Week Beginning 22 February 2021
Parents and Carers
Sometimes we all need someone to turn to for advice and support. We're glad to help and are happy for you to talk to us. In addition to what we can offer, please click on the following link where you will find information about organisations that you might find useful. Thank you.
There was an error processing this link (the page was not found).
To share completed work, or if you require any help or advice with the work that has been set,
please contact us at:
Thank you.
Zoom Meetings
Here is our Zoom timetable for the week beginning 22nd February. You will receive the link to the meeting at least the day before if not earlier. Please remember, that as stated in our 'acceptable use policy' your Meeting ID must be your child's name otherwise, you will not be accepted into the meeting.
Day |
When |
What |
How Long |
Monday 22nd February |
9:00am |
Rise and Shine withMiss Cook and Miss Johnson |
15 minutes |
Tuesday 23rd February |
1:15pm |
Science Introduction |
30 minutes |
Wednesday 24th February |
11:45am |
Wellbeing Wednesday |
15 minutes |
Friday 26th February |
2:45pm |
Wonderful Work Friday |
30 minutes |
Remember, if you haven't yet filled in the form below and you want your child to take part, then you need to fill in the form and read the letters that accompany it.
We can't wait to see you on our next Zoom.
Day 34 – Friday 26th February
Please see our timetable for today:
26.02.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths |
Writing numbers as words |
Number bonds to 10 |
Reading |
Rainforest Poem |
Read Write Inc |
English |
Dictation |
Using verbs in sentences |
Handwriting |
Joining letters – diagonal join |
Art |
Saving the Rainforest poster |
Coding |
Zoom @ 2:45pm |
Wonderful Work Friday |
Also, look out on our class page for a special video all about our new topic that we will be starting when we all come back to school on Monday 8th March. This video will premiere on our class page at 3:30pm today!
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
To start today’s lesson, watch the Supermovers video for the 4 times table below. Can you join in?
Today, we are looking at writing numbers in words. For example, 2 = two.
Watch the video below to see how to spell some of our numbers.
Watch Miss Cook’s video below before having a go at the worksheets below. You will need a piece of paper and a pen/pencil with you to complete some of the tasks throughout the video.
Mrs Wells' group:
Today is our last lesson looking at our number bonds to 10. Join in with the song and actions below. Can you work out what the number bonds are?
Go and find 10 objects around the house. This could be toys, pegs, sweets or anything else you can find. I want you to make some number bonds to 10. For example;
6 + 4 = 10
Once you have practised with your objects, have a go at the 2 worksheets below. Can you help the robots with their number bonds? Can you complete the shooting stars with your number bonds to 10?
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Once you have taken part in the Read Write Inc part of the lesson, we are continuing with our poem from yesterday. What can you remember about the poem? Re-read the poem aloud. Now find your ‘thinking hat’ and put it on your head. Have a go at the ‘thinking hat’ questions. Remember to use the text to support your answers.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today, we are continuing with the text we read yesterday. Can you remember what it was about? Re-read the text aloud using your ‘Fred Fingers’ to help you. Now, have a go at the questions attached.
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
Today in English we are going to be doing some dictation. You will need a pencil and a piece of paper. You need to watch the video with Miss Cook below and write the sentences she says. Make sure you pause the video when you need to so you can write the whole sentence. Make sure you remember you capital letters, commas, full stops and any other punctuation you might need. Good luck!
Now watch this video and see if you have got your sentences correct!
Now, have a go at this game. When it asks you to choose a topic, please select ‘spelling’. You need to join the exploring team to find the gems and complete the challenges using your knowledge of sounds, prefixes and suffixes to see if you can complete the game!
Mrs Wells’ Group:
Today, we would like you to write some sentences using verbs ending in –ing or –ed. This week, you have come up with loads of different verbs and added these suffixes to change the tense of them. Today, you are going to be using your colour semantics to help you.
Remember, our sentences have to have:
Have a look at Miss Cook’s example below. She has chosen some of her colour semantics to help her form the sentences.
The giraffe is dancing to music in the zoo on his birthday.
The giraffe danced to music in the zoom on his birthday.
Using the colour semantics below, you need to create your own sentences and then write them as –ing verbs and –ed verbs like Miss Cook has. Be careful as some of the verbs change when we put them in the past tense.
Watch Miss Johnson’s handwriting video, we have looked at this video before but I think it is a particularly hard one. Once you have practised the joins, think of some words with the sounds in and write them out too.
