Year 6
Happy Friday everyone!
Great to see a lot of you on Zoom yesterday! I hope you could all see and hear each other alright and that you understand all the rules we set out so that we can have successful Zoom sessions in the future. It was a pleasure to see all your smiling faces! It has been a long time. Anyway, on to today…
Another week of home learning is nearly done and you guys are doing a great job! It is clear from all the work being sent in that you are trying your best with every task set. We are very proud of all of you. First thing for Friday is to watch this week’s assembly – did a Year 6 class make it to the top of the Doodle charts? Fingers crossed.
(If the link is not here then it is still being uploaded - do your work then check back in later)
Next up is English and we are revisiting our writing from yesterday. If you haven’t had chance to finish it then please continue, and if you have then we would like to give you the chance to edit it and make it even better. Here are a few tips:
After a super week working on area and perimeter, we are moving on to looking at all 2 dimensional (2d) shapes and their properties. So, to recap all that you should have covered during your time in Key stage 2, we would like you to complete some Added Extras on Doodle. This is your only Maths for today SO WE EXPECT EVERYONE TO DO THIS. It will be really important for Mr Barber, Miss Sanders and Mr Collett to know what you know before we start our Year 6 work on shape next week.
Miss Sanders Maths Friday 22nd January
Well done for a great week of work Year 6! Before we start, next week we will be looking at 2D shape and it would be really useful if you can print the worksheets or collect a pack of worksheets from the school office on Monday as it will be hard to access some of the activities without them.
Today, I would like you all to try really hard to go onto Doodle Tables and get into the Green Zone. If you are already there then see if you can get the best score. We will be posting the green zoners later today so make sure your name is on the list. Remember, you don't need to have the app installed. You can just type 'doodle maths' into a search engine and log in from there - just like we do at school.
Main Learning
To finish off our multiplication and division topic this week we will be continuing to look at problem solving using the method explained yesterday. Watch the video and pause it to work out the answers to the worksheets that are included or you can download them from the links below. They are also included in the packs if you collected one from school and at the end of the video.
Have a great weekend everyone!
This week to get you all moving and listening to the beat I would like you to follow and copy the moves in this warm up video. Andy, the dance instructor, is full of energy and always makes me smile.
To access the videos you will need to click on the links below. The password for the Music Room is YV2021.; Then go to Dance videos and scroll down to Urban Strides Interactive.
We have a new song to learn today and this time it has a totally different vibe. This song is all about having the power to get through this tricky time and persevering whatever situation you find yourself in. It is great fun. Have a go and I bet you will end up singing it all the time in your head.
But before you hear the song, Mrs Mason has very kindly recorded some simple signs to help with your learning. Practice them using the video first and then see if you can add them when you sing.
First of all, just play the song using the lyrics video and follow the words on screen. Go to ‘Power in me lyric video’.
Then I would like you to have a go at learning the actions for the chorus. Watch the videos using the attached link and have fun! If the link doesn’t take you directly to the correct clip then go onto dance videos and click on ‘Power in me breakdown 1’
If anyone would like to challenge themselves further, you can also click on the link below to follow a lesson all about Rhythm.
This afternoon we would like you to continue to research the design and look of an Anderson Shelter and draw one or list the materials you might need to make a miniature one at home! You could do it in a shoe box, use real soil and sand, make it out of paper, cardboard or plastic, make it out of Lego, or even check if you have the tools to make it out of wood. Please be careful if looking or handling tools as they can be very sharp and heavy.
You might want to start by looking at the following links and at the design in the PowerPoint below.
What is was like in a shelter during the Blitz:
Quick construction video:
Making your shelter more comfortable:
General history about the shelters:
There are also LOADS of tutorials to look at how you can make one. Below is one example:
If you happen to ahve finished your shelter then you can make further improvements or use the diagram in the powerpoints to help you write captions/notes about each key section that your shelter has that makes it an effective shelter from the bombs. Become an Anderson expert and discuss your findings with someone at home.
And that's that for another week. Have a great weekend everyone, and see you back here on Monday!
Today is the day, Year 6! By now you should have responded to the Zoom survey so that you can take part later today.
We hope you can all make it and we apologise in advance for any technical issues we may encounter; even teachers can learn new things!
Year 6 team
"Make sure you get my best side." Mr Collett, this morning
It’s Thursday, Year 6!
More congratulations to all of you working through your home learning. The work we are getting sent in is of a great standard and it is clear you are working very hard. Keep trying your best as we are still giving out lots of Merits.
Here is today’s learning!
Following on from yesterday’s extract from ‘Friend or Foe’, today’s task is to find evidence to support the statements in the document below. We would like you to find and copy the sentences that prove the statement. Remember to copy the text exactly, and also try to find the part of the text that tells you what the statement says is true. There is at least one piece of evidence for each statement. Good luck!
You have worked really hard on the different types of commas this week and, from what we have seen, you have shown a super understanding of the different types – now it’s time to prove it to us. We are aiming for a piece of writing that shows off your knowledge of commas:
- lists,
- fronted adverbials
- parentheses (relative and embedded clauses).
Your inspiration: following your research into the Coventry Blitz and Anderson shelters, we want you to imagine you are living through the blitz and an actual bombing raid by the German Luftwaffe.
The sirens begin to wail; you are awoken from a deep sleep by a parent or sibling and told to ‘Move! Now!’ Panic, fear, confusion, desperation, worry, knowing that any moment your house might be hit. You have to make it to the shelter in your garden. What do you grab? What do you leave? What do you need? Is your little sister awake? Where is everyone? While all around bombs explode and orange light breaks through your blackout blinds, you have to act and act quickly.
Please watch the clip below for a glimpse of what it would have been like for children of your age during the Blitz. It is quite dark, but then so would the city have been to hide from the German bombers.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Blitz Scene
Now we want you to write as if you were there and try to use the commas in three different ways like we have been working on. Have a look at the WAGOLL (What A Good One Looks Like) below to help you if you need to.
Maths - Mr B and Mr C
We have had a few emails saying that some of you have found some of the later area questions too hard. On the last sheet of the pdf there were two at the bottom that were WAY TOO HARD! Please don’t worry if you couldn’t so these two. They were supposed to blanked out! So don’t do these two below:
Instead, please have a go at doing a few test question problems. These should be more manageable and they are now split into your sets!
However it is OK if you can't do some of the questions that we set. Some days you might do them all and others you might not get any. It's alright not to be perfect and if you could do everything we gave you all the time, then we wouldn't be teaching you anything and you wouldn't be learning. Just do your best, think about the questions carefully and send in what you can so we can help you through anything you find tough.
Mr Collett would also like his group to look at and try these super tough Area problems! There aren’t many but they require lots of careful thought and a step by step process to get to the answer. We will try to put a video up to go through these on Friday so do your best and don’t worry if you find them too hard – just remember to tune in on Friday for an explanation.
Miss Sanders Maths Thursday 21st January
Good morning everyone! Today I would like you to start with the Daily 10 activities again. See if you can beat your scores from yesterday. Don't forget to let me know who you got on using Classdojo.
Main Learning
Today we are going to use the multiplication and division skills that you have been practicing to solve some word problems. This video looks in detail at reading and understanding the question BEFORE finding the answer. Please watch the video and answer the questions that they provide (also linked below). The answers will be explained at the end of the video. Good luck!
By all means continue with your Anderson Shelter project at any time in the afternoons, but after our scheduled Zoom call (which hopefully goes very well) please get ready for some PSHE.
Today we are going to raise our awareness of becoming a ‘critical consumer’. When we buy products from a shop, we become a consumer. It’s important to consider the ways in which shops entice people to spend their money, do you, as a consumer, always benefit? Look through the PowerPoint presentation and discuss. Attached below are scenario cards that you need to consider and then can be discussed with people at home as well as the product comparison sheet that is referenced in the PowerPoint.
- Critical Consumers - Lesson PresentationPSHE.pptx
- Critical Consumers - Product Comparison Activity Sheet.pdf
- Product Comparison Card Packs.pdf
And that’s Thursday everyone! Keep working hard and get some rest in time for Friday’s learning tomorrow. Who will be Shooting Star? Will anyone get the Doodle award? Will 6C come top of the school in Maths? Tune in to the Assembly to find out, and get collecting those Doodle stars to get us top of the leaderboard!
Happy Wedensday, Year 6!
Well done to all of you who are working so hard from home. It has been a pleasure to hear and see your successes and to talk to some of you about it too. Keep up the hard work everyone. It’s Wednesday and we are in the zone now – keep powering though!
Here is today’s learning!
For Guided Reading today we have a passage from the Michael Morpurgo book ‘Friend or Foe’. The story follows the main character, David, who is evacuated from London because of the bombing raids. The story, and this extract, opens with David waking up on the morning he is going to be evacuated. Today’s reading is just the text; tomorrow you will be finding evidence to back up some statements about David, so make sure you read the text carefully.
After working through some excellent commas work for the past two days we are now going to see how careful placement of commas can alter the way a sentence looks or sounds by rearranging the words within. Have a look at the video and try creating some rearranged sentences of our own from the document. REMEMBER THE COMMAS!
Maths - Mr B and Mr C
Area can be quite a difficult topic so we are going to continue with the work from yesterday. I have put up a video talking through the PowerPoint from yesterday to try to help you. Watch the video and see if it helps you go through the questions. If you completed the questions yesterday, please check them through with any new understanding you get from the video. You will need to be very secure in how to calculate area before attempting the problems tomorrow.
There is also a sheet below the video that requires you to find missing sides and area of more than one rectangle. It is optional, but we recommend you have a go as it will help you problem solve better tomorrow.
Miss Sanders Maths Wednesday 20th January
Hello everyone! How are you getting on with our division lessons? Yesterday, I sent your parents an invitation to join 'Classdojo' via email. This is a new platform that we are trialling at school to help you communicate directly with the teachers. If your parent accepts you will be able to drop me e-mails to let me know how you are getting on and I will be able to reply quickly and easily - although I have to go to bed before 6pm or I turn into a monster! Your parents will also be able to communicate directly with me and see any e-mails that you send or are sent. Why not ask them about it?
Anyway, over to today's learning;
How well do you know your 6 times tables and linked division facts now? Today I would like you to play the game 'Daily 10' using the link below.
Select level 2 - Multiplication - 6x table. Have a few goes and see how you get on. Then repeat with dividing by 6. You can make it easier or harder by changing the number of seconds on the tabs along the bottom.
Main Learning
Our main learning today is to divide a 2 digit number by a single digit number. Watch the video and then have a go at the sheets that are linked. The answers are explained at the end of the video and I have also included them as a linked document below.
This afternoon we have the first session of a Design & Technology project!
During the war, when the Germans were bombing our cities, people used to take refuge and shelter inside small buildings constructed in their gardens called Anderson shelters. The shelters were very strong - especially against a compressive force such as from a nearby bomb - because of their corrugation.
Anderson shelters were effective only if half buried in the ground and covered in a thick layer of earth. They were therefore cold, dark and damp. In low-lying areas the shelters tended to flood, and sleeping was difficult as the shelters did not keep out the sound of the bombings. Families had to build their own bunk beds, or buy them ready made. If there was a toilet at all, it took the form of a bucket in the corner!
Therefore, although some families slept in them every night, most people were reluctant to use them except after the air raid sirens had sounded - and often not even then. People were recommended to take important documents with them, such as birth and marriage certificates and Post Office Savings books. But it was difficult to remember what to do when you had just woken from a deep sleep, it was totally dark and the sirens were wailing.
Your task today (and we will get more time to finish this) is to research the design and look of an Anderson Shelter and draw one or list the materials you might need to make a miniature one at home! You could do it in a shoe box, use real soil and sand, make it out of paper, cardboard or plastic, make it out of Lego, or even check if you have the tools to make it out of wood. Please be careful if looking or handling tools as they can be very sharp and heavy.
You might want to start by looking at the following links and at the design in the PowerPoint below.
- What is was like in a shelter during the Blitz:
- Quick construction video:
- Making your shelter more comfortable:
- General history about the shelters:
There are also LOADS of tutorials to look at how you can make one. Below is one example:
Good Morning, Year 6!
