Sports Day
On Wednesday the children at school are having sports day. We would love for the children at home to get involved too! Check out the document below that tells you about 'Challenge 10' and get your child involved! Send videos/ photos to advice@mapledene by the end of the day on Wednesday for the chance to be in our sports day assembly during the final week and to receive a certificate for taking part.
Learning at home updates:
- If you require any help or advice in relation to the work set, or you'd like to share some of the work your child completes, please contact us at
- Join the parent Facebook group 'At Mapledene we care and share for our little people' for regular updates from Miss Johnson and Miss Ellgood and a chance to share your children's work.
- Check out our 'Learn it with Mapledene' YouTube channel for stories, handwriting lessons and rhyme time all done by our teachers:
Welcome to Reception
Reception Induction Video
Information video for parents and children who are joining us in September.
IMPORTANT information for children starting back at school on Monday 1st June.
Hello Reception parents,
We hope you are all well and have had the opportunity to enjoy the lovely weather, we have had this week. If your child is returning to school on Monday 1st June, could you please share this social story with them which explains what Reception will be like on their return, and what we would like the children to do.
Many thanks for your continued support, please continue to keep safe.
Kind regards
Miss Hatfield and Miss Young
Social story for children returning to Reception
Useful websites
BBC bitesize gamesChildren in Reception are enjoying using Pirate Bunnies World Adventures, Bud's Number Garden, Galaxy Pugs and Dinosaur Discovery
Top MarksMaths activities
Week beginning 13th July
Hello Reception,
We hope you had a lovely weekend and are ready for our last week of learning this school year.
This week we will be reflecting on the past year and preparing for Year One.
Can you have a think about something you have really enjoyed in Reception.
Was it the chicks? Or maybe our walk to the runway? Or enjoying outdoor learning?
When you have thought of something can you draw a picture and write a sentence to go with it?
You will find a link to a butterfly template (this can be replicated if you are unable to access a printer) and have a think about something you may be looking forward to when starting Year One.
Please also continue to practise reading and writing the Phase 2 words, Year One words and days of the week (from last week). Remember Doodle too!
Both Miss Hatfield and Miss Young would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all children for working very hard during this unusual year. Well done Reception, you have done yourselves proud and have been such superstars!
We would also like to thank parents for all your support throughout the year, and again during this time, ensuring your child is continuing with their learning as much as possible.
Finally, we would like to wish you all a lovely, and very safe, summer holiday. We hope you get plenty of rest and have lots of fun too! We are really looking forward to seeing you all back in school in September.
Take care,
Miss Hatfield, Miss Young and Miss Briggs.
Resources for learning
- MATHS - SSM Days of the Week Cut and Stick Worksheet.pdf
- MATHS SSM - Days of the week cards.pdf
- MATHS SSM - Days of the week yesterday and tomorrow activity sheet.pdf
- Butterfly transition from Reception to Year One
Whatever NextStory by Jill Murphy
The Big Number SongSong about numbers
Days of the Week songLearn the days of the week
Planet SongLearn the name of different planets
Week beginning 29th June
Hello Reception,
We do hope that you have had a lovely weekend and are ready for some more learning. We hope you enjoyed our special Father’s Day assembly on Friday and we’re sure you enjoyed seeing some of your friends. It was lovely to see some of your work too! This week in school we will be putting together our farm assembly; we hope you enjoy watching it on Friday. Don’t forget to look out for the farm work you have sent in too! We would love to see the work you are doing at home so please send it to our email address or Facebook page. You may even achieve a shooting star award or a merit!
At the Farm and other activities for this week linked to the EYFS Early Learning Goals:
*UW- The World
Continue to watch CBeebies Down on the Farm - it's a great programme with lots of interesting facts about the animals and life on the farm.
Play the Down on the Farm game on Cbeebies, where you can make your own farm and look after it through the different seasons.
Please continue to access your Doodle 5 a day and collect your stars. How are your robots looking?
