Year 4
Wednesday 17th June
Hello Year 4! We have been so impressed again this week with all of your hard work and effort - keep it up!
BBC Bitesize
This one is all about learning poetry off by heart:
Here's a link to some work on ordering decimals to consolidate your learning:
And finally, we loved learning about the Romans - here is a link to some history work all about the Romans in Scotland!
Mrs H & Miss F
Be long, Believe, Be you ... Achieve!
Watching, always watching
Monday 15th June
Good morning, Year 4. We hope you have enjoyed the sunshine this weekend and are ready for another week of home learning!
Alongside this work, we have a very important project for you to look at this week, following recent events around the world and as a link to our new school motto: Belong, Believe, Be You: Achieve. Over the past few weeks, we are sure you will have seen many pictures, videos and stories on the news or through social media about the Black Lives Matter protests that are taking place across the world, which are happening in response to the injustices that people face every day, both in the UK and in other countries too.
This week, we would like you to learn about, and celebrate, the cultural diversity that we have in Britain. We'd like you to research different cultures and the positive aspects that they bring to life in the UK. We'd also like you to spend some time thinking about the inequality that unfortunately still exists in society today, as a result of our past and what has happened throughout history.
As usual, we encourage you to be as creative as you wish, whether it’s producing a report, a poster or art work, looking at recipes or learning songs/dances. There are many ways that you can enjoy learning about a new culture! We welcome any clips or videos of your children talking about or celebrating either their culture or one they have learned about (dancing, artwork, telling stories, clothing etc.) that can be included in this week’s Celebration Assembly on Friday. Please send to by 5pm on Wednesday 17th June.
Please read the PDF of the project below for more information, as well as the information sheet about Black Lives Matter, and why it is so incredibly important.
Mrs Humphries & Miss Faulkner
Be long, Believe, Be You ... Achieve!
Watching, always watching!
- Project overview.pdf
- Talking about Black Lives Matter.pdf
- Proud to be a Brummie by Mrs Allen.pdf
- Diversity in Britain web links .pdf
Additional reading comprehensions
- ks2-martin-luther-king-comprehension.pdf
- ks2-ruby-bridges-comprehension.pdf
- ks2-windrush-generation.pdf
- lewis-hamilton-comprehension.pdf
- lks2-benjamin-zephaniah.pdf
- rosa-parks-writing-activity.pdf
Monday 8th June
Good morning, Year 4, and welcome to another week of home learning! A special well done to Ava and Esmay, who were our Shooting Stars on Friday!
We hope that you have had a lovely weekend and are ready for some exciting new activities! As always, make sure that you remember to Doodle first and then choose from the theme options below. If you whizz through the extras that have been set, remember to collect your daily stars. If you need any help or support, you can reach us through the email address.
Our themed work this week is all about the oceans, as today is World Oceans Day 2020! The environment is an important issue, and World Oceans Day aims to encourage people all around the world to join together and work towards a better future with a healthier ocean to sustains us all. You can find out more information here:
There are projects and ideas listed on the PDFs below. On the first PDF, you will find a link to an exciting broadcast that will be shown at 10am this morning, filled with information about the English coastlines and how we can do our bit to help conserve them. There are other suggestions for science, art and writing. We have also added resources from the WWF, which is an organisation that aims to help teach young people about the world and its plants and animals. Have a look through the different KS2 activities and information posters that might help you to understand the importance of keeping our oceans clean.
We hope that you have a brilliant week and enjoy learning all about the oceans!
Mrs Humphries & Miss Faulkner
Be long, Believe, Be You ... Achieve!
Watching, always watching!
- Ocean theme.pdf
- WWF-Make_A_Deep_Sea_Squid.pdf
- WWF_Oceans_and_Plastics_KS2_Activities.pdf
- WWF_Plastics_Explainer.pdf
- Twinkl-sea-sorting-cards.pdf
- Fact Cards.pdf
- Fact file to complete sea creatures.pdf
- Narrow Lined.pdf
- Questions and Answers.pdf
Wednesday 3rd June
Good morning Year 4! We hope you are enjoying the first week back after half term. We are loving seeing lots of the hard work that you are doing at home and so proud of you all!
Below are some Bitesize links that you may find interesting!
BBC Bitesize
Below is a link to finding fractions of amounts:
This one is all about using apostrophes for contractions:
The weather is quite different today. Learn more about the weather and climate here:
Mrs H & Miss F
Belong, Believe, Be You … Achieve
Watching, always watching
Week beginning 1.6.2020
Welcome back to home learning Year 4!
We hope that you have had a lovely half term break and are ready for some new home learning! Miss Faulkner and I shall be in school this week so make sure that you remember to always Doodle first and then choose from the theme options below. You can reach us through the email address. Keep an eye out for updates!
