Week Beginning 1 March 2021
Parents and Carers
Sometimes we all need someone to turn to for advice and support. We're glad to help and are happy for you to talk to us. In addition to what we can offer, please click on the following link where you will find information about organisations that you might find useful. Thank you.
To share completed work, or if you require any help or advice with the work that has been set,
please contact us at:
Thank you.
Friday 5th March
One day to go!! Watch the penultimate instalment of ’The Final Countdown’. We will publish the final one at 2pm.
Don’t forget, both classes have their final Zoom quizzes this afternoon at the usual time of 3.30. The same Zoom rules apply – we can’t wait to see you there.
It’s the final push, so let’s put maximum effort into our final day of home-learning.
The final timetable:
Maths |
Recap of learning |
Guided Reading |
The World’s Worst Children |
English |
Alliteration |
PE |
Fitness Fun |
Music/Mother’s Day song |
When I Grow Up |
Back to school (you will need this for Zoom) |
Zoom quiz 3.30pm |
You have learnt a huge amount over the last half term. For your final home Maths lesson, we would like you to recap your learning. There are three levels of heat to chose from, and all of them give you a chance to practise the things you have learnt in Year 5 so far. It is a good idea to do all of the questions that you can do WITHOUT any help from an adult. This will help us to know what you still need help with when you come back to school.
Guided Reading
We have really enjoyed sharing so many fabulous stories with you this week – we know how much you love to read. For reading today, we are going to finish the week with one of our favourite authors- David Walliams. Listen to Miss F read the hilarious story of Mindy Windy. There are no questions or task. Find somewhere comfy, pop your headphones on and enjoy!
When writing The World’s Worst Children, David Walliams often uses a literary tool to help you to remember his characters. Can you work out what it is? Here are the names of a few of the World’s Worst Children: Bertha the Blubberer, Dribbling Drew and Nigel Nit Boy. Can you remember what it is called when the first letter of each word starts with the same sound? Recap your understanding here.
For your task today, we would like you to take part in the alliteration alphabet challenge. Write down the letters of the alphabet. For every letter, try to invent a new, horrible child.
For example:
Awful Annie who always attacks the air.
Bossy Bobby who belches balloons.
You can make them silly – remember your nonsense poem work from yesterday!
Merits will go to the most inventiveGood afternoon!
We have got lots of lovely learning (see what I did there?!) for you to do in your final few hours of home learning.
Let’s start our afternoon by getting up on our feet and getting our blood pumping. Choose to do one, two or even all three of the workouts.
It’s not long now until Mother’s Day, and of course at Mapledene, that means our very special Mother’s Day assembly. We will be filming this next week, and Miss Sanders will be teaching you the song in Music on Monday.
It will really help you if you have a listen through to the song, and start to learn it. It is a fantastic all about growing up. It is taken from the musical ‘Matilda’. We hope you love it as much as we do.
This is what the song sounds like. We will be singing up until the part where Miss Honey comes on.
Before our Zoom calls this afternoon, we would like you to reflect on your time at home during lockdown, and how you feel about returning to school. Use the sheets to help you think, and note down your ideas. You will have a chance to discuss this during your Zoom calls before we play our quiz.
And just like that…your time learning from home was finished. You have done incredibly well, and we are immensely proud of you all. We can’t wait to see your smiley faces on Monday morning.
We would also say a massive thank you to all of our lovely parents and carers. Your dedication, enthusiasm and support has been amazing…you are all truly wonderful. Now…time to claim back the dining room table and put your feet up – you deserve it.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Miss F and Mrs H
Belong, Believe, Be you… Achieve
Thursday 4th March
Good morning Year 5 and Happy World Book day
Our countdown is coming to an end…where will it take us today?
Today is a very special day…it’s World Book Day. During our last Zoom meetings, we had a debate about our most favourite author. In the end, we couldn’t decide and chose both David Walliams and Roald Dahl.
Watch this interview with David Walliams as he explains how he got into writing and why he thinks that reading is important. He also reads part of one of his books- Gangsta Granny. The interview is really interesting, but it is quite long. If you’re short on time, and just want to listen to David read the story, skip forward to around 11 minutes.
Come with us as we open up the door, and go down the rabbit hole to visit Alice in Wonderland.
Today we would like you to take part in our Maths challenge – Alice in Numberland. There are five different tasks to have a go at that look at different area of problem solving. You can choose to do one of them, or even, for merits, have a go at all of them! The first task requires you to use a Carroll diagram (which was invented by the author of Alice in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll). Recap your understanding on how to use this diagram first.
Now have a go at the tasks! Have fun!
Guided Reading/Drama
Today’s book is the children’s classic, ‘Alice in Wonderland’. With characters that we know and love such as the Mad Hatter and Tweedledum and Tweedledee, it is a book that really helps us to escape into our imagination. Get a flavour of the story from this film trailer.
