Week Beginning 22 February 2021
Parents and Carers
Sometimes we all need someone to turn to for advice and support. We're glad to help and are happy for you to talk to us. In addition to what we can offer, please click on the following link where you will find information about organisations that you might find useful. Thank you.
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To share completed work, or if you require any help or advice with the work that has been set,
please contact us at:
Thank you.
Friday 26th February
The first Friday of the term means that instead of our usual Assembly it’s Fit Friday! Keep an eye out for Miss Ellgood’s Fit Friday video on the main page.
Let’s find out what work we have to do today.
Have a wonderful weekend and a good rest too.
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
Now you have your poem drafted, we will use today to produce our final version. Use the check list to check your poem has been correctly written. Now take your time to write it up in best, take special care to position your letters on the line correctly and form each letter accurately. |
Playtime |
Maths |
Begin by playing the game below on Twinkl to practise recognising the pairs that make 10. Then use everything you have learnt this week to complete the missing number word problem activity. |
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level:
Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey.
Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password
Username: Mapledene Password: year1
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read
Lunchtime |
Look at the pictures of fossils, like Mary Anning found. Sketch these carefully with a pencil trying to recreate the shape and patterns in each fossil. Then watch the video below, and if you have access to a Styrofoam plate (or a take away package) you can design your own fossil stamp and print this to create some lovely art work. There are some photos below to give you an idea.
Thursday 25th February
Today we are going to be doing some English, Maths and RWI as usual. Then this afternoon's lessons are Music and ICT with a Maths game for you to have a go at as an extra activity.
Hope you have a good day!
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
Watch the video below to see how to complete today’s activity. Use the work you completed yesterday with the dinosaurs you have chosen and the verbs you used to describe what they were doing. Then use the writing frame to create your own dinosaur poem.
Playtime |
Maths |
Today we are going to be using our number bond knowledge to answer questions in a different way. Watch the video below first to recap the number bonds to 10. Then using the facts answer the questions on the sheet. It doesn’t matter how the question is phrased the numbers that go together are always the same. E.g. 6+4=10 or 10=6+4.
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level:
Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey.
Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password
Username: Mapledene Password: year1
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read
In preparation for World Book Day, I would like you to listen to and learn the song ‘World of Books’. Click on the first link below to hear the song. Then enter the details: STUDENT ACCOUNT USERNAME: mapledene PASSWORD: mapledenec4s Click onto ‘Browse Music’ and ‘World of Books’ is the 3rd option. Scroll down to the submixes and start by listening to the chorus and bridge. Rhythm work: This week’s musical challenge is called ‘Clave Playalong’ on the same website. Click on ‘Browse Music’ and then ‘performance’ in the menu on the left. Finally, click on ‘rhythm work’ – then scroll down to Clave Playalong and click. Now, scroll down to the video, watch and join in. You could use any musical instrument that you have at home or just tap a pencil on the table – anything that makes a sound! Have fun! |
Today we would like you to develop your mouse skills and learn about weather symbols by playing the following games.
Extra activities |
Hit the button |
Follow the link below to play hit the button. Click on ‘Number bonds’ then click ‘make 10’. Practise your number bonds knowledge and see how many you can get in the time! |
English Video

Wednesday 24th February
Watch the bitesize video below first to find out about verbs. Then imagine we are walking through the jungle. What dinosaurs might we see? Draw a picture of four or five dinosaurs that you see. What are they doing? Think of a verb to describe what each one is doing. Here are some examples: standing, munching, climbing, sleeping.
Maths |
We are continuing our work on number bonds and today we have some missing numbers for you to solve! Will you be able to complete the activity just by knowing which numbers go together to make 10? You can use objects to count out to help if you need to. |
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level:
Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey.
Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password
Username: Mapledene Password: year1
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read
Lunchtime |
History/ Georgraphy
Who was Mary Anning? What did she do? Today we would like you to find out about Mary Anning. Watch the video below and then go through the PowerPoint to find out as much information as you can. Then complete a Fact file about her life.