Our theme for this week:
Mr Mac needs your help! Over the last few weeks he has started to eat more junk food and is not getting much exercise. He is also staying up very late and often forgets to brush his teeth! Help him to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle by becoming health experts and producing some information for him.
Here are some things that you could investigate at home:
1. How much sugar is in the food in your cupboards? (record this and order in terms of least to most)
2. Record how much sleep you get a night by keeping a diary of time you went to bed and woke up.
3. Keep a food diary- what is good about your diet and what could be better?
4. Carry out research into people’s favourite treats and people’s favourite fruit/veg (ask family and friends and record on a tally chart, this can then be presented on a pictogram/bar chart or written up as a report).
5. Keep an exercise diary to find out which day you are most active - remember playing in the garden counts if you are moving!) Try and do the right amount of exercise for your age group
6. Cook some recipes from Change 4 Life.
7. Look at healthy ways to travel- go for a walk/to the park/look out if your window and record how many people you see walking and riding bikes. Record on a tally chart and present on a pictogram/bar chart.
8. Grow some fruit or veg.
9. Count how many steps it is from one place to another- see how quickly you can do 100/500/1000 steps.
10. Make a shopping list for a healthy picnic.
11. Create a fitness circuit for your family to take part in.
12. Create a poster/report/video about keeping safe and healthy in the sun and design a summer outfit for keeping safe in the warm weather.
13. Film one exercise to be part of the Fit Friday video this week (squats, star jumps, jogging on the spot etc) keep it short with no props or talking and send to titled ‘Fit Friday’
We hope that you have a good week and that you will share your learning with us. Keep smiling and remember.... you really are the best!
Mrs Humphries & Miss Faulkner
Be long, Believe, Be You ... Achieve!
Watching, always watching!
A T T E N T I O N ! !
Please could all parents complete this online survey with regards to returning school? Your views matter!
Thank you!!
Friday 22nd May
How quickly has this half term sped by?! Year 4, we are so proud of you We hope that you enjoy this week's assembly ... Congratulations to our Shooting Stars ... who will they be?! Watch and see!
Enjoy your half term break, no Doodle tasks next week so rest up, ready for home learning on June 1st.
Take care, keep smiling, keep safe!
Mrs H & Miss F
Be long, Believe, Be you ... Achieve!
Watching, always watching
Thursday 21st May
Good morning Year 4. It’s been lovely seeing all of your superhero work!!
Below are some BBC Bitesize links that you may find interesting:
Continue to consolidate your learning on fractions -
Learn about using the internet safely, using this link -
Find out about time zones following this link -
Keep Doodling, keep smiling and keep being you!
Mrs H & Miss F
Belong, Believe, Be You … Achieve 😊
Watching, always watching 😊
Wednesday 20th May
Morning all! Wednesday morning already! Below are some more activity ideas for you 😊
Write about your real-life superhero
Do you have a special someone in your life who you see as a superhero? Maybe it is a family member or a friend, why not write about it? You could write a letter to say thank you for all the wonderful things they do and explain to them why they are your superhero.
Create a card game
Make Top Trump cards for all the superheroes and battle it out to see who the best is!
Explain who is your favourite current superhero
Are you a fan of Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Captain America or someone else? Tell us who your favourite superhero is and why. You could try and persuade us with a poster, or a written account of why they are your favourite. Maybe someone in your household disagrees with you, could you have a debate with them to prove them wrong?
And of course, you could watch a superhero movie and write a brief review of what you liked about it.
BBC Bitesize
Here are some links that you may find useful! Below is a link to an equivalent fractions:
Have a refresher on conjunctions!
Does your Superhero have a friction problem?! This link may help to explain!
Keep up your superhero efforts (😉 ) and have a good day.
Mrs H & Miss F
Belong, Believe, Be You … Achieve
Watching, always watching
Tuesday 19th May
Hello Year 4! What superb efforts! Well done for Doodling, keep up the good work. We will add Bitesize lessons to support both the Doodling and Superhero work that you have been doing. It’s good to be consolidating your learning!
Here are some more activity ideas for your Superhero work:
Think about your superhero’s special powers and abilities
Who does your superhero save and what are their special powers and abilities? Maybe they can turn invisible, or, like the ‘Hulk’, have super-human strength? Do they help their humans, or is their main goal in life to make the earth a better place by protecting animals or teaching children about the importance of recycling? Do they have a weakness like Superman’s kryptonite?
Imagine you are the superhero-write a page in your diary to tell us about your day!
