Week Beginning 25 January 2021 and before
Parents and Carers
Sometimes we all need someone to turn to for advice and support. We're glad to help and are happy for you to talk to us. In addition to what we can offer, please click on the following link where you will find information about organisations that you might find useful. Thank you.
There was an error processing this link (the page was not found).
Welcome to Year 3!
While you are learning from home, we would like to be amazed by your work and will still be giving out house points, merits and looking for our weekly shooting stars. Each day, we will post a timetable for the day’s learning on our class page. Below is a document outlining our weekly timetable which we will be following from Monday 11th January. It follows what would be doing if we were in school so we will do our Maths, Reading and English learning in the morning and in the afternoon, we will be looking at other areas of the curriculum. The afternoons may look a little different to our normal timetable but this is the timetable that the children in school are following too.
To send us your fantastic work, please ask an adult to email it to advice@mapledeneschool.com, you can also use this email address if you have any questions about the work. Work will be posted on word documents, which can be simply edited on the computer so there is no need to print out work unless you want to. At the end of each day, the answers will be posted to the school website so you can mark your own work or mark it with an adult.
Remember to check the school website each day so you know what to do and also keep Doodling. We will be holding our normal Doodle challenges plus a few extra special ones too.
Finally, although we are apart, we are all still part of team 3 and are looking for children who show our school motto of Belong, believe, be YOU: Achieve.
Miss Johnson, Miss Cook and Mrs Wells!
Zoom - Miss Johnson and Miss Cook coming to your home soon!
Zoom Meetings
Here is our Zoom timetable for the week beginning 25th January. You will receive the link to the meeting at least the day before if not earlier. Please remember, that as stated in our 'acceptable use policy' your Meeting ID must be your child's name otherwise, you will not be accepted into the meeting.
Day |
When |
What |
How Long |
Monday 25th January |
9:00am |
Rise and Shine |
15 minutes |
Tuesday 26th January |
1:15pm |
Science introduction |
30 minutes |
Wednesday 27th January |
11:45am |
Wellbeing Wednesday |
15 minutes |
Friday 29th January |
2:45pm |
Wonderful Work Friday |
30 minutes |
Remember, if you haven't yet filled in the form below and you want your child to take part, then you need to fill in the form and read the letters that accompany it.
We can't wait to see you on our next Zoom.
Assembly Challenge
Mrs Mason has kindly created a video that shows you how to use Makaton signs to say your favourite rainforest animal. Can you watch the video and then practise signing your favourite animal? Once you have practised, ask your adult to film you and then send it to advice@mapledeneschool.com so that it can be included in our assembly. The video must be sent by Wednesday 3rd February.
You can also look at the link below, which shows the signs for some other rainforest animals.
Our Rainforest Dance
Below is the rainforest dance we practised this morning during our Rise and Shine Zoom session! Don't forget to practise regularly, even if you didn't join us on our Rise and Shine, as we will be including it in our assembly.
Assembly Script!
If you requested a line to say in the Year 3 assembly, please find your line(s) in the script below and practise them. When you are ready, get your adult to film you saying the line and send the recording to advice@mapledeneschool.com by Wednesday 3rd February.
There is also a letter which can be found on the link below for your adults to read with some more information about our assembly. Please make sure your adult reads the letter.
Here are some examples of your brilliant work that we have received this week! Can you spot yours? Remember if you want your work on the website, you need to ask your adult to send it to advice@mapledeneschool.com.
Year 3 House point table
Don't forget we will be awarding house points for brilliant work and other challenges set during home learning.
Keep up the hard work Team 3 and keep earning those house points. You are all amazing!
Scroll down to our Green Zone Champions to see if you were in the green zone this week and earned those house points!
House Point Table
St Andrews |
St Georges |
St Patricks |
St Davids |
179 |
121 |
188 |
126 |
Our Rainforest Displays!
As you can see, we have started to add some of your fantastic work to the displays in our classrooms. Can you spot your work? If you have done some work you would like displaying, please send it to advice@mapledeneschool.com
Day 18 – Friday 29th January
Happy Friday Year 3! Please see today's timetable below:
29.01.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths |
Word problems |
Subtraction |
Reading |
Tribes in the Rainforest |
Read Write Inc |
English |
Writing up animal fact file |
Writing up animal fact file |
Handwriting |
Joins |
Art |
Art inspired by hope |
Coding |
2:45pm - ZOOM |
Zoom – Wonderful Work |
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
Can you complete a Daily 10 to get your mind warmed up for Maths today. Challenge yourself to choose a topic that pushes you out of your comfort zone and you know you need to practise.
Today, we are going to apply our learning of addition with exchanges to answer a selection of word problems and other questions. Have a watch of the video below and then once you have done that have a go at the bronze, silver or gold sheet.
Mrs Wells' group:
Today, you are going to have a mixture of take away questions. Some you may need to use jottings for and some you may be able to answer using your fingers. I have also given you some word problems to have a go at. Watch Miss Johnson’s video and then challenge yourself to answer all of the questions on the sheet.
At the end of the lesson, have a watch of the following video ready to help you with next week’s learning.
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Once you have taken part in the Read Write Inc part of the lesson, have a go at the sheets below.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Once you have taken part in the Read, Write Inc part of the lesson. Have a go at completing the sheet below.
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
Today in English, you are going to be writing up your animal fact file. Remember, you can choose to do this directly on to a word processing programme if you want. If you choose to do it on paper, you can be inventive with how you write your information. Do you want to use different text boxes like I did to make information stand out?
Before you start, I would like you to write down your four of your own ‘success criteria’. You can do this on a piece of paper. What four things are you going to include in your writing to amaze Miss Cook and myself? Do you have a personal target you are working on, like sitting your letters on the line, forming certain letters correctly or something else?
Once you have come up with your success criteria have a watch of Miss Johnson’s video before starting to write your report.
Mrs Wells’ Group:
Today, you are going to have a go at writing a fact file about the animal you have chosen. We can’t wait to read them and see what facts you have learned. Remember, when you are writing, we would like to do think carefully about each sentence and check that it makes sense. Can you think of anything else you need to include in your writing? Have a look at the success criteria below and see if you thought of all the things on the list.
Once you have looked at the success criteria, watch Miss Johnson’s video before writing your own fact file.
Watch the video on the school website to join in with today’s handwriting lesson. Remember you can pause the video as it goes through so that you have more time to practise.
Listen to Miss Johnson read a story in the video below.
We know that during the first lock down, lots of you created a rainbow to put up in your window like the girl in the story. We also know, that like the girl in the story, some of you may be feeling a bit sad sometimes at the moment. As adults, we are too because just like you we are missing seeing friends and family.
In today’s art lesson, we would like you to create a picture inspired by ‘hope’. What does the word hope mean to you? Maybe you can draw a picture for someone you hope to see soon, maybe like in the story, you can create a rainbow to remind you that without the rain there are no rainbows. Maybe you want to save your art lesson to do with the people you live with over the weekend.
This video will be uploaded on Friday morning.
In computing this week, we are going to start having a look at coding. Watch this video which starts to explain what coding is.
Once you have watched the video, head to the link below and follow the instructions:
This afternoon, we are having a zoom meeting to share our amazing work with each other from this week. If you have something you are really proud of that you have done this week, have it with you ready to share with your friends. If you don’t have it with you, you can tell us about it!
You do not have to bring work to share today that is fine. You can still join the meeting to see what your friends have been up to this week and say ‘hello!’.
Miss Johnson and I cannot wait to see you all and the amazing work you have been doing at home. Don’t forget you can show us all you work by sending it via email to advice@mapledeneschool.com
Day 18-Thursday 28th January
Good morning Year 3! Please see your timetable for today below!
28.01.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths: |
Addition with exchange |
Subtraction |
Reading: |
Tribes of the Rainforest |
Read Write Inc |
English: |
Plan animal fact file |
Sorting Facts |
Handwriting: |
Handwriting – Letter Size |
PE: |
Movement and Balance - Yoga |
Music: |
Singing |
Story time: |
The Danger Gang |
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Let’s start today’s lesson by recapping some our time learning from last week. It is really important that we keep practising new skills little and often so they become stuck in our brain. Today we are going to play a game to help us recap. You can click analogue to analogue or analogue to words and then pick the option you feel most confident with.
Can you remember what we were learning about in yesterday’s lesson? Well done if you remembered that we were learning how to add numbers with exchanges. Can you think of any other words that mean the same as add?
In today’s lesson, we are going to continue to practise our adding skills. During the lesson, you may want to use the formal written method or you may want to use jottings. It is important that you do whatever you feel confident with.
Re-watch Miss Johnson’s video below and help her remember how to add numbers with exchanges.
Once you have watched the video, have a go at the worksheets below. Some questions are word problems and some are just number sentences.
Mrs Wells' group:
Let’s start today’s lesson by recapping some our time learning from last week. It is really important that we keep practising new skills little and often so they become stuck in our brain. Join in with our Supermovers video to help you recap your time learning and get you ready for Maths today.
Today, we are going to continue with our taking away learning but we are going to think carefully about our different strategies. When we do a question like 25 – 11, we may need to use jottings because both numbers are tens and units numbers. What about if we are doing 25 – 6? Would you use the same strategy? Have a look at Miss Johnson’s strategies below, which would you use?
Watch the video below and then have a go at completing the work sheet.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today we are reading an information text about tribes that live in the rainforest. Before you start reading have a think about these questions:
What is a tribe?
What do you think the text will tell you about the tribes?
Do you think the same tribe lives in all rainforests?
Will the information text include pictures?
Once you have had a go at answering the questions in your head, read the definitions sheet. You will then be ready to read the text and answer the ‘fastest finger’ questions.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Once you have completed your RWI tasks, have a go at reading the sheet below which focuses on the ‘aw’ sound. Once you have read the text, have a go at answering the questions.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Today, we are going to come up with a planning document so you have all your information in one place ready to write tomorrow.
Below are three different style planning sheets to inspire you. Watch the video of Miss Johnson and think about what things will help you with your writing. What sort of things do you need on your plan?
Once you have watched the video, pick one planning sheet and have a go at filling in the information so that you are ready to write tomorrow.
Mrs Wells’ Group:
Today, you have some different facts, but they are all mudded up. Miss Johnson needs your help sorting them into facts about sleeping. facts about what animals eat and facts about where they live. Can you help her?
Have a watch of the video below and then have a look at the sheet attached.
Please watch the video below. We are now thinking about the size of our letters. Grab some paper and a pen to practise forming your letters. You can pause the video as you watch or you can watch the whole video and then have a go.
Today, we are going to continue to think about movement and balance and apply this to some learning about yoga.
Below you start the video below, make sure you have a clear space and are wearing comfortable clothes. You can choose to do this activity in bear feet or wearing trainers or pumps.
Watch and join in with the video below.
If you would like to try some more yoga to extend your PE lesson, try out one of the links below.
You could come back to these links to do at another time too.