The children have now completed all the weekly objectives which we have set. We will now be recapping some of the learning to consolidate the children’s knowledge, which will prepare them for Year 1. New objectives will be added every Monday and Wednesday.
Continue to count and recognise numbers up to 20 and beyond. How far can you count to? Can you write the numbers too? Can you use everyday objects to count out the corresponding amount?
Practice your number formation by making some price tags. We have attached some blank price tags in the resource section but they can easily be made on paper too.
Find things items around your home to make a shop; these could be toys, books or food. Put the different price tags onto the items and practise counting out the correct amount of money. Start with 1p coins and if you feel confident enough and have an adult to help you, begin using other coins. Can you say the value of each coin? Can you describe what it looks like?
Extension: Can you use money to buy two items and find the total amount?
Shape, Space and Measures
Capacity – Fill different sized containers with water, sand, pasta or anything else you have and use the correct language to describe the amount.
Full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty, empty
There is also an activity in the resource section that you may wish to complete as an extra recording activity.
*Literacy - Reading and Writing
Letter formation this week (this includes recapping some common reversals):
e – lift off the top and scoop out the egg
g – around the girls face, down her hair and give her a curl.
y – down a horn, up a horn and under the head
Using the word sheet in the resource section, please continue to practise reading and writing the Phase 2 words. You need to be able to fluently read and write the words independently.
If you are able to fluently read and write the Phase 2 words then please begin to read and write the Year 1 words.
Red tricky words (These need to be fluently read on sight) If you are able to fluently read them, please begin to practise writing them.
the was to me be
all do my by you go
said of are they
Nonsense words – Practise reading the words, you do not have to spell them.
ip ched sheb zan vack sem fot zang
Rhyming words- Find words that rhyme. You might have story books which rhyme, can you spot which words they are? Can you write a rhyming string, for example – cat, mat, bat.
You can use the activities in the resource section to help you. Please start with Phase 2 and then move onto Phase 3.
We have learnt that down on the farm chicks, ducklings and goslings hatch out of eggs. Imagine one day waking up and finding an egg in your home, what does it look like, what could possibly hatch from it? We would love you to use your imagination to think about what may hatch out of your special egg. Use the writing frame in the resource section to write your own independent sentences. Don’t forget to start your sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop.
Let your imaginations run wild and we can’t wait to find out what hatches from your special egg!
*EAD – Being Imaginative and EM&M
Can you make/draw your own egg to go with your writing?
Can you make/draw what comes out of your egg?
There are lots of easy fun craft activities linked to the farm, in a pack found in the resource section.
*Physical Development – Moving and Handling
Practise your throwing, catching, hitting and kicking skills using a bat and ball.
Practise your cutting skills ensuring you try and cut along the lines.
The activities can be completed using the sheets in the resource section however; work can just as easily be completed on paper.
Have a great week Reception. We miss you lots!
Miss Hatfield, Miss Young and Miss Briggs
Resources to support learning
- LITERACY - Reading and Writing - Phase 2 rhyming words sorting activity.pdf
- LITERACY - Reading and Writing - Phase 3 Phonics - Rhyming String Cards.pdf
- LITERACY - Writing - My egg writing activity.docx
- MATHS - Number -Blank Price Tags.doc
- MATHS - SSM - Ordering magic potions capacity worksheet.pdf
- Possible Answers for Phase 3 rhyming activity.pdf
- Reception Phase 2 words.PDF
- Year 1 words.PDF
Week beginning 22nd June
Hello Reception,
We do hope that you have had a lovely weekend and are ready for some more learning. Did you manage to do any of the egg experiments? The children in school had great fun investigating!
We hope you enjoyed our special assembly on Friday and we’re sure you enjoyed seeing some of your friends. A big thank you too for the lovely farm work that has been sent in, for our farm assembly. The assembly will take place on Friday 3rd July. This week we will be continuing our work on the farm. We would love to see your work so please send it to our email address or Facebook page. You may even achieve a shooting star award!
At the Farm and other activities for this week linked to the Early Learning Goals:
*UW- The World
Watch Come Outside (Youtube) – Wool. Learn all about where wool comes from.
