Week Beginning 22 February 2021
Parents and Carers
Sometimes we all need someone to turn to for advice and support. We're glad to help and are happy for you to talk to us. In addition to what we can offer, please click on the following link where you will find information about organisations that you might find useful. Thank you.
There was an error processing this link (the page was not found).
To share completed work, or if you require any help or advice with the work that has been set,
please contact us at:
Thank you.
Friday 26th February 2021
Good morning and well done for all of your fantastic work this week, Year 4! Both Mr Mac and myself are so impressed with the work you have been doing at home. We've nearly finished this week and there's only one more to go until we are all back together at school!
Here's our timetable for today:
Lesson 1 |
x tables |
Break |
Lesson 2 |
Zoom/Quiz |
Lesson 3 |
Writing |
Lunch |
Lesson 4 |
Library |
Lesson 5 |
Today is the first Friday of this half term, so there will be a special Fit Friday Assembly on YouTube today too. Get active and join in!
Here are our green champions for Doodle this week:
In Doodle Maths, our green children are:
Lujaina, Charlie, Lexi, Grace, Noah, Aidan, Oliver, Drake, Leo, George G and Finley!
In Doodle Tables, our green children are:
Oliver, Grace, Charlie, Lexi, Noah, Lujaina, Drake, Will, George G, Harley and Alex!
In Doodle English, our green children are:
Lexi, Lujaina, Grace, Noah, Charlie, Drake, George G and Will!
In Doodle Spell, our green children are:
Lexi, Lujaina, Grace, Elarna, Charlie, Oliver, George G, Drake, Will and Harley!
The following children have got into the green zone on all four Doodle areas this week and will each receive a merit for their excellent Doodling. So many of you were green in 3/4 of the Doodle apps! If you were really close to being green in all four areas this week, push yourself to earn that merit next Friday.
Merit winners this week: Charlie, Lexi, Lujaina, Grace, Noah, Drake and George G!
If you think that your name has been missed off, or if you got into the green zone after this list was posted, send an email to advice@mapledeneschool.com and we will rectify it as soon as possible!
Times Tables
First, it’s time to have a go at our times table speed test! You will have seen this week just how important our times tables knowledge is. Those of you that are confident with your times tables will have found finding the area of squares and rectangles so much easier! When we're back at school, we'll be learning about fractions again, and we know that tables knowledge helps us with fractions work too. So if you're feeling a little rusty, spend some time over your last week of homeschooling and make sure you come back feeling super sharp.
We'd like you to go onto the following website (as we usually do on a Friday morning):
Mild challenge: 1, 2, 5 and 10 x tables
Medium challenge: 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 x tables
Hot challenge: 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 x tables
When you feel ready, remember to do the times table check and don’t forget to make a note of your score. After all that hard work, play one or two of the times table games.
Quiz time!
If you can, join us on Zoom at 10:30am this morning for a quiz! All you will need is your brain, a pencil and some paper. There are three rounds in total: a maths round, a grammar round and a bonus round (in the bonus round, all answers are worth 2 points!). The questions will cover all of the learning you've been doing at home.
If you can't make the Zoom, please don't worry. We will upload the PowerPoint to the website once the Zoom meeting has finished and you can work through it at your own pace.
Don't forget to send us your answers!
After the quiz, we would like you to finish the non-fiction report that you started writing yesterday. For most of you, this will mean that you will be writing the final couple of paragraphs about your chosen Egyptian god or goddess.
Once you have finished, please add any small pictures or decoration to your report. You could use one of these colouring sheets (PDF below) to go alongside your written work.
As an extension, we have also attached a 'crack the code' challenge, which is based on the ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses! Good luck!
We are very excited because next week is World Book Day! It's one of our favourite days in the school year and we'd love to see some pictures of you enjoying your reading. You might also be planning an exciting costume to wear or a prop to hold.
Please use some of your time this afternoon as 'Library time' and find something exciting to read. Choose something that interests you, find somewhere warm and comfy and spend at least thirty minutes reading!