I hope you managed to listen to last week’s song and enjoyed singing along and learning the actions? It has become a bit of an Anthem for me during Lockdown and always makes feel more positive about my day.
So first, let’s warm up our bodies with the Urban Strides Warm-Up Moves. We will have a go at this in school when we are all able to be together so it is a good one to learn.
As for last week, please visit https://www.youngvoices.co.uk/music-room
The access code is YV2021 (Please make sure you use capitals). The warm-up is at the bottom of the Dance Moves page and is called Urban Strides Interactive. There is a lot of talking at the beginning but you can just skip through this.
Next, I would like you to practice the dance moves and lyrics from last week using the video ‘Power in Me – Breakdown 1’. When you feel confident with this section, move on to ‘Power in Me – Breakdown 2’ to learn the final section where it splits into 2 parts.
For a further challenge, have a look at this video to remind yourself all about how musical rhythms are written down.
Happy singing everyone!
Story Time!
Have you been enjoying the story of 'The Danger Gang' by Tom Fletcher? Can you remember what happened last time?
Watch the video below with Miss Cook to find out what Franky has been getting up to next!
Day 17- Wednesday 27th January
Good morning Year 3! Please see an outline to today's learning below.
27.01.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths |
Adding with exchange |
Taking away |
Reading |
Rainforest Calling |
Read Write Inc |
English |
Improving sentences |
Fact finding |
11:45am Zoom |
Wellbeing Wednesday |
Handwriting |
Handwriting formation - letter size |
Geography |
Layers of the rainforest |
Spanish |
Colours |
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Yesterday, we had a go at practically using dienes to add together numbers with exchanges. Today, we would like you to use written jottings to have a go at answering some questions. Have a watch of Miss Johnson’s video and then have a go at answering the bronze, silver or gold sheets below.
Once you have completed the sheets below, watch the video below which talks about our investigation challenge we gave you yesterday and using the formal written method too.
Once you have watched the videos, you may want to have a go at a daily 10:
You will need to click level 2, addition and then 2-digit numbers with carrying. You can choose how long you think you will need for each question.
Mrs Wells' group:
Yesterday, we were looking at taking away numbers using dienes. Today we are going to have a go at using our learning to answer questions using jottings.
Watch Miss Johnson’s video of how to do jottings carefully and then have a go at answering the questions on the sheet below.
Once you have completed the sheet, have a go at the game below to keep your adding and taking away skills fresh.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Now have a go at reading the next part of Rainforest Calling. It is a new part of the text, so there are new definitions to look through before you start reading. You then have ‘fastest finger’ and ‘thinking hat’ questions to answer so will need your skim and scan and inference skills.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Have a go at today’s reading sheet which focuses on the ‘ir’ sound. Before you start, can you remember any of the words from yesterday’s reading that contained the a_e or e_e split diagraphs?
Don’t forget to answer the questions once you have done the reading.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
In today’s lesson you have two tasks. Miss Johnson had a very late night last night and has got herself all muddled up. Your first task is to sort out her fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and conjunctions.
Once you have completed task one, watch the video below. Your second task is to improve Miss Johnson’s simple sentences. Can you use your first task to help inspire you and give you ideas?
Mrs Wells’ Group:
Today you are going to watch a video about the animal you are picking to write your facts about. While you are watching the video, I would like you to write down facts about the animal.
Watch Miss Johnson’s video to show you how to do this.
This video will be uploaded on Wednesday morning.
If you are choosing a sloth, watch this video:
If you are choosing a monkey, watch this video:
If you are choosing a caiman, watch this video:
11:45am Zoom
Join Miss Cook and Miss Johnson for a Wellbeing Wednesday session on zoom!
Have a go at today’s handwriting lesson.
Did you know that there are different layers to the rainforest? If you have been reading ‘Rainforest Calling’ you may already know some of the names of the layers. Each layer is a slightly different habitat and therefore different animals and plants live in each layer. I wonder which layer has most of the animals in?
Have a watch of Miss Johnson’s video talking about the different layers of the rainforest.
Once you have watched the video have a go at completing the activity sheet.
Today we are continuing our work on colours in Spanish. Re-watch the video below to remind yourself.
How do you say ‘I like…’?
How do you say ‘I don’t like…’?
Watch the video with Miss Cook below to learn how to say these phrases before making a sentence by adding a colour to the end.
For example;
Me gusta violeta.
No me gusta verde.
Use your knowledge of colours to complete the sheet below. You need to colour in the different splats with the colour underneath. Then you need to complete the sentences about the colours you like and don’t like.
Once you have completed the sheet, have a go at some of the games on the website below. Make sure your category is colours.
Day 16 – Tuesday 26th January
Good morning Year 3! Please find the timetable for today below:
26.01.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths |
Addition with exchange - practically |
2 digit number take away a 2 digit number |
Reading |
Rainforest Calling – Thinking hat questions |
Read Write Inc |
English |
Researching a Rainforest animal for your fact file |
Questions to sort fact file |
Handwriting |
Handwriting formation |
Science |
Magnetic Materials - Introduction on Zoom @ 1:15pm |
Library |
Reading Tasks |
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Yesterday, in Maths we looked at adding together 2-digit and 3-digit numbers using jottings, the formal written method or mentally. Today, we are going to move on to exchanging. We are going to have a go at using dienes to support us with our learning. We will be continuing to look at exchange throughout the week so don’t worry if you aren’t confident by the end of the lesson. As always, this is a new skill and the more we practise the better we will be.
Watch Miss Johnson’s video below that talks through exchange.
Once you have finished watching the video. Use the website that Miss Johnson was using to have a go practically at the questions on the sheet.
Mrs Wells' group:
This week in Maths, we are going to be looking at taking away. Can you think of any other words that mean the same as take away?
Have a watch of Miss Johnson’s video below that re-caps taking away with jottings for 2 digit numbers.
Once you have watched the video, have a go at using the website to practically help you answer the questions on the attached sheet.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today, you will be re-reading the text from yesterday to increase your fluency and story teller voice. Remember to make sure you are reading carefully each word so you understand what the text is saying. You could find a teddy to read to if this helps. Once you have read the text at least once, have a go at answering the ‘thinking hat’ questions.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Now you have completed your sounds with Rosie, I would like you to have a go at reading the text below which focusses on split diagraphs like a_e, o_e and e_e.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
In English today, we would like you to research the rainforest animal that you are going to write your fact file about. It is really important that you think carefully about the sub-headings for your report before you start researching your animal so you can make notes. Read back through the WAGOLL from yesterday’s lesson, what subheadings were used?
Well done if you said:
Where does it live?
What does it eat?
Are there different types?
You can choose to use some of the sub-headings from the WAGOLL or come up with your own. Watch Miss Johnson’s video explaining about how to research an animal and make notes.
Please remember how to stay safe on the internet when researching your animal, the websites below are all safe for children.
Some websites you may want to use when researching are:
Remember the more notes you make now about your animal, the more information you will be able to include in your fact file.
Mrs Wells’ Group:
In yesterday’s lesson, you looked at Miss Johnson’s WAGOLL about a sloth. Can you remember any of the facts that were in the WAGOLL?
Which animal are you going to write about? Did you pick the sloth, caiman or monkey? When you write your facts about your animal, you are going to write them under three different questions. Watch Miss Johnson’s video and see if you can use your knowledge of question marks and question words to spot any questions in her WAGOLL.
Once you have watched the WAGOLL, have a go at the sheet below to think of questions you want to answer about your animal when you are writing your facts.
Please watch today's handwriting lesson. Get a piece of paper and pen and practise your handwriting. You can pause the video as you go along or watch it all before practising.
Last week in Science, we started learning about magnets and some of the scientific vocabulary that can be used to talk about magnets. Can you remember any of our scientific words and what they mean?
This week, by the end of the lesson you will be able to identify some materials that are magnetic (attracted to magnets) and some materials that are not magnetic.
Today’s lesson introduction will be live on Zoom at 1:15pm. Alternatively, if you miss the lesson, watch the videos below before completing your sheet.
Once you have taken part in our Zoom lesson, or watched the videos complete the following sheet.
Library Time:
Last week, we asked you to choose a book from home to read and gave you some tasks to do. The children in school also did the same and enjoyed telling us about the book they were reading and giving it a star rating. Again, we would like you spend the next 20 minutes or more, reading a book from home. We would LOVE you to share the books you are reading with us by completing the task below.
This week, our challenge to do you is to ask your adult to record you reading a few pages of your book and send it to us. Then Miss Cook, myself and the children in school will try and guess what book you are reading. Remember to use your story teller voice while reading and hide the front cover so we can’t guess it from the picture. If you are feeling nervous about going on camera, you could just do this as an audio clip instead. You don’t need to record this now and if your adult is working, wait until they are finished!
Once you have completed that task about the book you are reading, you may enjoy listening to ‘The Tale Of Peter Rabbit’ here:
This was my favourite story when I was growing up and I loved listening to my Mum reading it to me.
Day 15 – Monday 25th January
Happy Monday Year 3! Please see below a timetable for today's learning!
25.01.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
9:00 – 9:15am |
Zoom - Rise and Shine with Miss Johnson and Miss Cook |
Maths |
Addition |
Place Value |
Reading |
Rainforest Calling |
Read Write Inc |
English |
WAGOLL – Animal Fact file |
Sorting animal facts |
Handwriting |
Handwriting formation- Letter size |
P.E |
Balances |
RE |
Showing Commitment |
9:00am Zoom - Rise and Shine with Miss Johnson and Miss Cook
It is time to get ready for a new week of learning. Join Miss Cook and Miss Johnson for a 'Rise and Shine' session at 9am today. This week, we will be doing something VERY exciting! We will be learning a special dance for our Rainforest assembly. We are looking forward to seeing you all!
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
This week, we are going to be looking at addition in maths. We are going to recap what we already know about addition and then move on to looking at addition with exchange when adding 2-digit numbers and 3-digit numbers. By the end of the week, we would like you be confident at adding with one exchange. We know you are up for this challenge.
Watch the video below to re-cap our learning and listen carefully to the instructions about the worksheets.
Mrs Wells' group:
Last week in maths we were looking at adding numbers together. This week, we are going to re-cap our knowledge of place value and then look at the opposite of adding. What is the opposite of adding?
If we add numbers together our answer is bigger, where as if we take away numbers our answer is smaller.
Watch Miss Johnson’s video on place value and then have a go at making the numbers on the sheet below using either of the websites below:
Then have a go at using the same websites to have a go at task 2 on your sheet.
Once you have finished your learning, you could play this game to keep practising your place value.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie’s video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today we are heading with Daisy to the canopy. I wonder what sort of animals and plants she will see up there. We will be learning about the layers of the rainforests later in the week, can you remember any of the names of other layers from Daisy’s journal? Use your skim and scan skills to answer the questions.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Once you have completed your Read Write Inc sounds and spellings. Have a go at watching todays Red Word video on the Read Write Inc YouTube channel too. Then complete the sheet below.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
This week, in English, we are going to be writing a fact file about our favourite rainforest animal. Which animal are you going to write your fact file about? What sort of facts might you want to share about your animal?