What can you find that is made from wool?
Draw what you find and write the word next to it.
Watch the ‘Where does food come from?’ powerpoint.
Continue to watch CBeebies Down on the Farm - it's a great programme with lots of interesting facts about the animals and life on the farm. Play the Down on the Farm game on Cbeebies, where you can make your own farm and look after it through the different seasons.
Please continue to access your Doodle 5 a day and collect your stars. How are your robots looking?
The children have now completed all the weekly objectives which we have set. We will now be recapping some of the learning to consolidate the children’s knowledge, which will prepare them for Year 1. New objectives will be added every Monday and Wednesday.
Count and recognise numbers up to 20 and beyond. How far can you count to? Can you write the numbers too? Can you use everyday objects to count out the corresponding amount? There are some extra activities in the resource section.
Shape, Space and Measures
Be ‘shape detectives’ on a 3D shape hunt – Use the 3D powerpoints and shape flashcards/mat in the resource section to help you name and talk about the shapes.
Go on a shape hunt around your home and garden to find as many 3D shapes as you can. Have fun shape detectives!
There are also lots of other fun 3D shape activities on the home learning challenge sheet, in the resource section.
*Literacy - Reading and Writing
Letter formation this week (this includes recapping some common reversals):
x – down the arm and leg, repeat the other side
d – around the dinosaurs bottom, up his tall neck and down to his toes
b – down the laces to the heel and around the toe
p – down the pirates plait and around his face
Using the word sheet in the resource section, please practise reading and writing the Phase 2 words. You need to be able to fluently read and write the words independently.
If you are able to fluently read and write the Phase 2 words then please begin to read and write the Year 1 words.
Red tricky words (These need to be fluently read on sight)
all do my by you go
Farm sentence writing – use the picture prompts in the resource section to write your own independent sentences. Don’t forget to start your sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop.
*EAD – Being Imaginative and EM&M
Sing Old MacDonald had a farm.
Make farm animal masks and make the animal noise to match.
There are lots of easy fun craft activities linked to the farm, in a pack found in the resource section.
*Physical Development – Moving and Handling
Practise your throwing, catching, hitting and kicking skills using a bat and ball.
Can you move around like the different farm animals?
Have a great week Reception. We miss you lots!
Miss Hatfield, Miss Young and Miss Briggs
Resources to help with learning
- EAD - Farm Themed Craft Activity
- LITERACY - Writing -Farm animal writing.pdf
- MATHS - Number - Farm l spy and count activity to
- MATHS - Number -On the farm eye spy and
- MATHS - SSM - 3d shape word cards.pdf
- MATHS - SSM 3d shape word mat.pdf
- MATHS - SSM -Naming 3d shapes home learning challenges.pdf
- MATHS -SSM - Everyday 3d shapes powerpoint.pptx
- MATHS- SSM -3D Shape Photo Powerpoint.pptx
- Reception Phase 2 words.PDF
- UW - The World - Where does food come from powerpoint.pptx
- Year 1 words.PDF
Week beginning 15th June
Hello Reception,
How are you? We do hope that you have had a lovely weekend playing in the sunshine!
We hope you have enjoyed our first week on our topic of the farm. This week we will be continuing our work on the farm and preparing for our assembly. If you would like your child’s work to feature as part of our assembly please make sure you send their work to our email address or Facebook page by Friday 19th June. It would be lovely to have as many Reception children involved as possible.
At the Farm and other activities for this week linked to the Early Learning Goals:
*UW- The World
Can you find out what different animals give us? Match the products to the animals using the sheet in the resource section.
Egg experiments – Can you be Scientists and complete the attached experiments, using eggs? Have fun exploring!
Making omelettes
What filling will you put in yours? Did you enjoy it?
Make your own butter
- Buy some buttermilk, put it into a container with a lid and keep shaking! What happens to the buttermilk? Did you have to do lots of shaking?
