Week Beginning 25 January 2021 and before
Parents and Carers
Sometimes we all need someone to turn to for advice and support. We're glad to help and are happy for you to talk to us. In addition to what we can offer, please click on the following link where you will find information about organisations that you might find useful. Thank you.
There was an error processing this link (the page was not found).
Please visit this page every day for your school work. On this page you will find:
- Reading work for each group (Miss Sanders’ group and everyone else)
- English work for everyone
- Maths work set by your maths teacher
- Other Curriculum work
Also, please remember that there are Doodle objectives that link to what we have done in class and the work we are setting now so remember to get on Doodle and get your daily stars!
Copy of Tuesday's Zoom PowerPoint
It has been another busy week on Zoom and many of you have achieved the Green Zone in at least one subject. You should feel proud of yourselves! The children in the lists below have managed to get into the Green zone for the subject and we know some of you have gone way past your target too, well done everyone. Let’s try to get even more names on the list for next week too. Get Doodling, Year 6!
Maths Green Zoners:
Scarlett, Chloe, Josh, Bailey, Jay, T'raya, Zainab, Kyle, Eloise, Sophie T, Syafia, Tianna, Sophie D, Maya, Lauren, Isobel and Cory.
Tables Green Zoners:
Tianna, Isobel, Logan, Lauren, Mia, Syafia, Sophie D, T'raya, Erin, Eva, Sophie T, Zainab, Cory, Kyle, Kalel, Jake, Chloe and Josh.
English Green Zoners:
Sophie T, T'raya, Chloe, Cory, Kyle, Lauren Syafia, Tianna, Isobel, Alfie, Maya and Alex.
Spelling Green Zoners:
Connor, Lauren, Sophie D, Isobel, Mia, T'raya, Sophie T, Chloe, Cory, Josh, Kyle and Jake.
Super Doodling from these pupils who are in the green zone – two house points for each time your name appears in the lists above. Special mentions this week go to Chloe, T'raya, Kyle, Sophie T, Cory, Isobel and Lauren - who are all in the Green zone across the four Apps! Great effort from all of you and you each get a MERIT and a Doodle prize when we return to school – remember to remind Mr B and Mr C when we get back to school.
It’s FRIDAY, Year 6!
And what a fabulous Friday we have in store! First of all, to the all-important Snowman competition from earlier on in the week. Here are some of the entries we received; scroll down to find out the winners!
Friday 29th January Timetable |
Lesson 1 |
Assembly |
Lesson 2 |
English |
Break |
Lesson 3 |
Maths |
Lunch |
Afternoon |
Music |
Afternoon |
P.E |
Congratulations to Bailey, Louie and Sophie H on being our Year 6 snow creation winners – you are welcome to come and choose a prize from the Year 6 prize box when we are back in school!!
Super effort everyone - and there's more snow on the way this weekend, so you might all get another chance to make another snowman/woman/dog/cat/WW2 shelter!
The link for our Assembly today can be found on the class pages section of the website, so please take a look there to watch it! Congratulations to all of TEAM 6 being recognised for their work this week – it is fully deserved!
Our English session today is a chance for you to complete your diary entries which you started yesterday! We are looking for a detailed piece of writing, which makes the reader empathise with your situation on the day you are evacuated. The diary entry should be written on the day that you are evacuated, so might include: your feelings when waking up on the morning of evacuation, saying goodbye to loved ones, the journey on the train, the items that you decided to take with you and maybe even some details about where you will be staying once you arrive!
Take a look back at yesterday’s blurb for English for more information – and remember to send your diary entries in to us so we can see all of your wonderful work!
If you finish your writing and your Doodle English extras , you could use some time to draw a picture of yourself at the end of the diary entry, holding your suitcase and with an identity label around your neck ready to be taken to the countryside...
Mr B/Mr C Maths
In Maths today, we are moving on to 3D shapes! It may have been a little while since you all last learned about 3D shapes, so have a go at the 3D shape name game on the PowerPoint below, to remind yourself of some of the simple 3D shapes that we find in everyday life.
