Week Beginning 1 February 2021
Parents and Carers
Sometimes we all need someone to turn to for advice and support. We're glad to help and are happy for you to talk to us. In addition to what we can offer, please click on the following link where you will find information about organisations that you might find useful. Thank you.
There was an error processing this link (the page was not found).
To share completed work, or if you require any help or advice with the work that has been set,
please contact us at:
Thank you.
Year 2's Timetable
If your child is finding home learning a challenge, it may benefit them to stick to a routine each day (even if it's just for part of it).
If you are unable to print the activities, packs are available every Monday to collect from the office. Please let the office know if you would like to start collecting these.
9am | 10am | 10:15am | 11:15am | 12:00pm | 1pm | 2pm | 2:15pm | |
Monday | Maths | Break | RWI/Reading | English | Lunch | Topic | Break | PSHE |
Tuesday | Maths | Break | RWI/Reading | English | Lunch | Topic | Break | Topic |
Wednesday | Maths | Break | RWI/Reading | English | Lunch | Art | Break | ICT |
Thursday | Maths | Break | RWI/Reading | English | Lunch | PE | Break | Music |
Friday | Maths | Break | RWI/Reading | English | Lunch | Science | Break | RE |
*RWI = Read Write Inc
*Topic refers to this half term's learning about the environment and how it is affected around the world
Friday 5th February
It's Dress to Express day! Don't forget to choose an outfit today to express yourself.
What a great week it has been. Children at school and home have been working really hard- parents YOU ARE NEARLY AT HALF TERM, well done :) It's lovely hearing about the work that you've been doing at home- whether that's by email or phone call and it's great to hear how you have been accessing the work on here.
Subject | Task and Online Resources CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH WEEK; Don.t forget your daily acts of kindness, |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks Warm your brain up by joining in with this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Sob3PyvvTQ Today we will be solving division calculations mentally. For this you will need your fingers (because fingers are very handy). Watch Miss Ellgood demonstrate how we mentally solve division calculations and then have a go at solving some on the activity below.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYICBRXwUEc&t=4ss Remember we use the term ‘shared by’ as well as ‘divided by’ to help children understand what it actually involves. To finish the week test your division knowledge on ‘Hit the Button’ and choose to divide by 2,3, 5 or 10..
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read.
English |
Look at the picture of the Antarctic habitat. Have a go at writing a description with expanded noun phrases in for these parts of the nouns: *The sky *The snow *The penguins *icicles
Remember to include some prepositions to help you to form your sentences (e.g. in, above, next to, along). When you have finished please check your work for capital letters, full stops and correct spelling. Remember to take care with your handwriting too! |
Science |
Watch the video about the desert habitat. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zx882hv/articles/zsqnfg8 Learn how camels are adapted to their habitat. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zchxpv4 Due to the human's actions causing global warming, deserts are getting even hotter which is making it hard for animals to survive.
Look at the fact files about the desert animals: scorpion, tortoise, camel and rattlesnake. Complete the fact table answering the questions on the activity below- What do they weigh? How long/tall are they? What do they eat? Write an interesting fact about the animal. |
RE |
What would it be like if no one cared for our world or us? Listen to the song “Thinking of a world without any flowers” Think about what the words mean. Reflect on all of the things that make a world a beautiful place and the importance of everyone looking after it. Draw a picture to illustrate if you wish. |
Printable activities
Thursday 4th February
Miss Ellgood enjoyed seeing some of you on Zoom yesterday! If you haven't joined a session before why not give it a go next Wednesday? There is no obligation to talk, you can just listen. If you wish to join for the first time make sure you have filled out the Zoom form so that we can email you the pass code.
Please be aware that although we are setting a full day of work each day, we do not want you to feel overwhelmed. Do not worry if you do not complete every activity each day, but please try to at least watch the videos and play some of the interactive games so that some of the learning has been accessed.
If you are unable to print the work, please contact the office and you may collect a pack- if you do this then you will still need to look at the website each day for guidance. Please only collect this work if it is needed, as I'm sure you will understand the office are also very busy at the moment.
Subject | Task and Online Resources CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH WEEK; Don.t forget your daily acts of kindness, |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Watch the counting in 3’s video before you start your main learning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_cn87hOCDM Today we will be solving division calculations using jottings that we draw. You may do your working out on the printable activity, on paper or on a whiteboard. Watch Miss Ellgood demonstrate how we solve division calculations with jottings and then have a go at solving some on the activity below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYICBRXwUEc&t=2s Remember we use the term ‘shared by’ as well as ‘divided by’ to help children understand what it actually involves. When you have finished, try the extension activity. Don’t forget to check that the answers that you come up with are correct. Play the ‘Mental Maths Train’ to finish off your lesson. Select the divide symbol and choose to divide by 2,3, 5 or 10. |
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read.