An outstanding start from a lot of you yesterday with lots of work being sent through to us via the email. We are very glad so many of you got off to a super start with your science too. Well done everyone.
So let’s get started with today’s learning!
Today is a shorter reading and we are going to look at the role of women during World War 2. With women not allowed to join the army (thankfully, not still the case) then all the men of certain ages were recruited. They were forced to leave their jobs in factories and services. Who could replace them? You guessed it – women. The country would have come to a standstill without the many magnificent mothers, grandmothers, sisters and daughters. Read the text and have a go at the questions. Answers are provided.
Commas are of vital importance! They can actually save lives (as well as be used to add extra information and make sentences more clear). Watch the video below, check out the PowerPoint, and have a go at the worksheets.
Year 6 - Grammar - 19.01.21
Maths - Mr B and Mr C
You made a good start to our Shape work yesterday by working on perimeter – the distance around the shape. Hopefully you were all able to have a go at finding the perimeter when it is not just a simple rectangle.
Today we are looking at the Area of a shape. The area is the measurement of the space within or inside a shape. Have a look at the PowerPoint and get some tips on how to calculate the area of shapes.
There is a lot to get through today so please don’t worry if you don’t do it all today. You can continue it tomorrow too.
The best order would be pages 1 & 2 from the composite shapes sheet, then the Word document called "area compound Tuesday 2", then if you are feeling confident, pages 3 and 5 of the composite shapes sheet.
- Area_Perimeter_simple_and_compound_shapes_Powerpoint.pptx
- Area_Perimeter_simple_and_compound_shapes_Powerpoint.pdf
- composite shapes 1,2,3,5 Tuesday.pdf
- area compound Tuesday 2.doc
Miss Sanders Maths Tuesday 19th January
Keep going with those division facts Year 6. I know it can get a little tedious but it is so important that you learn them off by heart. This will make the rest of your learning in maths so much easier.
Main Learning
I hope you all completed yesterdays lesson and feel confident dividing by 10? Today we are going to move on a step and look at Dividing and Multiplying by 10 and 100. You have all the skills you need to succeed at this lesson, just watch the video carefully and then answer the worksheets that are linked below. The answers are on the second page of the document. Don't forget to phone or email the school if you are having any problems with the work.
It’s that time of the week again when it’s time to feel the burn! If you’ve already done his work out this morning – great! You will be twice as fit at the end of this than everyone else! Give it your best try everyone. It might be hard but every little bit you do will mean you can do that tiny bit more next time. Get your trainers on and get working out!
Last lesson of the day is ICT. There may be a chance to do some more research into our World War 2 topic tomorrow, but today we would like you to focus on your Doodle. Miss Sanders, Mr Barber and Mr Collett all put up some new Doodle objectives in each app and we want to see our classes rise up the table. We are Year 6 and we are better than mid-table! Do those Extras, get those Daily Stars and get to your target. Let’s get a streak going, Year 6!
And once you have got yourselves in the Green Zone, consider your Tuesday work done! Well done, Year 6.
Good Monday Morning, Year 6!
We hope you feel rested and refreshed and ready for a great week of home learning. Mr Barber, Mr Collett and Miss Sanders are all extremely proud of all of your hard work last week and we have enjoyed reading and seeing all the fantastic work you have been sending through.
So let’s get started!
Continuing with reading texts about our topic of World War Two, we have found an incredible story for you guys today about an incredible animal named Wojtek. Reading the text, you might find it hard to believe it is a true story, but it is, every word. When you have finished the text and questions you might want to look him up yourself.
Last week’s newspaper reports were fantastic! For English this week we are going to be looking at commas and using them correctly and we have to prepare for a very exciting piece of writing at the end of the week too. So first a reminder about how to use commas when writing lists.
Maths - Mr B and Mr C
You have been doing some amazing number work this term and for most of the year so we have decided to look at a new area of maths. This week we are going to be looking at Shape. Firstly, we are going to recap how to find the Perimeter of shapes. This would have been a very important skill during the war too, as soldiers would have to walk the perimeter of their camps to check for intruders. Perimeter means the distance around a shape.
There is an extension document too, but be careful because there might be more than one missing value to calculate first.
- Perimeter Maths 1 - Monday.docx
- Perimeter Maths EXTENSION - Monday.docx
- Perimeter Maths Answers.docx
Maths – Miss Sanders
This week I would like you to challenge yourself to learn your 3, 4 and 6 times table facts using Hit the Button - Division Facts. Remember that division is the inverse of multiplication, so if you know your times tables these should be quite straight-forward.
Main Learning:
Our focus this week is going to be division. Today we are going to start with dividing any number by 10. Watch the video below and then have a go at one of the worksheets below. The mild sheet is the easier and Hot will give you more of a challenge.You don't have to print the sheet - working on paper is fine. For those of you that have collected a pack from the school Office, the worksheets are all included along with the answers.
- Miss Sanders Maths _mild_ Monday 18th January.docx
- Miss Sanders Maths mild Monday 18th January
- Miss Sanders Maths _Hot_ Monday.docx
- Miss Sanders Maths _hot_ Monday 18th Jan.pdf
We are starting a new topic in Science today and beginning it with an investigation. Our new topic is Light and how we see. First up, we are looking at light, light sources, shadows and transparency. There are some new words we want you to learn so listen carefully to the video on the link below, and then try to fill out the boxes and the investigation on the sheet.
Light links really well with our World War Two topic. During the Blitz it was vital to keep lights off In order to hide from the German bombers, so you can see how important it is to both have light but also to not have it too.
And that's us done for today! Well done everyone.
Before we go for the weekend (or before we start the week if you are reading this on Monday), we need to celebrate our Doodle Green Zoners for the first week back. The children in the lists below have managed to get into the Green zone for the subject and we know some of you have gone way past your target too, well done everyone. Let’s try to get some more names on the list for next week too. Get Doodling, Year 6!
Maths Green Zoners:
Lana, T’Raya, Sophie T, Sophie H, Jake, Syafia, Lauren, Maya, Tianna, Isobel, Lucas and Mr C
Tables Green Zoners:
T’Raya, Eva-Jade, Erin, Kyle, Jake, Kalel, Cory, Syafia, Sophie D, Zara, Louie and Tianna
English Green Zoners:
T’Raya, Jake, Kyle, Syafia, Tianna, Lauren, Isobel and Bailey
Spelling Green Zoners:
Jake, T’Raya, Cory, Sophie D, Eva-Jade, Syafia, Tianna, Katie, Jaydon and Logan
Super Doodling from these pupils who are in the green zone – two house points for each time your name appears in the lists above. Special mentions this week go to T’Raya, Syafia and new Green Zoner Tianna who are all in the Green zone across the four Apps! Great effort from all three and they each get a MERIT and a Doodle prize when we return to school – remember to remind Mr B and Mr C when we get back to school.
Friday 15th January Timetable |
Lesson 1 |
Assembly! |
Lesson 2 |
Reading |
Break |
Lesson 3 |
Maths |
Lesson 4 |
Finish off English |
Lunch |
Afternoon |
Art |
It’s FRIDAY Year 6!!
Our Final day of home learning for this week is upon us! Before we take a look at the work to do today, here are some examples of brilliant work done at home by Year 6 over the past few days:
Take a look at this week’s school assembly! With so many of you working incredibly hard, it has been a difficult decision as to who to award the Shooting Stars to. Watch the clip on the website/ school Twitter page to find out who we chose!
The final Reading work of the week focuses on Gas Masks, which were issued to the British people during the Blitz in case Hitler decided to drop poisoned gas on British cities! Have a read of the passage from Horrible Histories, and answer the questions in full sentences.
Mr B and Mr C Mental Maths
With so much learning to be done today, Friday’s Maths is a short activity! We would like you to have a go at some of the mathematical problems which have been sent into us from Year 6 children this week! Some of them are trickier than others, so remember to read each question carefully, before deciding which operation to use! Answers are attached below too, but no cheating!!
Miss Sanders Maths Group: Friday 14th January
Warm up:
Please continue to practice your 6 times table using Doodle Tables. If you manage to master your 6 times table so that it locks then have a go at practicing at speed using Hit the button. Finally, if you are now a 6 times table genius, have a go at the division facts on hit the button.
Main learning:
Today I would like you to spend one more day practicing the grid method before moving onto something new next week. You can use the video lesson from yesterday
or watch these short videos to help you.
- T2-M-1591-Multiplying-2-Digit-Numbers-by-1-Digit-Numbers-Using-Grid-Method-Activity-Sheets_ve.docx
- T2-M-1592-Multiplying-2-Digit-Numbers-by-2-Digit-Numbers-Using-Grid-Method-Activity-Sheets_ver_1.pdf
- T2-M-1592-Multiplying-2-Digit-Numbers-by-2-Digit-Numbers-Using-Grid-Method-Activity-Sheets_ve.docx
In today’s English lesson, you’ve got a bit more time to finish off your newspaper reports from yesterday! If you get the content done, you can add pictures, quotes and captains in the boxes around your article to really bring it to life! For anyone who isn’t sure of the writing features that we are looking for in this piece of work, please scroll down the page to Thursday’s English, where Mr Barber has filmed a short clip explain the task. We can’t wait to read your articles Year 6!
Our final task of the week this week is to design and create your own World War 2 street poster! During WW2, the Government would place posters up and down the streets of Britain to advise citizens of their responsibilities during this crucial time for our country. Take a look at some of the examples below. Have a think about what the important message that is being communicated each time, and then design your own! Good luck everyone 😊
Happy Thursday Year 6!
Good morning everyone! We wanted to say a big shout out to all of the parents today who are working hard with you at home! You’re all doing an AMAZING job!
Here is today’s learning for everyone at home…
Thursday 14th January Timetable |
Lesson 1 |
Reading |
Lesson 2 |
Maths |
Break |
Lesson 3 |
English |
Lunch |
Afternoon |
Afternoon |
P.E |
Our Reading work today is designed to help you with your newspaper report in English! The document below shows a newspaper article that was written the day after the Blitz on Coventry in November 1940. Have a read through it and discuss with an adult/think about:
- The type of language that is used – is it formal or informal?
- The tense which is used throughout – is it written about the past or is it in present tense?
- The way that the article is structured – how does it tell the story of the bombing?
You could use this article as a guide when writing your own in English time later on today, and tomorrow 😊
Mr B and Mr C Maths
Following on from yesterday’s brilliant work on multiplication problems, Mr Collett and Mr Barber have selected some division word problems for you to attempt today!
Remember, you might still need to use your multiplication skills to solve parts of these problems, because multiplication and division are the inverse of each other! Take a look at the video below if you need some support with how to solve the questions…
Division problems -
Miss Sanders Maths Thursday
Please continue to practice your 6 times table using Doodle Tables. If you manage to master your 6 times table so that it locks then have a go at practicing at speed using Hit the button.
Today, we are moving on to look at the grid method for multiplication. You will have used this before lots of times so it will be revision but it can be a really useful way of ensuring that you get the right answer in a multiplication question.
When you have finished the video have a go at PAGES 1 and 2 on the worksheet below. I have saved in Word and Pdf to make it easier for everyone to access but you don't need to print the worksheet just work on paper. The answers are included at the end so that you can self mark.
- T2-M-1591-Multiplying-2-Digit-Numbers-by-1-Digit-Numbers-Using-Grid-Method-Activity-Sheets_ve.docx
- T2-M-1591-Multiplying-2-Digit-Numbers-by-1-Digit-Numbers-Using-Grid-Method-Activity-Sheets_ver_2.pdf
Our English piece of work for today is designed to go over the next two English lessons – so don’t worry if you can’t complete it all today!
We would like you all to use the information that you have gathered this week to write your very own newspaper article about the Blitz on Coventry in November 1940. Remember, you have got masses of information to choose to include in this work, so refer back to:
- Your notes made on Tuesday from the Youtube video
- The Youtube video itself (see Tuesday’s English section for this!)
- Your planning sheet completed yesterday.
- The English work from this morning which showed an example of what your article could be like!
- Any other research that you completed in I.C.T!