Now that you have planned your superhero, think about what they do on a day-to-day basis. Write their diary so we know what your superhero truly gets up to!
Create a comic following your superhero’s adventures
In Mr Mac’s opinion, all good superheroes started in comics, so why not have a go at writing your own? Think carefully about each scene in your comic strip and the writing that goes with it.
BBC Bitesize
Try to include expanded noun phrases in your Superhero writing:
Can you include adverbial phrases?
Look at these negative number activities, it has been a while since we last visited negative numbers:
Sharpen up your skills of simplifying fractions:
Keep up the good work Year 4. We are so proud of you and all your efforts. Keep smiling 😊
Mrs H & Miss F
Belong, Believe, Be You … Achieve
Watching, always watching! 😊
Monday 18th May
Good day to you all. We hope that you are all well and have had a good weekend. Congratulations to our Shooting Stars, Ewan and Ahmed!! How lovely to see so many of you getting involved in the ‘Lord of the Dance’ video!
Home school learning this week … After Doodling, your mission, if you wish to take it, is to create your very own superhero! We’ll update activity ideas daily, so keep watching!
Creating your own Superhero
Getting started:
How did your superhero get his/ her powers? What is your Superhero’s special power or ability? What does your Superhero’s uniform look like? Who/What does your Superhero save? As always, these are just for inspiration so feel free to use your own ideas too!
Some tasks and ideas you may want to look at are:
Give your Superhero a name
What is your superhero known as? Is it linked to who your superhero saves, or maybe the colour of their uniform? Think carefully about your superhero’s name and tell us why you have chosen it.
Draw your Superhero, including their logo
What does your superhero look like? Think carefully about what your superhero looks like and label your drawing. Also, every superhero needs a logo, including yours, so get designing. Make sure your logo is eye catching and bright, so people remember your superhero easily.
Design and make your Superhero’s uniform/ mask
You can design your superhero’s uniform and mask, but why not also try making it? Remember to send us pictures of you dressed as your superhero in suitably heroic poses.
You may wish to focus on Bitesize activities this week.
Today’s Maths lesson on tenths and hundredths will support learning that we had just completed before lockdown, so take a look and consolidate your learning:
This fact and opinion lesson will also support learning that we did earlier in the year :
You may get some ideas for describing your superhero in this similes and metaphors using this lesson:
Keep up the good work, keep smiling 😊
Mrs H & Miss F
Believe, Belong, Be You … Achieve
Watching, always watching 😊
Friday 15th May
It’s Friday! Well done for all your efforts this week. It’s been lovely to see how hard you have been working. If you are looking for some activity ideas after 'Doodling', take a look at some of the activities below:
Challenge yourself to some problem solving
Missing Guided Reading? Take a look!
Haven’t ‘red inked’ for a while? Practise your proofreading skills -
Consolidate your learning on states of matter -
Make sure that you watch our Virtual Assembly. Who will be our shooting stars this week? Will we be amongst the top Doodlers? Time will tell!!
As another week draws to a close, we wish you all well and hope you all have a good weekend. Take care of yourselves 😊
Mrs H & Miss F
Belong, Believe, Be you …. Achieve
Watching, always watching!
Thursday 14th May
Happy Thursday everyone! It has been lovely to see some of your ‘Lord of the Dance’ videos! The deadline for video submissions has now passed. Great effort on the Doodle front – well done 😊
BBC Bitesize
A lesson on finding area by counting squares has been released which will support learning that took place before Lockdown, the link is:
This link will help you to revise the work that we have done on fronted adverbials:
Take a look at this link as it will consolidate your understanding of paragraphs:
Keep up all the good work and more importantly, keep smiling 😊
Mrs H & Miss F
Belong, Believe, Be You … Achieve
Watching, always watching!
Wednesday 13th May
Hello! Well done Doodlers, it’s great to see so many of you completing your Doodle tasks.
Keep up the fantastic effort, whether it be your VE Day work or the ‘Around the World’ project.
Again, BBC Bitesize continues with their daily lessons -
It is well worth taking a look at this link as we would have been learning about vertebrates and invertebrates this term:
Remember! If you wish to take part in Mapledene’s ‘Lord of the Dance’ segment, you must send your video clip to '' or the Facebook group by no later than 5pm today.
Take care of yourselves,
Mrs H & Miss F
Belong, Believe, Be You ... Achieve
Watching, always watching!!
Tuesday 12th May
Good morning Year 4! Great efforts so far this week on Doodle, keep up the good work! Remember to Doodle first 😊
If you have chosen to do the ‘Around the World in 5 Days’ work this week, you may wish to choose one (or more!) of the continents. Below are some ideas for activities:
Take a look at other countries in Europe. How are they different to the UK?
