Welcome to Reception
Read Write Inc information
RWI - How to say the pure sounds.
It is very important that children say each sound the correct way. The video below demonstrates how to say each sound.
Reception Baseline Assessment - information for parents
What is the new Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA)?
Within the first 6 weeks of starting in Reception classes, all children will participate in the new statutory reception baseline assessment (RBA). The purpose of the assessment is to provide the starting point for a new measure that will help parents understand how well schools support their pupils to progress between Reception and Year 6 / the end of Key Stage 2.
The RBA will provide an opportunity for your child to have valuable one-to-one time with their teacher at an early stage, so the teacher can get to know your child better. It will provide a helpful snapshot of where your child is when they enter reception, so they can be supported in the most appropriate way.
The RBA is a short, interactive and practical assessment of a child’s early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills when they begin school, using materials that most children of your child’s age will be familiar with. Your child will answer questions verbally or by pointing at or moving objects. The assessment has been designed to ensure that it is inclusive and accessible to as many children as possible, including those with special educational needs or disability (SEND) or English as an additional language (EAL). The teacher can pause the assessment at any time if your child needs a break. There are also modified materials available for children with visual and hearing impairments.
The RBA is not about judging or labelling your child or putting them under any pressure. Your child cannot ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ the assessment. Its main purpose is to create a starting point to measure the progress schools make with their pupils. Children will work with their class teacher for a maximum of 20 minutes on tasks that we normally do in Reception. Can we please reassure you that we aim to make this as fun as possible and we are confident that children will enjoy sharing their learning with us.
You can find out more about the RBA by downloading the parent guide using the link below. You will also find a copy of our Privacy Notice for Parents.
If you would like a paper copy of either documents please ask a member of Reception Staff.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to talk to myself.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards
Miss Hatfield
EYFS Leader
Privacy Notice Parents 2022
Baseline letter to parents 2023
September update
It has been lovely to meet you and your children this week and we are delighted with how well the children are settling in.
We have put together a general list of information for you along with an important update on our arrival and pick up routine.
*Please can all children bring a water bottle to school so they can access a drink throughout the day. Please can water bottles be clearly named.
*There will be no PE in the first few weeks. A letter will be sent home in advance letting you know when PE kits will be needed in school.
*Children can bring a bag to school but book bags won’t be necessary until reading books and library books are given out later in the term. More information about reading books and library books will be given at a later date.
*A school dinner menu will be sent home next week. The menu can also be accessed on our school website.
*Please check the school website on a regular basis for school information –
*IMPORTANT: Updated arrangements for bringing and collecting your child from school. *
Arrival to school
As from Thursday 9th September when children start full time, children can be dropped off anytime between 8.35am and 8.55am. Children will be greeted by a member of Reception staff at the door. Infant school children will also be arriving during this time so can we please politely ask that for safeguarding reasons children are handed over to staff from a safe distance, and that the entrance is not blocked. The drop off point will temporarily be signposted. Drop off and collection will still take place at the current doors, known as the Infant entrance.
Collection from school at the end of the day
Please collect your child at 3.10pm using the following guidance.
Please make a single line queue along the path, not car park, starting from the left-hand side as you approach from the driveway. A temporary sign will signal where the queue must start, this will be the collection point.
Children will be handed over to their known adult one at a time.
Once your child has been handed over can we politely ask that you u-turn on yourself and leave via the same pathway, and not through the car park. For safeguarding reasons can we please ask that the collection point is not blocked once your child has been collected. If you need to speak to a member of staff please wait in the area on the right-hand side and we will speak to you once all the children have been safely handed over.
If a different adult is collecting your child please let a member of staff know beforehand or telephone the school office.
This is a new way of sending the children home so please bear with us.
If you have any questions or are unsure of anything please don’t hesitate to speak to a member of Reception staff. The induction video is also still available to view on our school website, which contains lots of information.
Kind regards,
The Reception Team
Useful links to support your child's learning
List of useful websites
Here are a list of useful websites to support learning.
- Phonics song Phonics song - this really supports children to practice their initial sounds!
- Oxford Owl Free E-books to access if you sign up.
- Cosmic Yoga Yoga and movement - There are lots to choose from to help you relax.
- Nursery rhymes Nursery rhymes and songs for your child to learn and join in with.
- Alphablocks Alphablocks is a fun way to look at letters and sounds.
- Numberblocks All Numberblock programs and number games. This link also shows some great ideas of activities you can support your child with.
- Crickweb Lots of free math's and phonics games, including, Initial sounds, colours, compare and order, counting, matching and mouse skills and number recognition.
- BBC Bitesize Online games and videos
- Topmarks Lots of free interactive math's games to help support children's counting and number recognition.
- Rhyming word games. Hearing rhyming words helps to build key phonic skills. (free sign up to access activities)