Take a look at the video link below, where Mr Barber outlines the kind of writing features that he is looking for in this piece of work. Once you’ve done that, the newspaper template is there for you to use if you want to when writing up your report!
Newspaper Writing -
Last week in PSHE, we considered the money needed to run a household. It came as a big surprise to find out just how much money is spent on bills and other essentials. We also considered how these things were paid for … it certainly isn’t from a magical money tree! We are going to look more closely over the next few weeks at how we can make the best use of our money and how to keep it safe.
Work your way through the PowerPoint presentation (please watch as a slideshow) and discuss how you would look after your money. Use the scenario cards to help you decide. When would you use a wallet? A money box? A bank account, or use the money as an investment?
After completing one of Joe Wicks’ workouts on Monday, we are graced with a different P.E Supply Teacher today! Join Marcus Rashford on the link below to have a go at one of his stretch and warm up routines, which seems like the perfect way to end Thursday’s home school learning. We know lots of you have been enjoying doing your P.E at home, and we can’t wait until we’re back in school doing our P.E lessons together again.
That concludes today’s home schooling everyone, have a fabulous evening!
Wednesday 13th January
Good morning Year 6!
Well done to everyone who has worked hard at home this week so far!
Before we take a look at the learning for today, we wanted to say a MASSIVE well done to all of you who have completed the work so far this week!
From Cory’s Maths, to Lashanti’s poetry, to Connor’s Blitz animations, we have been blown away by the quality of your work. Keep it up everyone! We will share some of the best work on here on Friday...
Here is today’s home learning for you all to get stuck into!
Wednesday 13th January Timetable |
Lesson 1 |
Reading |
Lesson 2 |
Maths |
Break |
Lesson 3 |
English |
Lunch |
Afternoon |
History |
As we have a larger amount of Maths and English to do today, this morning’s Reading is a chance to practise your speedy retrieval skills on a shorter text about the Blitz! Time yourself from start to finish, and see how quickly (and accurately!) you can read the text and answer the four short questions!
Mr B and Mr C Maths
Mr Collett and Mr Barber have been very impressed with your Maths strategies for multiplication and division over the past couple of days. We are going to move on now to solving mathematical, real life problems involving these two operations! Today’s work is largely using your multiplication skills – but be careful that you read the question and work out EXACTLY what you have to do before jumping straight in to solving each one! The video below models how to do this successfully…
Multiplication example
Miss Sanders Maths Wednesday 13th January 2021
Good morning everyone! Please continue to practice your 6 times table using Doodle Tables. If you manage to master your 6 times table so that it locks then have a go at practicing at speed using Hit the button.
Main learning:
Tomorrow we will be moving on to look at the grid method of multiplication. However, to ensure success in this we need to make sure that we can multiply any number by 10 without having to give it too much thought! Watch this video to ensure that you are confident in multiplying by 10.
You can have a go at the questions on the video or if you feel like more of a challenge then try these worksheets. You don't need to print out the sheets - just work on a piece of paper. The answers are included at the end of the document.
In today’s English lesson, we would like you to plan out a Newspaper report, detailing the events of 14th November 1940 – The Blitz decimates Coventry! On Thursday and Friday, you have the English time to write this newspaper report up in best, so make sure that you plan out carefully what you are going to write in today’s lesson! The video below talks you through the sheet which you can use to plan successfully. REMEMBER: refer to your notes, and the video clip from yesterday if you are struggling to think of things to write!
Blitz report plan - 13.1.mp4
Tuesday 12th January Timetable |
Lesson 1 |
Reading |
Lesson 2 |
Maths |
Break |
Lesson 3 |
English |
Lunch |
Afternoon |
Music |
Afternoon |
I.C.T |
Good morning everyone!
It’s back to normal home learning today as our focus shifts on to the next part of our exciting World War 2 project! We hope you all enjoyed BLUE MONDAY yesterday, and we were really impressed with the standard of some of the work which was completed 😊
Our Reading work today is on ‘The Blitz’, in order for you to understand more about this phase of the War.
Have a read through the text and answer the questions in full sentences. Remember to scan the text carefully for key words when answering each question, and think carefully about explaining your point in more detail for two-mark questions! Take a look at Mr Barber's short tutorial on Reading strategies below.
Year 6 reading 12.1.21
Mr C/Mr B Maths
After yesterday’s work on multiplication, today’s Maths focus is on division. Take a look at the YouTube link below to help you to understand the bus-stop method when dividing large numbers! Then, have a go at the sheet below. Hint: there are no remainders here, so if your answer has a remainder check your working out!
For Miss Sanders’ group, please see the resources further down the page for Tuesday’s Maths!
Year 6 Maths 12.1.21
Miss Sanders Maths - Tuesday 12th January
Warm up
Please continue to practice your 6 times table using Doodle Tables. If you manage to master your 6 times table so that it locks then have a go at practicing at speed using Hit the button.
Main Learning:
Hopefully, yesterdays lesson has helped you to remember that multiplication questions can be done in any order. Today’s lesson will show you how to use this information to solve word problems. These types of questions always come up in the SATs so it is useful to have lots of different ideas of how to solve them. Click on the link below to access a learning video and questions to complete.
As always, you can work on plain paper or print out the worksheets. Don’t forget to let me know if you are having any difficulties using the email address;
This week, we are moving on to some of the darkest days in World War 2 for Britain, as we focus on THE BLITZ! The Blitz was a bombing campaign by the Nazi German aeroplanes, The Luftwaffe, on Britain’s cities throughout 1940 and into 1941. The Blitz was an incredibly difficult time for the people of our country, and togetherness and hope were needed more so in these years than at any other during the War.
For English today, we would like you to watch the video link below and make notes about how a city very close to us, Coventry, was impacted by the Blitz in 1940. Try to watch up to 40 minutes and 17 seconds, as this is more than enough video content to understand exactly what happened on the fateful night of 14th November 1940.
The notes page includes clock faces which appear in the YouTube clip, so be sure to watch carefully so that you can record what exactly happened at what time!
For the rectangular box, write a sentence about what is generally happening at the given time.
For the square box, bullet point the key information.
For the speech box, write a quote from someone in the video explaining what they saw or heard.
For the heart box, write how people might have felt at this time during the attack.
Note for parents: The notes page today is a PDF document due to the formatting of the symbols! If you cannot print it, then please just encourage your child to make notes on their own paper, following a similar format to the notes page (screenshot below if you cannot open the PDF)
BBC Timewatch - Coventry Blitz 1940
BBC time-watch documenting Coventry and the events of 14th November 1940 © BBC
I hope you managed to get the chance to sing along with the lyric video to our song last week!
This week l would like you to look at the signed version of the song and teach yourself some words to sign when you are singing. You don’t need to learn all the signs. Just start with the chorus and pick out a few of the easier words. Then add more each time you sing.
The video for the song can be found below:
In I.C.T today, Mr Collett and Mr Barber would like you to gather some more facts about The Blitz, and what it would have been like to live through this time in British history! Unless you are lucky enough to know someone who lived through this time, you can find more information by searching The Blitz online. In our experience, the links below contain some really interesting content about this crucial period of World War 2…
Blitz, The - Kids | Britannica Kids | Homework Help
What was the blitz? (
And then.... relax! Another day's home schooling is done!
Note for parents: As part of our online learning, we would like to start experimenting with using zoom as a way of allowing the children to interact with their friends, and share some of their learning.
If you are interested in this, when you email your children’s work to, could you please let us know and provide an email address that an invite could be sent to in the event of a zoom meeting!
Take care,
Mr Collett, Miss Sanders and Mr Barber
Belong, Believe, Be You…Achieve
Monday 11th January Timetable – BLUE MONDAY! |
Lesson 1 |
Reading |
Lesson 2 |
Maths |
Break |
Lesson 3 |
English/Art |
Lunch |
Afternoon |
Finish off English/Art |
Afternoon |
P.E |
Good morning Year 6!
Take a look at all of the resources below which will support your timetable of work for today! Mr Collett, Miss Sanders and Mr Barber will be calling parents this week to see how everyone is getting on with home learning – we can’t wait to catch up with all of you!
Today is BLUE MONDAY, meaning that our Reading, English and Art activities are all linked to the whole school theme of protecting the environment around us – for one day only!
Our Reading work today focuses on Sky Ocean Rescue, a worthy cause set up to help reduce plastic in our oceans. Have a go at reading the text, either with an adult at home or by yourself, and use the text to answer the comprehension questions!
Mr C/Mr B Maths
Our Maths today will focus on multiplication using the column method. The Youtube link below explains exactly how to set this out, so make sure that you watch the clip if you can’t remember how the process is done! For Miss Sanders’ Maths group, please see the resources further down the page.
Maths - long multiplication explanationTake a look at this tutorial!
Week 2 - Monday
Hi everyone. I hope you had a great weekend? Before we get started, there is a pack containing all of this week's maths worksheets in the school Office. If you don't have access to a printer you can give the office a ring and they will copy it for you to collect.
This week we are going to look at Multiplication and Division.
Warm up:
To start off every day I would like you to spend at least 10 minutes on Doodle Tables and I would like you to learn your 6 times tables.
Remember, if you know your 3 times tables you can just double your answer.
2 x 3 = 6
So, 2 x 6 = 12.
Also you will already know many of the 6x table facts from knowing your 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 and 11 times tables.
So, the only new facts you need to know are
6 x 6 = 36
7 x 6 = 42
8 x 6 = 48
9 x 6 = 54
12 x 6 = 72.
This PowerPoint has the Times Fables Pictures to help you learn these facts. Try explaining them to another member of your family – they might be confused at first, as it is a new way of learning, but it will really help you if you can make them understand!
Times Fables Powerpoint
Main Learning:
Our first lesson today will be revising arrays to help you understand the’ commutative law’. This is just a mathematical term for the fact that you can do multiplication in any order so 7 x 6 is the same as 6 x 7.
Watch the video and pause it to answer any questions.
You can work on paper or print the worksheet and don't forget that you can pop down to school to collect a pack with all of this weeks maths worksheets included.
The answers are at the end of the video with an explanation so you can mark your own and drop me an email to let me know how you got on if you would like.
Miss Sanders Maths Monday Worksheet
For English today, Mr Collett and Mr Barber would like you to create your very own Ocean Poem! You can draw on some of the discussions that we had last half term as part of our I.C.E projects. The poem’s theme can focus on our world’s amazing marine wildlife, or can explore what the world would be like if plastic continued to find its way to our oceans. Your poem doesn’t need to rhyme, but we would be really impressed if it did! We would then like you to decorate the border or background of your poem to bring it to life – the more creative the better! We can’t wait to see what you all come up with! For inspiration, you could watch the Netflix documentary on ‘Our Planet’ which is available below.
With all of that hard work completed, it might be time to get some exercise! Joe Wicks is back today with a brand-new workout which you can do from your living room – so put the pens and pencils away and have a go at the workout on his Youtube channel below:
As always, any work from today can be sent through to, where Mr Collett, Miss Sanders or Mr Barber will be able to get back to you with feedback about the learning that has been completed 😊
Before we go for the weekend (or before we start the week if you are reading this on Monday), we need to celebrate our Doodle Green Zoners for the first week back. The children in the lists below have managed to get into the Green zone for the subject and we know some of you have gone way past your target too, well done everyone. Let’s try to get some more names on the list for next week too. Get Doodling, Year 6!
Maths Green Zoners:
Lana, T’Raya, Sophie T, Kyle, Syafia, Lauren, Maya, Tianna, Jaydon, Katie, Sophie D and Mr C
Green Zoners:
T’Raya, Lana, Eva-Jade, Erin, Kyle, Syafia, Sophie D, Isobel, Louie, Logan
English Green Zoners:
T’Raya, Chloe, Lana, Sophie T, Kyle, Syafia, Tianna, Lauren and Jaydon
Spelling Green Zoners:
Kyle, T’Raya, Chloe, Sophie T, Eva-Jade, Syafia, Katie, Jaydon and Sophie D
Amazing Doodling from these pupils who are in the green zone – two house points for each time your name appears in the lists above. And a special mention must go to T’Raya and Syafia who are in the Green zone in all four Apps! Not only that but they have amassed over 2800 stars between them in just one week. Incredible effort from both and they both get a MERIT and a Doodle prize when we return to school – remember to remind Mr B and Mr C when we get back to school.