Check out some facts about Europe
Choose a county in Europe you’d like to visit/have visited and create a travel guide/leaflet
Learn a bit of Spanish
Take part in a virtual safari
Check out David Attenborough’s program about the African Savannah – create a fact file for one of the animals
Learn about African patterns used in clothing and design your own pattern
Learn about the River Nile - Which creatures are found there? Which countries does it run through?
Check out the Bitesize page about this continent
Write your own postcard from Antarctica
Carry out a science ice investigation:
Research how the animals in Antarctica have adapted so that they can survive the cold
Learn about Asia on Bitesize
Learn about the explorer Ranulph Fiennes who climbed Mount Everest
Asia is the home of world religions- explore some of these
Research animals that are found in different parts of Asia
Have a look at the history of anime and learn to draw some anime characters
Learn how to draw some Japanese symbols
North and South America
Research the Amazon Rainforest- What can be found there? Create a poster to encourage people to save the rainforest from deforestation .
Research carnivals in Brazil (parents check any websites before hand due to risqué costumes). Design your own carnival costume or create your own maraca.
learn about some of the animals in the Rocky Mountains
Look at the different climates in America- which part would you rather go to?
Research Australian animals and create a fact file for your favourite one
Look up the famous landmarks- which would you like to visit and why?
Write a diary from the Australian outback
You may wish to carry on with your home learning using the BBC Bitesize website, Today’s Maths lesson covers calculating perimeter, which will help to consolidate your previous learning. You may also find the link to longitude and latitude useful for your continent work.
Keep up the fantastic work Year 4,
Mrs H & Miss F
Belong, Believe, Be you … Achieve
Watching, always watching!
S T O P P R E S S ! ! !
Mapledene's 'Lord of the Dance'
Today we would like you to join in with what promises to be an exciting community sing-a-long. We'd like you to watch the video below, learn the song and maybe create a simple dance routine to go along with it.
Then send a video of yourself (and maybe your family too!) performing it, to '' or the Facebook group by no later than 5pm on Wednesday (13 May 2020) so we can then put them altogether to make one big sing-a-long!
Learn this song and dance with Thomas-send your video to school and take part in this week's celebration assembly!
Monday 11th May
Good morning Year 4, we hope that you are all well 😊 It has been lovely seeing all the hard work that you have been doing at home and how you have been commemorating the 75th anniversary of VE Day. If you haven’t already seen it, please take a look at Mapledene’s version of ‘We’ll Meet Again’,
Congratulations to our Shooting Stars, Jack and Harley from 4H and Ryan from 4F!! Let’s see if we can win some Doodle awards this week!
Learning from home this week...
Make sure to start your day with a Doodle!
Then …
We know that lots of you have really enjoyed learning about the impact of WWII on your family and the community - please continue with this if you wish to. You could include some geography in your learning by finding out:
Where your family lived during the war.
Where your family members were stationed around Britain and the world.
Where your family member/s were evacuated to.
Or …
You may wish to move onto a new mini topic. This week’s FB theme is Around the World in 5 Days. The idea of the project is to encourage your child to learn a bit more about the amazing world around them through learning about the 7 continents. This could involve them learning about the culture/location/wildlife/language/sport of a chosen continent.
Getting started - Ideas for tasks:
Start here:
· Find Birmingham on the world map! Look at the other parts of the UK. Locate the 7 continents on Google Earth:
· Have a look at the continent song:
· Have a go at this continent and ocean activity:
(More activities to follow)
Using the BBC Bitesize website is proving to be very popular. Follow this link There are new lessons each day, across the whole curriculum, which may be your preferred option this week.
In Maths they are concentrating on multiplying and dividing:
Remember, you are more than welcome to email your work/send photographs to the following email address:
Have a good day!
Love Mrs H and Miss F
Belong, Believe, Be you … Achieve!
Watching, always watching!
Thursday 7th May
Good Morning Year 4,
It's almost time to celebrate the 75th VE Day anniversary. Today we like you to complete any Doodle extras, then complete your BBC Bitesize lessons Today they focus on dividing a four digit number and looking into a character. There is also a really interesting lesson which explains how computers work.
Tomorrow is the 75th anniversary of VE Day. Today, it's time to get your party planning head on. Why not have a go at creating invites for a virtual party? Or make some flag bunting. If you're feeling adventurous, why not get in the kitchen (with someone to help you) and have a go at some war time recipes.
The country during WW2 had strict rules about what, and how much food you could buy. This was called rationing. You can find out more about this at Treats available at VE Day parties would have looked very different to the treats that we have at our gatherings nowadays. Sugar was heavily rationed, so people often used vegetables to sweeten their food. Why not try this recipe for making carrot (yes, that is carrot, you haven't misread it!) cookies for your VE Day celebrations. They are surprisingly good! Remember to send us pictures of your work at
Have a lovely day. We look forward to seeing all of your fabulous work.
