Welcome to our Nursery 2022-23
Outdoor learning
This half term we have had so much fun finding out about people who help us. We loved meeting our special visitors who help keep us safe.
Take a look at our photos below:
People who help us
Friday 10th March
As we are unable to be together in school today, we would like you to wrap up warm and explore the snow if you can. What can you build? How does it feel? How many snowballs can you make? What happens if you hold some snow in your hand? We would love to see photos of your fun in the snow. You can send them to advice@mapledeneschool.com and we can share them together next week when we are back in school.
We have been investigating what happens when we mix colours this week. You could make a colourful picture at home using crayons or paint if you have some then bring it into Nursery.
You can share the story below and then talk about what makes you happy and sad.
You can play the shape monsters game linked below and try to name the different shapes.
Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week!
Nursery is also known as Robins Class.
This half term, Robins have been learning our school routine. They have been playing with lots of fun activities and have been learning the names of the teachers and their friends too. Take a look at some of the photos of our first half term in school below:
Can we put Humpty Dumpty together again?
The children were shocked and surprised to find Humpty Dumpty in pieces on the nursery carpet. How did this happen?Was he ok? Could we fix him? We enjoyed using the props to learn the Humpty Dumpty song and we have some fantastic singing talent!