Watch the video below of Miss Johnson reading her WAGOLL. While you are watching the video, think carefully about the sub-headings that Miss Johnson has used. Can you spot any other features that Miss Johnson has include?
Once you have watched the video, can you complete the sheet below?
Mrs Wells’ Group:
Today, we need to use our reading skills to help Miss Johnson sort some facts to the correct animals. By the end of this week, you will write some facts about a rainforest animal. You will be able to pick from:
Black Caiman
Have a look at Miss Johnson’s video of her own facts about a Sloth and then help her sort the facts so they fit the correct animal.
Once you have finished watching the video, have a go at the sheet below.
Have a go at today’s handwriting video:
Last week in PE we were looking at balances. Take part in this short video to get you warmed up ready for today’s learning.
It was lovely to see your different balances representing different rainforest animals and also using your body to make your names. We particularly loved Zac and Rachel’s examples:
This week, we would like you do use your balancing skills to spell the names of animals in that live in the rainforest. Get your imagination skills going and send us photos of your attempt so we can include it in our class assembly. What animals might you try and spell?
Hi Year 3,
It is Mrs Lockley here, this week in our RE lesson, we will be looking at showing commitment.
We will be thinking about the following question:
Key Question: How do you remember special people, places and events?
Activity 1- Look at photographs with an adult at home. Do the pictures bring back memories? What can you remember about the places or people that were there? Can you remember the sounds that you heard or conversations? If you were at a family celebration can you remember special smells or tastes?
**This might be a lovely activity to do with a family member who may be living on their own using Facetime or by phone.
Think About: Do we need to have pictures to remember?
Activity 2- Write and draw about a place or person that has been important to you. Explain clearly why they are important- Do they do special things for you?
Day 14- Friday 22nd January
Please see the timetable for today below:
22.01.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths |
Time Word Problems |
Addition |
Reading |
Rainforest Reading Comprehension |
Read Write Inc |
English |
Writing your story |
Re-writing Story – Jack and the Beanstalk |
Handwriting |
Letter Size |
Art |
Drawing Rainforest Plants |
Word Processing – Write up your story! |
2:45pm - ZOOM |
Zoom – Wonderful Work |
Don't forget to keep an eye out for our latest virtual assembly on the school YouTube channel 'Learn it with Mapledene' to see who our shooting stars are this week!
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
Over the past couple of weeks, you have been working on time. Today we are going to be working on word problems. You will need to use all you have learnt over the past 2 weeks to help you.
First watch these 2 videos to help you!
Now, have a go at one of the worksheets below.
You can also play this game to help with your learning:
Mrs Wells' group:
Today, you are going to be continuing your work on addition. What can you remember from this week’s learning?
What methods can we use if we are adding 2 2-digit numbers? What about if we are adding a 2-digit and a 1-digit number?
If we are adding 2 2-digit numbers, we need to use our jottings. If we are adding a 2-digit and a 1-digit number we can use our fingers. When using our fingers, the biggest number goes into our head and we count on.
Watch this video all about addition before you have a go at the worksheet.
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today we have attached a reading comprehension based on the rainforest. We would like you to have a go at this on your own and see how well you do. Remember to use all the skills you have developed in Year 3.
You can re-read the text as many times are you need to.
We recommend you read the question then re-read the text to find the answer. You should do this for every question.
If you are struggling with a word, use your ‘Fred fingers’ to break it down.
If you are not sure what a word means, re-read the sentence it is in. Does it give you any clues?
Is the question a ‘fastest finger’ or a ‘thinking hat’ question? Will you need to search in the text or infer using clues from the text?
If you are struggling with a question, leave it and go back to it. You never know, you might find the answer when looking for another one!
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link on the website) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Once you have had a go at this video then have a go at the reading sheet below.
Miss Johnson & Miss Cook’s Group:
Today we are continuing with our very own stories of The Great Kapok Tree. Before we start, make sure you have your plan and writing from this week in front of you.
Before you start writing, please read through your writing from yesterday. Check it makes sense and that you have included your fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and conjunctions. If not, edit your work to add them in!
In today’s lesson, we would like you to continue to write your story. Yesterday, you should have written to when your second animal comes to speak to the person. Today, you need to carry on writing to the end of the story.
Mrs Wells’ Group:
Watch the video below:
What story is this part of? When we are writing, what do we need to include in our work?
Have a watch of Miss Johnson’s video what we need to include in our writing. Once you have watched the video, have a go at writing your own sentences to re-tell the video that you have just watched.
Please watch the video on the below on letter size. Grab some paper and a pen to practise forming your letters. You can pause the video as you watch or you can watch the whole video and then have a go.
Over the past couple of weeks, we have looked at shading and drawing of rainforest animals. Today we are going to be looking at plants that you might find in the rainforest. Watch the videos below to find out about the different plants that grow in the rainforest.
Using the skills you have developed, have a go at drawing one of the plants on the sheet below. Don’t forget to draw the outline lightly, shade in different parts to show light and use colour. You may want to research your plant a little bit more before you draw it.
Miss Cook has had a go at drawing one of the plants below. Can you work out which plant she has drawn?
This week, we would like you to work on developing your word processing skills. Before Christmas, we had a go at typing up our volcano poems. Today, we would like you to have a go at typing up your rainforest story. You can do this either on a computer using Microsoft Word or on a similar program you may have on your tablet.
First, warm up your fingers ready for typing by playing on Dance Mat Typing.
Don’t forget you might want to…
Change the font of your text
Change the size of your text
Make it bold
Underline it
Change the colour of your text
Add an image
Watch the video below to remind you how to make these changes before you start!
This afternoon, we are having a zoom meeting to share our amazing work with each other from this week. If you have something you are really proud of that you have done this week, have it with you ready to share with your friends. If you don’t have it with you, you can tell us about it!
You do not have to bring work to share today. You can still join the meeting to see what your friends have been up to this week and say ‘hello!’.
Miss Johnson and I cannot wait to see you all and the amazing work you have been doing at home. Don’t forget you can show us all you work by sending it via email to advice@mapledeneschool.com
Day 13- Thursday 21st January
Good morning Year 3! Please find a timetable for today below:
21.01.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths |
Comparing lengths of time |
Adding 2 digit number and a 2 digit number |
Reading |
Rainforest Calling (Thinking hat and Fastest finger first questions) |
Read Write Inc |
English |
Writing your story |
Using question marks |
Handwriting |
Handwriting formation |
PE |
Lava Zone - Balances |
Music |
Learning about rhythm |
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Today we are looking at converting different measurements of time. Can you remember any units of time? Can you remember how many seconds are in a minute or how many minutes are in an hour?
Have a watch of this video, can you work out how to solve the problem? You can use your knowledge of units of time and multiplication knowledge to help you solve the problem.
Then watch this video. Can you calculate the answers for the questions at the end?
Using your knowledge of time, answer the questions on the worksheet.
Mrs Wells' group:
Today you are continuing to do addition. What can you remember from yesterday? Can you remember what we draw to represent a 10? What do we draw to represent 1s?
Re-watch the video from yesterday.
Re-look at my example below:
14 + 32 = 46
Using this example, have a go at working out the questions on the sheet below. You need to choose 2 of the numbers and add them together using your jottings.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Read the new part of Rainforest Calling. What will we find out today?
Remember to look at the definition sheet too before you read the text. Once you have read the text answer the fastest finger and thinking hat questions. Think carefully about each question - is it a fastest finger question or a thinking hat question?
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Complete the sheet below.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Today and tomorrow we are going to be writing up our own very of The Great Kapok tree using all of the skills we have been working on over the last two weeks. What animals are you including in your story? What other things do we want to see in your writing to WOW Miss Johnson and I?
Read back over the WAGOLL to help jog your memory and also don’t forget to have your plan in front of you as this will help. Have a go at verbally answering the questions below
Can you name three fronted adverbials you are going to include in your writing?
Can you name three expanded noun phrases you are going to include?
Can you name three conjunctions you are going to use?
What is your individual target that you need to work on while writing?
Watch the video below of Miss Cook writing the start of her story.
In today’s lesson, we would like you to write to when your second animal comes to speak to the person. We will continue writing the rest of the story tomorrow.
Mrs Wells’ Group:
In yesterday’s lesson, you thought carefully about if the sentence was a question. Today, we are going to have a go at writing our own questions. Have a look at the picture below, if you were in the rainforest and met this animal, what question would you like to ask it? Remember to think carefully about our question words from yesterday. Can you remember them all?
I came up with:
Why do you move slowly?
Where do you sleep?
What do you eat?
Now watch the video and help Miss Johnson think of some questions for the other rainforest animals before doing your own.
Please watch the video below. We are now thinking about the size of our letters. Grab some paper and a pen to practise forming your letters. You can pause the video as you watch or you can watch the whole video and then have a go.
Today in PE we are going to be looking at balancing. What does balancing mean? Can you think of any different balances? Watch the video below and join in with the balances.
Once you have finished watching the video, we would love you to come up with your own balances. Can you come up with balances to represent rainforest animals like Miss Cook? What animals is Miss Cook representing? If an adult is available, we would love to see your balances on video or photos to share in the class assembly.
Hi all, Miss Sanders here!
This week to get you all moving and listening to the beat I would like you to follow and copy the moves in this warm up video. Andy, the dance instructor, is full of energy and always makes me smile. Don’t forget the password to the music room is YV2021
We have a new song to learn today and this time it has a totally different vibe. This song is all about having the power to get through this tricky time and persevering whatever situation you find yourself in. It is great fun. Have a go and I bet you will end up singing it all the time in your head.
First of all, just play the song using the lyrics video and follow the words on screen. Go to ‘Power in me lyric video’.
Then I would like you to have a go at learning the actions for the chorus. Watch the videos using the attached link and have fun! If the link doesn’t take you directly to the correct clip then go onto dance videos and click on ‘Power in me breakdown 1’
If anyone would like to challenge themselves further, you can also click on the link below to follow a lesson that continues our learning about rhythm and how to write down (notate) different rhythm patterns.
Day 12- Wednesday 20th January
Happy Wednesday Year 3! It was fantastic to see so many of you on our science zoom lesson yesterday. If you have not yet signed up for our zoom invitations, please complete the questionnaire at the top of the page to be sent the relevant information. If you already receive the zoom details, you don't need to re-complete the form.
Please find a timetable for today below.
21.01.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Wells' groups |
Maths |
Units of Time |
Adding 2-digit numbers |
Reading |
Rainforest Calling – Day 2 (Thinking Hat Questions) |
Read Write Inc |
English |
Planning your story |
Questions |
Handwriting |
Handwriting formation |
Geography |
Weather in the rainforest |
Spanish |
Colours |
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Today we are continuing our work on units of time. What can you remember from yesterday? Head over to Doodle to complete your added extra that will recap yesterday’s learning. The poster below will help as well!