Next, watch the Youtube clip about 3D shape nets – can you see how 3D shapes can be made from a net which comes together?
Finally, have a go at constructing a 3D shape of your own! Three nets are attached below – print out or draw out the net, give it some colour, cut it out and glue it together to make your own 3D shape. Remember to send in your completed 3D shapes, so that we can see your creations!
Miss Sanders Maths Friday 29th January
It's your last chance to get in the green zone for Times Tables today! Let's see who's names get posted later today.
Main Learning
To complete our shape work this work we will be thinking about different types of triangles; equilateral, isosceles and scalene. Watch the Youtube Clip below to find out about the different types of triangles and then use the triangle tree included in your packs or linked below to sort the triangles on your sheets into Carroll and Venn diagrams. Don't forget to take a picture of your work and send it in.
We hope you managed to listen to last week’s song and enjoyed singing along and learning the actions! It has become a bit of an Anthem for Miss Sanders during Lockdown and always makes her feel more positive about the day.
We need to visit the website below for today’s Music lesson!
The warm-up is at the bottom of the Dance Moves page and is called Urban Strides Interactive. There is a lot of talking at the beginning but you can just skip through this.
Next, we would like you to practice the dance moves and lyrics from last week using the video ‘Power in Me – Breakdown 1’. When you feel confident with this section, move on to ‘Power in Me – Breakdown 2’ to learn the final section where it splits into 2 parts.
Happy Singing Everyone!
The access code is YV2021 (Please make sure you use capitals)
Our final lesson this week is P.E! Judging by some of the snowman pictures sent into us from Monday, lots of you enjoyed getting active in the snow! Today, we would like you to have a go at the quick workout below, led by former Welsh rugby union star Gareth Thomas. Don’t worry if you don’t have a rugby ball for one of the drills – just use a different type of ball which you might have at home! Good luck everyone!
You’ve reached the end of another week of home learning – well done to everyone for all of their hard work!!
Happy Thursday Year 6!
We are very much looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Zoom at 1.30pm to share some work from this week, and answer any questions you might have about the learning! We have got a fun-filled day of home learning ahead of us, and we look forward to seeing all of the brilliant work that you all complete!
The snowman competition deadline has now passed (for obvious reasons!), and we will be announcing the winning three snow creations on the website on Friday, so keep an eye out for that!
Thursday 28th January Timetable |
Lesson 1 |
Reading |
Lesson 2 |
English |
Break |
Lesson 3 |
Maths |
Lunch |
Lesson 4 |
Zoom (2.00pm) |
Lesson 5 |
Building on our work from the yesterday, we are going to be answering some comprehension questions about Eliza’s diary today! There are only 7 questions to complete but we want to see you fully explain your answer in questions 6 and 7, using the text to evidence the point that you make! Good luck everyone!
Our English work this week has been building up towards writing your own diary entry as an evacuee! We can’t wait to see what your produce for this, as we have had some terrific English work sent in to us this week already! The diary entry should be written on the day that you are evacuated, so might include: your feelings when waking up on the morning of evacuation, saying goodbye to loved ones, the journey on the train, the items that you decided to take with you and maybe even some details about where you will be staying once you arrive!
Remember, you’ve got loads of pieces of learning that will help you to write your diary entry today, including:
- Your reading work from Eliza’s diary over the past two days.
- Your evacuee suitcase activity from yesterday afternoon.
- The ‘Show don’t tell’ work, helping you to portray your feelings in different ways.
- Tuesday’s short read about evacuation in Britain during the Blitz
- Any other reading or research that you may have done!
The success criteria is seen below, so that you know what we are looking for – remember to place yourself back in 1940 and be really expressive with how you feel about being evacuated in your diary entries! You’ve got today and tomorrow to complete this, so don’t rush – we can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Mr B and Mr C Maths
Our final day on 2D shape is ahead of us Year 6! Today, we have set some mathematical problems for you all to have a go at. Take a look at the video below, which explains how to approach the first two, and then see how you get on with the problem pack! Remember to use your shape properties work from Tuesday to help you with the vocabulary in the questions.
2D shape problem solving...