In the story, we learn that the Red Queen has control over a deadly beast – The Jabberwocky. This is a nonsense poem. Learn more about nonsense poems here.
Nonsense poems are a lot of fun to perform, and that is what we would like you to do today. Read the Jabberwocky carefully, then learn how to perform it. If you want to use props in your performance then even better! Here are three different people performing it.
Now it’s your turn. Have a go at performing the poem. This is a lot of fun to perform…so enjoy it!
Good afternoon Year 5
This afternoon, we would like you to get your creative juices flowing with a free choice creative task. We would like you to produce a piece of creative work about your favourite book or book characters. What you produce is entirely up to you!
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Create a diorama/setting of your favourite scene from a book.
- Use plasticine to create a character.
- Film yourself acting out a scene.
- Draw or paint a picture of your favourite character.
- Make a board game
- Create a comic strip
Or something else completely different… the choice is yours. You are a very creative bunch, and we can’t wait to see what you produce!
Well done…another day of home learning complete. Remember to send us pictures of you in your costumes at advice@mapledeneschool.com.
Have a lovely evening.
Take care,
Miss F and Mrs H
Belong, Believe, Be You…Achieve
Wednesday 3rd March
Good morning Year 5!
Only 3 days until you are back with us…here is the next part of ‘The Final Countdown’.
First of all, let’s celebrate with all of those children who are seen to be green. A big well done to these fabulous learners.
Maths: Abi, Esmay, Frankie, Maisy, Millie, Queen, Ryan, Rylan, Ewan, Helen, Jasper, Maja, Scarlett W
English: Abi, Esmay, Frankie, Izzy, Ismail, Ryan, Rylan, Jack, Jasper, Maja
Tables: Abi, Frankie, Maisy, Matilda, Ryan, Rylan, Dylan, Helen, Jacob P, Jasper, Maja, Scarlett K
Spelling: Abi, Alex, Frankie, Esmay, Maisy, Ryan, Rylan, Helen, Jasper, Maja, Will.
All four areas: Abi, Frankie, Ryan, Rylan, Jasper and Maja.
Well done to you all. Let's see if we can get even more in the green by Friday! If you think we've missed you, please email and let us know.
Today’s learning
Maths |
Adding mixed numbers
Guided Reading |
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets |
English |
Nouns phrases and the basilisk
The importance of sleep and rest
Spanish |
Warm up your brain by practising your 12x table on Doodle (remember, we can see who has done this task!)
You have done an amazing job this week converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers. You now need to use this knowledge to help you to add mixed numbers. Watch this clip to help you. At 6.16 the clip goes on to explain how to add numbers with different denominators. We are going to learn about this when you come back to school.
Now you are ready to play this game. If you have ever played connect four, then you know that in order to win, you have to get four in a row, horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Using two different colours, you and your partner need to take it in turns to add the numbers in a square. You then check your partner’s answer. If it is correct, then they can colour in that square. The first to get four in a row is the winner.
If you can't print this, you could just keep a track of the sums that you get correct, and try to beat your partner.
Guided Reading
Dare you enter the Harry Potter’s Chamber of Secrets. Come with us as we fight a mortal enemy…
Watch this short clip of Harry entering the chamber.
Today, we are going to read part of the chapters towards the end of the book, ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’. To be in Gryffindor House, you need to be loyal, courageous and kind. As you read the story, note down examples where you can see that Harry and his friends demonstrate this.
Today Miss F will read the first part, then you will need to read the second part yourself.
When Harry is in the chamber, he is forced to fight a hideous, snake-like beast known as a basilisk. For your task today, we would like you to create a blood-curdling description of the monster.
Watch as Harry encounters the beast.
In order to write a terrifying description of the basilisk, you will need to recap your understanding of expanded noun phrases. Find out more at this BBC Bitesize link. Have a go at the tasks to make sure that you understand how to change a simple noun phrase into a super descriptive expanded noun phrase.
Once you have done this, we would like you to create an amazing description of the basilisk. You could extend your learning by using a thesaurus to search for better vocab choices, or even use similes to paint a vivid image in your reader’s mind.
Look at how you could expand your ideas.
An eye.
A yellow eye.
A yellow eye that glittered with fury.
A yellow eye that glittered with fury as it peered out from under hooded eyelids.
We can't wait to see your writing.
Welcome to Wednesday afternoon with Mrs H and Mr C!
Last week we started to think about healthy lifestyles and the choices that we make. Some choices will be healthy, others, not so! Of course, every now and then, making unhealthy choices is great fun. Who doesn’t want to have a bag of chips, or stay up late every once in a while, as treat?! What we do need to be careful of is making sure that these treats turn into a habit that is hard to break. Today we are going to focus on sleep and how important it is for our wellbeing. Please go through the PowerPoint presentation.