In school yesterday, we found that some of the children struggled. If your child has struggled, they can complete a different task. Please don’t worry that they will fall behind as we will be revisiting this later on in the year.
We would like them to create their own poster stating the different units of time and how they link together. Their poster should include, the months of the year in order and how many days they have, some converting between units of time like the poster above and any other facts they feel are important when looking at time.
If you feel your child is confident with their learning from yesterday, watch this video and complete the bronze, silver or gold sheet below:
Mrs Wells' group:
Following on from yesterday’s lesson, today we are going to be adding 2-digit numbers together. First of all, let’s recap our knowledge of place value.
What is the 3 worth in 13?
What is the 7 worth in 74?
What is the 6 worth in 46?
What is the 4 worth in 41?
Now watch the video below. In the video you will see some different ways of solving the questions.
Have a look at my example below.
14 + 32 = 46
Using this example, have a go at working out the questions on the sheet below.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today, we are re-reading yesterday’s text from ‘Rainforest Calling’. Re-read the text from yesterday. If you cannot remember the meaning of some of the words, re-check the definition sheet from yesterday. Use your ‘Fred fingers’ to help you with any unfamiliar words. Once you have read the text, have a go at the ‘thinking hat’ questions attached. Remember you can re-read the text as many times as you need to find the answers! These questions will require you to infer from the text so put on your detective hat and look for clues as to what the answers might be!
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Once you have had a go at this video then have a go at the reading sheet below.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Today you are going to be planning your very own versions of the story The Great Kapok Tree. Can you remember any of the animals that visited the sleeping man in the story?
If you need a reminder, please re-watch the story below:
Re-read through the WAGOLL from last week (you can find the document below). Can you spot any features you might want to use in your writing?
Watch the video below of Miss Cook talking you through her plan and think about who your characters might be and what animals might visit them when they are asleep.
Once you have watched the video, have a go at planning your own story on the sheet below. There is space for you to map out your story as well as think of some expanded noun phrases, conjunctions and fronted adverbials that you might use. You will be using this sheet to help you write your story over the next couple of days – the more you plan, the easier it will be to write!
Mrs Wells’ Group:
Today we are going to be looking at writing questions. Do you know what punctuation must come at the end of a question?
Watch the video below:
Questions start with ‘question words’. Have a look at the picture below. Have a go at saying them.
Now have a go at the worksheets. For the first worksheet, you need to read the sentence. If it is a question, you need to put a question mark (?) at the end. If it is a sentence, put a full stop at the end (.). For the second sheet, can you correctly match the question word to the rest of the question?
Please watch the video below on letter formation. Grab some paper and a pen to practise forming your letters. You can pause the video as you watch or you can watch the whole video and then have a go.
Today, we are continuing with our learning on the rainforest. First, let’s recap last week’s learning. Can you name any countries around the world that has a rainforest?
Today’s focus is looking at the weather and climate. What is the difference between weather and climate?
Weather is the specific condition on a given day. Climate is the usual or average weather conditions over a long period of time.
Watch this video from Chester Zoo all about the climate of the rainforest.
Looking on this map of the world, what do you notice about where the rainforests are located? Do you know what name we give to the red line across the map?
The red line is the equator. From the map, you can see that the rainforests are located by the equator.
Now, look at this map. 2 more red lines have been added. These are the Tropics of Cancer and the Tropics of Capricorn. What do you notice about where they are located compared to the rainforests?
Did you know...? There are no seasons in the rainforest. The climate is the same all year round. Every month has an average rainfall of at least 6cm and it usually rains every day! Also, the temperature is hot and humid all year round.
Watch the video below of some explorers in the rainforest and their local weather report – you may recognise some of them!
Now, look through the sheet below. We would like you to choose one of the locations and come up with a weather report for that rainforest. You can choose to either write your weather report and send in a photograph or record it and send us the video! There is also a map below if you wish to find your rainforest on the map to show us. Don’t forget to send it to advice@mapledeneschool.com
Today we are going to recap our learning about colours in Spanish. Can you remember how to say the different colours from last week?
Watch the video below to recap some of the colours. Remember to listen carefully to hear the pronunciation as the way you say some of the words is different to how it looks.
Once you have listened to the song and feel more confident, try joining in.
There is a sheet below with the different colours on to help you too! Now you have practised saying them, complete the sheet below. You need to match the colour with the animal.
After, you can play some games on the link below. You need to make sure you are doing ‘colours’. This should be selected by clicking the link below:
Day 11 – Tuesday 19th January
Good morning Year 3! Please see the timetable for today below. Please note our zoom science lesson scheduled for 1:15pm this afternoon.
19.01.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths |
Units of Time |
Place Value – 2-digit numbers |
Reading |
Rainforest Calling – Day 1 (Fastest Finger Questions) |
Read Write Inc |
English |
Expanded Noun Phrases and Conjunctions |
Using the conjunction ‘because’ |
Handwriting |
Handwriting formation |
Science |
Zoom Lesson at 1:15pm Magnets – Attracting and Repelling |
Library |
Reading Tasks |
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Today we are going to be looking at units of time. Have a look at these questions. Do you know the answers?
Do you know how many months there are in a year?
How many days are in a year?
How many weeks are there in a year?
How many days are there in a week?
How many hours are there in a day?
How many minutes are there in an hour?
How many seconds are there in a minute?
Have a look at the poster below to see if you were right!
Now watch the video with Miss Cook to work through some more questions based on units of time.
Here is the link to the song we listened to:
Now have a go at the worksheets below. You need to choose either bronze, silver or gold!
Mrs Wells' group:
Today we are looking at place value with 2-digit numbers.
Watch the video below:
You can represent numbers in different ways.
For example, the number 34 can be shown in these ways:
Watch the video below with Miss Johnson representing different numbers before you have a go at the worksheet below.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today, we are continuing to read the book ‘Rainforest Calling’. Due to this being a new text, please read through the definition sheet first so that you understand the words you may come across in the text.
Now, read the text. You may want to read it aloud to an adult. Use your ‘Fred fingers’ to help you with any unfamiliar words. Once you have read the text, have a go at the ‘fastest finger’ questions attached. Remember you can re-read the text as many times as you need to find the answers!
The answers for this piece of work will be added to the website at the end of the day.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Once you have had a go at this video then have a go at the reading sheet below.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Today we are going to be looking at how to improve our sentences using expanded noun phrases and conjunctions. Can you remember any conjunctions?
Before Christmas, we looked at co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions and used them to expand our sentences. Watch the videos below to remind yourself:
Can you remember what we need when forming an expanded noun phrase? Watch this video below:
Today, you have been given a picture from the rainforest. We would like you to write down a range of sentences using expanded noun phrases and a range of different conjunctions.
For example,
Gently, the bright, colourful frogs splash around in the blue, cold river because they are playing a fun, exciting game.
Mrs Wells’ Group:
Today we are going to be taking some simple sentences and making them better by using because.
'Because’ is a word that we use to join two sentences together, so it can be called a joining word or a conjunction.
Watch the videos on the link below:
We can use ‘because’ to explain something in our sentence.
For example,
The spotty jaguar ran because he was scared.
Now have a go at the worksheet. Can you expand my sentences using the word ‘because’?
Watch the video below and complete your handwriting either by watching the whole video and then completing it or pausing the video after each letter.
Science: ZOOM ALERT (1:15pm)
This week we are thinking about magnets. We will be learning some new vocabulary in today’s lesson which will be taught via zoom! You will need to click on the invite that will have been sent to your parents.
If you haven’t been able to join the zoom, we will upload the video as soon as possible. Whilst you wait, you can always do the library task below and then come back to it!
After the zoom session, complete the worksheet below using what you have learnt.
Library Time:
This afternoon, Miss Johnson and I would like you to take some time out to sit and read a book of your choice at home. This could be a poetry book, story book or information book. If you have an adult, you could sit and read the book together. If not, just sit and read the book yourself. We would love to know what books you have been reading at home. We can also share these with your friends on the website at the end of the week.
We would like you to complete one of the following tasks.
Send us a photo to advice@mapledeneschool.com of you reading your book.
Review your book – you could do this by either writing a mini book review on the sheet below or you could record yourself telling us all about your book. Don’t forget to give it a star rating!
Draw a picture from your book. This could be a recreation of the front cover or a character from the book.
Day 10 – Monday 18th January
Good morning Year 3! We hope you have had a good weekend and are ready for another week of learning. Don't forget to send us your work by emailing it to advice@mapledeneschool.com
18.01.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
9:00 – 9:15am |
Zoom - Rise and Shine with Miss Johnson and Miss Cook |
Maths |
Telling the time – Roman Numerals |
Ordering Numbers to 100 |
Reading |
Animal Information Text – Thinking Hat Questions |
Read Write Inc |
English |
Onomatopoeia |
The Great Kapok Tree – Sequencing the events |
Handwriting |
Handwriting formation |
P.E |
Gymnastics |
Rights and Responsibilities |
Zoom – Rise and Shine
Join us at 9am for a rise and shine session on zoom to get yourselves ready for this week’s learning! To make sure you are sent the link, make sure your parents have completed the form above. If you have already filled it in, you DON’T need to do it again! You will be sent a link for the meeting before Monday’s zoom.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
In today’s lesson we are going to be using our learning from Friday on Roman Numerals to help us tell the time. First, re-watch the Roman Numerals song from Friday. Can you remember any of them? Can you remember the actions? If so, join in!
Sometimes, clocks replace the numbers with Roman Numerals. Have you seen any clocks that look like this?
Now watch the video with Miss Johnson using these to tell the time on clocks. Once you have watched the video, please complete the worksheets below.
Bronze - Telling the time to o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to
Silver - Telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes, so 5 past 1 or 20 to 6.
Gold – Telling the time to the nearest minute, so for example 14 minutes past 6
Mrs Wells' group:
In our Maths today, we will be looking at ordering numbers up to 100. Join in with counting to 100 with the song below:
Today you will be looking at which number is the biggest and which is the smallest.
For example, which number is the biggest?
43 18 81 66
Have a watch of the video below which will help you to re-cap ordering numbers 1-100. Once you have watched the video, have a go at the sheet below.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today we are continuing to look at the information text about the Rainforest animals. Today’s questions are ‘thinking hat’ questions which means you will have to infer the information from the text.
First, re-read the text before you answer the questions attached.
The answers for this piece of work will be added to the website at the end of the day.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
In today’s reading lesson, we would like to join Rosie for reading red words. Head back to the Read Write Inc link and find the video called Read Red Words.
Once you have had a go at this video then have a go at the reading sheet below.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Today, we are going to be looking at something called onomatopoeia.
This is when a word sounds like it means. It is often used to describe a sound.