Miss Sanders Maths Thursday 27th January
It has been really good to see that lots of you have been on Doodle Tables this week. Well done! If you haven't been on yet then PLEASE look at it today. I would really like all of you to be in the green zone this week.
Main Learning
So far this week we have looked at right angles, obtuse and acute angles and parallel and perpendicular lines. Now we are going to consider how all of those properties relate to 2D shapes. We will start by thinking about QUADRILATERALS ( 4 sided shapes). Watch the video below and then have a go at naming the quadrilaterals and their properties using the worksheet in your packs or in the links below. I have also included 2 posters to help you if you are finding this tricky. If you have any questions you can ask us about them in the zoom session this afternoon.
We hope to see lots of you on Zoom at 2.00pm today to share our learning from this week so far! The link for zoom, as well as the Meeting ID and password will be emailed to parents on Thursday morning. We look forward to catching up with everyone that can make it!
This afternoon we are going to be considering the value of money and ethical spending. Please share and discuss the PowerPoint below. Follow the discussion points outlined in the PowerPoint. Discuss which offers give the greatest value for money (Value for Money Pack) and produce a poster that reflects: value for money, fair trade and ethical spending. You may wish to develop your critical thinking skills further and use the debate cards that are also attached!
You've reached the end of today's learning!
Welcome to Wednesday, Year 6!
Well done to those of you working hard at home again this week! It was lovely to see so many of you on the zoom call yesterday morning! We have another zoom meeting scheduled for 1.30pm tomorrow afternoon (Thursday 28th January), and you’re all invited!! Today’s learning is outlined below – we look forward to taking a look at all of your hard work!
Wednesday 27th January Timetable |
Lesson 1 |
Reading |
Lesson 2 |
English |
Break |
Lesson 3 |
Maths |
Lunch |
Lesson 4 |
Theme (World War 2) |
As explained on zoom yesterday, today’s reading work will focus on an evacuee’s diary entry from World War 2. This will be especially useful for you all, as you will be writing your own diary entry as an evacuee on Thursday and Friday this week in English! There are three short diary extracts to read through, which are seen below. Read through each part carefully, and think about how Eliza is feeling at different points over the two days that she writes about. Then, have a go at completing the ‘Diary of Eliza note page’ with feelings and evidence form the text – the first one has been done for you!
This morning’s English task is ‘Show don’t tell’. The video below will give you some more insight into how to do this activity. We want you to come up with ways in which a character might act or look, to show that they are experiencing a certain feeling – these ideas will hopefully be really useful in your writing task on Thursday and Friday! Take a look at the video and then have a go at the sheet below!
A few tips on 'Show don't tell'

Mr B and Mr C Maths
You have worked really hard on the properties of a range of 2D shapes over the last couple of days. In a change to our scheduled order of Maths, we are going to be completing some work on circles today! Take a look at the PowerPoint which explains the mathematical features of a circle, and then have a go at the questions! Before you start, get yourself into Maths mode by timing yourself on a 12 x 12 grid – let us know how quickly you can complete it!
Miss Sanders Maths Wednesday 27th January
Please continue to practice your Times Tables using Doodle Tables, at least 5 minutes a day please!!!
Main Learning
Today we are going to think about parallel and perpendicular lines. There are a couple of short videos for you to watch and then a worksheet to complete. As always, the sheets are in your packs or can be printed from the links below. I can't post the answers today as you have got to draw your own but if you send them in using the school advice email or Classdojo then I will mark them and send it back to you.
Theme – World War 2
This afternoon, we are working a little more creatively on World War 2. During the Blitz, the children of Britain were evacuated out of the cities to the countryside. They would often not know where they were going until the very last minute, and would not know exactly when they would be allowed to go home.
This afternoon, we would like you to watch the video clip below about an evacuee’s adventure, and think about what it would have been like to have been a child during the War. Then, we want you to plan your own evacuee suitcase! You can draw, colour and label the items that you would have taken with you, if you had been evacuated. Remember, no X boxes or iPhone allowed – they weren’t invented yet!!
Good morning Year 6!!
