have ‘fine’ and ‘gross’ motor groups to develop physical skills. |
We carry out risk assessments and reviews of children’s needs regularly. We ask outside agencies to review our setting when we have children who have specific needs. We consider children’s sensory and physical needs when they move to new classrooms. |