Love Miss F and Mrs H
Belong, Believe, Be You...Achieve
Watching...always watching
Wednesday 6th May
Good morning Year 4,
What a beautiful day! First thing today, try to complete your Doodle extras. We are not that far from getting a certificate! It's been brilliant to receive so much fantastic work-keep it coming. It always puts a big smile on our faces to see how hard you are working.
After completing your Doodle, complete the lessons on BBC Bitesize.'s lessons are on dividing a two digit number (remember to use your times table knowledge) and conjunctions. We know that lots of you are having a go at growing plants at home, so why not check out the Bitesize Science lesson on what plants need to live - give your peas and tomatoes a boost!
VE Day Celebrations
We are only a few days away from the 75th anniversary of VE Day. For your creative work today, why not find out a bit more about how Britain celebrated the end of the war in Europe. What food would they have eaten on the day? How did they celebrate?
Mrs Humphries has been speaking to lots of her family to find out what it was like for them. Have a look at the link below. Did any of your family serve in the war? Can you find out what your relatives were doing on VE day?
Finally, make sure that you get outside and enjoy the sunshine. Take the time to appreciate the world and the people around you-you are all very special.
Love Miss F and Mrs H
Belong, Believe, Be You...Achieve
Watching...always watching.
Friday 1st May
It's Friiiiidaaaaaaay! That can only mean one thing-our virtual celebration assembly. Have a look at to find out who our shooting stars this week are.
We have been blown away by your fantastic theme park work this week-there have been some incredibly creative creations and some amazing pieces of writing too. Today is our final day on this theme, so take some time to finish off your parks and have a go at the writing challenge. Remember to complete your Doodle extras too.
If you would like an extra challenge for today, why not watch my performance poem rap. Perhaps you could have a go at performing and filming my poem, or even better, write a rap of your own! We love seeing your work-remember to send it to
Rollercoaster rapping
Roller coaster rap
Keep up the hard work,
Love Miss F and Mrs H
Belong, Believe, Be you...Achieve
Watching, always watching
Thursday 30th April
Good Morning Year 4,
First of all, we want to say a MASSIVE Happy Birthday to the inspirational Captain Tom Moore. 100 years old today. Perhaps you could join the nation tonight in clapping for our NHS heroes, who Tom has raised nearly £30 million pounds for.
As part of our theme park project, today we are going to set you a very special writing challenge. Use the link to ride some super speedy rollercoasters. Washing baskets make very good carts (remember to take your parents' ironing out first!).
After you've ridden the coasters, we would like you to write a description of your experience riding such a thrilling ride. Use this story starter to help you.
For example:
The gates slowly hissed open. What had I got myself into? It was too late to back out now, 'Charlie the chicken' was not a name that I wanted for the rest of my life. Belts tightened down over ours heads. The pop music blared from the speakers, thumping in time with my heart. Knuckles whitened as I rattled the seat belt, checking I was strapped in.
"Thunder Bay...are you ready?" screamed a voice over the tannoy. "3...2...1...let's go!"
The cart lurched forward...
Make sure that you use lots of descriptive phrases to explain how you feel. We would love to see examples of your work at
Have fun!
Love Miss F and Mrs H
Belong, Believe, Be You...Achieve
Watching, always watching
Wednesday 29th April
Good morning Year 4,
Mrs Humphries and I are very happy today, as we have been sent some amazing pictures of your work on your theme parks. It makes us smile to see how hard you are working. I have given out some smelly certificates (remember, they are the smell of..?) today, and have plenty more for excellent work that you do .
Today, we would like you to continue mapping out your park. If you want an extra challenge, you could use your maths skills to work out the perimeter of your rides.
Keep working hard on your Doodle extras-we need to work as a team to get into the green.
Tomorrow, we will be setting you a 'roller coaster' writing challenge, so don't forget to check back here in the morning.
We are very proud of all of you-keep up the hard work.
Love Miss F and Mrs H
Belong, Believe, Be you... Achieve
Watching, always watching
Tuesday 28th April
Good morning Year 4!
Urgh, it's raining! A perfect opportunity to catch up with your Doodle extras. At the moment, Year 3 are storming ahead with almost half of their classes in the green zone. We CAN get that certificate on Friday...we believe in you.
We're really pleased to see that some of you have already made a start on your theme park project. Over the next two days, why not have a go at creating a map of your park. Think carefully about the organisation of your rides. Most theme parks have their best rides towards the end of the park, so that you have to walk past lots of tempting gift shops and snack bars first. We look forward to seeing your work at
Have fun!