This week, we have been learning all about deforestation and the impact it has on the world, people and animals. In art today, we would like you to design a ‘save the rainforest’ poster encouraging people to stop deforestation. You can use any materials or art resources you have at home. For example, you might use colouring pencils, paint, watercolours, pastels, collaging materials, recycled materials.
Please see some ideas below.
Don’t forget to send us a picture of your poster to advice@mapledeneschool.com so Miss Johnson and I can see them!
Today, we are continuing with our learning on coding. Can you remember what it is?
If I wanted to walk from Miss Cook’s classroom to the playground, what instructions would you have to give me to programme me to walk that way?
If I wanted to walk from Miss Johnson’s classroom to Miss Cook’s classroom what instructions would you give me?
Today, you have a choice of 2 activities. The first is a task from the Hour of Code. The second is a challenge set by Mr Murphy. Choose 1 of these tasks to complete and follow the instructions below.
Option 1: Hour of Code
Have a go at this game on Hour of Code. Can you correctly complete each level to train your dragon?
Option 2: Mr Murphy’s Coding Challenge
Have a go at creating your own code to make a shape or character. For this task you will need to go to this website.
Watch the video with Mr Murphy below and look through the documents below to complete the task.
2:45pm Zoom – Wonderful Work Friday
Join us live on our zoom meeting at 2:45pm today to see what we have all been up to this week. If you want to bring some work you are proud of with you, please bring it to share with each other. Alternatively, you can sit and look at what other children have been doing both at home and in school. We cannot wait to see you!
Day 33 – Thursday 25th February
Please see today's timetable below:
25.02.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths |
Missing Numbers with representations |
Number bonds to 10 |
Reading |
Rainforest Poetry |
Read Write Inc |
English |
Improving sentences |
Rearranging sentences |
Handwriting |
Joining letters – diagonal join |
P.E |
Fit Thursday! |
Music |
Singing |
Story Time |
The Danger Gang |
Don't forget: Our Doodle competition 3C vs 3J is still going. Can you help your class get more Doodle stars? See who is currently in the lead on our main Year 3 class page!
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
At the start of today’s maths lesson, we would like you to play ‘Hit the Button’ practising your times tables for 10 minutes. You can choose the times tables you practise but we want you to challenge yourself. Go for times tables you are less confident on.
Today we are continuing to look at problems with missing numbers but our focus for today is representing them in different ways.
Can you think of any different ways we can represent questions?
I thought of...
Part-part whole models
Bar models
Place Value Counters
Number lines
Watch Miss Cook’s video below to see how we can use these to represent our calculations before having a go at the worksheet below.
Mrs Wells' group:
Today we are continuing with our work on number bonds to 10. Can you remember any of our number bonds?
Watch the video below and see if you can work out how many sheep are in the pen and have gone to make 10.
Today we are going to be looking at making our number bonds with part-part whole models. Watch Miss Cook’s video below to see what today’s task is before having a go at the worksheet below.
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today we are going to be looking at a poem about the rainforest. Read the poem out loud. Are there any words you are not sure about the meaning of? Have a look at the definition sheet. Does this help? Can you find these words in the text? Once you have read the poem twice, have a go at the ‘fastest finger’ questions attached.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today, we are going to have a look at a non-fiction text about recycling. Read the text aloud. Remember to use your Fred Fingers to help you with words that may be tricky. Then have a go at answering the questions attached.
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
Today we are continuing to look at persuasive writing. Can you remember what we must include in our writing to make it sound persuasive?
Watch the video below to remind yourself all about persuasive writing.
Watch the video below with Miss Cook and see if you can help her make her sentences more persuasive before having a go at the worksheet below.
Mrs Wells’ Group:
Today, we are going to be rearranging sentences to make sure they make sense. Can you remember the 2 suffixes we have been looking at this week?
Join in with the video below all about verbs and tenses:
Miss Cook has had a problem with her sentences and they have become all muddled up. Can you help her to write them into the right order? Look at the worksheet below. You need to write the correct sentences underneath the muddled-up ones. Remember to use your capital letters and full stops.
Watch Miss Johnson’s video which introduces our new joins for today. See if you can practise your joins and you can be as neat as Miss Johnson.
This video will be uploaded on Thursday morning.
Tomorrow is Fit Friday! We thought it would be a good idea to get ourselves ready for Fit Friday in our PE lesson today!
First, we need to warm up to make sure our bodies are ready for exercise. Join in with the video below:
In today’s lesson, we are going to be doing a cardio workout. You did this workout before half term but we would like to see if you can do it any better today. You can always get all the family involved and do it together! Watch the video below and join in!