Today in ICT, we will be using Scratch. You may have used this before. Do you remember how to create characters that move around? Using Scratch is very similar to using code.org and since you have been doing really well with your coding, Scratch should be no trouble at all.
Please use this link:
By following the link above, you will be able to try some different tutorials. Over the course of the next few weeks, we would like you to try lots of these. To begin with today, click on the 'getting started' block which will guide you through the basics. Then go back to tutorials and click on animate my name. You will soon be coding like a pro. Have fun!
Thursday 25th February 2021
Happy Thursday, Year 4!
Here is our timetable for today:
Lesson 1 |
Maths |
Break |
Lesson 2 |
Writing |
Lesson 3 |
Lunch |
Lesson 4 |
PE |
Lesson 5 |
Music |
All instructions and resources can be found below.
First up, it's time for some maths. We hope you are feeling confident with calculating the area of 2D shapes like rectangles and squares. Isn't using multiplication so much faster?! We have a bigger challenge for you today: calculating the area of rectilinear shapes.
Start by watching the video and then go through the PowerPoint from Slide 11 onwards. Once you have done both of those things, please go through all of the questions on the PDF document below. This time, there are only three questions (one for each star level), so we would like everybody to start on the 1 star question and then work your way up to 3 stars. They get a little trickier each time.
Please use your time today to begin writing your non-fiction report on an Egyptian god or goddess. In school, we would expect you to write an introductory paragraph and then at least another one or two paragraphs in one lesson. You will not get it all finished today, and that's okay, because we will be writing again tomorrow morning.
When writing today, think about the following things:
1. Try to include the grammar that you have learned during lockdown (think about some of the grammar challenges that you practised with this week). We've added a helpful fronted adverbial sheet below to help you get started with each sentence
2. Use the notes sheet that you started yesterday to generate the ideas for each paragraph.
3. If you are struggling for ways to present your work, take a look at the example below. We would like you to design and make your own report, but this might inspire you with how to set it out.
In reading today, we are going to look at some poetry! Read the poem about mummies and then answer the questions.
We are going to do some more work on poetry next week. So, if you enjoyed reading the poem today and fancy doing some more writing, you could be creative and practise writing a poem of your own about something to do with our Ancient Egyptian topic. Watch Mr Mac for some ideas…I’m sure you can write even better poems than him!
This week is workout week so we are going to have a go at some Go Noodle activities to improve balance, agility and co-ordination.
- Warm up with this fun (and slightly bonkers) video, Meatball Run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU0ETGd5dgk.
- Have a go at the Fresh Start Fitness video (prepare to increase that heart rate!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3L556EpRuo.
- Cool down to the Strengthen Your Focus exercise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3L556EpRuo.
If you enjoy these activities, there are many more workout and brain break videos from Go Noodle on YouTube - so what not give them a go?
Don't forget to join Miss Ellgood and some of Year 2 in Friday's Fit Friday Assembly on our Move it With Mapledene YouTube channel.
From Miss Sanders
In preparation for World Book Day next week, I would like you to listen to and learn the song ‘World of Books’. Click on this link:
Then enter the details below:
USERNAME : mapledene
PASSWORD : mapledenec4s
Click onto ‘Browse Music’ and ‘World of Books’ is the 3rd option. Scroll down to the submixes and start by listening to the chorus and bridge.
Rhythm work:
This week’s musical challenge is a ‘Rest Game’ on the same web-site. Click on ‘Browse Music’ and then ‘performance’ in the menu on the left. Finally, click on ‘rhythm work’ – it is the first option. Scroll down to the video, watch and join in. It is great fun!
Wednesday 24th February 2021
Good morning, Year 4! Here is the timetable for today:
Lesson 1 |
Maths |
Break |
Lesson 2 |
Reading |
Lesson 3 |
English |
Lunch |
Lesson 4 |
Lesson 5 |
Spanish |
Look below and find everything you need!