Following on from your amazing clothes work from last week we are going to be combining our knowledge of two different areas of Spanish - clothes and numbers - as we ask ¿Cuánto cuesta la ropa?(How much are the clothes?)
First, recap the language and vocabulary of clothes by looking through the PowerPoint and then revise the numbers you know from previous weeks. If you put them together you can describe how much they cost. In Spain, however, they don't have £ pounds, they use Euros.
Finally, try translating the sentences on the worksheet. Start with the item of clothing then count the Euros in notes and coins and put the number. If you need some extra help with the coins and notes, or you just feel like learning a bit more about the different coins and notes around Europe, then please look through the Euro leaflet below.
Good luck and buen trabajo!
And just like that, we are halfway through the week. Tomorrow is World Book Day! We have lots of fun activities planned for you. Remember, if you'd like to take part in our costume parade, send your pictures in to advice@mapledeneschool.com.
Have a lovely evening.
Take care,
Miss F and Mrs H
Belong...Believe...Be You...Achieve
Tuesday 2nd March
Good morning Year 5!
Only four school days left until you return. Watch the next instalment of ‘The Final Countdown’.
Tomorrow, we will be giving a shout out, and a merit to all children who are in the green zone across all four areas. We need to make sure that Year 5 hold on to their winning streak! So, let's work as a team, to be in the green.
Let's have a look at today's learning.
Maths |
Mixed numbers and improper fractions |
Guided Reading |
The Secret Garden |
English |
Descriptive writing |
History |
Alfred the Great and the Anglo Saxons |
Let’s warm up our brains with this fun addition of fractions game. Choose to play either 1A or 2A.
Yesterday, we had some fantastic work sent in, explaining how to convert mixed numbers into improper fractions. Recap your understanding with this video.
After you have done this, we would like you to play this really fun game at the ice cream parlour. It is a little tricky to learn how to play, so watch this video first to learn how the game works.
Then play the game here. You might need to have some paper handy so that you can make some jottings.
After you have played this game, complete your Doodle added extra.
Guided Reading
Yesterday, we opened the door to Room 13 and met Fliss and her friends. They were on a school trip to Whitby. However, Fliss was plagued by strange dreams about the creature that lived behind the door number 13. We then used our senses to create tension in writing.
Today, we are going to open a very different door. Come with us as we swing it wide open...
Today, we are joining Mary Lennox as she unravels the wonders of ‘The Secret Garden’. Watch this clip first.
In the secret garden, the main character, Mary, starts off being spoilt and selfish, as she had been used to being looked after by servants when she lived in India. However, the death of her parents meant that she had to go and live with her Uncle in England. Life for her was very different for her at Misselthwaite Manor, but finding a special key, and making some very special friends helped her to start a new. magical life…
Listen to Miss Faulkner read Chapter 7 of the story. The Secret Garden was written over one hundred years ago, so some of the language sounds very old-fashioned. If you’re not sure what a word means, make sure you use a dictionary to help you to understand the text.
Now you have listened to the story, we would like you to think about the conversation between Mary and the Robin. If the Robin could speak, what do you think he would say to Mary? Remember to use the details in the text to help you to decide. Record your ideas in the speech bubble next to the Robin.
At the end of the last chapter, Mary, with help from the Robin had found a secret key…she believes it fits the door to the secret garden.
Yesterday, Miss Faulkner found these keys buried deep in the cellar of the school. Come with her, as she explores where they might unlock…
For your task today, we would like you to imagine that you have opened the door. What is behind it? The world is a beautiful place with many varied landscapes…if your door could transport you to a place of beauty, where would it take you? Watch this video for some inspiration.
Write a short paragraph describing what you can see all around you. Remember to describe using your five senses…sound and smell are especially powerful at transporting your reader to a certain place. We have included a vocab mat to help you to expand your vocabulary.
Start your paragraph with:
My eyes widened as I gazed at the beauty within…
We can’t wait to read what you have written. The best descriptions will make us feel emotional and want to visit. They will also be the ones that receive merits!
Good afternoon Year 5!
Already, we have learnt a huge amount about the Vikings! Start off by giving yourself five minutes to write down ten facts that you have learnt.
Now, we know that the Vikings came from Scandinavia and were fierce warriors. We also know that they grew to love Britain and settled here…but who was in Britain before the Vikings came? What did they think about the invasion?
Watch Bob Hale as he explains the main events of Anglo Saxon Britain from the end of the Roman invasion.
Phew…that was a very quick run through! For this afternoon’s task, we would like you to find out more about Alfred the Great, who was the first Saxon king to make a deal with the Vikings. You can present your work how you like, the more creative, the better. We have included some websites to help you.