We hope to see loads of you on our Zoom call at 9.30 this morning! Mr Barber will be outlining some key points for this week’s home learning! If you can’t make it, there will be another chance to join on Thursday at 1.30pm!
Tuesday 26th January Timetable |
Lesson 1 |
Lesson 2 |
Reading |
Break |
Lesson 3 |
English |
Lesson 4 |
Maths |
Lunch |
Afternoon |
Science |
Today’s Zoom call will aim to outline the timetable for this week, and Mr Barber is hoping to discuss some of the tasks with you all! Details for the Zoom meeting have been emailed to parents.
Our Reading task today is to do with the ‘evacuation’ of children from the cities to the countryside during World War 2. This was done to protect the children from harm, as the cities of Britain were bombed heavily during 1940 and 1941. Read the text below, and have a go at the ONE QUESTION on today’s task. It is a three-mark question though, so make sure you follow the instructions and explain your answer carefully!
Our English work today will be focussed on synonyms and antonyms! As discussed in the zoom meeting, synonyms are words which mean the same as another word, whereas antonyms are words that mean the complete opposite!
For example, if we look at the word ‘clever’:
Synonyms: bright, smart, intelligent, intellectual
Antonyms: dim, unintelligent, clueless
Have a go at the task below, which tests your synonym and antonym knowledge:
Mr B and Mr C Maths
Following on from yesterday’s shape work, we are going to focus on shape vocabulary today! It is really important that you understand the meaning of these key words, and are able to use them confidently! For extra support with this, take a look at Mr Barber’s Zoom PowerPoint, which discusses the meaning of some of these words. Good luck!
Starter: Play Hit the Button to practise either your Number bonds, Doubles/halves or times tables...
Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practice for 5-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)
Miss Sanders Maths Tuesday 26th January
Today we will be continuing our work on angles, focusing on acute and obtuse angles. Please watch the 3 short video clips below to learn all about these angles.
Our last lesson today is SCIENCE!
We have been learning about how light travels, and today it is time to focus on exactly how we see using our eyes. This gets quite technical today, so you will be an expert before you know it! Take a look at the PowerPoint below and complete the task, labelling parts of the eye and their functions.
And that's it for today... time to relax!
Good morning Year 6!
We hope you all enjoyed playing in the SNOW at the weekend – Mr Barber and Mr Collett certainly did! Welcome to a brand-new week of home learning! We have got a ZOOM call tomorrow morning at 9.30am (details will be emailed out to parents), and a whole host of exciting activities to get stuck into over the next few days!
Monday 25th January Timetable |
Lesson 1 |
Reading |
Lesson 2 |
English |
Break |
Lesson 3 |
Maths |
Lunch |
Lesson 4 |
I.C.T |
Lesson 5 |
P.E / Snowman building! |
Today’s Reading lesson focuses on the first chapter of the novel ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ by Emma Carroll. The book is set in World War 2, and will be a focus for us in Reading over the coming days. Some of the narrative is really helpful in understanding the plight of people in our country during the War. Take a look at the videos of Mr Collett reading some of the story, then have a go at the comprehension work below. Good luck everyone!
Chapter 1 Part 1

Chapter 1 Part 2

We are going to work on some Year 6 Grammar over the next two days in English – starting with modal verbs today! A modal verb is a word which usually goes before a verb, and indicates how likely something is to happen. Example:
On Monday, snow will fall.
On Monday snow might fall.
On Monday snow could fall.
The words, ‘will’, ‘might’ and ‘could’ are modal verbs because their use in the sentence changes how likely it is that snow will fall.
Have a go at the modal verb activity below - unfortunately it is a PDF, so you won't be able to edit the document online (writing out the answers on some paper at home is just fine!)
Mr B and Mr C Maths
We have been delighted with your Maths work over the past couple of weeks! This week, our focus shifts to looking at 2D and 3D shapes. Take a look at the Shape recap quiz below, and remember to play it as a PowerPoint so that you can guess the shape each time! Then, read through the Shape PP, which details the properties of key shapes. Finally, using the ‘Mr B Mr C shapes to sort’ sheet, create your own Venn diagram using the shapes provided on the sheet. An example Venn diagram is included below to help you out, and further instructions are on the document!