We hope you enjoyed learning about area yesterday. Here's the next part of our learning. Please watch the BBC Teach video first, and then the video from Miss Smith:
After watching both videos, choose the 1, 2 or 3 star sheet from the PDF below. There is also a PowerPoint which you can work through (up to Slide 11) with an adult if you are unsure.
If you have whizzed through the work below and you are ready for a new challenge, you could take a look at Slide 12 onwards on the PowerPoint and start thinking about tomorrow's challenge.
We are reading something that is non-fiction today. Can you remember and explain the difference between fiction and non-fiction?
Read the information about Egyptian dentists and then answer the questions beneath. If you can, discuss what you have learnt with someone else in your house. Would you have liked to go to an Ancient Egyptian dentist?
We are going to begin today by doing some more grammar challenge cards. Have a go at the second set of questions:
Once you have completed the grammar challenges, make sure you have the notes you made yesterday about your chosen Egyptian god/goddess. For the next couple of days, we will be writing a fact file about the god you have been researching. You will use all the facts you have found to create a non-chronological report (that means that all of the information can be in any order). Tomorrow, you might like to include some fact boxes and illustrated diagrams to make it really interesting for your reader.
Start today by using the planning sheet below to organise the information that you found yesterday into paragraphs.
(Please add more paragraphs if you need to - add them onto the back of the sheet!)
We hope you can join us for a PSHE Zoom lesson, where we will be talking about being calm and relaxed and thinking about what 'mindfulness' means. When you have finished the Zoom or looked at the PowerPoint, make a personal weather report for yourself. Think about what different moods, different weather might represent and what things make you feel that way.
This week, we are combining our prior learning of animals and colours. Can you remember any colours in Spanish?
Watch the video below to remind yourself before we move on.
Can you remember any animals in Spanish?
What is Spanish for rabbit? Can you remember how to say dog?
Now, watch the video with Miss Cook below to recap the different animals and see how we describe the colour of an animal too!
Once you have watched the video, have a go at the worksheet below. We would love to see you saying some of these animals and their colours so if you want to, get an adult to record you saying the animals and their colours and send it so us at advice@mapledeneschool.com
Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Good morning, Year 4! We hope you are ready for a new day of learning. Here's your timetable for today:
Lesson 1 |
Maths |
Break |
Lesson 2 |
Reading |
Lesson 3 |
Grammar |
Lunch |
Lesson 4 |
Science |
Starter: Yesterday, we asked you to remember and practise different formal written sums. There were a mind-boggling 198 questions! As a warm up for today, choose another 2 to 3 from each sheet and then check your answers. You need to make sure these skills are excellent, so that you can do the trickier maths in the weeks to come.
Before half term, we looked at perimeter, which was the length, or the distance, around a 2D shape. Now, for the new learning this week, it's all about area. Area is also to do with 2D shapes, but we can't get confused between area and perimeter. Area is all about the space inside the shape.
Please start by watching the following video:
Area is the amount of space or AREA within a shape. It is measured in squares and these are usually square centimetres (cm2) or square metres (m2). Watch Mr Mac explaining today’s activity and then have a go at the work beneath. As usual, 1 star is easier, 3 stars is a challenge.
Today, we have chosen a short story for you to read and enjoy. It's about a very mischievous young boy named Jimmy, and a Pharaoh...
If you can, read it aloud to an adult and then answer the questions underneath.
We'd also like you to think about how you know that it is fictional story. What clues are there?
Grammar & English
Today, we would like you to start by having a look at the grammar challenges below. Don't worry about the numbers in the corner - we have selected specific challenge cards based on learning we have covered so far. You should remember how to answer most of these questions, but if there is anything you're very unsure on, please email us or talk to your teacher about it when we're all back at school.
When you have finished your grammar, we would like you to choose a specific Egyptian god or goddess. Now, you are going to use your researching skills to gather together all the information you can find, use the PowerPoint and video from yesterday, look in books or trawl the internet. Record all of your awesome facts about this god or goddess onto a Word Document, notebook or sheet of paper and then keep it somewhere safe ready for tomorrow.