Friday 8th January 2021
Good morning everyone and happy Friday. Well done for getting through your learning this week – we are all very proud of your efforts. Remember to also get yourself on Doodle to get those Daily stars. Year 6 need to climb the table for the most on target, so we need all of you to get on there and get your Daily Stars. There will be more objectives posted today so you can have a go at those too if you’ve already done this week’s.
Here is today’s timetable:
Friday 8th January Timetable |
Lesson 1 |
Lesson 2 |
Reading & History |
Break |
Lesson 3 |
Maths |
Lunch |
Afternoon |
History/Art |
Fit Friday
Miss Ellgood has put together a special Fit Friday assembly for this week. We hope you enjoyed creating your very own fitness circuits yesterday and hope that you are eager to join in with some more exercising today! The assembly will be uploaded to the usual places, on the school website or the YouTube channel.
Alongside watching the assembly, please take a look at the Active Learning and PE page, which can be found underneath the ‘Parents’ tab on the school website, or by following this link:
There are lots of active maths activities, to encourage you to practise key skills while keeping your body healthy.
Now we have warmed ourselves up and got our pulses racing, it is time for our Reading which we have combined with our History learning this morning, meaning you can spend a bit longer on this than usual. So, we have listened to Neville Chamberlain declaring war, and we have learned a little more about the Allied leaders, but why did the war even happen in the first place? Knowing what we know now I don’t think anyone would ever choose war, but there must have been a reason why Adolf Hitler decided that war was the best option for his and his country’s future.
Check out this webpage:
Watch this video:
And read this text to get as much information about the causes as possible, then you can have a go at the questions below too:
Next up is Maths.
Miss Sanders’ group please open the Word Document below with her name on and click on the links inside.
For Mr B & Mr C’s group:You have worked extremely hard on the addition and subtraction problems this week. Now that you have completed so many that WE have provided, we would like YOU to come up with some problems of your own. To make it interesting Mr Barber and Mr Collett are planning to post the best 3 problems onto the website for EVERYONE to complete at the start of next week! You can do these problems in the style of the SATs type questions and in the form of the Logic puzzles, but you need to check that they work and are correct/solvable. If we can’t solve them, no one can!
Here are two examples from the work you have done this week.
We thought you could perhaps make it more relevant to your life today as we can’t currently go the fairground! Can you make it interesting as well as challenging? Remember we are just working with Addition and Subtraction…for now!
If you manage to send some in then there is a new objective on Doodle to try, and two for Mr Collett’s group!
Good afternoon on a Friday, Year 6!
Well done for making it to the end of the week.
Usually, your Friday afternoons would be spent doing either Art or Forest School. As pretty as it might look when it is frosty and icy outside, we don’t want you getting frostbite from spending an afternoon in sub-zero temperatures, so we have an art project to work on instead.
Please have a look at the PowerPoint below for details and be sure to send in your finished Art so we can look to display some on the website next week.
All that is left to say is well done, Year 6. Have a great weekend and be back on here bright and early on Monday morning. We would also like to thank all the parents of Year 6 for their help during what has been, undoubtedly for you and us, a very challenging week. We really appreciate your help and your sending through the work your children do – it is a pleasure to see the work and to know that they are enjoying having a go at it. So thank you very much.
Bye for now!
Thursday 7th January 2021
Good morning everyone. Another super day of learning yesterday – well done. There was quite a bit to get through and we are very proud of the start you have made to the term. Today’s timetable is below:
Thursday 7th January Timetable |
Lesson 1 |
Reading |
Lesson 2 |
English - Grammar |
Break |
Lesson 3 |
Maths |
Lunch |
Afternoon |
History discussion |
First up, as usual, is our Reading. After hearing from the Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain speaking at the very beginning of the conflict, the very day that war was declared, we thought you might like to know a bit more about the leaders of the different countries involved in the Second World War. Most of you may have heard of the infamous Adolf Hitler, but did you know that Mr Chamberlain was not our Prime Minster for all of the war, and that there were other countries involved like Russia and the USA? Read the text below and then try to answer the questions.
- Allied leaders.docx
- Questions about Allied leaders - Miss Sanders.docx
- Questions about Allied leaders - Mr B & Mr C.docx
Next is English. You should by now have recapped all about how to punctuate speech when people are talking in a text by doing the Doodle activities and reading through the PowerPoint/PDF yesterday. Today we get to put that into practice. Open the document below and have a go at punctuating it properly. Remember – each new speaker needs a new line! You can just write the text out onto paper if you prefer. Or you can edit the document and type it onto the same page.
There is also a little task below the speech task that asks you to find some better words than ‘said’. Some people say that said is dead, but I prefer to just use it occasionally – ‘said needs a nap every now and again’. This person seems to think it’s dead though.
Next up is Maths.
Miss Sanders’ group please open the Word Document below with her name on and click on the links inside.
For Mr B & Mr C’s group you are continuing the problems from yesterday. If you managed to complete all the problems then please go back with fresh eyes and check through them. Then you can look through the answers below and see how you got on. Don’t be disappointed if you got it wrong – look to see how and where you got it wrong.
- Think about what information you know from the question.
- Draw out the information in pictures, part whole diagrams and numbers.
- Think carefully about what the question is asking you to find out.
- Remember to check your answer to see if it makes sense.
If you managed to complete all the problems then I have attached a few more examples of the last question which was the extension. These are logic puzzles that require a bit of perseverance. Work out what you know and then the next ‘clue’ will present itself. Good luck!
- Miss Sanders maths wk 1 day 3.docx
- Add and subtract Problems ANSWERS - Mr B & Mr C.pdf
- Extra Logic puzzles.docx
Good afternoon Year 6!
For this afternoon we thought we would pull together a bit more history and the work you have done and sent in over the past few days and hold a little discussion. World War 2, whilst a terrible tragedy because of the millions of lives and lost, is one of the most captivating, interesting and serious topics that we teach in Year 6 and primary school as a whole. It is our pleasure to discuss all aspects of it and your questions about it too.
With that in mind, your afternoon lesson is below. We hope you find it educational and interesting.
War pictures discussion
Mr Collett and Mr Barber discuss some famous pictures from World War 2. Thank you for providing us with your questions. If you want to find out more about the pictures and events we discuss, listen to our descriptions and do some research of your own. We would love to know what you find out.
Neville Chamberlain - Britain's Declaration of War 1939
Next is English. We would like you to look through the following PowerPoint to familiarise yourself with how to punctuate speech. There is also a small set of questions to practice on. Then we are giving you another opportunity to do the two Doodle English tasks we have set to do with speech punctuation. This knowledge will really help you for tomorrow’s task and prepare us when we write next week. If you cannot view the PowerPoint then the slides are also saved as a PDF below it.
Next up is Maths.
Miss Sanders’ group please open the Word Document below with her name on and click on the links inside.
For Mr B & Mr C’s group we are following on from yesterday’s recap of addition and subtraction, we would like you to attempt to solve these challenging two step problems.
- Think about what information you know from the question.
- Draw out the information in pictures, part whole diagrams and numbers.
- Think carefully about what the question is asking you to find out.
- Remember to check your answer to see if it makes sense.
These problems are for the next 2 days! This means we want you to take your time on them – we do not expect them all to be done today, and if you do then you need to make sure you have really checked your answer thoroughly. Please take your time and really try to understand the problem. The answers for these won't be posted until tomorrow, so you have lots of time to check and double-check!
Wednesday afternoon
Good afternoon Year 6 😊 For PSHE, our afternoon learning is going to be linked for the next couple of days. We are going to be focussing upon money and how it influences our life choices. Today we would like you to consider what an adult would need to consider when spending money on the home. Furthermore, you will need to consider where the money would actually come from to pay for all these things!
Step One
Brainstorm and note down all the things that you think an adult would need money to pay for.
Step Two
From your brainstorm, decide upon which of these would be essential and which ones would be more of a luxury (ask yourself what could you do without?)
Look at the PowerPoint below, were you able to identify all of the things that an adult has to consider when spending money for the home that you live in?
Step Three
Consider where the money that needs to be spent to pay for things actually comes from. Discuss with people at home (because they are the ones that pay the bills!).
Hello! It’s Miss Sanders here. I am going to really miss teaching you over the next few weeks and I know that when I can’t sing it sometimes makes me feel a little bit low, especially at the moment when things are so strange around us. So, for this week’s music activity I would like you to click on the link below and listen to the song ‘It’s OK! Please just say!”
Listen really carefully to the words and think about some of the things that make you happy. Talk to people at home to see if you can find time to try some of them at home over the next few weeks. Then learn some of the lyrics to sing along at home. Start with the chorus and then the rap towards the end.
Remember, that if you are not feeling OK, find someone to talk to. It may just make you feel better.
Good morning Year 6 and thank you for your patience. We have been working hard to prepare some challenging work for you to get started with for your home learning. Similar to last time you were working at home, we will provide Reading, Maths and English work to complete each day along with a selection of Curriculum work such as Music, History, PE, RE, Geography and Art. You do not need to print the pages out. All work will be in Word documents that can be edited, saved and emailed to the Mapledene Primary Advice email ( should you wish. We will aim to provide the answers to your work so that you (or someone at home with you) can go through them to check your understanding. If you have trouble with any files or the work itself, then please contact us on the email address mentioned above.
We have started a bit later today so this is the outline for the rest of Tuesday:
Tuesday 5th January Timetable |
Lesson 1 |
Maths |
Lunch |
Lesson 2 |
History |
Lesson 3 |
PE |
We will save our Reading for first thing tomorrow so first up today is Maths
- Miss Sanders Maths wk 1 day 1.docx
- Mr B & Mr C - Add Sub Arithmetic.docx
- Mr B & Mr C - Add Sub Arithmetic ANSWERS.pdf
Our topic for this term is going to be World War 2. This massive conflict reached around the world and affected millions of lives, with many casualties. You may already know some things about the war and Britain's involvement, and our first lesson is to give you the opportunity to tell us.
Below is the newspaper on the day that war was declared against Adolf Hitler and the German forces:
For your History work this afternoon, we would like you to look through the pictures in the Word document below. For each picture we would like you to write down any ideas you might have that could explain the picture or what is happening, or anything you know about the scene in the picture. It is also an opportunity for you to write down any questions you might have about the picture, what is happening, or the war in general.
During this topic we hope to be able to answer or address all the questions you may have.
And normally it would be Year 6 PE today. Time to get moving and work off some of the Christmas turkey, sprouts and chocolate!
You have all experienced circuit training with Mr Barber and Mr Collett at school - the 'Minute of Madness' where you do one activity, full power, for 60 seconds, then you rest for 60 seconds before moving on to the next exercise activity. Well, Joe Wicks isn't restarting until next week so you guys are going to have to fill in for him!
We would like you to create your own set of 4 or 5 mini activities to make your own circuit. Make sure it is something you can do for 1 minute, but also make sure it gets you out of breath and gets your pulses racing too! We would love to see any pictures if you get the chance, and if you are doing it outside make sure you wear appropriate clothing and aren't getting too cold. Though if you have designed a good circuit, I don't think the cold will be your biggest problem!
Good luck and get moving, Year 6. If you want to send in details of your circuit then maybe Mr B & Mr C might even give them a go at school too!
Hello Year 6!
We hope that this message finds you healthy and safe at home with your families after a well-earned break and some Christmas cheer. We are so sad to not be able to see you all today and welcome you back to school for what was going to be - and still will be - another great term of fun and learning.
Your home learning will begin just as soon as the Year 6 team can get in to school and upload the documents along with an outline of what we will be learning about over the next few weeks. So make sure you check back regularly today to access the new work.
Until then remember to get yourself on to each Doodle app to get your Daily Stars and do the Extras that are available now! We will be keeping a close eye on the top Doodlers so we can announce them on the website, give out some prizes and even some Merits for the best performers.
Remember: keep checking this page this morning for updates. Good luck!
Wednesday 14th October 2020
The final day at home, Year 6!