Love Miss F and Mrs H
Belong, believe, be you...achieve.
Watching, always watching!
Monday 27th April
Good morning Year 4,
We hope you have had a lovely weekend, and managed to enjoy some of the scorching sunshine during your daily exercise.
This week we are starting a new, exciting project…we would like you to design and build your very own theme park. You could use LEGO, leftover bottles/cartons, cereal boxes, etc. It is a good idea to start thinking about this now for later in the week.
Today, we would like you to focus on designing the name and logo for your theme park. Will your park be based around a specific theme (e.g. pirates, castles, cowboys etc.)? Will it be for older or younger people? Or will it have something for everyone? How will you make it stand out from other theme parks?
Research these famous parks to give you some ideas:
Remember, before you start this, you should complete the extras on your Doodle page - it would be brilliant to see Year 4 get a certificate in this week’s assembly.
We have loved seeing all of the fabulous work you have been doing, so continue to post your pictures on the Facebook page, or send them to us at
Keep up the fantastic work,
Lots of love, Miss F and Mrs H
Belong, Believe, Be You ... Achieve
Watching, always watching!
Friday 24th April
Many congratulations to our Shooting Stars this week!
Keep up the good work Year 4. We know that you are doing lots of interesting things at home. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.
Love from,
Mrs H & Miss F xxx
Thursday 23rd April
Hello Year 4 😊
Below are links to some ‘Horrible Histories’ episodes, with ideas for activities. You could include them in your project if you wish 😊
Tudor Currency
Produce a poster showing the values of each coin.
Set up a Tudor shop and write some money word problems.
Christopher Columbus
Oh dear! Help Christopher Columbus out! Can you produce a map showing where he travelled and the route that he should have taken?! You could add some facts taken from the YouTube link. There is a world map a little further down the class page.
Have a good day and remember to clap this evening 😊
Mrs H & Miss F
Belong, Believe, Be You … Achieve
Watching, always watching!
Wednesday 22nd April
Morning Year 4!
It's lovely to see and hear all about the interesting learning that you have been doing at home Some of you are keen to send your work directly to us, you are more than welcome to do so. Here is the email address that you can send your work/photos/queries to:
Keep up the wonderful work
Mrs H & Miss F
Belong, Believe, Be You ... Achieve
Watching, always watching!
Tuesday 21st April
Good morning Year 4, we hope that you are all well.
We have seen some lovely Tudor work on FB and look forward to seeing lots more! Attached is a success criteria for script writing, should you decide to write (and produce!) your own ‘Horrible Histories’ episode.
Please keep up-to-date with your Doodle tasks … Remember, it’s important to complete all of them and not just your favourite subject 😉
Keep up the good work Year 4!
Mrs H & Miss F
Belong, Believe, Be You … Achieve
Watching, always watching 😊
Monday 20th April
Welcome back to our virtual Mapledene learning! We hope that you and your families are all well.
New learning has been added to Doodle. Please make sure that you are keeping up to date and are completing all of your ‘Extras’ and not just your favourite areas 😉 You should be starting your day with Doodle
You may have seen Mr Mac and Miss Johnson’s message on YouTube and FB. It would be fantastic if you could share some of your Tudor work … maybe even create your own ‘Horrible Histories’ episode that depicts life on a Tudor galleon! You could also choose from the following:
* Provide beauty tips for sailors suffering from scurvy!
* Produce a television news report describing life on board a galleon - you will need to write a script!
* Write and perform a 'Horrible Histories' song, with Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh in competition with each other.
* Write a diary account about life on board.
Remember - it's 'Horrible Histories' so the more horrible, the better!
Below are some links that you may find useful/interesting:
These are short stories written and read by one of our favourite authors, David Walliams.
BBC Bitesize are launching new, online learning from 9 am, daily.
We look forward to catching up over the week. Take care and remember...
Belong, Believe, Be You … Achieve!
Mrs H & Miss F xxx
Watching, always watching!! xxx
Friday 3rd April
WOW!!! Did you see our 'Shooting Star' virtual assembly?! It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces. Did you guess correctly? KEVIN McNALLY!! Pretty impressive, eh?! What a wonderful message to receive from him.
Well done to our shooting stars, Will and Frankie! A double triumph for Will, who was also a top Doodler too! We are very proud of you.
As Easter draws near, we wish you all, our Mapledene family, lots of love and best wishes. We miss you all lots.
Take care and be safe!
Mrs H & Miss F
Belong, Believe, Be you ... Achieve
Watching, always watching!
Good morning Year 4 ...