For example:
BANG! Suddenly, the great, magical tree fell onto the rainforest floor with an almighty thud.
Watch the video below to learn more about onomatopoeia.
Once you have watched the video, have a go at the 2 worksheets below. For the first worksheet, look at the thing that is happening and think about the noise that might happen as a result. Write them in the table. For the second worksheet, complete the gaps in Miss Cook’s sentences using the onomatopoeic words in the table provided.
Mrs Wells’ Group:
Today we are going to be continuing our work on The Great Kapok Tree.
Can you remember any parts of the story?
Which animal visits the man first?
Can you remember any of the other animals that visit the sleeping man?
Re-watch the story here:
Today you have been given some sentences to match to pictures linked to the story of the Great Kapok Tree. Once you have matched the sentence to the picture, you need to sequence them in the order that they happen in the book.
Watch the video with Miss Cook to help start your sheet before finishing it on your own.
Watch the video below and complete your handwriting either by watching the whole video and then completing it or pausing the video after each letter.
Our next topic in P.E is gymnastics. Before you complete any tasks, you need to warm up. The first 4 tasks are to get your heart rate up, the second 4 are stretches.
Warm up:
March on the spot for 30 seconds
Do 10 star jumps
Jog on the spot for 30 seconds
Jog on the spot with high-knees for 20 seconds
Now complete these stretches ready for our lesson:
We are going to be looking at how to make different shapes with our bodies.
Task 1: Try making some different shapes and holding them for a count of 5 seconds.
Start by making the tallest shape you can by stretching your hands in the air and standing on your toes.
Next, make the widest possible shape you can. You may decide to put your arms and legs out to the side as far as you can.
Finally, can you make the smallest shape possible. You could curl yourself up into a ball.
Now see if you can hold these shapes for 10 seconds.
Now work on the transition from one shape to another. Can you move smoothly and fluently between the shapes?
Task 2: Now you have made the biggest, widest and smallest shapes you can with your bodies, we are going to see if we can make letters with our bodies. You can make either the lower case or the capital letter (whichever is easier)!
Can you make the letter ‘A’ with your body? What about the letter ‘E’? ‘I’? ‘O’? ‘U’?
Your challenge is to see if you can spell out your name using your bodies.
Today we are looking at rights and responsibilities. Everyone has rights but do you know what they are? With rights go responsibilities. Do you know what responsibilities are?
Watch the video below to find out more.
Now you have watched the video and know more about rights and responsibilities have a go at the worksheet below. Can you correctly identify the responsibilities that go with the rights?
Day 9 – Friday 15th January
Hello Year 3! Happy Friday! Below is the timetable for today's learning.
15.01.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths |
Roman Numerals |
Revising time and seasons |
Reading |
Animal Information Text – Fastest Finger |
Read Write Inc |
English |
The Great Kapok Tree - Speech |
Re-telling a story |
Handwriting |
Letter Formation |
Art |
Sketching a Rainforest animal |
Computing |
Using the internet to research |
Story time |
Join Miss Cook and Miss Johnson on Zoom for today's story. Check the details at the top of the page if you haven't already! |
Don't forget to check the 'Learn it with Mapledene' YouTube Channel to watch today's assembly. Who will be the shooting stars in Year 3 this week?
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Today we are going to be looking using Roman Numerals to represent different numbers. Start off by watching this Roman Numerals song – you may want to join in!
Can you think of anywhere you may see Roman Numerals?
Sometimes they are used on clocks. Watch the video below to see the Roman Numerals on a clock. Can you explain what each Roman Numeral represents?
Using the knowledge you have gained from watching the 2 videos. Have a go at completing Sheet 1 below. Can you correctly match the Roman Numerals with the numbers up to 10?
Now, have a go at the other sheet. You can choose whether you complete the bronze, silver or gold sheet. You will need to use all your knowledge of Roman Numerals to complete the recipe for a Roman Stew and try to crack the Roman code.
If you have finished, you could challenge yourself to see if you can you write your own Roman code?
Mrs Wells' group:
Today, we want you to revise some previous learning on time, including days of the month and seasons. Watch the video below to help you remember some of the things we have looked at before:
Think of some different activities that you do at home, like having breakfast or brushing your teeth. When do you do these things?
Once you have had a think of five different activities and when you do them, have a go at completing the sheet below.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today we are looking at an information text all about rainforest animals. Have a look at the text. Are there any words you are unsure about?
Look through the definition sheet that is below. The definitions to some of your words may be included in the table.
Once you have checked the meaning of the words, re-read the text again carefully. Then, answer the ‘fastest finger’ questions attached to the text.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Once you have watched the videos and completed your sounds, have a go at completing the sheet below.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Today we are continuing with our learning about speech. Have another watch of our Supermovers video to get you in the mood.
Can you remember the other name for speech marks? In yesterday’s lesson, you were able to identify which part of the sentence was speech and who was speaking in each sentence.
Watch this video helping you to understand how to punctuate speech.
Today, you are going to be thinking of your own speech for five rainforest animals. Which animals are you going to choose that live in or near the tree that your character is trying to cut down?
Now, have a look at the sheet below. You need to choose 5 animals, there are some examples on the sheet or you can think of your own, and write down what they say using speech marks correctly. There are some examples on the sheet.
Mrs Wells’ Group:
Watch the video below:
What story is this part of? When we are writing, what do we need to include in our work?
Have a watch of Miss Johnson’s video of what we need to include in our writing. Once you have watched the video, have a go at writing your own sentences to re-tell the video that you have just watched.
Join Miss Johnson and complete some more handwriting practice.
Over the past couple of weeks, you have been looking at different rainforest animals and sketching. This week, we would like you to have a go at drawing another rainforest animal following a step-by-step video. This is how Miss Cook drew her scarlet macaw last week. You can scroll down the webpage to see this again if you want to. Choose one of the videos below and have a go. Don’t forget to send in photos of your work to advice@mapledeneschool.com to show us your amazing art work!
In computing today, I would like you to research a rainforest animal using the website below.
If you click on the different parts, loads of interesting information will appear. We would like you to find out as many interesting facts as you can. You can write these up in any way. You may want to write down the facts on a piece of paper. You could type them up in a word document or you could present them in a PowerPoint presentation. It is up to you! Don’t forget to send us the facts you find and then we can share them with your friends on the school website.
Day 8 – Thursday 14th January
Good morning Year 3! Here is your timetable for the day!
14.01.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths |
Telling the time - Matching |
Telling the Time - Matching |
Break Time |
Reading |
Rainforest Calling |
Read Write Inc |
English |
The Great Kapok Tree - Speech |
The Great Kapok Tree – using and |
Lunch Time |
Handwriting |
Letter Formation |
PE |
Circuits |
Music |
It’s ok (please just say) |
Are you ready for a Doodle challenge?
Today there is a challenge set for you on Doodle. You have 2 new extras (one on Doodle Maths and one on Doodle English). Complete both by 5pm today and earn house points for your team. Good luck!
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Today we are continuing with our time learning.
Re-watch the Supermovers video from yesterday to make sure you are awake and ready to learn:
Yesterday, we had a go at writing down the times shown on the clock. Today you are going to be reading the time on a clock and matching it to a time. Before you complete the worksheets, re-watch the videos below reminding you how to tell the time.
Bronze – telling the time to o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to
Silver – telling the time to 5 minutes
Gold – telling the time to the minute
Mrs Wells' group:
Today we are continuing with our time learning.
Try a new Supermovers video to make sure you are awake and ready to learn:
Re-watch Miss Johnson’s video of telling the time to o’clock and half past below.
Once you have watched the video have a go at completing the sheet by matching the clock with the time.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today we are continuing to read the next part of Rainforest Calling and then answering a mix of thinking hat and fastest finger first questions. First, read through the definitions to ensure you understand the text fully before answering the questions. Make sure you have your text in front of you too!
Then, jump in with Miss Johnson in the video below!
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
After your sounds, please have a go at the reading sheet below. Read it carefully and use your ‘Fred fingers’ to help you.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
In ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ lots of different animals come down from the tree or the surrounding rainforest to speak to the sleeping man. Have a listen again to the story. Can you remember any of the things that the animals say?
What punctuation is needed when we are using speech so that we know what someone is saying? That is correct speech marks or they are also called inverted commas.
Have a watch of the Supermovers video below:
Then watch this video to help re-cap where the inverted commas go when we are writing speech.
Watch the short video of Miss Johnson doing a couple with you and then have a go at the sheet below.
Mrs Wells’ Group:
If you would like, you can watch the story again here:
Today we are going to be taking some simple sentences and making them better by using and.
And is a word that we use to join two sentences together, so it can be called a joining word or a conjunction.
Watch the video below:
Then have a look at the sheet below, can you use your knowledge of and to join the sentences together.
Get a pencil and a piece of paper and practise your handwriting with Miss Johnson!
While we are in lockdown, I haven’t been able go to the gym, so instead I set up my own little circuit. I used my knowledge of activities that made my heart beat faster to come up with 6 different activities I could easily do at home. I then counted how many of these activities I could do in a minute. Then I had a 2-minute rest and did the same activities again for another minute to see if I could do any more.
Can you do the same and do more the second time that you complete the activities? Can you challenge yourself to do more than me?
Here is a link to an online timer that you could use:
Remember, when you are doing each activity to count carefully and only one number per one jump for example.
Have a look at the document below which has my table of results on and a space to fill in your own table of results. Remember, if you don’t have access to a printer, then you can write directly onto the word document or copy the table out on paper.
Hi Year 3, it is Miss Sanders here again,
I hope you managed to get the chance to sing along with the lyric video to our song last week?
This week l would like you to look at the signed version of the song and teach yourself some words to sign when you are singing. Why do you think it is important to learn sign language too?
You don’t need to learn all the signs. Just start with the chorus and pick out a few of the easier words. Then add more each time you sing.
Mrs Mason has very kindly recorded some simple signs to help with your learning. Practice them using the video first and then see if you can add them when you sing.
Watch the videos below to help you with your signing.
Mrs Mason signs for us!

Day 7 – Wednesday 13th January
Good morning Year 3! Well done to all of you who completed your Doodle extras yesterday and earned 2 house points for your teams!
Below is your timetable for today.
13.01.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths |
Telling the time - recording |
Telling the Time - recording |
Reading |
Rainforest Calling |
Read Write Inc |
English |
The Great Kapok Tree - WAGOLL |
The Great Kapok Tree – Sequencing |
Geography |
Identifying rainforests around the world |
Spanish |
Colours |
Story Time |
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Today we are continuing with our time learning.
Try a new Supermovers video to make sure you are awake and ready to learn:
Yesterday, we had a go at practically making the time on a clock or the interactive clock.
Here is the link to the interactive clock:
Re-watch the videos below reminding you how to tell the time. Remember:
Bronze – telling the time to o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to
Silver and Gold – telling the time to 5 minutes and telling the time to 1 minute intervals
Once you have watched the video and had a go at making some of the times on your clock then have a go at the sheets below.