Hello for the last time on here for, we hope, a long while! We must say how immensely proud we are of all of you for striving to do your best with your home learning. Happily, we will be able to see you all in person tomorrow to congratulate you and welcome you back to school. We hope you are looking forward to it – we certainly are!
So let’s do this for one last time. A very similar day again to round off your home learning: Guided Reading, Grammar and Maths. The afternoon is yours to do something fun like draw a picture, create a pattern, cook something, get outside and kick a ball or throw a Frisbee, or simply get some rest so you are ready to go tomorrow.
Also, and this is getting serious now, don’t forget to listen to and practise our Harvest song in preparation for THIS week. We will be having a full class sing-a-long on Thursday and we want to impress Miss Sanders. The link is below:
Just a few reminders below:
- You do not need to print any of the sheets from the website unless you want to. You can work on paper or in a book, or you can download the document and type in your answers straight onto the document or underneath the question.
- Photographs or documents containing any of your hard work can be emailed to this address This is also the address for any questions you might have.
- For each piece of work, the answers are provided so that you can mark your own work or for people at home to check and help you.
Guided reading today is more retrieval work using the skills and question styles from Monday’s PowerPoint. Make sure you find the information in the text and follow the instructions in the questions. Just one short text for Mr B & Mr C’s groups and one longer one for Miss Sanders. You can find them below:
In Grammar, we are down to the final two word classes. We are saving conjunctions for when we are back together so we can use them to make some awesome sentences about how to survive being at Camp Green Lake. So this leaves us with only…Determiners. These are sometimes called articles and they are among the simplest words in the English language. Please read the PowerPoint (or pdf) before doing the two worksheets.
- Identifying-a-Determiner-Teaching-PowerPoint.pptx
- Identifying-a-Determiner-Teaching-PowerPoint.pdf
- Articles & Derterminers.docx
- Identify the article in a sentence.docx
Finally this morning is Maths. For Miss Sanders group, you have some rounding to practise. Today it is to the nearest 100. You also have some new objectives to complete on Doodle so remember to get online and get those daily stars. First up watch the videos below to help you remember how to round numbers and then try the questions. Answers are included below.
The rounding song in the last one is particularly cool. “If it’s 5 or more, let it soar, let it soar…if it’s 4 or less, let it rest, let it rest…”
- Miss Sanders - rounding-to-the-nearest-100-questions.docx
- Miss Sanders - rounding-to-the-nearest-100-answers.docx
For Mr C & Mr B’s groups you have your Daily Arithmetic questions first. Then we are blending a bit of general knowledge with our maths today. We would like you to do some estimating using your knowledge of measure and to work out the best measuring tool to measure certain things. For example, you wouldn’t measure the distance from Sheldon to Birmingham City Centre using centimetres, or the capacity of a lake using millilitres. Think carefully about each one and give your recommendation or estimation.
- Wednesday Daily 12 Questions.docx
- Wednesday Daily 12 Answers.pdf
- Mr B & Mr C - Estimations and recommendations.doc
And that’s that!
Well done for getting this far and for working so hard at home. Please make sure you also thank the people at home for supporting you with your learning and giving up their time when we couldn’t. We all appreciate it and we look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
Tuesday 13th October 2020
The penultimate day at home, Year 6!
Good morning everybody! Two more days of fantastic home learning to go before we can return to school. Keep working hard and trying your best, even if you aren’t sure or don’t quite understand. Anything you have found difficult over the last week or so will be covered again at school to make sure we fill in any gaps or answer any questions you might have.
So let’s crack on with today. We have a familiar day ahead of us: Guided Reading, Grammar, Maths and a Science carry over from yesterday.
Also, don’t forget to give another listen to our Harvest song in preparation for THIS week. The link is below:
The usual reminders below:
- You do not need to print any of the sheets from the website unless you want to. You can work on paper or in a book, or you can download the document and type in your answers straight onto the document or underneath the question.
- Photographs or documents containing any of your hard work can be emailed to this address This is also the address for any questions you might have.
- For each piece of work, the answers are provided so that you can mark your own work or for people at home to check and help you.
Guided reading today is more retrieval work using the skills and question styles from yesterday’s PowerPoint. Make sureyou find the information in the txt and follow the instructions in the questions. Two short texts for Mr B & Mr C’s groups and one longer one for Miss Sanders. You can find them below:
- Miss Sanders - Reading Comprehension.docx
- Mr B & Mr C1 - The Old Woman_s Luck.docx
- Mr B & Mr C2 - The Woodman_s Wishes.docx
In Grammar, we are into the final three word classes – can you guess what this one might be? Today’s focus is on PREPOSITIONS. There’s a clue inside the name for what these words do: position. Please read the PowerPoint (or pdf) and do the quiz before doing the two worksheets
- Year-6-Prepositions-Revision-and-Quiz.ppt
- Year-6-Prepositions-Revision-and-Quiz pdf.pdf
- Activity 1 - Identify the prepositions.docx
- Activity 2 - Prepositions Questions & Answers.docx
Finally this morning is Maths. For Miss Sanders group, you have some rounding to practise. You also have some new objectives to complete on Doodle so remember to get online and get those daily stars. First up watch the videos below to help you remember how to round numbers and then try the questions. Answers are included in the document.
- Miss Sanders - rounding-to-the-nearest-10-1-questions.docx
- Miss Sanders - rounding-to-the-nearest-10-1-answers.docx
For Mr C & Mr B’s groups you have your Daily Arithmetic questions first. Then you are going to be using your excellent knowledge of converting measures from yesterday with metres, centimetres and millimetres and attempting some difficult conversion problems. These questions are quite tough, but try your best - you have the tools you need from all your good work at home recently! Don’t give up!
- Tuesday - Daily 12 Questions.docx
- Tuesday - Daily 12 Questions ANSWERS.pdf
- Mr B - Conversion Problems 1.docx
- Mr C - Conversion Problems 1.docx
Following on from yesterday’s science research – did you manage to find out what makes a living thing ‘living’. I said there were 7 things that all living things do and they are called life processes. I’ve got in touch with an old friend called Mrs Gren who will be able to explain a bit more.
So how many did you get yesterday? I’d be very impressed if you got all seven. So today’s science work is to use your research from yesterday, the video below and the information in the PowerPoint to make your own poster or mnemonic to help you remember the 7 life processes. We will be looking at these when we get back to school. Be as creative and colourful as you like and remember to put down a small explanation as to what each life process means.
Monday 12th October 2020
Welcome to a new week, Year 6!
Hello everyone! We hope you had a super weekend and got a lot of rest ahead of a big week this week. To begin with, we have three more days of home learning before we get to return to school on Thursday! We are very much looking forward to seeing you all again and being back at school. We hope you are too.
So let’s get on with this week. Today we have Guided Reading, Grammar, Maths and a bit of Science.
Last but not least please can you remember to listen to and practise our Harvest song in preparation for THIS week.
The link is below:
Just a few reminders below:
- You do not need to print any of the sheets from the website unless you want to. You can work on paper or in a book, or you can download the document and type in your answers straight onto the document or underneath the question.
- Photographs or documents containing any of your hard work can be emailed to this address This is also the address for any questions you might have.
- For each piece of work, the answers are provided so that you can mark your own work or for people at home to check and help you.
Firstly today, we have Guided Reading and a continuation of our focus on finding and retrieving the important information the questions ask you to. In the PowerPoint (or the pdf if you cannot open PowerPoints) you will see a range of the types of questions you are likely to see when being asked to retrieve. These are very similar to SATs questions and we have talked about them in class a lot. Please read the PowerPoint and attempt the questions at the end.
- For Miss Sanders group, write the answers to the questions down.
- For Mr B and Mr C’s groups, use the PowerPoint questions as practice then have a go at the comprehension questions in ‘Raider’s Peril’.
- Miss Sanders - Rex Retriever.pptx
- Miss Sanders - Rex Retriever pdf.pdf
- Mr B & Mr C - Improving your reading skills with Rex Retriever PowerPoint.ppt
- Mr B & Mr C - Improving your reading skills with Rex Retriever PowerPoint pdf.pdf
- Mr B & Mr C - Raider_s Peril.docx
- Mr B & Mr C - Raider_s Peril FOR PHONES.pdf
In Grammar, we are continuing our work on word classes – there are only a few left! Today our focus will be on pronouns. You can see the word ‘noun’ is in there, but do you know what they are? I know, and Mr Barber, he knows. Miss Sanders? She also knows. They both know. Any ideas yet? Take the quiz to refresh your memory then have a go at the Pronouns questions. Don’t forget to check your answers afterwards.
- pronouns-and-possessive-pronouns-warmup-powerpoint.ppt
- Monday - Pronouns Questions.docx
- Monday - Pronouns Questions FOR PHONES.pdf
- Monday - Pronouns - ANSWERS.docx
Finally this morning is Maths. For Miss Sanders group, there is a video to watch first and then three sheets to have a go at. You don’t have to do them all, but it would be amazing if you did! You can can pick which level to start work at depending on how confident you feel after watching the video. Answers are included in the document.
For Mr C & Mr B’s groups you have your Daily Arithmetic questions first. Then we are going to be looking at continuing our conversions of measurements. Today we are looking at length and distance measuring including kilometres and metres (which you did last week) and moving to metres, centimetres and millimetres. These are the measurements you normally find on a ruler at school. You will need to remember your multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 skills for this week.
- Monday Daily 12 Questions.docx
- Monday Daily 12 Answers.pdf
- Mr B & Mr C - m cm mm introduction.docx
- Mr B & Mr C - m cm mm introduction FOR PHONES.docx
- Mr B & Mr C - m cm mm introduction ANSWERS.pdf
In the afternoon it would normally be Science. We were in the middle of writing up our experiment so we shall save that for back in school. Instead, in preparation for moving from our current topic of plants onto next term, when we look at habitats and animals, we would like you to research something for us…
What makes us alive? What do we do that means we are alive? There are 7 things that living things, animals and plants, all do. Can you work out what they are? I’ll be posting the answers and a piece of science work based on this tomorrow. The videos below are a starting point that may help you.
Friday 9th October 2020
Well done Year 6!
Well done all of you who are working as hard as if we were in school and sending in your work. Even if you aren’t able to send it in, just doing it and checking your work against the answers will be a great help with your learning when we return to school, which hopefully is now less than a week away! Yay!
Just a few reminders below:
- You do not need to print any of the sheets from the website unless you want to. You can work on paper or in a book, or you can download the document and type in your answers straight onto the document or underneath the question.
- Photographs or documents containing any of your hard work can be emailed to this address This is also the address for any questions you might have.
- For each piece of work, the answers are provided so that you can mark your own work or for people at home to check and help you.
Today we are doing Maths first and after an excellent week on multiplying and dividing, and converting measures for Mr B and Mr C’s groups, we are back to some Arithmetic. However we don’t just have 12 questions today… we don’t have 20 questions…we have a monster 28 questions worth 30 marks today! We are supremely confident that, if you take your time, you will all be able to succeed at this.
Mr Collett would like his group to time themselves to see how long you take too. Please don’t rush it though and make sureyou still spend time checking at the end, but record your time.
Miss Sanders’ group can continue with the Maths Mystery from yesterday and then can move on to revising multiplying. Make sure you spend at least 15 minutes practising your times tables too.
- Friday Arithmetic.docx
- Friday Arithmetic ANSWERS.docx
- Miss Sanders - revise-arrays-and-multiplying-in-any-order.docx
For English today we would like to put all of our grammar learning for the week together and deliver a fantastic piece of writing. Yesterday you read some chapters from ‘Holes’ and today I have found a very tiny clip of it online. Watch the clip AFTER you have had a read through the document below. Use them both as inspiration for your writing today. It can be as long as you want but we would like you to be as creative as possible with your language and sentence choices.
After English and maths it would normally be Forest School and Art, so today we thought you could practise some sketching, and what better picture but that of a lizard! Maybe you could add the yellow spots! Send your sketches in after you have watched the tutorials below. Make sure you pause it after each step or it will move too quickly…the video, not the lizard.