Watch Come Outside (Youtube) – Geese. This episode all about Geese will help reinforce the new vocabulary of ‘gosling’.
Continue to watch CBeebies Down on the Farm - it's a great programme with lots of interesting facts about the animals and life on the farm. Play the game on Cbeebies where you can make your own farm and look after it through the different seasons.
Please continue to access your Doodle 5 a day and collect your stars. How are your robots looking?
Number – Estimating
Using everyday objects e.g. pencils, sweets, small toys practise estimating (guessing – sensibly) how many there are altogether. Then count the objects to see how close you were.
Count and recognise numbers up to 20 and beyond. How far can you count to? Can you write the numbers too?
*Literacy - Reading and Writing using Read Write Inc
Letter formation this week:
y – down a horn, up a horn and under his head
w – down up, down up
z – zig zag zig
Practise reading and writing these words. You need to be able to fluently read and write the words independently.
Green words (can use Fred talk to blend)
dad an is bin bad fish yes yap quiz thick
Red words (Continue to fluently read on sight – tricky words)
the was to me be
* Can you use any of the words to write a sentence? How many sentences can you write? REMEMBER to try and use a capital letter at the beginning of your sentence and a full stop at the end. Read your sentences back to check that they make sense.
Read the farm sentences attached below. If you can read them confidently and with fluency try reading the Phase 3 sentences.
*EAD - Being Imaginative, Exploring Media and Materials
Paint, draw or collage a picture of your favourite farm animal.
Sing the song 'Old MacDonald had a Farm'. Do you have any instruments you could play along with?
Whole school project - Culture and Diversity
**Watch the power point attached below called ‘We are all different, what makes us special’ and discuss some of the questions with an adult.
Can you draw or paint a picture of yourself and your family? Talk with an adult about who you are and how you are different but how you are all special. You may speak another language, enjoy different types of food or be able to play an instrument. Perhaps you could write a sentence about how special you are. We would love to see to see your work.
Remember our school motto - 'Belong, Believe, Be You: Achieve'
We have also attached links to some stories you can listen to and talk about with an adult.
Mixed A Colourful Story
I Am Enough
The Proudest Blue
Have a great week Reception learning and playing.
Miss Hatfield, Miss Young and Miss Briggs
Resources to support learning
- LITERACY - Reading - phase 3 sentences and pictures matching cards.pdf
- LITERACY Reading - At the farm simple sentence cards.pdf
- Science -Egg experiments.docx
- UW - The World - What do different animals give us picture activity.pdf
- We are all different, what makes you special power point.pptx
Week beginning 8th June
Hello Reception,
We hope you had a lovely weekend, what did you do?
Our question we will be investigating and answering this half term at school is ‘Do cow’s drink milk?’
So we will be learning all about the farm and finding out about the animals that live there.
To introduce our topic, watch this video of the story ‘What the ladybird heard’ by Julia Donaldson. Then discuss these questions with your child:
Have you been to a farm before?
What animals did you see?
Which farm animal is your favourite? Why?
Activities to complete at home this week linked to the Early Learning Goals:
Literacy – Writing UW- The World/Technology
- Choose a farm animal and find out all about them.
- Use your phonic knowledge to help you write 3 facts about your animal. Try to use capital letters and full stops.
Draw or paint your favourite farm animal. Can you draw or paint the animal’s baby too?
UW – The World PD – Moving & Handling
Matching the baby animal to their adult. Can you name them? Does the Mummy and her baby look the same? What is a group of that type of animal called. E.g. a group of sheep is known as a …?
Maths – Number – Doubling numbers to 12
Either use a dice you have at home or make your own, using the template below. Throw the dice, count the spots, draw them, draw the same amount again to find the answer.
Maths – Doodle
Please continue to access your Doodle 5 a day and collect your stars.
Literacy - Reading and Writing using Read Write Inc
Letter formation this week:
r – down his back, then curl over his arm
j – down his body curl and dot
v – down a wing, up a wing
Practise reading and writing these words. You need to be able to read and write the words independently.