In science this half term, we are going to start learning about solids, liquids and gases. You've probably heard of these before! But what are they? And what do the words solid, liquid or gas actually mean? We're going to find out, and we'll start by taking a look at the BBC Bitesize link below:
There is a PowerPoint with more information for you to read through too.
Once you have learned about the properties of solids, liquids and gases, we'd like you to complete the following tasks:
Task 1 - Spend ten minutes walking around your house and make a list of as many solids, liquids and gases you come across. You might find that some lists are longer than others. Ask an adult if they can help you think of any gases that are around, but you may not be able to see.
Task 2 - Sort the pictures on the PDF below into solids, liquids and gases. You do not need to print this out; making a list onto a piece of paper is absolutely fine!
Task 3 - Cut up the statements, vocabulary and pictures on the second PDF and organise them correctly into the table. Again, you can draw this out yourself if you don't have a printer.
Send us your hard work at advice@mapledeneschool.com. We have so many children close to their next merit prize and certificate - keep trying your very, very best!
Miss Smith & Mr Mac
Monday 22nd February 2021
Here is the timetable for today:
Timetable |
Lesson 1 |
Maths |
Break |
Lesson 2 |
Reading |
Lesson 3 |
Grammar |
Lunch |
Lesson 4 |
Theme |
Lesson 5 |
PE |
We hope you had a GREAT half term, are fully rested and ready to get back into the swing of things. Firstly, we would like you to get your brains working again, they’ve probably gone a bit Egyptian Mummy over half term (but probably haven’t been pulled out of your noses with a sharp hook!) so click on the link below and have a go at, at least three different activities.
And now your brains are nice and warm, have a go at some of the questions below.
We don’t expect you to do all of the questions (there are an awful lot!) just choose about 5 to 10 from each sheet and see if you can get them right. We will do the same tomorrow so don’t try and answer all 198 questions today.
Maths Sheets
Have a look at this amazing fact sheet about Egyptian Gods and answer the questions below. As usual, the sheets are 1, 2 or 3 stars and the answers are below.
Now if you are able to, join us for our Ancient Egyptian Mummy Zoom party. Wrap up in bandages (or toilet roll) or get made up to look like an Egyptian. We can discuss the Gods of Ancient Egypt and everything Egyptian as well as Miss Smith and Mr Mac giving some prizes for the most creative outfits. We look forward to seeing you there. If you are unable to join us then we will miss you but carry on to the next activity. Don’t forget to take a break.
This week we are going to be learning all about the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. By the end of the week, we would like you to have written a non-chronological report about one or more of these gods… ‘What is a non-chronological report?’ We hear you cry. Well, we’re glad you asked. Look at the presentation below and then read the example of a non-chronological report with all of the features identified. Non-fiction books are often non-chronological reports. That just means that they are written in any order as opposed to chronological reports which are written in the order of the time they happened. After you have looked at the report, find some other examples in books that you have at home or maybe on the internet and see if you can check that they are non-chronological reports using the checklist below.
This week we are finding out about the Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses. You have already heard about Seth, Osiris, Ra, Isis, Anubis and Horus in the story of the first mummy before half term. If you can’t remember it look back at the summary that you wrote on the Monday before half term.
Now, let’s find out a bit more about the Gods of Ancient Egypt.
Look at the presentation now and create a list of the main gods of Ancient Egypt. Next to each, write what they were the god or goddess of and if you can draw a little picture of them so you remember what they looked like (especially their heads which were probably different animals).
The Gods of Ancient Egypt
Let’s get physical.
In school today we will be doing the run a mile challenge, so if you are able to, get out and go for a 1 mile run or walk (or maybe even skate, scoot or cycle). You can go further than a mile if you like, it’s all good exercise. See if you can convince some of the family to get out with you.
If you can’t get out then try the walk a mile inside your house challenge or the walk on the spot for 1 mile challenge (it usually takes about 20 minutes to walk a mile so just get moving for 20 minutes and you will start to feel fitter and healthier).
Great effort today everybody.
See you tomorrow.
Miss Smith and Mr Mac