In preparation for World Book Day next week, I would like you to listen to and learn the song ‘World of Books’. Click on this link;
Then enter the details below
USERNAME : mapledene
PASSWORD : mapledenec4s
Click onto ‘Browse Music’ and ‘World of Books’ is the 3rd option. Scroll down to the submixes and start by listening to the chorus and bridge.
Rhythm work:
This week’s musical challenge is a ‘Rest Game’ on the same web-site. Click on ‘Browse Music’ and then ‘performance’ in the menu on the left. Finally, click on ‘rhythm work’ – it is the first option. Scroll down to the video , watch and join in. It is great fun!
Story Time
Watch the video below with Miss Cook and listen to the next part of 'The Danger Gang' by Tom Fletcher. Sometimes, it is nice when you have a cuddly toy or teddy bear with you to listen to a story so you may want to bring a friend along to listen with you.
Day 32 – Wednesday 24th February
Please see the timetable for today below:
24.02.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths |
Missing numbers |
Number bonds to 10 |
Reading |
Rainforest Calling |
Read Write Inc |
English |
Features of persuasive writing |
-ing verbs |
11:45am Zoom |
Wellbeing Wednesday |
Handwriting |
Joining letters – diagonal join |
Geography |
Why are rainforests so important? |
Spanish |
Animals & Colours |
Don't forget: Our Doodle competition 3C vs 3J is still going. Can you help your class
get more Doodle stars?
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
At the start of the today’s lesson, we would like you to recap yesterday’s learning by having a go at ordering numbers using Daily 10. Please select level 3, 3 digit numbers and choose smallest first and then complete another game with largest first.
Today, we will be looking at using the inverse to solve missing number tasks.
What is the inverse of addition? Well done if you said subtraction.
Watch Miss Cook’s video below before having a go at the worksheet. Have a piece of paper and pen/pencil with you so you can work out some of the answers with Miss Cook.
Mrs Wells' group:
Today, we are continuing to look at our number bonds to 10. Can you remember any numbers we can add together to make 10?
Watch the video below to remind yourself:
Using your Numicon to help you, have a go at the worksheet below. Can you correctly write in the number to make 10?
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today, we are reading the next part of the story from Rainforest Calling. Read the text aloud. Don’t forget to use your Fred fingers to help you sound out any words you are unsure about. Now, check the definition sheet. Can you find these words in the text? Once you have read the words, have a go at answering the mixture of ‘fastest finger’ and ‘thinking hat’ questions.
To end the lesson, have a go at the game below. You need to sort the words based on whether they are real or fake words. Press play and select phase 5, all of phase 5 and see if you can accurately sort the words.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today, we are continuing to work on the text we were looking at yesterday. Re-read the text aloud using your Fred Fingers to help you sound out the words. Once you have read the text, have a go at the questions attached.
To end the lesson, have a go at the game below. You need to sort the words based on whether they are real or fake words. Press play and select phase 5, all of phase 5 and see if you can accurately sort the words.
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
Today, we are continuing to look at writing persuasive pieces of writing. Can you remember any of the features we need to include to persuade someone?
Watch the video below to revise what we need to include when we are writing to persuade.
Watch Miss Cook’s video below. Can you help her work out what makes the text persuasive?
Now, have a go at the task below. You need to underline the different features with the right colours. Can you help make the other advert more persuasive? Good luck!
Mrs Wells’ Group:
Today, we are continuing to look at verbs but this time we are going to be adding the suffix –ing to the verbs.
Watch this video all about adding the suffix –ing to verbs.
Look at some examples below:
Play --> playing
Read --> reading
Talk --> talking
Have a go at the worksheet below and see if you can add the suffix –ing.
11:45am – Zoom – Wellbeing Wednesday:
Join Miss Cook, Miss Johnson, Mrs Wells and Mr Murphy on Zoom today at 11:45am to see what challenge we are setting you this week for Wellbeing Wednesday! We cannot wait to see you all!
Here is the link to the video we followed together if you want to do it again!
Look at the picture and short video below and have a go at practising your handwriting like Miss Johnson has.
You may want to look back at Monday and Tuesday's handwriting lessons.
This week, we are focusing on why rainforests are so important to us. Can you think of any reasons as to why they are important?
Watch the video from Chester Zoo below. Whilst watching the video, can you make a list of reasons as to why the rainforest is so important.
What have you got on your list? I have got:
Trees and plants
Jobs and livelihoods
Watch Miss Cook’s video below as she explains the task for today.