Green words (can use Fred talk to blend)
at in gap and cup ship quiz fix bang chop
Red words (read on sight – tricky words)
the was to me be
*Extension- Can you use any of the words to write a sentence?
Watch CBeebies Down on the Farm - it's a great programme with lots of interesting facts about the animals and life on the farm.
Our class assembly is coming up soon and will be all about the farm. If you would like to be in the assembly, please send any farm animal paintings or writing to the advice email or the Facebook page.
Thank you, have a lovely week!
Miss Hatfield and Miss Young
Resources to support learning
Week beginning 1st June
Hello Reception,
We hope you had a lovely week off and, whether you are back in school, or continuing to learn from home we hope you are all ready to do some more super learning!
Miss Ellgood has a whole school theme for the week about ‘Healthy Bodies’ so you can find some links to some of those activities below.
This week we would like you to attempt these activities daily, but for no longer than 10 minutes each, so quick, short bursts:
- Shape knowledge, Choose a different shape each day, find them around your home, (both 2D and 3D) talking about their properties using vocabulary such as ‘sides, corners, edges’ (3D)
- Throwing and catching- individually and together - using a ball, bean bag, or, make use of anything soft and round you already have at home.
- Numbers to 20 – adding and taking away different amounts both practically and having a go at recording them too. For this you can use items around your home, toys, fruit, shoes etc.
- Finding one more or one less than a number in our heads.
- Writing a sentence independently.
For this use an interest your child has e.g. dinosaurs, dolls, building etc. Ask them to think of a sentence they would like to write (may need support to generate a sentence to begin with). Let them have a go. We would expect words to be ‘phonetically plausible’, for example, if they wanted to write dinosaur, it may look something like this: dinasor. This is part of the learning process. It is key for them to have a go on their own and this will really prepare them for Year One.
Please continue to practise your letter formation, these are the letters we would like you to focus on this week.
e – lift off the top and scoop out the egg
l – down the long leg
h – down the head to the hooves, over his back
Thank you for your continued support and if you have any questions please email the advice email address above or use the Facebook page, again, quoted above.
Miss Hatfield and Miss Young.
Healthy bodies project
- How much do the ice creams cost? - Start with the 1p's coin amounts first then try the other coins (2p,5p,10p)
- LITERACY - Writing - Writing Prompts pdf
- Washing your hands writing activity.
- Healthy and unhealthy food sorting
- Plan a healthy lunch box
- Count the healthy food
- Match the body parts with the words
- Label the body.
- Write the time - o'clock
The Gingerbread Man Fairy Tales and Bedtime Stories for Kids in English
The Gingerbread Man bedtime story for kids. Please Subscribe: The Gingerbread Man (also known as The Gingerbread Boy) is a folktale abo...
Letter formation and play dough resources
Resources for The Gingerbread Man
- UW -The World - Recipe for Gingerbread Men.pdf
- LITERACY - Reading and Writing - The Gingerbread man story sequencing.pdf
- LITERACY - Writing -The Gingerbread Man Story Writing Frames.pdf
- MATHS - Number - Gingerbread man doubles to 20 activity sheet.pdf
- MATHS - Number -Gingerbread Man Dot-to-Dot Sheet.pdf
- UW - The World and EAD - Making a boat for the Gingerbread Man.pdf
- LITERACY - Writing The gingerbread man thought bubbles.pdf
- Science Experiment - Swimming Gingerbread Man.pdf
- Science Experiment - Gingerbread Man in puddles.pdf
- MATHS - Number -Double the dominoes to 10 activity sheet.pdf
5 Gingerbread Men | Song Lyrics Video | Kids Christmas Songs | The Kiboomers
The Kiboomers! Gingerbread Man Song! Kids Christmas Songs! Lyrics! ★Get this song on iTunes:
Week beginning 4.5.20
Good morning Reception,
We hope you are all well and have had a lovely weekend with your families. We hoped you enjoyed learning about Goldilocks and the Three Bears last week, we certainly enjoyed looking at all your wonderful work.