Handwriting |
Watch the video below to learn how to form the letters. Now practise forming these letters, trying to sit them correctly on the line like in the picture below. Please take your time and try to say the rhyme as you write each one, ensuring you start in the correct place. Try and sit at a table when you are writing them if possible too. |
Doodle |
Will either class manage to get a certificate this week for most children on track on an area of Doodle? Or perhaps you will get one for earning the most Doodle stars in an area! |
Phonics play |
You can login for free throughout lockdown to access other games on this website that would normally require a subscription. The username is jan21 and the password is home. Today use the link below to try Flash card speed trials. This game is great for recognising the sounds and building speed too. Once you have logged in, hover over the different phases and you can choose the level best suited to your child. Most children will be working on Phase 3.
Tuesday 23rd February
Good morning, Year 1. You will find our timetable for the day below with all the links you need to complete the tasks. I wonder what symbol we will be adding to our weather chart? I do hope we see the sun again today.
Have a good day!
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
Active Maths Zoom |
At 2pm today we have our Workout week Zoom lesson. We will be warming up our bodies up by completing some dance routines! |
We are going to be learning a new spelling rule today. First watch the video below which briefly explains how to add 'ing' to a word and why. Then read through the Powerpoint. Complete the activity and add ‘ing’ to change each word to a verb. |
Playtime |
Maths |
Join in with Jack Hartmann to practise your number bonds to 10. Then using objects from around your house, practically find the different ways to make 10. There is a sheet below you can use to record your work. |
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level:
Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey.
Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password
Username: Mapledene Password: year1
Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read
Lunchtime |
RE |
Jonah and the Whale. Watch the video and then read the Powerpoint below. Use this to help you sequence the pictures from the story in order. |
Join in with our Zoom workout week if you can! If you are unable to then don’t worry there are plenty of things you can do at home to get your bodies moving! We are going to have a go at some Go Noodle activities to improve balance, agility and co-ordination. Warm up with the Frozen 2 game, make your move. Have a go at the workouts ‘Get your body moving’ and ‘Yes I want to build a snowman’. Finally cool down with ‘On and Off’ If you enjoy these activities, there are many more workout and brain break videos from Go Noodle on YouTube – so why not give them a go? Don’t forget to join Miss Ellgood and some of Year 2 in Friday’s Fit Friday Assembly on our Move it with Mapledene YouTube channel. |
Extra activities |
Doodle |
Are you still in the green zone? Keep up with Maths and English daily. |
Monday 22nd February
Good morning Year 1,
We hope that you had a wonderful half term break and are all keeping safe and well at home! Our unit on explorers continues this half term, but moves on to look at other famous people who have explored things other than dinosaurs.
This week we will complete our final week on dinosaurs, focusing on dinosaur poetry and the explorer Mary Anning.
We hope you have a great day today!
Miss Young, Mrs Robinson and Miss Briggs
This week we will be working towards writing our own dinosaur poem. We will start by sharing the poem, called ‘Walking through the Jungle.’ Listen to the link below, as the poem is read. Talk to your adult about the poem, did you notice anything? What was your favourite part? Today we will investigate how a poem is put together by looking for key features. Look at the poem handout below and use coloured pencils to colour over any of these things.
Playtime |
RWI and Reading |
Type in Google ‘RWI daily lesson on YouTube’ to access a new sound to learn, this is updated daily at 9:30am. Then choose either Set 1, Set 2 or Set 3 depending on your child’s reading level. Set 1 - Children who are learning individual letter sounds. Set 2 – Children who have books that are red, green, purple, pink or orange. Set 3 – Children who have books that are yellow, blue or grey. Log into Oxford Owl (link found below) using the following username and password Username: Mapledene Password: year1 Select 'Read Write Inc eBook library' and select the level (colour) your child is on. Pick a book you would like to read
Maths |
This week’s Maths is based on number bonds to 10. Start by watching the video below to find out what the number bonds to ten are. Now look at the pictures of the tens frames with the different coloured counters placed on each. What number bond is the tens frame showing. Try and match the sums with each tens frame. Each tens frame has two number sums to match it.
9+1= 10 1+9 =10 |
lunchtime |
Science |
Watch the video link below to find out about different types of weather. Over the week we would like you to keep a diary of the weather. Every morning, afternoon and evening look outside and see what the weather is like. Use the symbols below to draw record the weather on your diary.
Extra |
Don’t forget to use Doodle English as well as Doodle Maths! |