Miss Sanders Maths Monday 25th January
Happy Monday everyone! Before we start, I would like to remind you all that there is a pack of worksheets for each of you in the office this week. This is because it will be difficult for you to complete the 2D shape work without the resources. They are also all linked under the activities below so that you can print out your own if it is easier.
Warm up
I have been really pleased to hear that 2 of you have moved your own learning on and are now looking at the 8 times tables - Congratulations! So, let's all spend some time learning our 8 times tables. As we are trying really hard to increase our Doodle scores, I would like you to spend some time every day,if possible, on Doodle Tables and focusing on your 8's (unless you have locked this area!).I will check every day to see who has been finding the time to go on. Remember, just 5 minutes a day is far more useful to your learning than a long session once a week.
Main Learning
As I mentioned earlier, your main learning is all about 2D shapes and their properties. Today, we will be revising right angles. Please watch the 2 videos below and then have a go at the relevant worksheet in your pack or linked below. As always, it would be lovely to hear or see how you are getting on via Classdojo or sending me an email with your work attached.
In I.C.T today, we would like you to do some internet-based research about Evacuees, and what it would have been like to have been evacuated during World War 2. The websites below contain some really interesting information about the lives of evacuees during World War 2. In a project which will take two lessons, we would like you to create a PowerPoint, Word document or poster, detailing information about WW2 evacuees! Make this piece of work as creative as possible, and don’t worry if you don’t finish it today – there will be another I.C.T slot later this week to complete your mini-projects. Good luck everyone!
Evacuation During World War Two (primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk)
World War 2 Evacuation - BBC Teach
What is an 'Evacuee'? • Children's Experiences during WW2 • MyLearning
After a long hard day of home learning, today during P.E you have got two options! Option 1: have a go at today’s tricky home workout, courtesy of Joe Wicks (link below). Or Option 2: Get outside and build a snowman!! Mr Collett and Mr Barber both found out yesterday how much of a workout this can be! If you choose Option 2, send your snowman snaps into us, and we will save a prize for the best one once we are all back in school!
So many of you have been working really hard this week on Doodle, so it's time to celebrate! The children in the lists below have managed to get into the Green zone for the subject and we know some of you have gone way past your target too, well done everyone. Let’s try to get some more names on the list for next week too. Get Doodling, Year 6!
Maths Green Zoners:
T'raya, Jake, Sophie Turner, Sophie Hunt, Kyle, Kalel, Lana, Erin, Syafia, Tianna, Maya, Katie, Lucas, Lauren, Freddie, Isobel, Louie, Zara, Sophie Davis, Millie, Josh, Alex and Mr.C.
Tables Green Zoners:
Chloe, Tilly, Josh, Tianna, Syafia, Sophie Davis, Mia, Isobel, Katie, Lauren, Alfie, Louie, T'raya, Eva, Lana, Cory, Erin and Kyle.
English Green Zoners:
Syafia, Lauren, Tianna, Tilly, Freddie, Millie, Lucas, Alfie, Alex, Isobel, Katie, Louie, T'raya, Chloe, Kyle, Sophie Turner, Jake, Cory and Josh.
Spelling Green Zoners:
T'raya, Sophie Turner, Chloe, Jake, Cory, Kyle, Tianna, Syafia, Sophie Davis, Mia, Lauren, Isobel, Louis and Logan.
Super Doodling from these pupils who are in the green zone – two house points for each time your name appears in the lists above. Special mentions this week go to T’Raya, Kyle, Syafia, Isobel, Louie and Tianna who are all in the Green zone across the four Apps! Great effort from all of you and you each get a MERIT and a Doodle prize when we return to school – remember to remind Mr B and Mr C when we get back to school.
Special congratulations to Tianna and Syafia who gained the most stars for Doodle Tables across the whole of Key Stage 2 - an extra merit each to both of you. Also, huge conrgratulations to 6C, who were the top class in the school on Doodle this week! Come on 6B - the competition is on!