This week we are going to be continuing out topic of traditional tales, with activities linked to the EYFS Early Learning Goals.
We will be learning all about The Three Little Pigs.
Remember to check Doodle where we will also be setting some new work. Doodle will be updated with a new activity for you to complete on Monday and Wednesday.
Remember to keep practising your letter formation too; below are the letters for this week, along with the rhyme to help you.
Don't forget to join in with Joe Wicks morning workout, as well as finding time to play and explore. Hopefully the sun will come out again this week!
We have also re- added the play dough recipe.
Have a great week Reception and keep working hard. We look forward to seeing your work!
Take care, love from
Miss Hatfield, Miss Young and Miss Briggs
Letter Formation
Before you begin, check you are sitting correctly and holding your pencil the correct way. Unfortunately the computer fonts do not always write the letter in the way we would like you to write them. We have attached a copy below in the resource section on how they should look.
The letters for you to practise this week are:
n - down Nobby and over his net
p - down the pirates plait and around his face
g - around the girls face, down her hair and give her a curl
The Three Little Pigs
We have lots of different activities below to support you with your learning about the Three Little Pigs. How many will you complete?
* Watch the YouTube video link for 'The Three Little Pigs' story.
* Listen to the 'Three Little Pigs' song.
*EAD - EM&M and BI, UW - The World - Build models of different house using different materials such as lego, empty containers or natural materials you might find in the garden. Can you huff and puff like the Big Bad Wolf and blow your houses down? With the help of an adult try blowing down the houses with a hairdryer!
*PD - M&H - Scissor skills - Can you dress the Three Little Pigs?
*MATHS - Number - Continue to practise your subtraction skills. Can you read the number sentence?
*MATHS - Number - Have some fun hunting for the story characters and finding up to 20 of them in the 'I Spy' activity.
*LITERACY - Writing - Complete the story sequencing activity. Remember to use your Fred Fingers to help you spell words. Try to start your sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop.
*LITERACY - Reading and CL - Speaking - Use the story building cards to help you retell the story of the Three Little Pigs. Can you use different voices for each character? I'm already imagining some very scary wolf voices!
Please don't worry if you are unable to print any of the attached worksheets. The work can just as easily be done on paper, using the worksheets as a guide. Have fun!
Letter formation and play dough resources
The Three Little Pigs - Animated Fairy Tales for Children
Have a look at our 'Animated Fairy Tale' playlist Watch amazing Animated Fairy Tales...
Three Little Pigs | Original Songs | By LBB Junior
Download LBB Junior videos © El Bebe Productions Limited - part of LittleBabyBum The famous story about the wolf huffing and puffing...
Resources for The Three Little Pigs
- PD - Scissor skills - The three little pigs cutting skills activity.pdf
- MATHS - Number -The three little pigs subtraction activity.pdf
- MATHS - Number -The Three Little Pigs I Spy activity.pdf
- LITERACY - Writing -The three little pigs story sequencing activity sheet.pdf
- LITERACY - Writing CL - Speaking - The three little pigs story building sentence cards.pdf
Week beginning 27.4.20
Hello Reception,
We hope you are all well and you enjoyed completing some butterfly activities last week while at home. We really enjoyed seeing all of the amazing work you have been doing, keep it up!
This week we are going to be continuing our learning with activities linked to the EYFS Early Learning Goals. Our theme for this half term is 'Traditional tales' and so our topic will be Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Remember to check Doodle where we will also be setting some more work. Doodle will be updated with a new activity for you to complete on Monday and Wednesday.
We have chosen some letters for you to practise formation too; below you will see the chosen letters for the week, along with the rhyme to help you.
It might be helpful if you can to complete your Literacy and Maths activities in the mornings when you are feeling more alert. You can then complete the other activities during the afternoons.
Don't forget to join in with Joe Wicks morning workout, as well as finding time to play and explore.
We also know Reception, how much you love to learn all about the world around you, with Pippin the dog and Auntie Mable. You can find the BBC series 'Come Outside' on You Tube.