And this was for a Leopard Gecko -
Last but not least please can you remember to listen to and practise our Harvest song in preparation for next week. The link is below:
We hope you have enjoyed all the learning this week. We are all very proud of your efforts and you should be too. We hope you have a super weekend and feel ready for some more excellent work on Monday. Over and out.
The Year 6 team.
Song words:
Thursday 8th October 2020
Happy Thursday Year 6!
More congratulations for all of you who are showing real determination to succeed in your learning. We have been so impressed to see some of your completed work but also to hear how well you have been doing at home when we have called. Make sure you keep it up for the next two days and then we will give you a couple of days off!
Just a few reminders below:
- You do not need to print any of the sheets from the website unless you want to. You can work on paper or in a book, or you can download the document and type in your answers straight onto the document or underneath the question.
- Photographs or documents containing any of your hard work can be emailed to this address This is also the address for any questions you might have.
- For each piece of work, the answers are provided so that you can mark your own work or for people at home to check and help you.
Guided Reading is up first again. Today, instead of answering questions on a text, we would like you to read two chapters from ‘Holes’. In the document below we have copied the first and fourth chapter from the story. In preparation for a piece of writing we are doing tomorrow, we would like you to familiarise yourself with the setting of Camp Green Lake. Look at the words the author uses and read what Stanley looks at and thinks about when he arrives at Camp Green Lake for the first time. To help you for tomorrow you may want to highlight or list all the adjectives and adverbs that you can find.
If you aren’t totally sure what adjectives and adverbs are, you’re in luck for today’s grammar focuses on those two word classes, but first please just read the two chapters, and don’t try to blame anything on your ‘no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather’.
After break, it is the grammar mentioned above. Today we are looking at two sets of describing words: adjectives and adverbs. Adjectives describe a noun, while adverbs and adverbials describe verbs and adjectives. Look at your ‘Word Classes’ sheet from yesterday to remind you what each one is. There is an adjective quiz to do before some Adjective questions.
After checking your answers, there is also an adverbs and adverbials PowerPoint to look through before answering the set of test questions. No reading questions today so a bit more to do on the grammar instead. There is an adverb matching game at the end which is optional, but I founfd it interesting how many different ways I could start the same sentence and still have it make sense. See if you can do the same.
- Identifying-an-Adjective-in-a-Sentence-SPaG-Grammar-Powerpoint-Quiz.ppt
- Identifying-an-Adjective-in-a-Sentence-pdf.pdf
- Adjective Questions.docx
- Adjectives Answers.docx
- Adverbs-Adverbial-Phrases-Fronted-Adverbials.ppt
- Adverbs & adverbials Questions.docx
- Adverbs & adverbials ANSWERS.docx
- Fronted Adverbials Matching Game.pdf
After grammar, it’s Maths! First up for Mr B's & Mr C's groups are your Daily Arithmetic 12 questions, which you have been doing brilliantly with so far, and then it’s on to more conversion work. Today it’s looking at some more complicated word problems but they will be using your skills at conversion that we have practised this week. They are challenging but please have a go. We can’t fault you as long as you try your best. The answers are included in the sheet.
For Miss Sanders' group, you have some very exciting maths to be doing too. This mystery needs solving and you are the place value experts to do it! This project this summarises all the work we have done on place value so far this year. Also, as it is a major project that requires you to show real determination, there won't be as much maths to do tomorrow...but we will still post some on here for those of you who are thirsty for more!
- Thursday Daily 12 1-4.docx
- Thursday Daily 12 1-4 ANSWERS.pdf
- Mr B - Conversion problems.docx
- Mr C - Conversion problems.docx
- Miss Sanders - the-mystery-of-the-missing-glue-sticks-place-value-maths-mystery-game.docx
Finally, it’s Year 6 PE on Thursdays. While we might not be able to do any cricket skills indoors, nor venture too far out apart from any garden you might have, we can still get our heart beating a bit quicker with some fitness and strength exercises. Today it’s a 7 minute workout designed to help build core strength. Mr C was out of breath when he tried it but it made him feel really good. He’s very keen for you all to have a go. When we get back to school he will be asking!
Wednesday 7th October 2020
Good morning Year 6!
A massive well done to all of you who are accessing the website and doing the work we are setting. It has been a pleasure to see all your hard work being sent in and also see how many of you are getting on Doodle and smashing those Extras too. Keep it up Year 6!
Just a few reminders below:
- You do not need to print any of the sheets from the website unless you want to. You can work on paper or in a book, or you can download the document and type in your answers straight onto the document or underneath the question.
- Photographs or documents containing any of your hard work can be emailed to this address This is also the address for any questions you might have.
- For each piece of work, the answers are provided so that you can mark your own work or for people at home to check and help you.
Guided Reading is up first again. Please read the text carefully. If you’ve got a pet, maybe they would like to hear it today. Otherwise do the usual: Read it to yourself, read it aloud, read it in the mirror and, if it is not disturbing people working, read it to someone at home. Then, and only then, complete the questions on the next page. Today is our final American based text and this time it is about the brave souls who travelled across the Atlantic to make themselves a home in the New World: the Pilgrims.
After break, it is English. Today we are looking at verbs. Look at your ‘Word Classes’ sheet from yesterday and work out what kinds of words verbs are. Then have a quick go through the quiz to make sure you remember right. I’ve also included a reminder about the verb ‘to be’, which is very often used but not often thought of as a verb.
Once you have checked it out, please have a go at the Verbs test questions. Be careful! I am trying to catch you out.
- Identifying-a-Verb-in-a-Sentence-SPaG-Grammar-Powerpoint-Quiz.ppt
- T2-E-1511-Was-And-Were-PowerPoint.ppt
- Wednesday - Verbs Questions.docx
- Wednesday - Verbs Answers.docx
After English, it’s Maths! First up: Miss Sanders' group. Please have a go at the sheets below. If you manage to complete the work, there is also a times tables practice test for you to try. It is very important that you learn your tables so you are really quick and accurate. Spend at least 15 minutes per day practising. You can also use Doodle for this!
Miss Sander's Maths
- Miss Sanders - identifying-numbers-up-to-10-000-questions.docx
- Miss Sanders - identifying-numbers-up-to-10-000-answers.docx
- Miss Sanders - bar-modelling-3-as-multiplicand.docx
For Mr Barber's and Mr Collett's groups, we would like you to start with Daily Arithmetic: 12 questions and then it’s on to more conversion work.
Today it’s looking at the prefix ‘Kilo’. Any ideas what it could mean? Have another look in your cupboard. Instead of looking for liquids, have a look for heavy items like bags of sugar or flour, even washing powder (just be careful with this). Do you notice what they are measured in?
After your amazing work yesterday on converting between litres and millilitres, you will be pleased to know this conversion is very similar, just between two different measurements – kilograms and grams, and kilometres and metres. Have a look in the document to get started.
- Wednesday - Daily 12 1-3.docx
- Daily 12 1-3 ANSWERS.pdf
- Mr B - Kilograms and Kilometres 1.docx
- Mr C - Kilograms and Kilometres.docx
And finally, something for the afternoon.
Normally you would be doing Music with Miss Sanders, so she has managed to find you guys a song to learn and sing. While we are going to miss parts of the Harvest festival, we can still learn a song for it. And while we are at home it gives us a great chance to practice. Please have a listen to the song on YouTube and see if you can learn some of the words. There's a chance that we will be able to perform it or video it when we return to school next week, so give it all you've got!
This is the teaching video of the song we want to do!
Please do your best to learn it. No sign language just the words.
Complete song:
Complete backing track:
Tuesday 6th October 2020
Good morning Year 6!
Well done to all of you for a great start to your working from home. Here are a few things that you need to remember for your work today:
- You do not need to print any of the sheets from the website unless you want to. You can work on paper or in a book, or you can download the questions and type in your answers straight onto the document or underneath the question.
- Photographs or documents containing any of your hard work can be emailed to this address This is also the address for any questions you might have.
- For each piece of work, the answers are provided so that you can mark your own work or for people at home to check and help you.
We will start the day as we normally do: Guided Reading. Please read the text carefully. Read it to yourself, read it aloud, read it in the mirror and, if it is not disturbing people working, read it to someone at home. Then, and only then, complete the questions on the next page. After yesterday’s text on the Gold rush, this one is about another group of Americans who forged their own destiny when America was a young country.
Tuesday Guided Reading
After break, it is English. Today we are looking at nouns. Look at your ‘Word Classes’ sheet from yesterday and work out what kinds of words are nouns. Then have a look at the document below to get a further understanding. Once you have checked it out, please have a go at the Nouns test questions.
Finally, if you have a printer or would like to write them out into the correct categories, please have a go at the 'Identifying Different Types of Noun Colouring' pdf. The answers are provided on the second sheet.
Tuesday Grammar - Nouns
- Identifying Different Types of Nouns.ppt
- Nouns Questions.docx
- Nouns Answers.docx
- Identifying Different Types of Noun Colouring.pdf
- Identifying Different Types of Noun Colouring answers.pdf
After English, it’s Maths! Miss Sanders' group: your work is clearly labelled below and is continuing your place value work. It is important to note that you only need to do the first page but then if you want to do more and are feeling confident then you can. Aim high and try to earn a MERIT!
For help with your place value learning, you can watch these videos:
For Mr Barber's and Mr Collett's group: We are going to be looking at a new topic of Measure and Measurement. We would like you to use your great knowledge from yesterday of multiplying and dividing numbers by 10,100 and 1000 to convert between different measures. Today we are going to start with capacity, which is the amount of liquid a solid shape can contain. If you have a look in your kitchen cupboards, you will find lots of containers of liquids have a capacity written on the side.
Your first task is to look through the items in your cupboards to see if you can see the different units of measure. How many can you find? What sort of numbers are on them? You might find a big bottle of squash has a 1 on the side, and a small can of coke has 330. Once you have had a look, open the document below and try to solve some of the conversion calculations. Mr C's group should aim to have a go at the Challenge cards too (the answers are provided). Remember to also do your Daily 12 Arithmetic questions. The answers for that a re below as well.
- Mr B & Mr C Capacity 1.docx
- Mr B & Mr C Practice 2 - capacity-challenge-cards.pdf
- Tuesday - Daily 12 1-2 Questions.docx
- Tuesday - Daily 12 1-2 ANSWERS.pdf
Last but not least we would like you to continue our geography work by identifying the features of a river. Have a look at the powerpoint slides and try to remember all the reading we have done around rivers and the journey it takes from source to sea.
Answers for Monday's maths (some were provided in the files originally)
- Daily 12 1-1 ANSWERS.pdf
- Mr B Sheet 2 Answers.pdf
- Mr C Sheet 1 Answers.pdf
- Mr C- Sheet 2 - ANSWERS.pdf
Monday 5th October 2020
Good morning Year 6!
While it is a great shame we will not get to see your smiling faces this morning, it does not mean we will not get to see your hard work and determination. The Year 6 teachers have been working hard to try to keep your learning going while you are at home and to make your day as much like one at school as possible.
Please give each bit of work a try. Some of the sections will include a video to watch or a PowerPoint to view that will help you understand. We will be available on the advice email ( if you need anything, but if you listen well and try your best we are confident you will be able to succeed.
Sometimes the file with the questions will have the answers in too. Make sure you have had a go first before looking at the answers. Remember – you are only cheating yourself out of learning if you don’t at least try first. If the answers are not there then I will be posting them on this page at 3 o’clock each day so you can check your work.
We will start the day as we normally do: Guided Reading. Please read the text carefully. Read it to yourself, read it aloud, read it in the mirror and, if it is not disturbing people working, read it to someone at home. Then, and only then, complete the questions on the next page.
Monday 5th October 2020 Guided Reading
After break, it is English. Today I would like you to investigate the 8 word classes that we use in the English language. If you aren’t sure what they are, please watch the two videos to remind yourself. Mr B gives a very good explanation, and the second video is extremely catchy; Mr C has nearly memorised all the words already! When you have watched them, I would like you to create a poster that explains what each one is and give examples of each one. You could use pictures and colours and present it how you like , just as long as you have them all. Below the videos, are a couple of examples of good ones.