Then have a go at playing the game below to check your learning. Remember to click the objective that suits your learning.
Mrs Wells's group:
Today we are continuing with our time learning.
Try a new Supermovers video to make sure you are awake and ready to learn:
Yesterday, we had a go at practically making the time on a clock or the interactive clock.
Here is the link for the clock:
Watch Miss Johnson’s video of telling the time to o’clock and half past below.
Once you have watched the video have a go at completing the sheet by writing the times on the clocks.
You could finish your Math’s learning by playing the game below:
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today we are continuing to take a look at Rainforest Calling. We will be re-reading the same bit of text from yesterday and then answering our ‘Thinking Hat’ questions. Remember these questions need us to use our inference skills and become detectives as you won’t find the answers directly in the text.
Once you have re-read the text, have a go at the questions below.
The game below is a fun way to practise your reading skills.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Once you have done that have a go at the sheet below.
The head back to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel to join in with today’s ‘Read and Hold a Sentence’ activity.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Can you remember the name of the story that we were reading yesterday? What were the key events that happened in the story? Over the next two weeks, we will be working towards writing our own version of The Great Kapok Tree.
Re-watch the story using the link below and while you are watching, think carefully about what English features we will need to include on our story to make it the best it can be.
For example, will we need to use expanded noun phrases?
What ideas did you come up with?
Now have a look at Miss Cook's WAGOLL and watch the video. Once you have watched the video, have a go at the sheet below.
Mrs Wells’ Group:
Can you remember the name of the book we were looking at yesterday? Can you remember any of the things that happen in the book?
Why do you think it is important that we don’t cut down the rainforest?
Re-watch the story here:
Once you have watched the story, see if you can remember the order of the key events.
Watch the video with Miss Cook and then have a go at completing the attached sheet.
In Geography this week, will be identifying rainforests around the world. To get your Geography brains working, join in with our continent song.
Using our knowledge of the world around you, do you know any countries or continents that have rainforests in? If you are in Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s guided reading group you may be able to think back to the text Rainforest Calling.
Have a quick watch of this video, which re-caps some interesting facts about the rainforest and the habitat it creates.
Now head over to Chester Zoo and watch this short video that tells us some of the places that tropical rainforests can be found around the world.
Have a go at using Google Maps and the sheet below to identify countries around the world that have rainforests in. Watch the short video with Miss Johnson that shows you how to do this.
Once you have finished with your map.
You may want to watch the Ape Cam from San Diego (America) Zoo which shows Orangutans and other species native to rainforests in their zoo enclosure.
Today we are going to start learning about colours in Spanish. This will help us to describe some animals in the rainforest. Did you know that lots of countries in South America where the Amazon Rainforest is found speak Spanish?
First of all, how many different colours can you say in English in 30 seconds?
Do you know how to say any of these in Spanish?
Watch the video below to learn some of the colours. Remember to listen carefully to hear the pronunciation as the way you say some of the words is different to how it looks.
Have a watch of this video below too, where colours are put into conversation. Can you understand any of the other Spanish too?
Once you have listened to the song and feel more confident, try joining in. There is a sheet below with the different colours on to help you too! Now you have practised saying them, you have 2 tasks to complete:
Colour a rainbow – You can either use the worksheet attached, or if you cannot print it, draw your own rainbow and label it with the colours in Spanish.
Colour word search – Can you find all of the colours hidden in the word search?
Story Time!
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook would love to share a story with you to end off your day of hard work at home. We have chosen to open one of the books from the box we gifted you at Christmas. You will have to tune in to see which book has been chosen and to hear the first part. There is also some exciting news at the end so make sure you watch it carefully!
The video below will become available at 2:45pm today. We hope you enjoy it!
Day 6 – Tuesday 12th January
13.01.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths |
Telling the time - recording |
Telling the Time - recording |
Reading |
Rainforest Calling |
Read Write Inc |
English |
The Great Kapok Tree - Sequencing |
The Great Kapok Tree – Answering questions |
Handwriting |
Handwriting formation |
Science |
Non-contact and contact forces |
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
This week in Math’s we are re-capping and building on our learning for telling the time. Telling the time is a really IMPORTANT life skill that we use every day. By the end of Year 3, you should be able to tell the time to the nearest minute.
Watch this video which will help us re-cap some different facts about telling the time, maybe you will learn something new too!
When learning to tell the time, it will be really helpful if you can have a real clock in front of you, like the ones we have in the classroom or alternatively, you can use this online link:
The explanations for today’s learning are sorted into three groups and are on the documents below. Today we are going to be working practically to make times on your clock or the interactive clock. Please think carefully about which work you need to do to so that you can build on the skills you already have. Watch the videos under Bronze, Silver or Gold before opening the sheet.
You will have added extras on Doodle to complete linked to time too!
Bronze - Telling the time to o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to
Watch this video until 9 minutes:
Silver - Telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes, so 5 past 1 or 20 to 6.
Gold – Telling the time to the nearest minute, so for example 14 minutes past 6
Watch Miss Johnson's silver video to re-cap time to the nearest 5 minutes and then watch the video below.
Mrs Wells' group:
This week in Math’s we are re-capping and building on our learning for telling the time. Telling the time is a really IMPORTANT life skill that we use every day. By the end of the week, we would like you to be able to tell o’clock and half past times.
When learning to tell the time, it will be really helpful if you can have a real clock in front of you, like the ones we have in the classroom or alternatively, you can use this online link:
Watch the videos below to help you with telling the time to o’clock and half past.
You will have added extras on Doodle to complete linked to time too!
Can you remember if the minute hand is long or short? Is the hour hand long or short? When it is an o’clock time what number does the minute hand point to? When it is a half past time, what number does the minute hand point to?
Have a look at the sheet below for today’s work.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today we are carrying on with some more of the ‘Rainforest Calling’. What do you think is going to happen next?
Check out the definitions page before you start reading today’s pages. Once you have read the definitions and understand each word, read the next part of the story. Was your prediction right about what had happened? Remember to read out loud and use ‘Fred Talk’ for any words you are unsure about. Now have a go at answering todays questions. You will need to impress us with your skim and scanning skills as today’s questions are ‘fastest finger first’ questions.
The answers for this piece of work will be added to the website at the end of the day.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
In today’s reading lesson, we would like to join Rosie for reading red words. Head back to the Read Write Inc link and find the video called Read Red Words. Once you have had a go at this video then have a go at the reading sheet below.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Today we are starting a new book called ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ by Lynne Cherry. Have a look at the picture of the front cover, where do you think the book is set? What animals can you see on the front cover?
By the end of the lesson today, we want you to be able to sequence the main events in the story. Before you watch the story, can you make a prediction about what you think is going to happen in the story?
Remember you can watch the story more than once to help you remember what has happened.
Have a think about these questions:
Why was the man in the forest?
What animals spoke to the man?
What reasons did the animals give for not cutting down the tree?
Apart from animals, who else visited the man while he was asleep?
Did he cut the tree down at the end of the story?
Have a look at the sheet below and help to sequence the key events in the story using the pictures.
Mrs Wells’ Group:
Today we are starting a new book called ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ by Lynne Cherry. Have a look at the picture of the front cover, where do you think the book is set? What animals can you see on the front cover?
Watch the story here:
Remember you can watch the story more than once to help you remember what has happened.
Once you have watched the story, complete the sheet below.
Watch one of the videos below and complete your handwriting either by watching the whole video and then completing it or pausing the video after each letter. Video 1 focusses on letter formation, so is for children who still find forming letters a challenge. Video 2 focusses on letter size and is for children who form all letters correctly.
Video 1 – letter formation
Video 2 - Letter size
Last week in science we started to look at friction. A massive well done to the children who completed the experiment with the book at home. Which surface was the book easiest to push on and why? Which surface was the book hardest to push on and why?
This week we are going to start to look at different forces, ones that need contact and forces that are non-contact. Watch the video below to start to think carefully about these different forces.
Can you remember any of the star words from the video or the names of contact forces or non-contact forces?
Now you have watched the video, have a go at the attached sheet.
Day 5 - Monday 11th January
We hope you all had a fantastic weekend and are ready for another week of learning. Today is Blue Monday! Don't forget to send us your photos of your blue or ocean themed clothes.
Below is your timetable for today!
11.01.21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
School Event |
Premiere of Mapledene’s Blue Planet |
Maths |
Solve the message in the bottle |
Solve the message in the bottle |
English |
Creative Ocean Description |
Creative Ocean Description |
Creative Event |
Connection to the Ocean |
School Event – Blue Monday
Watch the premiere of Year 4’s ‘Mapledene’s Blue Planet’ documentary that will show case all of Year 4’s fantastic learning from the last term.
Can you help us solve the mystery of the message in the bottle? We need YOU to use all your different Maths skills to help us crack the code so we can work out the message in the bottle. Are you up to the challenge? Check out the sheets below to help us crack the code and work out what the message is telling us.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
Dive under the ocean by watching the two video clips below:
Then have a go at reading Miss Johnson’s WAGOLL as today you are going to be writing a description of under the ocean imagining that you are a scuba diver. Once you have read the WAGOLL, think about what you liked about Miss Johnson’s example. Did you spot any expanded noun phrases, conjunctions, amazing verbs or fronted adverbials?
Have a look at the pictures below to help you picture what it might look like if you were a scuba diver under the ocean and then choose a sheet from below to write your description.
Mrs Wells Group:
Dive under the ocean by watching the two video clips below:
Then have a go at reading Miss Cook’s WAGOLL as today you are going to be writing a description of under the sea. Once you have read the WAGOLL, think about what you liked about Miss Cook’s example. Did you spot any adjectives or the word and? Did Miss Cook remember her capital letters and full stops?
Have a look at the pictures below to help you picture what it might look like if you were a scuba diver under the ocean and then choose a sheet from below to write your description.
Blue Monday Creative Event:
Watch the Blue Planet episode here:
If you cannot watch this episode then watch this episode:
Our oceans are a wonderful thing and we all have a connection with them. What we do at home and school, especially with our rubbish, has a direct impact on our oceans. People around the world, impact the oceans everywhere and it is important that we do as much as possible to protect them!
This afternoon, we are asking you to create something creative to show our love of the oceans:
You could use words and write a poem, draw or sketch your favourite ocean animal, create some art work or a poster. These ideas are just some examples, but you can be as creative as you want to show your love and connection with the ocean! We would love to see photos of your work and videos too.
Below are some ideas of artwork, posters and poems to get you thinking about what you can do.
Day 4 - Friday 8th January
Here is the timetable for today!
08/01/21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths |
Multiplication – 3 times tables |
Ordering numbers |
Reading |
Rainforest Poem |
Read Write Inc |
English |
Writing What Am I |
Handwriting and Writing |
Art |
Drawing picture of What Am I |
Computing |
Typing up or Filming What Am I |
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s Maths groups:
Have a go at a daily 10 using the 3 times table objective to see what you can remember from yesterday’s lesson.