English |
Look at the picture of a park in our local area. Have a go at writing a sentence with an expanded noun phrase in for these parts of the park: *The pond *The trees *The branches *The ducks *The sky
Remember to include some prepositions to help you to form your sentences (e.g. in, above, next to). |
PE |
As it is mental health week, try warming up to a song of your choice- dancing is a great way to express yourself! Alternatively you could warm up to 'Uptown Funk' - this is a song that always makes me feel good and a dance that I enjoyed making up as a way of expressing myself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0gG8YNJ8eU&t=13s This week we are going to continue to complete the activities from this circuit below- you may have already started recording your results which is great! You should spend just one minute (60 seconds) on each activity. Target aim (throw something into a hoop/ a different target...be creative!) See how many you get in. *Sit ups *Catches (beanbag/ball or whatever you have access to) this could be how many catches you can do by yourself or with someone else. *Shuttle runs (see how many times you can run from one marker to another (this can be done in a small space). Don’t forget to ‘pivot’ when you are turning. Just like last week, record how many you did of each (see optional table to record on below). Take a look at your results. What have you improved in over the last 5 weeks? What could you improve at? At the end of the session make sure you cool down. This slows down breathing and your heart rate as well as returns your muscles to their normal length to avoid stiffness and sire muscles the next day. Use these videos for your cool down. Old Town Road: https://www.youtube.com/watch? One Love: v=gNdk4S1MrUI |
Music |
As it is Children’s Mental Health Week this week, I thought it would be good to remind ourselves of the song ‘It’s OK! Just say’. Sing or sign along depending on where you are and really listen to the message that the words are telling you. Remember, to talk to someone if you are not feeling OK. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaIuIhsN44Y I also have a new song for you to learn. First of all, click on the link below to warm up your bodies and voices. Make you sure you have clicked on the tab ‘Find the Pulse’ and have fun following the actions. https://charanga.com/resources/36878-flexible-games-track-bringing-us-together
Now, click on this link to listen to the chorus and follow the words. When you are confident have a go at joining in. https://charanga.com/resources/36874-learn-to-sing-the-song-bringing-us-together This week is going to be a bit noisy! We will be thinking about how you can turn objects around the house into musical instruments! You will need a saucepan and 2 wooden spoons. If you can’t use these, find anything around the house that you can turn into a drum. Remember to check with your grown-ups first! https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/exploring-different-ways-to-use-instruments-c9j3ac |
Wednesday 3rd February
Please be aware that although we are setting a full day of work each day, we do not want you to feel overwhelmed. Do not worry if you do not complete every activity each day, but please try to at least watch the videos and play some of the interactive games so that some of the learning has been accessed.
If you are unable to print the work, please contact the office and you may collect a pack- if you do this then you will still need to look at the website each day for guidance. Please only collect this work if it is needed, as I'm sure you will understand the office are also very busy at the moment.
Subject | Task and Online Resources CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH WEEK; Don.t forget your daily acts of kindness, |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Warm your brain up by joining in with this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Sob3PyvvTQ Today we will be solving division calculations practically. For this you will 25 items that can be shared out (this could be counters, pasta pieces, bottle tops, bricks, toys...anything!) Watch Miss Ellgood demonstrate how we practically solve division calculations and then have a go at solving some on the activity below.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYICBRXwUEc Remember we use the term ‘shared by’ as well as ‘divided by’ to help children understand what it actually involves. We would love to see some pictures of your practical division and the interesting items that you have shared out! Have a go at the ‘Doggy Division’ game at the end of your lesson, this is one we haven’t played before but I think you might like. https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/doggyDivision/index.html |
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read.
English |
Look at the picture of the ocean in all its beauty (see below). Using the list of adjectives given (or your own) describe these nouns in the picture: *coral *ocean *surface of the water *fish *shark |
Visual blocks are what we have been working on for the last few weeks. Today we are also going to try a new coding game using visual blocks. I hope you don’t crash the van too often.
Art |
Our art today is to do with mental health week. Try this simple ‘draw your feelings’ activity by Place2Be’s Art Room team. You will need some paper and something to draw with. Watch the demo: https://bit.ly/3iJCoMv Once you have completed your drawing, think about what is great about your work. You could also try the 'Things that make me happy' activity. |
Printable Activities
Tuesday 2nd February
Please be aware that although we are setting a full day of work each day, we do not want you to feel overwhelmed. Do not worry if you do not complete every activity each day, but please try to at least watch the videos and play some of the interactive games so that some of the learning has been accessed.
If you are unable to print the work, please contact the office and you may collect a pack- if you do this then you will still need to look at the website each day for guidance. Please only collect this work if it is needed, as I'm sure you will understand the office are also very busy at the moment.
Subject | Task and Online Resources CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH WEEK; Don.t forget your daily acts of kindness, |
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
Today we will be looking at odd and even numbers. Please take a look at the powerpoint below (or watch the video and listen to Miss Ellgood going through it.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYICBRXwUEc We can find out if a number is odd or even by sharing the amount by 2. If the amount can be shared into pairs then it is even, if it can’t then it is odd. The other way we can see if a number is even is if it has 0,2,4,6,8 units. Get some counters (or make some) and share these amounts into pairs to see if they are odd or even: 7,1,15,4,3,20,6,13 Now have a go at these questions from the powerpoint:
Question 1: If you add an even number and an even number together, what type of number do you get? Question 1: If you add an odd number and an odd number together, what type of number do you get? Question 1: If you add an odd number and an even number, what do you get?