Here is a photo of Miss Cook's example to help you if you need it!
This week, we are combining our prior learning of animals and colours. Can you remember any colours in Spanish?
Watch the video below to remind yourself before we move on.
Can you remember any animals in Spanish?
What is Spanish for rabbit? Can you remember how to say dog?
Now, watch the video with Miss Cook below to recap the different animals and see how we describe the colour of an animal too!
Once you have watched the video, have a go at the worksheet below. We would love to see you saying some of these animals and their colours so if you want to, get an adult to record you saying the animals and their colours and send it so us at advice@mapledeneschool.com
Day 31 – Tuesday 23rd February
Please see today's timetable below.
23.02.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths |
Ordering Numbers |
Number bonds to 10 |
Reading |
Rainforest Calling |
Read Write Inc |
English |
-ed verbs |
Handwriting |
Joining letters – diagonal join |
Science - Zoom |
Types of skeleton |
Doodle |
Kickstart the challenge - 3C vs 3J |
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
Today, we are going to be continuing with our work on number and focusing on ordering numbers.
Watch the 2 videos on the link below. Can you join in and work out the answers? You can pause the videos to have a go at the questions whilst watching them.
Can you remember what ascending and descending mean?
Ascending means you go from the smallest to the largest. Descending means you go from the largest to the smallest.
What do these signs mean? < > =
Now, have a go at the worksheet below.
Mrs Wells' group:
Today, we are continuing to work on our number bonds to 10.
Re-watch this video from yesterday to help with your learning:
Look at these blocks below. How many are green? How many are yellow? When you add these 2 numbers together, you have your number bond to 10.
So, 9 + 1 = 10 and 4 + 6 = 10
Have a go at the worksheet below. Can you come up with some of your own?
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today we are re-reading our text from yesterday. Can you remember what happened? Who was stressed about the rainforest disappearing? Which characters did we meet? Re-read the text aloud and see if you can find the answers to these questions. Once you have read the text, put your ‘thinking hats’ on and answer the inference questions.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today, we are going to start reading a new text. I would like you to read the text aloud twice. Remember to use your Fred fingers to sound out the words that you find tricky. Once you have read the text, have a go at the questions attached.
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
Today, we are going to be looking at persuasive writing. Can you think of any times we might write to persuade? Over the next couple of weeks, we are going to be writing a letter to the children and parents of Mapledene Primary School to persuade them to protect our rainforests and stop deforestation.
Before we write our letter, we need to look at what needs to be included in a persuasive piece of writing. Watch the video below with Miss Cook to look at the features we need to include before looking at the WAGOLL together. Make sure you have the WAGOLL in front of you so you can follow the text. After watching the video, have a go at the worksheet below.
Mrs Wells’ Group:
Today, we are continuing to look at verbs. Can you remember what a verb is? Today we are going to be adding the suffix –ed to put verbs in the past tense.
Re-cap what a verb is by watching this video:
If we want to put a verb into the past tense, we can use the suffix –ed. For example, play --> played.
Now, watch the video on this link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z66nv82
Using the knowledge you have gained, have a go at the worksheets below.
Watch Miss Johnson’s video which introduces another of our joins. See if you can practise your joins and you can be as neat as Miss Johnson.
Science: Zoom at 1:15pm
Today we are going to be looking at the bones in our bodies. Join us on zoom at 1:15pm for the introduction to the lesson. If you cannot join the zoom, have a look at the videos below before completing the worksheets.
Have a look at these animals below. Are they vertebrates or invertebrates? How do you know?
Have a go at the worksheet below. Can you sort the animals by cutting them out or drawing them based on whether the animals are vertebrate or invertebrates?
Are you ready for the competition of the year? This is the ultimate competition – 3C vs. 3J!
Your challenge is to see which class can get the most Doodle stars in Doodle Maths and Doodle English by 5pm on Sunday 7th March. For your class to win and ensure you get all the stars you possibly can, everyone in the class needs to take part.
At the end of each day, we will publish a daily total for the Maths competition and the English competition on our main class page so you can see how your class is doing.
If you take part for 3 or more days, you will get a merit. Those who take part in the winning class will also get a merit.
Who will come out as the Year 3 champions for Doodle Maths and Doodle English?
Day 30 – Monday 22nd February
Welcome back Year 3! Miss Johnson and I hope you have had a fantastic half term holiday and are ready to carry on with some brilliant learning.