Have a watch of the video below that shows us some different strategies to find the answers to 3 times table questions.
Once you have watched the video, have a go at answering the questions on either the bronze, silver or gold work sheet.
For this piece of work, answers will be added at the end of the day so you can mark your own work.
Mrs Wells Maths Group:
In our Maths today, we will be looking at ordering numbers. For example, which number is the biggest?
33 12 21 46
Have a watch of the video below which will help you to re-cap ordering numbers 1-50. Once you have watched the video, have a go at the sheet below. If you have access to glue and scissors, you can cut up the numbers and stick them in the correct places or you can write them on a piece of paper in order.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ Read Write Inc Group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then watch the Set 3 Spelling video with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Then have a go at today’s reading and answer the questions. Remember to use your Fred Talk when you come across a word that is tricky.
For this piece of work, the answers will be added at the end of the day so you can mark your own work.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s Reading Group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session with Rosie and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Today, we are looking at a poem about the rainforest. To begin with, read the poem carefully, using your Fred Talk to sound out any words you are unsure of. Then open the definition sheet. For today’s task, we would like you to write the word under its definition. Remember to look back at the poem so you can carefully work out the meaning of each word. It may help you to underline the words in the poem first.
For this piece of work, the answers will be added at the end of the day so you can mark your own work.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
At the start of the week, you read some different ‘What am I?’ descriptions about rainforest animals, like the one below. Can you work out what it was?
I swoop around the trees of the rainforest. I can squawk loudly using my huge, orange beak. I have bright, blue eyes and a neck as white as snow. What am I?
Your challenge today is to pick a rainforest animal and then describe it without mentioning its name. You need to use your amazing learning about different verbs and expanded noun phrases to describe the animal you pick.
In computing later, you will have the opportunity to type up your ‘What am I?’ description. Miss Cook and I can’t wait to read them and try to guess what animal you describing.
Miss Cook has written an example for you - can you guess what her animal is? Open the sheet below to help you.
Mrs Wells group:
In today’s lesson we will be doing some handwriting and then having a look at a picture and writing some sentences.
For our handwriting, watch Miss Johnson’s video.
Then have a go at your handwriting, really thinking carefully about each video.
Once you have done that, have a go at opening the sheet below to complete the next part of today’s work.
In computing today, we would like you to practice your typing by playing 'Dance Mat Typing’.
Once you have warmed up by playing there are two additional tasks below:
If you have access to word, or something similar, then type up your ‘What am I?’ description from English or your rainforest sentences. Can you use some of the word processing skills we were learning before the holidays to make your description look amazing? There is an example below if you need some ideas.
If you have access to a recording device, record yourself reading your ‘What am I?’ description or rainforest sentences. You could add actions to your description as you are reading it.
In art, use your sketching skills from earlier in the week to draw your animal to go with your ‘What am I?’ description or your rainforest sentences from English. Miss Cook has had a go at drawing the animal she described to you earlier. Did you guess correctly? It is a scarlet macaw!
Day 3 - Thursday 7th January
Here is the timetable for today!
07/01/21 |
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths |
Multiplication – 3 times tables |
Subtracting |
Reading |
Rainforest Calling |
Read Write Inc |
English |
Expanded Noun phrases |
Jumbled rainforest sentences |
Science |
Things that help us learn |
PE |
Cardio |
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s Maths groups:
Today and tomorrow, we are going to be looking at our 3 times tables and all the ways that we can represent and work out our 3s. To get you up and ready to learn, watch the video below. Can you join in?
Watch the video below of Miss Johnson using different representations for the 3 times table. Can you remember the names of the different representations?

Once you have watched the video, have a go at answering the questions on either the bronze, silver or gold work sheet.
For this piece of work, answers will be added at the end of the day so you can mark your own work.
If you want to practise your 3 times tables, have a go at playing the game below, remember to click single player and the 3 times table objective.
Mrs Wells Maths Group:
Today we are going to recap taking away numbers. When you take away numbers, is our answer bigger or smaller? Watch the video below to help you with your taking away.
Once you have watched the video, have a go at our rainforest taking away sheet below. Remember to count the whole number of animals and then cross out the animals to help you work out the correct answer.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ Read Write Inc Group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 speed sound and the Set 3 spelling video. Remember to join in by writing down the spellings.
Then have a go at today’s reading and answer the questions. Remember to use your Fred Talk when you come across a word that is tricky.
For this piece of work, the answers will be added at the end of the day so you can mark your own work.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s Reading Group:
Head to the Read Write Inc YouTube Channel (click the link below) to watch today's sound videos. Watch the Set 3 Speed Sounds session and then scroll down to watch the Reading Longer Words with Rosie video for today's sound. Remember to join in by writing the words on a piece of paper.
Read through today’s new bit of story today. Remember to look back at the definition sheet if you need to and use your ‘Fred Talk’ to sound out any words you are unsure of. What other strategies could you use if you don’t know the meaning of a word?
Once you have read the text, have a go at answering the questions. They are a mixture of ‘fastest finger’ questions and ‘thinking hat’ questions so you will need to use your skimming and scanning skills and your inference skills.
For this piece of work, the answers will be added at the end of the day so you can mark your own work.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
In today’s lesson, we are looking at expanded noun phrases. You are all excellent at using expanded noun phrases and there are lots of interesting adjectives we can use to describe rainforest animals. Re-cap expanded noun phrases with this video:
Which is your favourite expanded noun phrase to describe the jaguar below and why?
big, hairy jaguar
fierce, spotty jaguar
leaping, cunning jaguar
Now have a go at coming up with your own expanded noun phrases to describe rainforest animals using the sheet.
Mrs Wells group:
In today’s lesson Miss Johnson has had a go at writing some sentences but I think she has made some mistakes. She has got the words a bit muddled up and also has forgotten her capital letters and full stops. Can you read the sentences using your ‘Fred Talk’ and then re-write them with the words in the correct places and capital letters and full stops?
For this piece of work, the answers will be added at the end of the day so you can mark your own work.
Once you have done this, you could have a go at the activity below to help you with your phonics sound from today.
In science, we are continuing to look at forces. Remember that there is a pull and push. Watch the video below to re-cap our learning from before Christmas.
Today we are going to look at how an object moves on different surfaces. For example, if I push a book along the floor, do you predict it will be easier to move on ice, carpet or a wooden floor? Why do you think that?
Watch the two videos below:
Can you remember the scientific word for the force between two surfaces?
Now we want you to experiment with friction in your own home. Look at the sheet below to find out about the experiment. If an adult is available to help you, you could record your findings on a video.
In PE, this week we are going to be looking at cardio activities. We are going to be thinking of different ways to get our heart beating more quickly.
You can choose if you join in with the Joe Wickes workout below or Miss Ellgood’s dancing. If you really wanted a tough work out, you could do both.
Day 2 - Wednesday 6th January
Good morning Year 3! Here is the timetable for today.
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths |
Multiplication – 4 times tables |
Adding |
Reading |
Rainforest Calling – Day 2 |
Read Write Inc |
English |
Verbs to describe rainforest animals |
Rainforest Animals and sentences |
Things that help us learn |
Music |
Learning the song - It’s Ok, Please Just Say |
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s Maths groups:
Have a go at playing the below game to get you in the mood for some more 4 times table learning. It is important that you click single player and the objective that says 4 times table as that is what we are learning about. Once you have played it once or twice, move on to the learning below but remember you can go back at play it again later in the day if you want.
Now watch the video below that explains how to calculate the 4s in different ways to build up on yesterday’s learning. Don’t forget that when you are watching the video, you can use the pause button at any time to pause it to give you time to think.
Once you have watched the video, then have a go at using your learning from today’s lesson or yesterday’s lesson to help you answer the questions on the sheet below.
For this piece of work, the correct answers will be added to the website at the end of the day so you can mark your own work.
If you want to practise your 4 times table, have a go at watching either of these videos to finish the lesson.
Mrs Wells Maths Group:
Today we are going to recap adding numbers together. When you add numbers together is our answer bigger or smaller? Watch the video below to help you with your adding.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders’ Read Write Inc Group:
Watch the videos below to re-cap todays sound. Remember to join in with writing your words on a piece of paper or notebook if you have one.
Then have a go at today’s reading and answer the questions. Remember to use your Fred Talk when you come across a word that is tricky.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s Reading Group:
Watch the videos below to re-cap today’s sound. Remember to join in with writing your words on a piece of paper or notebook if you have one.
Today we are going to be continuing to look at Rainforest Calling, remember to check the definition sheet before you start reading. Once you have checked the definitions have another go at reading the text from yesterday. Today’s questions are ‘thinking hat’ questions, so remember you need to think about each answer as it will not be straight from the text. For this piece of work, the correct answers will be added to the website at the end of the day so you can mark your own work.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s group:
In today’s lesson, we are looking at verbs. Can you remember what a verb is?
Watch the video below to help you remember.
Can you remember any of the animals that we learnt about in our English lesson yesterday?
Can you think of any verbs to describe how they move around the rainforest?
How might the frog move around the rainforest? I thought of: -jump – leap –bounce – hop – spring. Did you think of any other verbs?
Once you have had a think about as many verbs as possible for the frog and some of the other animals that we looked at, have a look at the worksheet below to complete today’s work.
Mrs Wells group:
In yesterday’s lesson, you learned the names of some animals that live in the rainforest. Can you remember any of them?
Today, we are going to be thinking about words to describe the animals, these are called adjectives. For example,
Big butterfly
Brown sloth
Watch the video below to help you learn about adjectives.
Have a look at today’s sheet.
We would like you to use your PSHE lesson to think about things that help you learn. I know that I like to learn in a quiet space with no distractions around me. Miss Cook learns best when her working space is clear and organised and she has all the things she will need around her.
What do you need to help you learn?
What could you do to make sure you can learn to the best of your ability at home?
Come up with a list of things that will help you learn at home. You can show us your ideas as a poster, pictures or in a written paragraph.
Hello! It’s Miss Sanders here. I am going to really miss teaching you over the next few weeks and I know that when I can’t sing it sometimes makes me feel a little bit low, especially at the moment when things are so strange around us. So, for this week’s music activity I would like you to click on the link below and listen to the song “It’s OK! Please just say!”
Listen really carefully to the words and think about some of the things that make you happy. Talk to people at home to see if you can find time to try some of them at home over the next few weeks. Then learn some of the lyrics to sing along at home. Start with the chorus and then the rap towards the end.
Remember, that if you are not feeling OK, find someone to talk to. It may just make you feel better.