Have a go at this fun odd and even game to end your lesson https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/coconut-odd-or-even
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read.
English |
This week we are going to be writing descriptions of the habitats that we have looked at over the last half term. For this you need to learn what an ‘expanded noun phrase’ is in order to up-level your writing. Watch Miss Ellgood explain the Powerpoint about what an expanded noun phrase is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94ocTZ57Pwk&t=184s and complete the activity Tuesday English activity in the resources below.
Today's comprehension activity-The Lost Sandwich |
Geography |
Where in the World? Recapping on all of the different regions we have been learning about, our locality, oceans, the polar regions and the deserts which would be your favourite place to be? Would you want to be a fish living in our beautiful oceans? Or would that be too scary? Would you want to live in a place where it is always hot? Choose your favourite place and write some sentences telling us why you would want to live there.
Mental Health Week |
Mental health week circle time activity. Remember it is always good to talk no matter who you are, grown ups can join in with this activity too. Here are some ideas you can try with your group to help children express themselves: Circle time Sitting in a circle (or online if children are not physically in the same space), or with other family members. everyone takes a turn sharing something with the group. Warm up with simple ideas, like asking children to share their likes, dislikes and something about themselves. For example, go around the circle saying:
My favourite colour is... If I had an hour of free time then I would... When I am older, I would like to... One food I don’t like is... Something you might not know about me is... How do you like to express yourself?
Next, ask the children/child to imagine they got stuck on an island for a day (don’t worry, a ship comes to rescue you). Take turns or ask for volunteers to answer the following questions:( Everyone is encouraged to be supportive and attentive when others share.) What music would you like to hear playing? What food would you like to find on the island? How would you spend the day? If you had art materials with you, what would they be and what would you make? What would be your something special you would take with you and why?
Draw a picture to illustrate your ideas if you wish.
Resources to support learning.
Monday 1st February
Please be aware that although we are setting a full day of work each day, we do not want you to feel overwhelmed. Do not worry if you do not complete every activity each day, but please try to at least watch the videos and play some of the interactive games so that some of the learning has been accessed.
If you are unable to print the work, please contact the office and you may collect a pack- if you do this then you will still need to look at the website each day for guidance. Please only collect this work if it is needed, as I'm sure you will understand the office are also very busy at the moment.
Subject | Task and Online Resources |
English |
CHILDREN'S MENTAL HEALTH WEEK; 9.00 Watch the Assembly https://classroom.thenational.academy/assemblies/childrens-mental-health-week-2021
There is also a powerpoint to watch for the EXPRESS YOURSELF - assembly. After watching the video talk with your child about what they think expressing yourself means.
Look at the Daily Kindness poster, during the week can we all try to complete at least 1 act of kindness each day. We look forward to what you managed to achieve by the end of the week.
This week in English we are going to be writing descriptions of the habitats that we have looked at over the last half term. Watch the WAGOLL video to see what the teachers would like you to include in your writing this week. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZt2Hpyq7v8
RWI Reading |
Please watch a RWI video (set 2 or set 3). These will be similar to what your child would be doing in school. If your child knows the sound, please still do the lesson. https://www.youtube.com/c/RuthMiskinTrainingEdu/playlists
In addition to this, 'Mr Thorne Does Phonics' is a great way to support phonics learning and is something that the children enjoy in school. https://www.youtube.com/c/MrTsPhonics/videos
Log into Oxford Owl - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk Go to the top right hand corner to log in and use the following username and password:
Username: Mapledene2 Password: Year2
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read.
Maths |
Please start your Maths learning with some quick mental arithmetic. If you have access to a PC/tablet, this should be using the 'daily 10' activity (see link) Please focus on level 1 or level 2- the idea is that your children are able to solve these problems quickly and fluently not for them to need a lot of support. Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - Topmarks
We are going to be looking at division this week. To check that your knowledge of counting in 2s,3s,5s and 10s is secure, have a go at the ‘Ultimate times table challenge’ below. See how many of the questions you can do in 10 minutes using the strategy that you find the easiest. Hopefully you should be able to solve these mentally by now. REMEMBER: Multiplication problems can be solved either way round so if you cant do 5X6 then try doing 6X5. To finish your lesson, have a go at the multiplication fishing game (choose year 2 levels only) https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/306/Maths-Fishing-Multiplication.
Geography |
What is a desert? Watch video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVda5zXnMvc
Can you sort the facts? Are the following statements facts(true) or fiction(false)?
All deserts are hot places. Deserts can be found on each continent. Some desert animals hide in burrows and come out at night when it is cooler. It might only rain once year in a desert. It rains once a month in a desert. Some animals in deserts have thick fur coats. The plants have lots of leaves. No people live in the desert. |
Today we are beginning to learn about the process of growing from young to old and how people’s needs change. Watch the video Once There Were Giants by Martin Waddell; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STwCfjVajys What has changed since you were a baby, toddler? What things can you do on your own now? With help? What new responsibilities do you have now in school or at home that you didn’t have before?