BBC Bitesize -this has loads of information about not only Alfred the Great, but also about the Saxons in general.
This is a cool song that you might want to learn.
If you have BBC iplayer, you can use this link to watch a special Horrible Histories programme on Alfred the Great.
We have also included this power point which has lots of information about the Saxon kings.
We are very much looking forward to seeing all of your work. You are doing a brilliant job. Don’t forget that there are merits available tomorrow for all of those children seen to be green in all four areas!
Take care,
Miss F and Mrs H
Belong, Believe, Be You…Achieve
Monday 1st March
Happy St David's day
Good morning! We have one more week before we are reunited, and we can’t wait! Check out our daily countdown to Monday 8th March.
On Thursday 4th March, it will be World Book Day. We will be dressing up as our favourite book character, so start planning your outfit and remember to send photographs in on the day.
Lockdown has been a tricky time for everyone – especially over Winter, when we have been confined to our houses, with little chance to get outdoors. Books give us an amazing chance to leave our rooms and go through the door in our imaginations. We can escape to worlds made of chocolate…chase spies in foreign countries and even blast off into space. During this week, we will be opening the door to five exciting worlds…
Today we will be walking through the door of …
Spooky door.MOV

Here is how the rest our day is looking:
Maths |
Converting mixed numbers into improper fractions. |
Guided Reading |
Room 13 predictions |
English |
Spooky description |
Music |
World Book Day song and dance. |
PE |
Harry Potter Keep Fit |
Zoom |
Both classes will be meeting at 3.30.
Remember our Zoom guidelines! |
Last week, we learnt how to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers. Recap your understanding of what proper, improper and mixed numbers are with this song.
Not only do we need to be able to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers, but we also need to be able to do it the other way around. Watch this video, to help you to understand the steps.
For your task today, we would like you to explain the method for converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. You could create a poster, song, a rap, a dance or even record yourself teaching it to your teddies! Be creative! Look at the link below to see how this Year 5 child explained his learning.
Guided Reading
For World Book week, we will be delving into the depth of our imaginations, and opening the door to five very different worlds. Today, we are going to read the first few pages of Robert Swindell's spooky masterpiece-Room 13. Read the text and see what impression you get of Fliss and her friends. How does the author build tension and atmosphere in his writing?
This week, we will be focusing on predicting what will happen, by using the clues in the text. Watch the first video on this link to BBC Bitesize. You do not need to do the activities.
Today, we are going to take inspiration from Robert Swindells and write a short piece of suspense writing. Watch the two clips at Literacy Shed (make sure that your sound is on!).
Now have a look at this powerpoint, to understand some of the technique writers use when creating suspense in a story.
Now you have learnt some of the features, we would like you to have a go at writing a short, descriptive paragraph. Imagine that you and your friends are on a camping trip. When going back to your tents from a lovely day on the lake, you come across a dilapidated house. Night is falling...do you dare to investigate?
Remember, suspense writing is not about ghosts and things that jump out. The minute we say the word ghost or monster, our reader pictures this...
...and any suspense that we have built is broken! Implying that something is going to happen, builds much more tension than actually saying it.
Which of these builds more tension?
E.g. Night was falling fast. Long shadows were forming from the gnarled, twisted trunks of the ancient forest. Somewhere in the dusk, a solitary owl took flight, it's eerie screech echoing across the mist covered lake. Out of the corner of my eye...movement. What was it? I spun around...nothing.
It was night time. The moon was out and lit up the forest. An owl hooted. I saw a movement and spun around. There, Dracula stood before me. 'Argh,' I screamed.
Now it's your turn. Give it a go. Use the vocab sheet to help you to use new vocabulary in your writing.
Good afternoon Year 5!
Music with Miss Sanders
Last week you were introduced to the song, ‘World of Books’. Click on this link,
Then enter the details below
USERNAME : mapledene
PASSWORD : mapledenec4s
Click onto ‘Browse Music’ and ‘World of Books’ is the 3rd option. Scroll down to the sub-mixes and start by listening to the chorus and bridge.
Rhythm work:
This week’s musical challenge is called ‘Body Groove’ on the same web-site. Click on ‘Browse Music’ and then ‘performance’ in the menu on the left. Finally, click on ‘rhythm work’ – it is the third option. Scroll down to the video, watch and join in. It is great fun!
Today you are going to exercise with a difference! First you are going to keep fit with Harry Potter .
Next, you need to choose your favourite book – Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?
Well done for all of your fabulous work today. Both classes will be meeting on Zoom at 3.30pm, to take part in the great book debate. The library is on fire, and you can only save five books to keep for the rest of your life. Which ones would you save and why? Come prepared to talk and argue!! We can't wait to see you.
Take care,
Miss F and Mrs H
Belong, Believe, Be You...Achieve