Have a lovely week Reception and we look forward to seeing some of your great work.
Take care, love from
Miss Hatfield, Miss Young and Miss Briggs
Letter Formation
Before you begin, check you are sitting correctly and holding your pencil properly too.
The letters we would like you to practise this week are:
d - (dinosaur) Round his bottom, up his tall neck, down to his feet
t - Down the tower, across the tower
i - (insect) Down the body, dot for the head
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
We have lots of wonderful activities to help you with your learning about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. How many will you complete?
- Watch the Youtube video link for 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' story
- Learn the song 'When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears'
- Write a letter to the Three Bears pretending you are Goldilocks. What might she be sorry for? Use Fred Talk to help you sound out the words.
I am sorry for...
- Look at the information about bears powerpoint. What can you find out about different bears? Can you write a sentence about your favourite bear?
- Complete the addition and subtraction work using the pictures to help you.
- Can you find the missing numbers on the stepping stones?
- Do you have a teddy bear at home that you could draw a picture of and write a sentence about?
- You might want to make your own porridge using the recipe below, or use your own recipe!
- If you have some child friendly scissors at home you may want to cut out the shapes and make a picture of the Three Bears.
- Or paint or draw a picture of one of the characters.
- Can you retell the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears to someone at home? Try changing your voice for the different bears.
- Challenge! Can you write sentences to retell the story using the 'Goldilocks and the three bears sequencing' pdf?
- You will find the resources you need to complete the activities below.
Have fun learning all about Goldilocks and the three bears and if you are able to post a picture to the Facebook group above, we would love to see your fabulous work!
Goldilocks and the Three Bears Learning Resources
- Goldilocks-Letter-to-the-Three-Bears.pdf
- MATHS Number - Goldilocks and the Three Bears Addition to 20.pdf
- MATHS Number - Goldilocks and the three bears subtraction up to 10-differentiated activity sheets.pdf
- T-T-15582-Goldilocks-Missing-Numbers-Worksheet_ver_1.pdf
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears Porridge Recipe.pdf
- t-t-29216-facts-about-bears-eyfs-powerpoint_ver_1.pdf
- The Three Bears 2D Shape Cut-Outs and Background.pdf
- LITERACY- Writing challenge Goldilocks and the three bears story sequencing activity sheet.pdf
Goldilocks and the three bears - LearnEnglish Kids British Council
Watch Goldilocks and the three bears and read along to the story with the words on the screen.
Learn to sing the song 'When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears' using the link below to watch the video on the BBC school radio website.
Below are the links to our work from Butterflies from last week if there are some activities you didn't get chance to complete.
- Can you talk about the life cycle of a butterfly together at home?
- You could share the Hungry caterpillar story together if you have it at home, or use the link below to watch.
- Can you have a go at writing a list of some of the food the hungry caterpillar ate? Use 'Fred Talk' to help you write the words.
- Can you talk about the word 'symmetrical' and find some symmetrical items around your home? Use the butterfly template to design your very own symmetrical butterfly.
- Learn the song below: 'There's a tiny caterpillar on a leaf'
- Use the story telling picture cards to retell the story. Can you write a sentence to go with each picture?
- We have attached some resources below to help you with your learning.
Butterfly resources with links to The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- UW The World - We are going on a minibeast hunt.pdf
- MATHS SSM - Colour the shapes butterfly activity sheet.pdf
- MATHS SSM - Butterfly Outline to create a symmetrical butterfly.pdf
- MATHS Number- Rainbow to 10 number bonds.pdf
- CL Speaking and LITERACY Writing -The Very Hungry Caterpillar Story Sequencing pictures.pdf
- EAD - Handprint Butterfly Craft Instructions.pdf
- EAD - Minibeast Pebbles Craft Instructions.pdf
- LITERACY Writing - What food the Hungry Caterpillar ate sorting activity.pdf
- EAD - Paper Plate Butterfly Craft Instructions.pdf
- MATHS Number - The Very Hungry Caterpillar Addition Sheet.pdf