Its-OK-Lyric-Video (1).mp4

Day 1 - Tuesday 5th January
Hello Year 3,
We hope you have had a lovely Christmas break and are ready for our new and exciting topic. We are all very sad that we cannot be in school at the moment, but are excited to take you on a learning adventure all about the rainforest. Watch this short video below to introduce our topic:
While you are learning from home, we would like to be amazed by your work and will still be giving out house points, merits and looking for our weekly shooting stars. Each day, we will post a timetable for the day’s learning on our class page. The timetable will follow what we would be doing if we were in school so we will do our Maths, Reading and English learning in the morning and in the afternoon, we will be looking at other areas of the curriculum.
To send us your fantastic work, please ask an adult to email it to advice@mapledeneschool.com, you can also use this email address if you have any questions about the work. Work will be posted on word documents, which can be simply edited on the computer so there is no need to print out work unless you want to. At the end of each day, the answers will be posted to the school website so you can mark your own work or mark it with an adult.
Remember to check the school website each day so you know what to do and also keep Doodling. We will be holding our normal Doodle challenges plus a few extra special ones too.
Finally, although we are apart, we are all still part of team 3 and are looking for children who show our school motto of Belong, believe, be YOU: Achieve.
Miss Johnson, Miss Cook and Mrs Wells!
Carry on reading to find out today’s learning. Miss Cook and Miss Johnson's group information will be in blue and Mrs Well's groups will be in orange. If it is in black, it is for everybody.
Miss Cook and Miss Johnson’s groups |
Mrs Well’s groups |
Maths |
Multiplication – 4 times tables |
Ordering numbers and counting |
Reading |
Rainforest Calling – A new story about the rainforest |
Read Write Inc |
English |
What am I? Can you name the rainforest animals? |
Rainforest Animals and sentences |
Geography and Art |
Investigating animals that live in the rainforest and sketching them. |
Spanish |
Recapping days of the week and months of the year. |
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s Maths groups:
First of all watch the 4 times table Supermovers video by clicking on the link below to get you prepared for today’s lesson and to make sure you are awake and ready for our learning.
Have a look at Miss Johnson’s representations of a question in the 4 times table in the video below like 2 x 4= or 10 x 4=. Can you work out what the question is?
Maths Methods.MOV

Well done if you worked out that the question was:
3 x 4 = 12
How did you know that was the question? How many groups did we need and how many was in each group?
Today, we are going to be representing the 4 times table in different ways, we will be looking at:
Bar models
Jottings to show groups of
On paper, use one or more of the representations above to answer the questions on the following sheets. Remember if you do not have access to a printer, you can do this directly on the sheets which are word documents or alternatively, write the questions out on paper. As in school, you have a choice of bronze, silver or gold questions so choose what you feel most confident with depending on how easily you found the starter. As an extension, you have been set an added extra on Doodle that links to today’s learning. Can you complete it and work towards being this week’s Doodler of the Week or a Green Zone Champion?
Mrs Wells Maths Group:
Watch the video below to recap your counting skills. Today’s lesson is a recap to make sure you are ready to move on. Once you have watched the video have a go at the sheet below. Remember if you do not have access to a printer you can write your answers on a piece of paper and do not need to print out the sheet.
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook’s Reading Group:
Watch the video below to re-cap today’s sound. Remember to join in with writing your words on a piece of paper or notebook if you have one.
Today we are going to be starting to look at a new text called ‘Rainforest’s Calling’. Before you read the text, check out the sheet with some definitions of words you will see in the text. When reading the text can you find any of the words?
Once you have looked at the definitions, read the text aloud. Remember, if you come across a ‘tricky’ word, use your ‘Fred talk’ and phonics to help you.
Once you have read through the text, look at the ‘fastest finger’ questions on the bottom of the text. Remember for these questions, the answers are in the text, you will need to read through the text and see if you can find the answers. You can record your answers on paper or directly onto the word document.
For this piece of work the correct answers will be added to the website at the end of the day so you can mark your own work.
Mrs Wells and Miss Sanders Read Write Inc Group:
Watch the video below to re-cap todays sound. Remember to join in with writing your words on a piece of paper or notebook if you have one.
Then have a go at today's reading task below. Remember you can write the answers on a piece of paper if you cannot print the sheet.
As you already know, our new topic is all about the rainforest. Today, we are investigating animals that live in the rainforest. Can you use your detective skills to work out which animals we are looking at? Read the sheet below and have a go at completing it!
Miss Johnson and Miss Cook's Group:
For this piece of work the correct answers will be added to the website at the end of the day so you can mark your own work.
Mrs Well's Group:
For this piece of work the correct answers will be added to the website at the end of the day so you can mark your own work.
Geography and Art:
Did you know that by 2064 the Amazon rainforest may be wiped out because of deforestation?
Our job this half term is to work out how we can help save our rainforests and all the amazing animals that live there. By the end of the topic, we will not just know how WE can help save the rainforest but we will also be telling the rest of our school how THEY can make a difference too. Are team 3 up to this almighty challenge?
Watch the video below by clicking on the link to find out about the rainforests today and see if you think they are worth saving.
Have a go at answering these questions below, you can write down your answers if you want or answer them by talking to someone in your house.
Which animals did you see?
Can you list any predators that you saw?
Did you spot any animals that might be prey?
Where did the animals live in the rainforest? For example, in trees or on the ground?
Would you like to be one of the children in the video? Explain why
Now watch this video that explains some skills for sketching and then have a go at sketching the outline of a rainforest animal. There are some ideas of animals you may want to choose below or you can choose another animal you saw in today’s videos. Once you have sketched the outline you could use pencil crayons or paints (if you have access to them) to colour it in.
This afternoon, we would like you to recap some of our learning from before Christmas.
Can you remember any days or months of the year in Spanish? Can you remember how to say your birthday in Spanish?
Below are the links to the songs we looked at in class to remind you.
Days of the week - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j1ueJ_XdFM
Months of the year - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKznbHvPFwc
Doodle - Green Zone Champions
Each Friday, we will announce the children who are in the green zone for Doodle English, Doodle Spell, Doodle Maths and Doodle Tables. They will receive house points and stickers if they are in the green zone.
A HUGE well done to all of the children in the green zone this week. You are challenging yourself to be the best you can be!
Week Beginning 11.01.21
Green Zone Champions - Maths
3C - 43% | 3J - 56% |
DaisyGeorgeLilyMason AMiriamRachelIlyasKyleLoganNimrun |
BeauBlakeDaijeanJeremiahJordiKelsieLailaLexiLiamMaddisonNancyRumanT’FariZola |
Green Zone Champions - Tables
3C - 17% | 3J - 32% |
DaisyLoganUmarMiriam |
DaijeanJeremiahJordiLailaMaddisonNancyRuman |
Green Zone Champions - English
3C - 30% | 3J - 44% |
DaisyIlyasKyleLilyLoganMiriamNimrun |
BeauDaijeanIsobelJeremiahJordiKelsieLailaLiamMaddisonT’FariZola |
Green Zone Champions - Spell
3C - 26% | 3J - 40% |
DaisyIlyasLilyLoganMiriam |
BlakeDaijeanJeremiahJordiKelsieLexiMaddisonNancyZola |
Year 3 Doodlers of the Week!
Each week, we will be looking for the children who have earned the most stars on Doodle English and Doodle Maths in each class. They will be Year 3's Doodlers of the week. Can you be this weeks Doodler?
Week Beginning 07.12.20
Doodle Maths:
3C - Nimrun
3J- Kelsie
Doodle English:
3C- Kyle
3J - Kelsie
A huge congratulations to this weeks winners! Can you win a smelly certificate next week? Get Doodling to find out!
Volcanic Art- Continued
This week, we experimented with using watercolour paints while painting a volcano picture. To begin with, we thought about how the amount of water on our brush impacts the colour and then we had a go at drawing and painting our own volcano picture based on Hokusai's work. Have a look at some examples below.
Volcanic Explosions
This week in Science, we have been experimenting to find out which reactions created the biggest explosion. We will use our findings to erupt our own volcanoes later in the term.
Can you remember from the video below which explosion was which and which explosion you will use for your volcano eruption?
We tried:
- Coke and extra strong mints
- Coke and sterilising tablets
- Vinegar and baking powder
Volcanic Explosions

Volcano Art
During our Art lessons, we are learning about the Japanese artist Hokusai who regularly featured Mount Fuji in his work. He painted over 30, 000 paintings and pictures during his life time and went by 60 different names. Have a look at our attempts at one of his most iconic pictures.
Karate Cats Game
Play karate cats to support your understanding of spelling, punctuation and grammar.
If you love this, why don't you try the maths version too?
Year 3 celebrates Bonfire Day
In Year 3, we completed lots of fantastic activities for Bonfire Day. Have a look at some of the photos and videos below. Which was your favourite part of the day and why?


Is the floor lava or is it magma?
This half term, we are learning all about Volcanoes. Please regularly check our page for lots of photos and websites linked to our work.
Use this website to start to investigate volcanoes.
Telling the time
This week, we are learning to tell the time. By the end of Year 3, all children should be able to tell the time to the nearest minute. I am sure you agree, that telling the time is a really important life skill. We recommend that you spend a little bit of time often helping your child learn how to tell the time. Here is the link to a interactive clock and some useful games.
Year 3 become Archaeologists
3C and 3J have had TOP-SECRET deliveries during history from a local archaeological dig. In pairs, the children discovered lots of different artefacts and then wrote about them ready to relay their findings to the archaeologists. Have a look at the photos of what they found!
Computing in Year 3
In computing, we are learning how to become more effective at typing. Have a go at using 'Dance Mat Typing' to start to learn how to hold your hands correctly on the keyboard and become as speedy as Miss Johnson.
Year 3's Herd of Mammoths
Our herd of mammoths is now nearly finished. Check out our photos below. We hope you agree that they look fantastic!
How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth
Over the last two weeks, we have been reading the fabulous book 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth'. We have loved thinking about a set of instructions for how we would wash our Woolly Mammoth if we had one as a pet. Today the children have started to make their mammoths and we can't wait till we have a finished herd!
Check out the photos below of their 'mammoth' efforts.
If you had a pet woolly mammoth, what sort of mischief would they get into?
Woolly Mammoths

Times Tables Challenge
This week we have launched our times tables challenge in Year 3. Each child has been given a times table passport and to cross off each times table they need to answer division and multiplication questions in that times table. They need to get all of the questions right in 5 minutes and do it 3 times in row. They will then move onto the next times table. We will be completing them in the order of 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s, 4s and 8s. Times tables are a really important skill that will benefit your child throughout their life and are best learnt by short bursts of practice done often.
Your child can build their knowledge using the games below and also watch the Supermovers videos to help them learn their times tables.
Keeping Safe!
We have been discussing how to keep ourselves and our friends safe while in school. In 3J we compared 2 metres to animals to help us remember how far to stay away from adults. In 3C we thought about different ways to keep safe, like; washing hands for 20 seconds, keeping 2 metres away from adults and socially distancing from our friends. We have created posters to help us remember.

Stone Age Day
Check out some of the photos from our Stone Age day below. What was your favourite part of the day and what did you learn about the Stone Age?