Are you ready for our virtual Shooting Star assembly? We are very much looking forward to seeing who our Shooting Stars are going to be this week Who will be our special guest?
Did you join in with the 'Clap for the NHS'? Thank you to our wonderful NHS and all of our key workers
Watch this space for another update later
Thursday 2nd April
Hello! It’s Thursday already 😊
JK Rowling has launched a website to keep you all entertained, here’s the link:
As requested, there are some dictated sentences attached above. Children, remember to ‘red ink’ your work!
Keep Doodling, it’s neck and neck as to which class is going to be the top Doodlers!
We’ve seen some more fantastic dinosaur work from FB. We’re looking forward to seeing some Easter creations 😊
Remember that tomorrow will be our virtual Shooting Star assembly! Who will be our very special guest? Time will tell!
Have a good day
Mrs H & Miss F
Belong, Believe, Be you ... Achieve
Watching, always watching
Learning at home updates:
- Have a go at the Doodle Easter Challenge
- Join the parent Facebook group 'At Mapledene we care and share for our little people' for regular updates from Miss Johnson and Miss Ellgood and a chance to share your children's work.
- Check out our 'Learn it with Mapledene' YouTube channel for stories, handwriting lessons and rhyme time all done by our teachers!
Wednesday 1st April
It's the 1st of April! We've been seeing some great efforts from Year 4: fossils, dinosaur and dog poems. Fabulous work, well done
Did you see the 'Dog in the Playground' video?! Have you guessed who our virtual guest is for Friday? We don't know either and are guessing with you!
Check out all the new links, the Doodle Easter Challenge looks like good fun! Get Doodling!
Here's a good link for keeping your maths skills in tiptop shape:
Remember - Steve Backshall is on FB/Twitter this morning (9.30)
Have a good day,
Mrs H & Miss F
Belong, Believe, Be you ... Achieve
Watching, always watching
Tuesday 31st March
Hello Year 4!! It was wonderful to read some of your dog poems! They were beautifully presented, well done!
A little later, you may well see a familiar face on YouTube...or maybe more if you are really paying attention!
Well done to all those Doodlers...keep going, you do have competition from other year groups!
Mr Mac has a coding link for you:
Tomorrow, Steve Backshall is back on FB/Twitter (9.30) If you haven’t already done so, complete the Steve Backshall reading comprehension on Doodle.
Stay safe,
Mrs H & Miss F
Belong, Believe, Be you … Achieve
Watching, always watching !
Easter Activities
Below are some activities that you may like to have a go at. They all have an Easter theme:
Easter Story Activity
Here is a link to the Easter Story. You may wish to write your own version of the Easter Story.
Spelling Request
We have had a request for some dictated sentence work. We have attached some spellings that should be revised this week. On Thursday we will upload some sentences that can be dictated.
Monday 30th March
Welcome to a new week, we hope that you all had a good weekend.
Did you watch our virtual Shooting Star assembly?! Well done to our Shooting Stars, Scarlett and Aryan Big congratulations to Maja and 4F for being top Doodlers.
Doodle is all set and ready to go...Will 4F win again this week? 4H, can you storm ahead this week?!
We are looking forward to seeing all of your creations on the Mapledene FB page; with Easter coming along, it would be wonderful to see some of your masterpieces.
Have a good day and remember...
Belong, Believe, Be you ... Achieve
Mrs H & Miss F
Watching, always watching!
Easter Activity Ideas
Below are a couple of websites where you can find lots of creative ideas for Easter! It would be fantastic to see some of your creations on the Mapledene FB page 😊
Happy making 😊😊😊
Friday 27th March
Morning Year 4, it’s Friday!
Miss Johnson has shared some more wonderful photos 😊 We were very proud to see that some of you are learning sign language 😊 Errrrm, did you see a familiar face on FB? We hope that you found it funny! Now, how many of you eagle eyed people spotted what was in the background?! You might want to go back and check out the video again!
Well done Doodlers – There are some early risers! We will be uploading some Easter activities shortly. It would be wonderful to see some of your creations on FB 😊
Did you join in with the ‘Clap for the NHS’? We did Thank you to our wonderful NHS and keyworkers; all the beautiful artwork that you have been creating will bring great comfort and support.
As this week draws to a close, we just wanted to say how proud we are to be part of the wonderful Mapledene family. What a team!
Lots of Mapledene love,
Mrs H and Miss F
Belong, Believe, Be you … Achieve
Watching, always watching...
Thursday 26th March
Good morning Year 4,
Miss Johnson has been telling us all about the fun things that you have been doing at home. It has been nice to see some of your photos 😊 Loved the banner, it made us smile 😊 How are the seeds progressing? Check out FB later today, you may see a familiar face!