The Word Classes you need for KS2 SATs
This video has a quick explanation of the 8 word classes you will need to help you pass your KS2 SATs. They will also help anyone in KS2 that is first learn...
These are pdfs of the above pictures for printing purposes
After English, it’s Maths! Each day, your maths teacher will have set work for you to do. Miss Sanders’ group have work that you have been covering in class and you can find that just below.
- Miss Sanders 5-stage-5-number-add-subtract-1-10-or-100-to-1000.pdf
- Miss Sanders 6-the-value-of-each-digit.pdf
- 3x-table-2.pdf
For children in Mr Barber's and Mr Collett's groups, we would like you to start with Daily Arithmetic: 12 questions each day to keep your skills up. After that, you will be continuing your work on multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. Please do the sheets with your Maths teacher's name on.
Monday 5th Ocotber 2020 MATHS
- Daily 12 1-1 EVERYONE.docx
- Mr B Sheet 1 - Multiplying-and-dividing-by-10-100-and-1000.pdf
- Mr B Sheet 2.docx
- Mr C Sheet 1.docx
- Mr C- Sheet 2 - 10,100,1000 problems including DIVISION & DECIMALS.docx
Friday 2nd October 2020
Hello Year 6!
We hope you are all safe and well at home. You've all been working very hard this term already and we hope you can continue to do such an excellent job at home too.
To keep our learning going, we will be adding work on this site so please check back often for more to do. In the meantime remember to get yourself on DOODLE! We will be adding objectives based on work we have done and topics you have learned about before too. We are already thinking of how we can reward our top doodlers!
For those of you in Mr Barber's Maths group please have a go at this set of arithmetic questions. The questions cover each of the topics you have been learning in class and a few + - x ÷ questions. Therre is also a negative number line and a place value grid to help with some of the questions. After that, look at the work Mr Collett's group are starting on and try to do the questions on the 3rd page. The answers are on the last page but don't look at them until the end!
Y6 Maths Mr B
For Miss Sanders' group please have a look at the sheets below. There are lots of opportunities for you to practise the skills we have learnt so far this year. You do not have to complete all the pages on each activity as long as you have tried your best and spent some time looking at each task. Remember, we have covered all of this work in the last few weeks it may just be set out a little differently. So, persevere and challenge yourself! If you get stuck then go onto the next topic - you can always come back to it.
Also, please don't forget to practice your times tables and number bonds. There are some sheets below. I will also be putting some activities on Doodle if you prefer to learn this way.
Y6 Maths Miss Sanders
- place-value-grids-up-to-1000s1.pdf
- place-value-grids-up-to-1000s-2.pdf
- place-value-chart-challenge.pdf
- 3x-table-up-to-10-1.pdf
For Mr Collett's Maths group, if you remember we were starting to look at multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. This will include decimals, and remember how the numbers moved along the place value grid. To remind yourself, please look at the grid on the first page, then have a go at the questions on the third page. The answers are at the end, but try the questions first. After that you can attempt the word problems in the second document and then choose one of the sheets from the third document whcih has tables to fill in. There are three levels of difficulty so choose based on how confident you feel. Try your best, everyone!
Y6 Maths Mr C
- START HERE Multiplying-and-dividing-by-10-100-and-1000.pdf
- 10 100 1000 problems.docx
- Y6-X and Divide Decimals-by 10,100,1000 CHOOSE ONE.pdf
Welcome to Year 6
A big welcome back to all the children who have joined us in school in September - it is great to see everyone back and also to be getting on with some excellent work already.
We have been unable to arrange a 'Meet & Greet' session for obvious reasons, but all the information you need to know will be posted here and you are welcome to try to catch a member of the Year 6 team either at the beginning or end of the school day or to phone the office.
The file below contains much of the information about routines, PE and homework requirements, but please get in touch or ask your child to enquire about anything you need clarification on. There are also links to lots of helpful websites to aid your studies in Maths and English. Please take some time to visit them.
And make sure you check out this page to keep up to date with the goings on in Year 6!
Useful websites and games
Prefixes and suffixes
Comma castle
'Trapped' grammar
Apostrophes (Penalty Shootout):
General arithmetic games and challenges
Hit the Button (number bonds, multiplication/division, adding/subtracting, halves) :
Multiple Frenzy:
Time games
Number and place value
Welcome to Year 6's Class Page.
At the moment, there is a lot of important information on this page. So that you don't miss anything important, this is the order in which information has been posted:
1. Information for home learners this week and Sports Day activities to complete at home.
2. Transition work (including links to secondary school websites and digital/printable resources to help children at home prepare).
3. A preview of our film, A Lad in Lockdown.
4. Any other useful websites and links.
Anything previously posted can now be found under the 'Archived' tab underneath the Class Pages.
Year 6 Leavers 2020!
Good morning everybody. We can't believe it is your final week of Year 6! We know you will have lots of different emotions at the moment, but we hope that you are feeling excited and ready for your next chapter. We also hope that you are leaving Mapledene with plenty of happy memories. Keep your eyes peeled this week for a special Year 6 Leavers Assembly, as well as the premiere our amazing Year 6 film, Aladdin.
To mark our final week together, we'd like children at home to get involved in a special surprise. To join in, please email a picture of your name/signature and a recent photograph of you (ideally in front of a plain wall/background) to
Sports Day
On Tuesday, the children at school are having sports day. We would love for the children at home to get involved too! Check out the document below that tells you about 'Challenge 10' and get your child involved! Send videos/ photos to advice@mapledene by the end of the day on Wednesday for the chance to be in our sports day assembly during the final week and to receive a certificate for taking part.
- Challenge 10 sports day at home
- An A-Z of sports.pdf
- Sports Day wordsearch.pdf
- Paralympics crossword.pdf
- Ellie Simmonds.pdf
- Marcus Rashford.pdf
- The Terrible Trip Up!.pdf
- Design a rosette.pdf
Transition to Year 7 *Update 29 June*
Parents, in this section you will find links to resources and webpages that can help you support your child through the transition process to secondary school. You may find this useful even if your child is currently back at school, particularly if they are feeling anxious or worried about the changes that will take place. This section will be updated continually over the following weeks as more information is sent through from different secondary schools. We will also be adding our own worksheets and activities each week, that will help your child think about the changes that will be happening, how they can prepare and organise themselves and recognising how they are be feeling. In the coming weeks, this work will cover important aspects of the transition process, such as school uniform, new rules and routines, the journey to their next school and how to keep safe.
- Transition 1 - All about me / Memories / Similarities and differences / Coping with change / Problem solving.pdf
- Transition 2 - Getting organised / My journey to school / Keeping safe.pdf
BBC BitesizeStarting secondary school
Year 6 into 7 - Lyndon SchoolA welcome to Lyndon School in Solihull.
Year 6 into 7 - King Edward VI Sheldon Heath AcademyA welcome to King Edward VI Sheldon Heath Academy. A 11-18 Secondary School and Sixth Form.
A Lad in Lockdown - The making of. Week 1
Would you like a sneak preview of this year's socially distanced Y6 production? Learn all about how Y6 are putting on a performance like never before! Stay tuned after the curtain closes to go on a magical mystery tour!
Useful websites and games
Prefixes and suffixes
Comma castle
'Trapped' grammar
Apostrophes (Penalty Shootout):
General arithmetic games and challenges
Hit the Button (number bonds, multiplication/division, adding/subtracting, halves) :
Multiple Frenzy:
Time games
Number and place value
Monday 15th June
Good morning, Year 6!
Good morning, home learners. We hope that you have had a lovely weekend and enjoyed some of the sunny weather! This week, we'd like you to be going on Doodle every day and make sure you are reading regularly at home as well. On Wednesday, we will be updating your Doodle objectives and adding some transition work to the Class Page, to help you start to prepare for secondary school.
Alongside this work, we have a very important project for you to look at this week, following recent events around the world and as a link to our new school motto: Belong, Believe, Be You: Achieve. Over the past few weeks, we are sure you will have seen many pictures, videos and stories on the news or through social media about the Black Lives Matter protests that are taking place across the world, which are happening in response to the injustices that people face every day, both in the UK and in other countries too.
This week, we would like you to learn about, and celebrate, the cultural diversity that we have in Britain. We'd like you to research different cultures and the positive aspects that they bring to life in the UK. We'd also like you to spend some time thinking about the inequality that unfortunately still exists in society today, as a result of our past and what has happened throughout history.
As usual, we encourage you to be as creative as you wish, whether it’s producing a report, a poster or art work, looking at recipes or learning songs/dances. There are many ways that you can enjoy learning about a new culture! We welcome any clips or videos of your children talking about or celebrating either their culture or one they have learned about (dancing, artwork, telling stories, clothing etc.) that can be included in this week’s Celebration Assembly on Friday. Please send to by 5pm on Wednesday 17th June.
Please read the PDF of the project below for more information, as well as the information sheet about Black Lives Matter, and why it is so incredibly important.
Miss Smith and Mr Barber
Monday 8th June
Happy Monday, Year 6!
Welcome back to another week of virtual school, home learners! We hope that you have had a lovely weekend and are feeling refreshed and ready to learn. Your Doodle has been updated and the daily stars are waiting to be collected! Who can make it to the top of the leaderboard this week? As always, Doodle first, make sure you're reading every day and then check out this week's themed work.
This week, our focus is on the sea, as today is World Oceans Day 2020! As you know from our I.C.E topic in the Autumn term, the environment is an incredibly important issue for us all, and World Oceans Day aims to encourage people all around the world to join together and work towards a better future with a healthier ocean that sustains us, no matter who we are or where we live. You can find out more information here:
So this week, all of the optional theme work is based around the ocean. There are projects and ideas listed on the Y6 Oceans PDF below, including a link to an exciting broadcast that will be shown at 10am, filled with information about the English coastlines and how we can do our bit to help conserve them. There are other suggestions for science activities, art and crafts, and even some sea-inspired writing. We have also added resources from the WWF, which is an organisation that aims to help teach young people about the world and the plants and animals that inhabit it. There are lots of KS2 activities based on the environment, such a true/false quizzes and a 'plastic diary', as well as information posters to help you understand the importance of keeping our oceans clean.
As always, you should be reading and Doodling every day. Keep up all of your efforts at home and please send through any work to
Miss Smith and Mr Barber
Thursday 4th June
FREE lesson plans and videos based on Alex Rider!
Some of you may have heard of the famous author Anthony Horowitz, who has written books for children, adults, and even scripts for shows on TV! As it is the 20th anniversary of his Alex Rider book, Stormbreaker, he has collaborated with Walker Books to help develop creative writing in learners aged 9-14.
Below you will find some resources based on the book Stormbreaker, that could help teach and inspire you in your own writing. Many of the activities could be used or adapted for other books too, if you are reading something else at the moment and would like to find some book-based activities. Click the link below and sign up for chapter-by-chapter videos of Antony Horowitz himself reading the book from his own home during lockdown! To sign up for the free videos and resources, all you need is a name and email address.
Monday 1st June
Welcome back, home learners!
We hope that you have all had a super half term and have enjoyed the lovely weather that we've had recently. After a well-deserved rest, it's time for home schooling to start up again, and we have lots of ideas and projects for you to complete at home this week. Miss Smith will be making phone calls to all of the Y6 children that are learning at home this week, whether you are in class 6S or 6B. If you have any questions or are finding something tricky, please do not hesitate to ask, or email and it will be forwarded on to us.
Doodle has been updated, so you will have some brand new 'Extras' to complete. If you race through these, remember to focus on collecting your daily stars too, as these questions are tailored to your ability and will help you practise some of the skills at your own level. New Doodle Extras will be added on Wednesday.
We have an exciting optional project for your home learning this week too. Read through some of the suggested activities below. You'll notice our PE work this week encourages you to be a part of our Fit Friday video... could you be the next Joe Wicks?
Mr Mac needs your help! Over the last few weeks, he has started to eat more junk food and is not getting much exercise. He is also staying up very late and often forgets to brush his teeth! Help him to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle by becoming health experts and producing some information for him.