Please see today's timetable below:
22.02.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
9:00am - Zoom |
Rise and Shine |
Maths |
Place Value – Representing Numbers |
Number bonds to 10 |
Reading |
Rainforest Calling |
Read Write Inc |
English |
Effects of deforestation |
What is a verb? |
Handwriting |
Joining letters – diagonal join |
P.E. |
Throwing and Catching |
Feelings and emotions |
9am Zoom – Rise and Shine with Miss Cook and Miss Johnson
Join us for our first rise and shine session of the half term. Make sure you are up and ready as we are looking for some volunteers to help us pick our rise and shine videos.
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
Today, we are going to be looking at representing numbers in different ways. Can you remember how we partition a number?
For example,
100 + 30 + 4 = 134
You might choose to represent this number with a bar model, part-part whole model, on a number line, with dienes or any other way you can think of.
Have a go at your Daily 10 today. Please select level 3, partitioning, up to 999. Can you correctly work out the numbers being partitioned here?
Watch Miss Cook’s video below to look at the different ways we can represent numbers before having a go at the worksheet below.
Mrs Wells' group:
This week, we are going to be working on our number bonds to 10. Watch the video below to learn all about number bonds:
Now, get up and have a go at joining in with this song based on your number bonds to 10:
Using your knowledge of number bonds, complete the worksheet below.
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Once you have taken part in the Read Write Inc part of the lesson, read the next part of our text ‘Rainforest Calling’. So far, we have met Daisy who is completing a school project by watching video footage from the different layers of the rainforest. She has met a potoo bird called Pedro who is helping her explore each layer.
Today, we are reading a new part. Read the text aloud. Have a look at the definition sheet below. Can you find these words in the text using your ‘fastest finger’? Once you have found the words and read their definitions, have a go at the questions below.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today, we are going to have a look at a poem. Watch the video below:
You can watch the video more than once. Once you have watched the video, have a go at the questions below.
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
Over the next couple of weeks, we are going to be looking at deforestation and writing a persuasive letter to persuade people to protect our rainforests. Today, we are focussing on feelings and representing these in different ways.
Before we start our lesson, we must answer this questions: What is deforestation? Watch the video below to find out.
Now, look at the picture below. What is happening here? How does it make you feel?
Have a look at the pictures below. What is happening in the pictures? Why is it happening? How does it make you feel?
I want you to imagine you are a rainforest animal. There are some ideas of animals you could choose below:
Draw your animal in the middle of your page. Around the outside of your page answer the following questions:
When you look out and see the deforestation, what do you notice and how do you feel?
How would it feel to lose your home?
Why is the rainforest important?
Look at Mr Murphy’s example below to help you.
At the end of the lesson, watch the video below to hear our new book for the week. Can you spot any links to deforestation in the story?
Mrs Wells’ Group:
This week, we are going to be working on verbs. Watch the video below to learn about what a verb is:
A verb is a ‘doing’ word and describes how we do something.
For example,
Miss Cook jumps in the puddle.
Miss Johnson runs to the playground.
Mrs Wells walks to school.
Have a go at the worksheet below. Can you correctly match the verb to the picture. You can either draw a line or cut them out and match them together.
Watch Miss Johnson’s video which introduces another join. See if you can practise your joins and you can be as neat as Miss Johnson.
Today, we are focussing on throwing and catching. Before we do anything else, we need to warm up. Join The Vamps for our warm up today!
For this lesson, you will need a ball. It can be any ball as long as you can throw it in the air and catch it.
Are you up for a challenge? Watch the video with Miss Cook below and see if you can complete today’s P.E challenge! Record your results on the worksheet below and send it to Miss Johnson and Miss Cook to show how you have got on. You can also send us videos and photos of you doing the tasks!
This afternoon, we are looking at our feelings and emotions. Can you name any different emotions that you might feel?
Did you mention any of these emotions?
Watch this video to about different feelings. You can join in and move along with it!
Today, we would like you to think about all the happy moments in your life. Can you think of 6 events that have happened that make you feel happy, excited or put a smile on your face? Write them down on a piece of paper.
These events could include; the birth of a family member (e.g. brother, sister, cousin etc.), a family celebration (e.g. wedding, christening, birthday party etc.)
Now put these into order based on when they happened. You want the first event that happened to go first, and the last event last with the others in order in the middle.
Today, you are going to be putting these events onto a timeline of your life. You are going to be using either photos you can find of these events from around the house or drawings of these events to create your timeline. Please see Mr Murphy’s example below. You can see that the image of his first bike appears earlier in the timeline than when he came to Mapledene school, because my timeline is in “chronological” order. Bonus points if you can include dates.