Here’s a poem for you:
Yes, I Ate His Homework
Yes, I ate his homework.
You think I'm a liar!
So kind of you, teacher,
to go and inquire.
It's just that when hungry,
despite what you think,
there's nothing more tasty
than paper and ink,
unless it's some slippers
or brand-new soft shoes,
or maybe a sheet
of some basted raw chews.
I ate all the homework
and part of the couch.
There's so much to eat
and I'm hardly a slouch.
So that is my story.
I'll swear that it's true.
Excuse me for now,
I have text books to chew.
by Denise Rodgers
Copyright©Denise Rodgers
Who do you think wrote the poem? Have a go at performing it!
It’s that means only one thing...mediation with Miss F! Here’s a link for you:
Missing you all.
Look at the stars, not at your toes.
Belong, Believe, Be you … Achieve
Mrs H and Miss F
Wednesday 25th March
Hello Year 4!
It’s an exciting morning! Steve Backshall is on FB/Twitter/YouTube this morning at 9.30. Did you prepare any questions? There is also a reading comprehension all about Steve on Doodle, check it out!
Congratulations to 4F, you are the top Mapledene Doodlers at the moment, with 1408 stars! 4H, you are in 4th place, with 1296 stars. Get Doodling!
You can be practising your tables on ‘Hit the Button’.
Belong, Believe, Be You … Achieve
Love Mrs H and Miss F
Watching, always watching!
Morning Year 4.
We hope that you are well.
Well done Doodlers! We are not quite the top Doodlers at the moment though – let the Doodle challenge begin!
If you want to be a ‘fascinating factfinder’, find out:
What was the Golden Hind and who is it associated with?
Remember to join Miss Ellgood on FB for your daily fitness, the whole family can join in – we sure will be!
Take care and remember...
Belong, Believe, Be you... Achieve!
Mrs H and Miss F
Watching, always watching!
Monday 23rd March
****** STOP PRESS ******
Keep Fit !!
Join Miss Ellgood in a super workout!
She will be doing a fitness/dance/zumba class on Facebook (make sure you ask permission!) everyday this week, at 1.30.
Let's Keep Moving
Joe Wicks will also be doing online, YouTube PE lessons, 9.00am, daily.
Steve Backshall will now be broadcasting at 9.30am, Wednesday 25th.
Monday 23rd March, 2020
Hello Year 4,
We hope that you had a nice weekend. Like we said last week, we hope that you are reading this in your pyjamas!
Check out Doodle, there are some tasks for you to complete 😊
If you are starting your Tudor project, this is a useful link:
We’ve also added a world map, just in case you are going for bonus points!
On Wednesday 25th, at 1.00pm, Steve Backshall will be live on Twitter. Check it out, he’ll be answering questions on wildlife, so maybe you could prepare some questions. Remember to ask permission!
Have a good day and remember…
Watching, always watching!
Mrs H and Miss F xxxx
Hi Year 4,
We told you that we would pop online tonight! This is your test to see if you can access our page.
This is Roz from Monsters Inc. What is her famous catchphrase? We shall look forward to hearing your answers tomorrow!
Good luck,
Mrs H and Miss F
Useful websites and games
Prefixes and suffixes
Comma castle
'Trapped' grammar
Apostrophes (Penalty Shootout):
General arithmetic games and challenges
Hit the Button (number bonds, multiplication/division, adding/subtracting, halves) :
Multiple Frenzy:
Time games
Number and place value
Website Menu
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- Inclusion
- 1. Who can I contact about Special Educational Needs at Mapledene Primary School?
- 2. Who else at school works with pupils that have additional needs?
- 3. What kinds of Special Educational Needs does the school make provision for? What type of provision does the school make and how do they know it works?
- 4. How does the school identify and assess children with additional needs?
- 5. How do the school know how much progress is being made by pupils with Special Educational Needs?
- 6. What extra-curricular activities can a pupil with Special Educational Needs access at school?
- 7. What training do staff at Mapledene have in relation to pupils with Special Educational Needs?
- 8. How do the school get more specialist help for pupils if they need it?
- 9. How are parents of our pupils with Special Educational Needs involved?
- 10. How are pupils with Special Educational Needs involved in their own education?
- 11. If a parent of a child with Special Educational Needs has a complaint about the school, how does the governing body deal with the complaint?
- 12. How does the governing body involve other people in meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs including support for their families?
- 13. Who are the support services that can help parents with pupils who have Special Educational Needs?
- 14. How do the school support pupils with Special Educational Needs through transition?
- 15. How can parents find the Birmingham Local Authority’s local offer?
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