You should be brilliant at this, after we studied the impact of diet and lifestyle on health in the UK since the 1950s. Here are some things, tailored for Year 6, that you could investigate at home:
Maths (including research and data)
- Look at the nutritional information on the food labels in your cupboards. You might want to focus on the 'sugar' or 'salt' content, amount of 'fat', or compare the amount of each ingredient. Record this and then you can present your findings in a variety of ways, including drawing out a graph or chart.
- Carry out research into people’s favourite treats and people’s favourite fruit/veg. You might ask family and friends and record on a tally chart, this can then be presented on a pictogram/bar chart or written up as a scientific report. Remember how to structure your report as you outline your findings (make a point, back it up with evidence, explain the impact that this might have).
- Look at healthy ways to travel- go for a walk/to the park/look out of your window and record how many people you see walking and riding bikes. Record on a tally chart and present on a graph/chart.
- Record how much sleep you get a night by keeping a diary of the time you went to bed and woke up.
- Keep a food diary- what is good about your diet and what could be better?
- Keep an exercise diary to find out which day you are most active - remember playing in the garden counts if you are moving!) Try and do the right amount of exercise for your age group
Food D&T
- Grow some fruit or vegetables. If you have no seeds from packets, try using fresh seeds from fruit and veg around the house to grow more!
- Cook some recipes from Change 4 Life (see link above).
- Make a shopping list for a healthy picnic.
- Create a fitness circuit for your family to take part in. There are plenty of ideas on YouTube to inspire you!
- Create a poster/report/video about keeping safe and healthy in the sun and design a summer outfit for keeping safe in the warm weather.
- Film one exercise to be part of the Fit Friday video this week (squats, star jumps, jogging on the spot etc.) keep it short with no props or talking and send to titled ‘Fit Friday’ and you can be included in a special video!
As always, stay safe and keep up the basics... You should be reading and Doodling every day!
Miss Smith and Mr Barber
Children returning to school on Monday 1st June
Good morning, Year 6! From Monday, some of you are planning on returning to school and some of you are going to be continuing with your learning at home. We have plenty of exciting activities planned for you, wherever you are going to be learning!
A quick update...
For those of you staying at home, the Y6 page on the school website will still be updated each week, Doodle extras will continue to be set and there will be optional work based on the whole-school Facebook themes. We'll provide more work on transitioning to secondary school too. We will still be phoning to check in with you regularly and your parents can get in touch with us via
For those of you that are returning to Mapledene, welcome back! We hope that you are feeling excited about coming back to school for this half term! You will notice that there are going to be some changes at school. There is a PDF document below that outlines some of the most important bits of information that we need to share with you before you arrive. It may also answer some of the questions that you or your family have, so please do read through it.
Keep safe and enjoy the sunny weekend!
Parents, please read:
We know that there has been a great deal of discussion surrounding the potential re-opening of primary schools; this is not yet certain and is dependent on sufficient progress being made on a national level to contain the virus. If school does reopen, it will be for children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 only in the initial stages. It would be very helpful if you could complete the form linked below. It will help us to know how many children we are preparing for. However, it should be noted, that it is only an indicator - we understand that many parents are not yet ready to make a final decision. Thank you to those of you that have completed it already.
Link to online form:
If the above link does not work, it can also be found on the 'Letters' page:
Monday 18th May
Good morning, Year 6!
We hope that you and your families are all safe and well and enjoying the warmer weather. This week, we have some super ideas lined up for you all...
Learning this week
Again this week, we will be setting fewer 'Extra' objectives for you to complete; this is so that you can focus on collecting your daily stars for each subject, which is tailored to your ability. We can still see this and check how you're getting on, so it's really important that you log on and complete these as regularly as possible (a super well done to those of you that are still going on Doodle almost every day). We will be phoning lots of you this week, so if there is anything that you would particularly like to work on, or you would like us to set an 'Extra' challenge on Doodle, please let us know.
Our school home learning theme this week is 'Superheroes'. We have attached a PDF document below, which has a few ideas for you to get started on this and 3 different comic-strip templates for you to create your own story! Please ask your parents to share your work with us, via the school Facebook page, or by emailing us at - we love seeing your work!
You'll see we have included the same information for transition to secondary school this week, as some of you have said that it was helpful. As your new schools continue to get in touch with you (and us!), it is completely normal if it makes you feel quite nervous, excited, or both! We’ve included a link to many different and helpful videos that can answer some of your questions about starting secondary school.
What should I do first?
1: Complete any outstanding Doodle Extras.
2: Complete your daily stars for Maths/Tables/Grammar/Spelling.
3: Check the 'Superheroes' Y6 project ideas below and choose an activity (or activities) to complete over the the next four days.
Optional: Share your hard work!
We hope that you are all well. If you have any questions or need any extra support with your work, please do send an email to It will be passed on to us and we will do our best to help.
Miss Smith and Mr Barber
Monday 11th May
Good morning, Year 6!
We hope that you and your families had a lovely and safe VE day, a good weekend, and that you're now feeling ready for another week of learning!
Learning this week
This week, we will be setting fewer 'Extra' objectives for you to complete; this is so that you can focus on collecting your daily stars for each subject, which is tailored to your ability. We can still see this and check how you're getting on, so it's really important that you log on and complete these as regularly as possible (a super well done to those of you that are still going on Doodle almost every day).
Our school home learning theme this week is 'Around the World in 5 Days'. We have attached a PDF document below, which has a few ideas for you to get started on this. Don't forget to ask your parents to share your work with us, via the school Facebook page, or by emailing us at
You'll see we have included some work on transition to secondary school this week. Although it may seem like secondary is a long way away at the moment, we know that lots of your new schools are starting to get in touch with you, and this might make you feel quite nervous, excited, or both! Any period of transition can feel a little unsettling and confusing, and preparing to move to secondary school is no different. We’ve included a link to many different and helpful videos that can answer some of your questions about starting secondary school.
What should I do first?
1: Complete any outstanding Doodle Extras.
2: Complete your daily stars for Maths/Tables/Grammar/Spelling.
3: Check the 'Around the World' Y6 project ideas below and choose an activity (or activities) to complete over the the next four days.
Optional: Share your hard work!
We hope that you are all well. If you have any questions or need any extra support with your work, please do send an email to It will be passed on to us and we will do our best to help.
Miss Smith and Mr Barber
And here are some useful links:
Monday 4th May - Good morning Year 6!
May the fourth be with you...
Doodle and Celebrations!
Doodle has been updated over the weekend, so there should be some new 'Extras' for you all to complete!
Our school home learning theme this week is 'Celebrations!'. We have attached a PDF document below, which has a few ideas for you to get started on this exciting mini-project. Don't forget to ask your parents to share your work with us, via the school Facebook page, or by emailing us at
British Red Cross: Five acts of kindness and resilience
In keeping with our 'Celebrating You' work this week, please click on the link below for additional resources that will help you to develop resilience and encourage kindness through activities. They focus on routine building, coping mechanisms and acts of kindness and we recommend you taking a look.
Remember, if you don't have the resources to complete any 'Celebrations' work, the most important thing over the next few weeks is to keep reading at home, keep working on your arithmetic skills and spend some quality time with your loved ones.
What should I do first?
1: Complete any outstanding Doodle Extras.
2: Complete the newly added Doodle Extras (On Wednesday, new 'Extras' will be added).
3: Check the 'Celebrations' Y6 project ideas below and choose an activity (or activities) to complete over the the next four days.
4: Look at the resources available on the British Red Cross website for other ideas.
Optional: Share your hard work!
Remember, you've all got Friday off from home schooling, as it is VE Day! Hopefully, you can tell whoever you live with about the history behind this day, following our WW2 topic in September!
Miss Smith and Mr Barber
Monday 27th April
Good morning Year 6!
Doodle and Theme Parks!
Over the weekend, we have updated Doodle by adding new objectives for you to complete, so make sure that you keep working on your skills, especially in the 'Extras' section, and earning those stars!
Our school home learning theme this week is 'Design and build your own theme park!'. We have attached a PDF document below, which has a few ideas for you to get started on this exciting mini-project.
Say 'Thank You to the NHS'
In addition to our school work, there is an exciting NHS competition which you can enter. Learn about NHS job roles and opportunities available and say a big 'thank you' for all of the work that they do. You can win prizes for yourself and for the school, including a £50 Amazon gift voucher and a Science trip!
For information about the competition, how to enter, the rules and the prizes, follow this link:,6ZOD,1WDJPZ,QSMP,1
For learning resources aimed at KS2 children, including important information about the different jobs within the NHS, how they help our communities, and stories from patients, follow this link:
As always, you can share your learning with us by emailing, or ask your parents to post your work on Mapledene's Facebook group.
Remember, if you don't have the resources to complete any 'theme park' work, the most important thing over the next few weeks is to keep reading at home, keep working on your arithmetic skills and spend some quality time with your loved ones.
What should I do first?
1: Complete any outstanding Doodle Extras.
2: Complete the newly added Doodle Extras (On Wednesday, new 'Extras' will be added).
3: Check the 'Design and build your own theme park' Y6 project ideas below and choose an activity (or activities) to complete over the week.
Optional: Say 'thank you' to the NHS and submit your entry to the competition.
Optional: Share your hard work!
Stay safe and we look forward to seeing all of your hard work,
Miss Smith and Mr Barber
Here are some fantastic ideas to get you started on designing and building your own theme park!
20th April 2020
Welcome back to home learning Year 6!
We have updated Doodle by adding new objectives for you to complete, so make sure that you keep working on your skills and earning those stars! Additionally, we have added some exciting Y6 project ideas and activities relating to our whole school theme, Horrible Histories, that you might like to complete over the next week!
We have attached a PDF document below, which details a range of exciting tasks which you could complete, from Glorious Geography, to Awesome Art, to Wonderful Writing. We can't wait to see what you come up with as part of this mini-project, and please feel free to get creative if you have the resources available to you!
You can share your learning with us by emailing, or ask your parents to post your work on Mapledene's Facebook group.
Remember, if you don't have the resources to complete any 'Horrible Histories' work, the most important thing over the next few weeks is to keep reading at home, keep working on your arithmetic skills and spend some quality time with your loved ones.
What should I do first?
1: Complete any outstanding Doodle Extras
2: Complete the newly added Doodle Extras (On Wednesday, new 'Extras' will be added)
3: Check the 'Horrible Histories' Y6 project ideas below and choose an activity (or activities) to complete over the week.
Optional: Share your hard work!
Stay safe and we look forward to seeing all of your hard work,
Miss Smith and Mr Barber
Here are some links that you might find useful when working on your 'Horrible Histories' projects:
We hope you find these useful!
Learning at home updates:
- Have a go at the Doodle Easter Challenge
- PARENTS, join the Facebook group: 'At Mapledene we care and share for our little people' for regular updates from Miss Johnson and Miss Ellgood and a chance to share your children's work.
- Check out our 'Learn it with Mapledene' YouTube channel for stories, handwriting lessons and rhyme time all done by our teachers!
- If you are looking for some Maths puzzles and reosurces, then this site is excellent:
Home Learning
Well done on all of your hard work this week Year 6!
We can see that you have been using Doodle lots; make sure that you continue to do your best at getting those daily stars! We would also encourage everyone to keep working hard on their Maths and Grammar packs. For those of you missing PE, Joe Wicks daily workout every morning on Youtube is a great way to start the day, and helps you to keep those fitness levels up!
Keep making time for yourselves and your family too - do things that help you to relax and enjoy the time with your loved ones!
We will try to update this page every week with anything new for you to have a go at during this time you have at home!
Miss Smith and Mr Barber
Home Learning in Year 6:
Please make sure that you are reading every day at home, Doodling as much as possible and practising your key Maths skills. There are some useful links below, which should support your learning in English and Maths!
Practise SATs papers can be found at:
In the event of a school closure, we will also be sending out learning packs in Maths and Grammar.
Many thanks,
Miss Smith and Mr Barber
As part of our WW2 topic, Year 6 are constructing their own Anderson shelters in D&T. This afternoon, they had the opportunity to measure and saw the wood, so that the frames to the shelters can be made next week! Watch this space for more pictures from our exciting project...
WW2 Trip!
Year 6's electricity investigation...